Official 2021 Georgia Runoff

Why is it okay for people to shop in a grocery store, but not vote in person? Oh yeah, it is hard to cheat when people actually show up to vote with a voter ID card......

It is okay if you order your groceries and have them delivered...right? That is the choice many of us are making.
Then many of you are really stupid. And ruining our children's lives. 99.7% survive.
Based on the analyses I am hearing and reading it looks increasingly good for the Dems. Close, very close, but the Dems may have the numbers to pull this out.

Yea. I think this is going to be tight but so far I’m at least pleased with the turnout.

I had this pegged as a Republican win and now I’m feeling a little more optimistic.
Yay!!! One party rule!

We had it in 2008 and 2016 and really, very little happened. Basically both parties accomplished one thing. Even if the (D)'s win both races they will lose the House in 2022.
Of course, everything is Trump's fault. Including Democrats rewriting all of the election laws and cheating their asses off. Democrats believe the China virus attack on us is Trump's fault. That's how the world looks from inside the Libtardian Bubble.
One problem they have is that we just aren't that stupid to believe their bullcrap anymore, and so it sucks to be them.
If it ends up being a tie what do they do for a tie breaker?
Is there such a thing as a second run off?
When I heard the SoS earlier, he said the military votes are allowed in until Friday, If it's that close, they might need to wait for them. It could be that close. (Iirc, there are 6,000-odd possible military votes, although he said they never receive 100% back.)
I like it how these unhinged Trump Haters already expect these illegal "big D Dumps" to happen.

It's hard to deny. The big Democrats voting centers are still counting, and the R's are currently only barely ahead. It's not looking good.
Why is it okay for people to shop in a grocery store, but not vote in person? Oh yeah, it is hard to cheat when people actually show up to vote with a voter ID card......

It is okay if you order your groceries and have them delivered...right? That is the choice many of us are making.
Then many of you are really stupid. And ruining our children's lives. 99.7% survive.

As long as you're not in the .3% I guess that's okay. Feel free to take your chances. Others won't and shouldn't be forced to adopt your crazy stance
Blame Trump for being a tremendous asshole
Blame McConnell for blocking $2000 stimulus

Why wouldn't you be crediting people for deciding to genuflect to socialist masters, which you think is a good idea? Instead of looking to "blame"?

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