Office Working to Close Guantánamo…Is Shuttered


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Posted by Robbie Cooper on 1/29/2013

From the You Can’t Make This Sheite Up Department — the office created (and funded with our tax dollars), whose sole purpose was to oversee the shutdown of the terrorist prison at Gitmo — has itself been closed.

Gitmo? Still open.


The State Department on Monday reassigned Daniel Fried, the special envoy for closing the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, and will not replace him, according to an internal personnel announcement. Mr. Fried’s office is being closed, and his former responsibilities will be “assumed” by the office of the department’s legal adviser, the notice said.

The announcement that no senior official in President Obama’s second term will succeed Mr. Fried in working primarily on diplomatic issues pertaining to repatriating or resettling detainees appeared to signal that the administration does not currently see the closing of the prison as a realistic priority, despite repeated statements that it still intends to do so.

Full story @ Office Working to Close Guantánamo?Is Shuttered » UrbanGrounds

Am I wrong or didn't our Commander-in-Chief promise, when running for election and then re-election, to close Gitmo?

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