Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Today is the beginning of public impeachment hearings. Impeachment is just a formal and fancy word for indict or accuse.

The end of the process in the House started today will be to accuse trump of crimes.

Then it goes to the Senate for a trial. No matter what evidence is presented. No matter what the truth is, trump will not be convicted. The republicans won't vote guilty no matter what and anyone who believes they will is fooling themselves.

It's just sad that we have people who put themselves and their political party before our nation, our constitution and the rule of law.

What makes you think there will be a vote on impeachment or that articles of impeachment will be approved by the House at all?

Personally, I don't see anything here.

Why do these Career Deep State Nimrods like Taylor think its "inappropriate" for President Trump to ask trusted advisors like Rudolph Guiliani to speak to Ukraine? Apparently , Taylor has a problem implementing his boss's policy.

You're blind. Giuliani had no security clearance. You guys are so desperate that you excuse criminal behavior.

So what? Giuliani had the trust of the President and was operating in America's best interests. Those with security clearances were unwilling to do their duty.
He was not operating in Americas best interest.

President Trump is in charge of determining what "America's best interest"is, not an unelected bureaucrat like Mr. Taylor. Trump sets American Foreign Policy, everyone else in the State Department has to bend their will to his.
The lie was about cheating on his wife. Trump is lying about 19 such cases.

Bill 'Slick Willy' Clinton was found IN CONTEMPT OF COURT for attempting to defraud the court by telling lies and spinning his testimony, for which he was stripped of his license to practice law in Arkansas, for being an unethical POS who violated his oath as a lawyer and a President, who attempted to deny his victim her right to a FAIR TRIAL...

When one sees that these idiots haven't ever understood or accepted what was finished 25 years ago
you start to understand that they will never comprehend what is going on today.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Today is the beginning of public impeachment hearings. Impeachment is just a formal and fancy word for indict or accuse.

The end of the process in the House started today will be to accuse trump of crimes.

Then it goes to the Senate for a trial. No matter what evidence is presented. No matter what the truth is, trump will not be convicted. The republicans won't vote guilty no matter what and anyone who believes they will is fooling themselves.

It's just sad that we have people who put themselves and their political party before our nation, our constitution and the rule of law.
That will be 100% correct, even if they find him guilty of raping 13 year olds and threatening to kill them if the tell on him.
Gee Golly gee I didn't know that, I guess your right then if Clinton did that then it is Ok for scum bag to do it.
The problem you snowflakes have is you have no credibility...for 4 years you have made false accusation after false accusation against this President and nothing to show for it....except exposed Democrat crimes.

Bill Clinton was Impeached after he was found in Contempt of Court and stripped of his license to temporarily practice law, which had nothing to do with him having yet another affair.

Barak Obama was found in Contempt of Court TWICE for disobeying federal court judge orders and found TWICE to be in Violation of the Constitution by the USSC...not to mention the crimes / violations he committed, some he openly admitted.

I am sorry FACTS and RECORDED HISTORY offends you, lil' snowflake.

Ya know, snowflakes need to be reminded that in this country we have a lot of Constitutional Rights....but the 'right' NOT to be offended is NOT one of them....


Been watching

Does not seem to be going well for Team Trump
From what I've been watching, it's all based on hearsay.
I suppose it might work in a Kangaroo Court, but, not in real America.
Real Americans can believe their ambassadors and other government officials who are reasoned, educated and intelligent people who have spent their lives being measured and cautious in their views.
I see no problem whatsoever in answering the questions and explaining what they saw and heard.
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Today is the beginning of public impeachment hearings. Impeachment is just a formal and fancy word for indict or accuse.

The end of the process in the House started today will be to accuse trump of crimes.

Then it goes to the Senate for a trial. No matter what evidence is presented. No matter what the truth is, trump will not be convicted. The republicans won't vote guilty no matter what and anyone who believes they will is fooling themselves.

It's just sad that we have people who put themselves and their political party before our nation, our constitution and the rule of law.

What makes you think there will be a vote on impeachment or that articles of impeachment will be approved by the House at all?

Personally, I don't see anything here.

Why do these Career Deep State Nimrods like Taylor think its "inappropriate" for President Trump to ask trusted advisors like Rudolph Guiliani to speak to Ukraine? Apparently , Taylor has a problem implementing his boss's policy.

You're blind. Giuliani had no security clearance. You guys are so desperate that you excuse criminal behavior.

So what? Giuliani had the trust of the President and was operating in America's best interests. Those with security clearances were unwilling to do their duty.
He was not operating in Americas best interest.
Now that is rather subjective, isn’t it? According to who? Who gets to decide what is in America’s best interests? Only elected Dems?
The law does NOT give grant them status anonymity, because the US Constitution gives every citizen the right to face their accuser,

In a trial, dumbass.

Impeachment is not a trial.

You're just making this stupid shit up as an excuse to expose and kill the whistleblower.
this isn't an impeachment. you got wrong hairball. what's the article of impeachment that trump is charged with?

This is an impeachment inquiry, not an impeachment. So far Trump has not been accused officially - so there is no accuser to face.

When Articles of impeachment are passed by the house, witnesses will be cross examined by the representatives of the President during the Senate trial.
so what are they investigating? what? I know I know you don't know. I in other words a wild goose chase and you're losing.
This pretty much nails it.

Read the whole thing, has a lot of words, so you may need to take some breaks......but read it and discover just how devoid of facts and evidence this impeachment farce is.

I predict a lot of Dimwinger crying and whining about the author, and nothing to debunk any of the facts he presents.

Gregg Jarrett: The Trump impeachment inquiry is already in big trouble. Here's who Democrats have to thank

The clown show known as an "impeachment inquiry" is getting more comical and hapless by the day.

Consider the latest remark from the circus master himself, California Rep. Adam Schiff, (think Bozo, not Pennywise). The Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says he doesn’t want Republicans turning the impeachment proceedings into a “sham.” The hilarious irony is lost on no one. Schiff has already managed to accomplish it all on his own.

At first, Schiff wanted the faux “whistleblower” who triggered the impeachment farce to testify. Then, suddenly, he didn’t. What changed? In the interim, evidence emerged that Schiff and/or his staff colluded with the “whistleblower” before the complaint was ever filed and then lied about it, earning Schiff “Four Pinocchios” from The Washington Post.

The chairman now wants to conceal his own role in engineering the pretext for impeachment and his subsequent deceit. This is why he has insisted that the “whistleblower” remain anonymous, despite no such right, guarantee, privilege, or entitlement written in the law, as I explained in an earlier column. Even though the undercover informant (reportedly working for the CIA) does not qualify for whistleblower status under the law as determined by the Department of Justice, any effort by Republicans to call him as a witness will be blocked by Schiff.

But Schiff’s machinations are more malevolent than masking the key witness. Those he will call to testify are already on record dishing up prodigious plates of multiple hearsay and rank speculation. It is obvious from the released transcripts of the heretofore “super top-secret” inquisition that none of them have any firsthand knowledge of a “quid pro quo” allegedly demanded by President Trump.

For example, Bill Taylor, the acting ambassador to Ukraine who will testify on Wednesday, told Schiff’s committee that it was his “understanding” there was a link between U.S. security assistance and an investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden. How did Taylor arrive at his opinion? He heard it through discussions with other diplomats, although there is no indication that any of these individuals had direct knowledge of anything. The chain of hearsay went something like this: the European Union Ambassador Gordon Sondland told National Security Council official Tim Morrison who, in turn, told Taylor that there was a purported "quid pro quo."

But wait. If Sondland was the original source, where did he get his information? He initially testified that in a brief phone conversation with Trump, the president explicitly told him, “I want nothing ... I want no quid pro quo.” Sondland added that he “never” thought there was a precondition on aid. Later, he revised his testimony to state, “I presumed that the aid suspension had become linked to the proposed anti-corruption statement.”

Ah, yes. He "presumed." Reliable witnesses do not assume or presume anything. If they do, it is nothing more than supposition that should be discarded like yesterday’s trash.

My favorite purveyor of assorted hearsay is another star witness for Schiff this Wednesday. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent testified that he “believed” there was a “quid pro quo” after speaking to Taylor who spoke to Morrison who heard it from Sondland who, as noted, “presumed” a precondition. This is conjecture built on triple hearsay. It is not evidence, it is junk. If this were a court of law, the presiding judge would instruct the jury to disregard such testimony and strike it from the record.

The Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee says he doesn’t want Republicans turning the impeachment proceedings into a “sham.” The hilarious irony is lost on no one. Adam Schiff has already managed to accomplish it all on his own.

Under cross-examination, these witnesses readily admitted they had no firsthand knowledge of the president’s intent during his telephone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. They simply propagated and repeated rumors and innuendo in their diplomatic echo chamber. But that has not stopped Schiff from pretending that they are valued witnesses. With the chairman’s encouragement and guidance, they have offered their interpretations of the Trump-Zelensky conversation. It reminds me of Schiff’s own dramatic interpretation of the phone call, which was nothing more than an unconscionable fabrication designed to smear Trump.

A transcript of the real conversation is the best evidence of what actually occurred. Indeed, it is the only relevant and material evidence. Nowhere is there a demand, condition, or pressure for a “quid pro quo” that made an investigation of the Bidens contingent on U.S. military assistance. This is corroborated by Zelensky who is on record stating that there was no blackmail involved and no pressure applied. “Nobody pushed me,” Zelensky said. “We had a great phone call,” he added. “It was normal.”

The Ukrainian government has confirmed that it was unaware that U.S. aid had been temporarily suspended until almost five weeks after the call with Trump. As noted in my previous column, it is impossible for there to be a “quid pro quo” when the recipient of the “quid” is oblivious to the existence of the "quo."

In the court of public opinion, Schiff increasingly reveals himself to be the court jester playing the fool. He presides over an investigatory charade that is anathema to fundamental fairness and due process.

If the inquiry was equitable, both sides would be able to call their own witnesses. Yet, the House of Representatives passed its impeachment measure giving Schiff the right to veto GOP witnesses. He has already made it clear that he will do so, rejecting a request that the faux “whistleblower” testify. It is clear that other witnesses, including Schiff and/or his staff, will also be rejected.

To his credit, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has made it clear that if the unidentified informant who precipitated the impeachment "witch hunt" is not allowed to testify in the House, “this thing is dead on arrival in the Senate.”

In truth, it was DOA the moment Schiff was put in charge of this clown show.

Gregg Jarrett: The Trump impeachment inquiry is already in big trouble. Here's who Democrats have to thank
Stupid insult, dead giveaway for zero college.
Read no more
Except Linsey??? What did he call the con again?
Who is "Linsey"?

And you question my education?:21:
Today is the beginning of public impeachment hearings. Impeachment is just a formal and fancy word for indict or accuse.

The end of the process in the House started today will be to accuse trump of crimes.

Then it goes to the Senate for a trial. No matter what evidence is presented. No matter what the truth is, trump will not be convicted. The republicans won't vote guilty no matter what and anyone who believes they will is fooling themselves.

It's just sad that we have people who put themselves and their political party before our nation, our constitution and the rule of law.

What makes you think there will be a vote on impeachment or that articles of impeachment will be approved by the House at all?

Personally, I don't see anything here.

Why do these Career Deep State Nimrods like Taylor think its "inappropriate" for President Trump to ask trusted advisors like Rudolph Guiliani to speak to Ukraine? Apparently , Taylor has a problem implementing his boss's policy.

You're blind. Giuliani had no security clearance. You guys are so desperate that you excuse criminal behavior.

So what? Giuliani had the trust of the President and was operating in America's best interests. Those with security clearances were unwilling to do their duty.
He was not operating in Americas best interest.

President Trump is in charge of determining what "America's best interest"is, not an unelected bureaucrat like Mr. Taylor. Trump sets American Foreign Policy, everyone else in the State Department has to bend their will to his.

They weren't down with dat.
He is not entitled to ask for a personal favour. The US is not a fucking banana republic.
Trump was asking for a favor to the United States....corruption must be investigated no matter who the perp is and no matter whether he is running for office or not.....if the Ukraine wants my tax dollars I want them to clean up their shit.....its that simple.....the request was for our benefit....
Today is the beginning of public impeachment hearings. Impeachment is just a formal and fancy word for indict or accuse.

The end of the process in the House started today will be to accuse trump of crimes.

Then it goes to the Senate for a trial. No matter what evidence is presented. No matter what the truth is, trump will not be convicted. The republicans won't vote guilty no matter what and anyone who believes they will is fooling themselves.

It's just sad that we have people who put themselves and their political party before our nation, our constitution and the rule of law.

What makes you think there will be a vote on impeachment or that articles of impeachment will be approved by the House at all?

Personally, I don't see anything here.

Why do these Career Deep State Nimrods like Taylor think its "inappropriate" for President Trump to ask trusted advisors like Rudolph Guiliani to speak to Ukraine? Apparently , Taylor has a problem implementing his boss's policy.

You're blind. Giuliani had no security clearance. You guys are so desperate that you excuse criminal behavior.

So what? Giuliani had the trust of the President and was operating in America's best interests. Those with security clearances were unwilling to do their duty.
He was not operating in Americas best interest.

President Trump is in charge of determining what "America's best interest"is, not an unelected bureaucrat like Mr. Taylor. Trump sets American Foreign Policy, everyone else in the State Department has to bend their will to his.
Been watching

Does not seem to be going well for Team Trump
From what I've been watching, it's all based on hearsay.
I suppose it might work in a Kangaroo Court, but, not in real America.
Real Americans can believe their ambassadors and other government officials who are reasoned, educated and intelligent people who have spent their lives being measured and cautious in their views.
I see no problem whatsoever in answering the questions and explaining what they saw and heard.
They had to rely on second hand information, which they already admitted to, old lady.
Kinda like garbage in, garbage out.

You cannot refute it, and Taylor and Kent couldn't either.
Trump authorized funds to Ukraine in 2018 also. The situation with Biden occurred before Trump was elected. Trump has released funds to Ukraine until this year. He had 3 years to be concerned about the corruption and wasn't. Let's cut the crap, Trump tried extorting the president of Ukraine to get dirt on a political opponent.
Been watching

Does not seem to be going well for Team Trump
From what I've been watching, it's all based on hearsay.
I suppose it might work in a Kangaroo Court, but, not in real America.
Real Americans can believe their ambassadors and other government officials who are reasoned, educated and intelligent people who have spent their lives being measured and cautious in their views.
I see no problem whatsoever in answering the questions and explaining what they saw and heard.
but they didnt see or hear anything,,,
Starting this morning AMERICA will begin to be shown evidence of more corruption done by this president. Now the standard apologists here will try to claim we aren't hearing what we heard. A live event will be turned into a claim of liberal media spin. It will be called a coup and a witch hunt. But the reality here is we are looking at a constitutional process for the ultimate check on a tyrannical president. Trump is the one that has overturned the result that did not elect the peoples choice for president by HIS BEHAVIOR.

The day has come for Trump. He and his supporters must learn that he cannot do anything he wants.

No one is above the law. Republicans don't get special rights.

Historic impeachment hearings are set to begin, with GOP and Democrats pushing dueling messages on Trump’s conduct

Today is the beginning of public impeachment hearings. Impeachment is just a formal and fancy word for indict or accuse.

The end of the process in the House started today will be to accuse trump of crimes.

Then it goes to the Senate for a trial. No matter what evidence is presented. No matter what the truth is, trump will not be convicted. The republicans won't vote guilty no matter what and anyone who believes they will is fooling themselves.

It's just sad that we have people who put themselves and their political party before our nation, our constitution and the rule of law.

What makes you think there will be a vote on impeachment or that articles of impeachment will be approved by the House at all?

Personally, I don't see anything here.

Why do these Career Deep State Nimrods like Taylor think its "inappropriate" for President Trump to ask trusted advisors like Rudolph Guiliani to speak to Ukraine? Apparently , Taylor has a problem implementing his boss's policy.

You're blind. Giuliani had no security clearance. You guys are so desperate that you excuse criminal behavior.

So what? Giuliani had the trust of the President and was operating in America's best interests. Those with security clearances were unwilling to do their duty.
He was not operating in Americas best interest.
its cold outside IM2 stupid maybe you should wrap up in one of those blankets oboma sent to the Ukraine to defend against the russians .
Trail of Tears genocide, Civil War - 600,000 dead, Jim Crow laws, abortion, now Trump impeachment.

The list of Democratic accomplishments go on and on.

Viet Nam war as well
Eisenhower sent aid and advisors . So who's war is it then. Your scum ball leader is going down and his followers are going back under the rocks they came from. You won't be able to turn this country into a dictatorship as you want and we won't let you piss on our flag and constitution. We have the military and the majority so your threats with all you guns is comical . We will have you run over with your 32 guns on your back with a tank. You can't have my country. God Bless America
well actually it was south veitnam's war. Was WWII our war? did we start that one too? too funny, you fks are so clueless. it's amazing your heads stay on your shoulders.

It's still a thing
Except the collusion was with hillary
Ignorance is when you try to justify the actions of someone by what someone else does and when your totally backed into a corner and have no response. You do the Ya but Obama wasn't born here. No matter which hate party member the conversation is about. Scum Bag Rapes 13 year old, ya but Obama lied, Scum bag lies every time he opens his mouth ya but Biden's third cousin twice removed worked at a job he wasn't qualified to do in Botswana.

Hey Dumbfuck

I'm not justifying anything - It never happened - I can't justify something that never happened.
The Honorable Robert S. Mueller III decreed that there was no collusion between Russia and any member of The Trump Campaign.
Two officials who were there just told you what happened. None of the fictions I've heard offered by you folks so far will fly any more. Not to anyone who is informed, anyway.

I don't even know what you are talking about
Did you shift from old to senile?
Insulting me really doesn't further your argument.

You insult yourself by not being clear.

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