Official 2021 Georgia Runoff

Ignorant foreigner here. So, you can vote in both elections?? Or are the seats divided by counties or something?
You can vote in both elections, as both seats happened to be open this year, one was scheduled (Perdue), the other was a special election (Loeffler) to fill the seat of Johnny Isakson who retired abruptly due to illness. and age.
As I said, if the repubs win, Trump will say "see I told you I didn't lose Georgia"
If the Dems sneak over the line, it'll be "fraud!!'...
Lots of votes still not counted in very blue counties.

And RWI’s will scream fraud once again.
When those190,000 votes come in 75% (D)
Because clearly these idiots refuse to use math and listen to the numbers.

Screaming Fraud is so much simpler.


They're just waiting until the results before they decide to claim fraud.

Whiny children they are.
Looks like it's gonna happen. And it never needed to. Trump did this. His idiot supporters did this. They've betrayed their party and their country.

Yep. Those terrible Trump supporters. Bad bad bad. Never mind the totally corrupt
  • federal government they were fighting
  • state governments they were fighting
  • legal system they were fighting
  • progressive media they were fighting
  • democratic party they were fighting
  • broken election system they were fighting.
They should have bent over, stuck ass in air, dropped trou and said RAM IT TO ME BABY like you.

Here are some good safe candidates still available for you:
  1. Bob Dole
  2. Mitt Romney
  3. Jeb Bush
  4. Paul Ryan
  5. Marco Rubio
They'll save the party for you.
Just like November 3rd, I'm going to bed with both Republicans in the lead.

I'm betting tomorrow morning things will mysteriously flip

Looks like it's gonna happen. And it never needed to. Trump did this. His idiot supporters did this. They've betrayed their party and their country.

R's are slightly ahead, but the big D dumps are on the horizon.

T lost the biggest sham election in history to China Joe Sanders
Based on the analyses I am hearing and reading it looks increasingly good for the Dems. Close, very close, but the Dems may have the numbers to pull this out.

Yea. I think this is going to be tight but so far I’m at least pleased with the turnout.

I had this pegged as a Republican win and now I’m feeling a little more optimistic.
Yay!!! One party rule!

We had it in 2008 and 2016 and really, very little happened. Basically both parties accomplished one thing. Even if the (D)'s win both races they will lose the House in 2022.
So long as we don’t go crazy with policy like reparations and the Green New Deal it’s fine.
Again? Did not steal enough votes?
Again? Did not steal enough votes?

There we go. The Republicans must have crunched their numbers and are predicting a loss.
I don’t care who wins
It’s the exact same party running against the other party
It’s the 2021 Stalin Dems vs the 2021 Trotsky GOP
Again? Did not steal enough votes?

There we go. The Republicans must have crunched their numbers and are predicting a loss.
The Republicans are not counting the votes. They are not seeing the votes.

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