Food for thought. It is what our foreign policy is based on and Trump was trying to weaponized it against his domestic opposition.

Yet Kent testified that Trumps policies on Ukraine are much better than maobamas was. Go figure. Kent also said he warned Bidens staff about Hunter.


Did he?

US-Russia Relations: Obama Signs Bill Giving Weapons To Ukraine, Allowing Economic Sanctions Against Russia

President Barack Obama signed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act on Thursday, but does not have immediate plans to enact the restrictions it authorizes. The law allows the U.S. to impose economic sanctions on Russia and give Ukraine up to $350 million in military aid as it resists pro-Russia rebels. The House of Representatives and Senate passed the bill earlier this week.

US-Russia Relations: Obama Signs Bill Giving Weapons To Ukraine, Allowing Economic Sanctions Against Russia

Yet maobama NEVER provided Ukraine with lethal aid, did he?

Also you seem to have jumped right over the 4 links I provided proving Ukraine intentionally interfered with the 2016 election. Why are you being such a coward? Can't admit you're wrong? Or does it just not fit your commie propaganda? Come on commie, man up.

He actually pulled some missiles out of THE UKRAINE, after he told PUTIN, "Wait until after the Election" WINK WINK, and then Putin took the Crimea.
Since that conversation was in reference to a missile defense system that got built...

Yes, by The Trump Administration.

Eric Ciaramella told me you are a Russian Ass....err Asset.

Speaking of that, here is a quote from Eric during his secret underground bunker meetings with PUTIN..Err Schiff!!!
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So even though any criminal or congressional case always starts out with their star witnesses, the Democrats didn't do it this time? You mean they are just warming up??? :laughing0301:

Cases do not always start with star witnesses. Why do you say that? It's not only a false claim, the reverse is often true - the star witness is withheld until the foundation is laid.

No, it's a strategy. If you can cast the most doubt in the minds of people that the subject is guilty, it taints their view of less important following witnesses.

Watch if I'm not correct. Their other witnesses will be weaker and more comical than these two clowns. This is the best they have.

If you think those men were clowns, you're an idiot.

Oh please....when Jordan got done with Taylor, he had the look on his face like he just got busted with somebody else's wife. He looked more confused than a baby at a topless bar.
Taylor killed Jordan. Jordan is a joke.

You are really off the deep edge if that's what you think, but you leftists have never lived in the real world.

So let me get this straight:

You wasted $40 Millions Dollars of the Taxpayer's money trying to railroad the president on a false charge that you dreamed up and financed yourself in the form of The Dirty Dossier.

You launched another 20 Investigations costing the taxpayer an additional $100 Million Dollars so far. Why bother which such farces? Only Communist Countries with Totalitarian Dictators have been able to pull off framing innocent men. You have tried to block The President's Constitutional Authority to issue Executive Orders, and secure our Borders, and Form Foreign and Domestic Policy which includes Immigration, and Trade.

In your first production called "I paid Putin for Russian Collusion and all I got was a lousy T-shirt," in that Clown Show (The Mueller Investigation,) there was Zero Due Process. The President was not allowed to submit testimony, submit exculpatory evidence, cross examine any witnesses. Mueller bent over backwards to ignore the origination of The Dirty Dossier that caused the Fake Russian Collusion Investigation, so he is not much of an Investigator, and furthermore is not an honest man since he Wiped Strozk and Page's Iphones to deceive the IG in to believing that their "COUP TEXTS" were irretrievably lost.

And Mueller's team was compromised with people involved in trying to not only cover up Clinton's Crimes, but they were seriously involved in a legitimate COUP attempt, had to be fired from Mueller's team, and are all under criminal investigation now.

And Mueller, despite a team of Leftist Hacks and an Obama administration and his holdover lackeys that was spying on The President, still could not name a single crime that The President had committed. It was a monumental flop. Nielsen was too embarrassed to post the ratings.

Fast forward past that failure.

You have again an identical situation, with again no DUE PROCESS, but even worse, Schiff is rejection all GOP witness requests, both in the Secret Scam Hearings, and not The Public Hearings.

I equate The Subpoena Cannon, with Operation Latitude, known by it's common name "The Insurance Policy" All part of the same COUP, same as "Putin Hacked my Server" and "I've fallen on Impeachment and I can't get up." Life Alert isn't going to answer your call. They probably are 'Russian Assets says Hillary' Isn't everyone these days?

As we find out more and more about how deep and ugly The Deep State is, with people like Kelly, Tillerson, Ciaramella, Vindman and others all trying to obstruct The President's Policies, simply because they disagree with them, America is seeing with their own eyes what The President meant by "The Swamp".

I'd watch these Swamp Proceedings if they were fair and Due Process were allowed and both parties were allowed to state their case and fight it out right in front of us, but Schiff and Pelosi do not want that. They still want secret meetings, secret witnesses, and secret accusations that no one is permitted to challenge. They also don't want to work on Border Security, Lowering Drug Prices, Health Care, Infrastructure, or sign an Anti-Lynching Bill sponsored by The President which The GOP has been trying to get passed for 160 years and has for some inexplicable reason been voted down every time by The Democrats, which is what they did between 1870 and 1964 when they opposed for nearly 100 years Civil Rights for African Americans.

There is No point in watching a rigged game when you know the score before the kickoff. The Transcripts which Schiff was forced to release already are contradicting his planned leaks. He is running the hearings like a scared rabbit, a nervous Nellie, and quite frankly they are going to be awful. If you need a nap, feel free to tune in and listen to Schiff read you a fairy tale, but I am not going to watch that Schitt Show.

Despite a rigged game again, I predict more embarrassment for Soviet Schiff and his Comrades, only I am not going to bother giving any of my precious time to it. Trump will be re-elected no matter how many times they try to frame the man. Globalism and The Green New Scam and The Plan to Bankrupt America hit a Speed Bump. By the time Trump is re-elected I hope that not only is he going to turn that speed bump in to a wall to protect America from Socialism, Graft, and Corruption, but he'll have to build a prison to incarcerate all the criminals from the Clinton and Obama Crime Familes that have been slowly outted these past three years.

I give the Schiff Show on a scale of 1-10, 10 Rotten Tomatoes. Too bad we can't actually throw them at role' Bobble Head.
You might have hit a record for.largest number of conspiracy theories in a single post.

A conspiracy theory has no basis in fact.
Every single item in the OP is not only factual but backed up by PROOF.
Yeah, I'm sure that's what you were told.

It's not true.
Hearsay is not admissible evidence, as Jordan made very clear with Sondland's correction that had 6 men and 4 conversations making a mockery of Taylor's "clear (3rd hand) understanding".

Ken Starr nailed the summary, not a hint of a crime was presented, let alone an impeachable crime.

sondland will be front & center to testify as a first person witness next week - on wednesday i believe; so there goes your little happy place thought bubble popping.

Yep, and he will testify that Trump told him directly there was no quid pro quo.


ummmm.... he changed his testimony. d'oh!
Yes they do take orders from the President. That's what it means to report to him. What do you believe it means?

We can all tell our bosses to fuck off if we don't care about getting fired.
You're deranged, lying fucking moron.... :cuckoo:

From you first link:

The Department of Justice and the Special Prosecutor disagreed about whether the President, as head of the Executive Branch under Article II of the U.S. Constitution, could direct individual prosecutions if he so chose. The Supreme Court in United States v. Nixon left the issue unresolved and has never revisited it.

Your second link isn't even from this century and the third doesn't work.

But all this is, is more opinions and non-working links, good job commie, GOOD JOB!


The first link states:

The history and policy strongly suggest that, as a general matter, the Attorney General and subordinate prosecutors may not accept direction from the President but must make the ultimate decisions about how to conduct individual investigations and prosecutions, even at the risk of being fired for disobeying the President.​

Which was proven to be true by Nixon who fired multiple people who refused to follow his orders.

Age of the second link is irrelevant.

And this fixes the link to the third link:

Yeah, ya don't do what the boss says, your job may not be too secure. And your solution for the third link it to put it behind a pay wall, REALLY? BTW presidents have been directing the DOJ since Thomas Jefferson was president. Hell, Eric holder said he was maobamas wing man.

I never said presidents can't tell the DoJ what to do. I said the DoJ doesn't have to do what the president says.

Concession noted.

Headlines for the next several weeks......

FOX NEWS - "Pheh... this whole things is a clown car charade and Republicans are grilling witnesses into tears - it will all be over soon"

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, HuffPost - "WOW!!! - Trump is so screwed!!!... look at all of this stuff we think he might have done!!.... IMPEACHMENT ANY DAY...THIS IS IT!!!"
Hearsay is not admissible evidence, as Jordan made very clear with Sondland's correction that had 6 men and 4 conversations making a mockery of Taylor's "clear (3rd hand) understanding".

Ken Starr nailed the summary, not a hint of a crime was presented, let alone an impeachable crime.

sondland will be front & center to testify as a first person witness next week - on wednesday i believe; so there goes your little happy place thought bubble popping.

That's ok, all Sondland can testify to is a "thought crime" since no crime was committed, let alone an impeachable crime.
Ukraine got the money and didn't investigate the Bidens, QED, no crime, period, full stop.

sondalnd admitted that there was a shake down.
A shakedown with no quid, no pro, and no quo?

How does that work?

well, since the story got out - it didn't happen. an attempted robbery doesn't go unpunished, now does it?

silly you.
Hearsay is not admissible evidence, as Jordan made very clear with Sondland's correction that had 6 men and 4 conversations making a mockery of Taylor's "clear (3rd hand) understanding".

Ken Starr nailed the summary, not a hint of a crime was presented, let alone an impeachable crime.

sondland will be front & center to testify as a first person witness next week - on wednesday i believe; so there goes your little happy place thought bubble popping.

That's ok, all Sondland can testify to is a "thought crime" since no crime was committed, let alone an impeachable crime.
Ukraine got the money and didn't investigate the Bidens, QED, no crime, period, full stop.

sondalnd admitted that there was a shake down.
A shakedown with no quid, no pro, and no quo?

How does that work?
Even Republicans are conceding quid pro quo

& they are trying to spin that it was no big deal. they are failing.
Republicans made an extremely poor showing on the first day of public hearings.

It's what happens when your case is weak and all you can do is distract, defame, discredit and distort, rather than deal with substance.

It's what happens when you have no choice but to try to defend the indefensible, hoping that your lipstick on the pig will somehow be enough.

An amoral, arrogant, ignorant, unstable, irresponsible, knee-jerk-reaction autocrat-wannabe is not exactly an ideal anchor for one's party.

But that's what the Republicans have allowed to happen to them.
The Law Enforcement Assistance and Cooperation Treaty with Ukraine specifies that the designated officials of the two nations are the US Attorney General and the Ukraine Minister of Justice, (3.1.d.). The treaty binds those two offices--and so the usual rules in both nations, regarding those offices: In the Treaty. So from the New York Times, about the phone--Barbarous Anti-American sentiment is apparently what the White House has documented.

"A Justice Department official said that Mr. Barr had no knowledge of the call until the director of national intelligence and the intelligence community’s inspector general sent the department the whistle-blower’s criminal referral late last month, and that Mr. Trump has not spoken with the attorney general “about having Ukraine investigate anything relating to former Vice President Biden or his son.”

Political interference is not considered cause, stated in the Treaty provisions.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Red-Hatter waving takes on a new appearance. "Banzai! Surprise!" Attack on the USA apparently is supported--or on Ukraine, or Crimea!)
The testimony yesterday of witnesses and patriots Ambassadors Taylor and Kent is that they disclosed a lunch time cell phone conversation between Trump and Ambassador Sondland where it is very obvious that Trump is more interested in investigation the Bidens then he is in rendering aid to Ukraine. This is not only devastating to Trump but also to Sondland, since he failed to disclose this conversation with Trump at his closed door hearing. Sondland is to testify next week. IT WILL BE FASCINATING TO SEE THE STEPS TRUMP & CO WILL TAKE TO KEEP HIM FROM TESTIFYING.

And, most importantly, this will serve as notice to other Trump sycophants that when questioned by the Democrats, if they avoid disclosing everything they know about Trump's crimes, retribution awaits them.
Are you really that stupid? Serious question.

"I would like you to do us a favor"

Is a DEMAND in your twisted, demented world?

Please............PLEASE tell us you aren't that stupid. Unless you come to your senses and admit that is in no way a "DEMAND' our only conclusion can be that you are a moron.

Your call...............
I would like you to do us a favor though

A direct response to a request to buy Javelin missiles. When talking about the favors, it was clear they were personal in nature.

They weren`t getting the money if they refused to fire a corrupt prosecutor. It`s not really the same as asking for a bogus investigation of a political rival. The drive to oust the crooked prosecutor was an international effort. Got anything else?

A former VP threatened US aid unless the investigator who was looking into the company his son was working for was fired is not the same?

The idea that his son got this job, making 80K a month, with no experience in the industry, not even able to understand the language, is not suspicious?

And now recently, we found that the company in question, tried to garner favor of the US State Department by dropping Hunter's name in an email, that's something that doesn't need to be looked into?

We have 7.5 billion people on this planet, and out of those 7.5 billion, Hunter Biden was the most qualified for this highly paying job; a guy who was kicked out of the military, and went to rehab multiple times for his drug addiction problem?

You're so correct.........nothing to see here folks.

All of this is bullshit. I believe Biden had run a bank before he was put on this board. He was on the board of Amtrak. He worked in the US Dept. of Commerce. He was qualified to serve on this board, so let's just throw this argument back in the trash can.

Hunter Biden - Wikipedia

Well please show me this energy experience he had. You do know that Burisma is an energy company.....correct? Are you going to tell me that in the entire world, dope head was the best they could do for the millions of dollars they paid him?
It wouldn't matter if there was. As Professor Dershowitz pointed out, there is no law against quid pro quo's in the statute. He looked up, down and sideways. Couldn't find one.
So extortion is legal. Who knew?
Well we know a frame job when we see it.
Well we know a frame job when we see it.

Yes. With testimony from Trump's own appointees. :cuckoo:
Who heard it 2nd and 3rd hand...

Who saw the results of it first hand trough their real time interactions with members of the ukranian govt, dope.

Saw what? Dope? Would you say that to my face? No. Keep it civil, prancing Nancy boy.
Hearsay is not admissible evidence, as Jordan made very clear with Sondland's correction that had 6 men and 4 conversations making a mockery of Taylor's "clear (3rd hand) understanding".

Ken Starr nailed the summary, not a hint of a crime was presented, let alone an impeachable crime.

sondland will be front & center to testify as a first person witness next week - on wednesday i believe; so there goes your little happy place thought bubble popping.

That's ok, all Sondland can testify to is a "thought crime" since no crime was committed, let alone an impeachable crime.
Ukraine got the money and didn't investigate the Bidens, QED, no crime, period, full stop.

sondalnd admitted that there was a shake down.
A shakedown with no quid, no pro, and no quo?

How does that work?

It wouldn't matter if there was. As Professor Dershowitz pointed out, there is no law against quid pro quo's in the statute. He looked up, down and sideways. Couldn't find one.

ray ray ray.... articles of impeachment do not hafta follow traditional criminal law. doucherwitz is grabbing at straws.
James Madison would have been kicking Shifty's teeth out of his mouth if he were alive.

This whole thing is one of the dumbest GD things I ever saw in politics...BUT....This 3 years was necessary to expose how evil and pathetic these creatures are and WHAT THEY REALLY want to do..

My advice to you folks. Invest in any company that gets a good portion of revenue on popcorn sales. Get in now before the Horowitz Report comes out.

I can't wait for those Dems to question Horowitz.....Lol

I don't think Horowitz has to appear and I doubt they will try to call him. He only provides the information to the AG, and it goes from there.
The Senate will call him in. I'm not talking about these clowns yesterday. Half of them sit to pizz.
Fake Whistle Blower Eric Ciaramella will appear before The House Judiciary Committee this Friday.

Oh, he isn't going to testify, he is going to give Adam Schiff what he needs: Hairy Man Bunghole Love.

Not that there isn't anything wrong with that.
sondland will be front & center to testify as a first person witness next week - on wednesday i believe; so there goes your little happy place thought bubble popping.

That's ok, all Sondland can testify to is a "thought crime" since no crime was committed, let alone an impeachable crime.
Ukraine got the money and didn't investigate the Bidens, QED, no crime, period, full stop.

sondalnd admitted that there was a shake down.
A shakedown with no quid, no pro, and no quo?

How does that work?
Even Republicans are conceding quid pro quo
False and fake

mulvaney was the first during that presser. guess you missed the most important one, 'eh?
Still sworn testimony, dope.
Opinions are not admissible in court unless it's from an expert witness.
Call it what you will, dope.
It's still sworn, first hand testimony. If this is the extent of your defense. You've already lost.
Hearsay is not first hand testimony.

The conversation was about Vindman's testimony. Vindman was on the call, dope.
Show us where he was on the call...he tried to edit the transcript with no authority to do so! He should be court marshalled and thrown in prison for simply disobeying ordets!


Show us where he was on the call...he tried to edit the transcript with no authority to do so! He should be court marshalled and thrown in prison for simply disobeying ordets!

You honestly don't know this?
I guess that shouldn't surpise me.
Read it here, dope.
READ: Testimony Of Alexander Vindman, The White House's Ukraine Specialist
Hearsay is not admissible evidence, as Jordan made very clear with Sondland's correction that had 6 men and 4 conversations making a mockery of Taylor's "clear (3rd hand) understanding".

Ken Starr nailed the summary, not a hint of a crime was presented, let alone an impeachable crime.

sondland will be front & center to testify as a first person witness next week - on wednesday i believe; so there goes your little happy place thought bubble popping.

That's ok, all Sondland can testify to is a "thought crime" since no crime was committed, let alone an impeachable crime.
Ukraine got the money and didn't investigate the Bidens, QED, no crime, period, full stop.

sondalnd admitted that there was a shake down.
A shakedown with no quid, no pro, and no quo?

How does that work?

well, since the story got out - it didn't happen. an attempted robbery doesn't go unpunished, now does it?

silly you.

Bad comparison. It's more like somebody told the cops you were going to rob a store, but you never did, so they arrest you and put you in prison anyway.

Trump withheld funds from Ukraine, just like Hussein did, and other Presidents before them. Until you can prove the reason why, this impeachment is based on assumptions and not fact. Nowhere in the phone call in question did Trump ever say that US aid would only be provided if Zelensky started an investigation.......nowhere.

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