Official Election results thread

DOW futures down 700 pts...

Will be highest one day drop since Great Recession...just a glimpse of the dump we are headed for if Trump wins.
Well... after all that phony money quantitative easing pumped into the stock market for all these obama years, a HUGE adjustment has been coming for a long time. It's a bigger bubble than the housing market crash. Smart people have seen this coming for a long time.
We told you libtards we are tired of you fucking PC BFS. :fu:
Suck it
"Asian markets tumble as US presidential race tightens"
Asian stocks have tumbled after early results from the US presidential polls suggested a victory for Donald Trump looked more plausible.

All major markets in the region are now lower, with money flowing into safe haven stocks, gold and currencies including the yen.

Meanwhile the Mexican Peso has hit an all-time low against the dollar."

Asian markets tumble as US presidential race tightens - BBC News

Big hiccup
The Clinton headquarters is decidedly somber.
Presidential Election Live: Donald Trump Wins Ohio and Leads Hillary Clinton in Several Battleground States
DOW futures down 700 pts...

Will be highest one day drop since Great Recession...just a glimpse of the dump we are headed for if Trump wins.
Well... after all that phony money quantitative easing pumped into the stock market for all these obama years, a HUGE adjustment has been coming for a long time. It's a bigger bubble than the housing market crash. Smart people have seen this coming for a long time.

No, it's Trump and his disastrous (promised) policies.

We were overdue for a recession and Trump's win will add just enough volatility to gyrate us there within 6 months.

He'll have four years of the most unpopular presidency in your lifetime.

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