Official Impeachment Thread 2.0: House Judiciary Committee Hearings

I posted it in this thread. Here, shitstain.

House rule XI, clause 2.

Calling and questioning of witnesses (j)(1) Whenever a hearing is conducted by a committee on a measure or matter, the minority members of the committee shall be entitled, upon request to the chair by a majority of them before the completion of the hearing, to call witnesses selected by the minority to testify with respect to that measure or matter during at least one day of hearing thereon.


The witnesses are still subject to approval by the chair or a majority vote of the committee.

Where does it say that? Even if true, which is not, because rule is clear,... did chair set minority hearing day before Article of Impeachment is released?

"shall be entitled" has only one meaning.

"upon request to the chair by a majority of them before the completion of the hearing", which they did submit

"to call witnesses selected by the minority to testify", nothing about being approved by the chair.

You're retard.

You are indeed.

Post misrepresents House Democrats’ impeachment rules

Calling witnesses
The House resolution says requests from members to call witnesses to provide testimony must be submitted in writing to Schiff. They have three days to do that after a hearing is announced. But the Facebook post overreaches in saying that the rules "do not allow any witness to be called" without his approval.

Here’s what the resolution says about the power of members in the minority:

"To allow for full evaluation of minority witness requests, the ranking minority member may submit to the chair, in writing, any requests for witness testimony relevant to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution within 72 hours after notice is given for the first hearing designated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such request shall be accompanied by a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested witness to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution."

That means any request from Nunes for additional testimony must go through Schiff.

The impeachment resolution says that if Schiff were to refuse a request for additional witnesses, Republicans can bring the matter to a vote by the entire Intelligence Committee.

There are 22 members of the committee, meaning the ultimate decision to call witnesses would not just come down to Schiff. However, in practice, it’s reasonable to assume that the Democratic majority would vote with Schiff.

Democrats did not come up with these rules out of thin air. They borrowed from House investigation procedures that Republicans passed in 2015, said Frank Bowman, a law professor at the University of Missouri and an impeachment expert, in an email.

House rules supersedes any other rules, moron. Majority can set any rule they want as long is within House rules.

House rules are clear, so what part of "shall be entitled" you do not understand?
These are the rules for the impeachment inquiry, dope. The House passed them.

You don't know the difference in between "resolution" and "rule".

Chair is not above the house rules, moron.
Lots of heat, no light. Until there is a John Dean figure who gives testimony from inside the bunker...the Senate won’t care. I doubt they’ll care then either.
The GOP in the Senate are unpatriotic partisan hacks, which their votes will show and go down in history as such.
Oh fucking spare us the tiresome appeals to patriotism....You're as big a bore as Pelosi.
So from now on any Prez can get a foreign country to help him attack his political opponent?
Irrelevant to your dreary and worn out faux appeal to patriotism.

And your "help him attack his political opponent" narrative is sheer speculation, if not outright bunk...Neither you nor the DNC/media hacks who've pumped that notion into your head are mind readers.
So it's just a coincidence that Trump wanted Biden investigated?

Please quote where exactly he said that "he wants Biden investigated".

Word for word.
The GOP in the Senate are unpatriotic partisan hacks, which their votes will show and go down in history as such.
Oh fucking spare us the tiresome appeals to patriotism....You're as big a bore as Pelosi.
So from now on any Prez can get a foreign country to help him attack his political opponent?
Irrelevant to your dreary and worn out faux appeal to patriotism.

And your "help him attack his political opponent" narrative is sheer speculation, if not outright bunk...Neither you nor the DNC/media hacks who've pumped that notion into your head are mind readers.
So it's just a coincidence that Trump wanted Biden investigated?

Please quote where exactly he said that "he wants Biden investigated".

Word for word.
Trump said a normal president would be under a table sucking his thumb asking mommy to take him home after all this S........................OMFGLOLOL
SCHIFF SHOW FAIL: Dem Rep. Collin Peterson Leaning Against Voting for Articles of Impeachment: ‘Too Divisive.’

If that link doesn't work, try this one:

"I’m certainly leaning that way....I just think it will be too divisive for the country - it doesn’t accomplish anything,"
Going to be tough to get almost half of the GOP Senators to vote to remove if you can't even get all the Democrats in the House to support this nonsense.
BAD RATINGS FOR THE SCHIFF SHOW: Quinnipiac: Opposition to impeachment and removal reaches 51%, highest number since September.


Just a brutal number for Democrats, not only on the merits but because it’s coming from Quinnipiac. Quinnipiac typically has bad numbers for Trump, particularly on his job approval. That’s pretty bad in this poll too, in fact, clocking in at 40/57. He trails every top-tier Democrat head to head as well.

So to find public opinion on impeachment trending in his direction in a Q-poll is a big deal. If it’s this bad in a national poll of registered voters, imagine what a poll of likely voters in battleground states looks like nowadays. Hoo boy.

Support for impeachment and removal has been trending south in Quinnipiac polls for weeks. In late September, before the Ukraine story broke big, the public split 37/57 on removing him. Then people started warming up. Within five days, it was up to 47/47. A month later it had inched higher to 48/46. But then the trend reversed, with support sliding to 45/48 by late November. Today’s number represents the first time since September that a majority has opposed removal.

At no point in any Q-poll has a majority favored it.

I wonder how much of the public’s trend towards opposition is due to growing skepticism about the Democrats’ case and how much is due to other factors influencing public opinion in Trump’s favor, which in turn ends up undercutting support for removal. Right, granted, his job approval is weak here, but check this out. This is a *big* number:


Quinnipiac asked that same question twice before this year and the highest number they saw was 52 percent. The blowout jobs report last week obviously made an impression; check out the split among independents, who are now better than two-to-one in saying that they’re better off financially than they were before. Not surprisingly, the jobs numbers have also pushed Trump’s rating on handling the economy to the highest level it’s been in more than a year — 54/42, the first time he’s been at 50 percent or better in all of 2019.

I don’t know how to square that with his overall job approval except to say that perceptions of Trump the man doubtless heavily color the latter whereas a specific question about his handling of the economy ends up with character assessments being compartmentalized. How will that work out in the booth next November? “He’s really, really obnoxious, even corrupt — and I’ve never made so much money!

Also not coincidentally, Trump has gained ground head to head against Biden, Warren, and Buttigieg since Quinnipiac’s poll last month. He still trails all three, but if you’re looking for a way to measure whether impeachment is hurting him or not, the fact that he’s gotten more competitive with top Democrats as it’s played out would seem to provide an answer.

Where does all of this fit in the big picture? Well, here’s the RCP average of Trump’s daily job approval over the past six months. The Ukraine story exploded in late September. Trump’s approval did take a hit afterward, but note the trend lately:


His approval today stands at 44.6 percent. The last time he touched that number was September 27. He’s fully recovered from the hit.

Dems clearly are engaged in a kamikaze run.

It will be interesting is Nancy merely whips the vote to 218 and lets the rest of the Dems save themselves, or if she forces more than she needs to fall on their swords. This is clearly a losing effort, and while Nancy has a bullet proof seat, she has 50 or so that in actually competitive districts. In fact, she can't get to 218 without out going into her red districts.

  1. New York 15 D+44 Democratic
  2. New York 13 D+43 Democratic
  3. Pennsylvania 3 D+41 Democratic
  4. California 13 D+40 Democratic
  5. Illinois 7 D+38 Democratic
  6. New York 7 D+38 Democratic
  7. California 12 D+37 Democratic
  8. California 37 D+37 Democratic
  9. New York 5 D+37 Democratic
  10. New Jersey 10 D+36 Democratic
  11. New York 8 D+36 Democratic
  12. California 34 D+35 Democratic
  13. California 44 D+35 Democratic
  14. Florida 24 D+34 Democratic
  15. Georgia 5 D+34 Democratic
  16. Massachusetts 7 D+34 Democratic
  17. New York 9 D+34 Democratic
  18. California 40 D+33 Democratic
  19. Illinois 4 D+33 Democratic
  20. Michigan 13 D+33 Democratic
  21. Washington 7 D+33 Democratic
  22. Ohio 11 D+32 Democratic
  23. Florida 20 D+31 Democratic
  24. New York 12 D+31 Democratic
  25. Michigan 14 D+30 Democratic
  26. California 29 D+29 Democratic
  27. California 43 D+29 Democratic
  28. Illinois 2 D+29 Democratic
  29. Missouri 1 D+29 Democratic
  30. New York 14 D+29 Democratic
  31. Texas 9 D+29 Democratic
  32. Texas 30 D+29 Democratic
  33. Maryland 4 D+28 Democratic
  34. Tennessee 9 D+28 Democratic
  35. California 14 D+27 Democratic
  36. Illinois 1 D+27 Democratic
  37. New Jersey 8 D+27 Democratic
  38. Texas 18 D+27 Democratic
  39. Maryland 7 D+26 Democratic
  40. Minnesota 5 D+26 Democratic
  41. New York 10 D+26 Democratic
  42. California 17 D+25 Democratic
  43. Louisiana 2 D+25 Democratic
  44. Pennsylvania 2 D+25 Democratic
  45. Wisconsin 4 D+25 Democratic
  46. California 19 D+24 Democratic
  47. Georgia 4 D+24 Democratic
  48. New York 16 D+24 Democratic
  49. Oregon 3 D+24 Democratic
  50. Arizona 7 D+23 Democratic
  51. California 18 D+23 Democratic
  52. California 20 D+23 Democratic
  53. California 28 D+23 Democratic
  54. Texas 33 D+23 Democratic
  55. California 2 D+22 Democratic
  56. California 51 D+22 Democratic
  57. California 5 D+21 Democratic
  58. California 6 D+21 Democratic
  59. California 11 D+21 Democratic
  60. Colorado 1 D+21 Democratic
  61. Virginia 8 D+21 Democratic
  62. Washington 9 D+21 Democratic
  63. Alabama 7 D+20 Democratic
  64. California 15 D+20 Democratic
  65. Georgia 13 D+20 Democratic
  66. Illinois 5 D+20 Democratic
  67. California 35 D+19 Democratic
  68. Hawaii 2 D+19 Democratic
  69. Ohio 3 D+19 Democratic
  70. South Carolina 6 D+19 Democratic
  71. Texas 29 D+19 Democratic
  72. California 30 D+18 Democratic
  73. Illinois 9 D+18 Democratic
  74. Massachusetts 5 D+18 Democratic
  75. North Carolina 12 D+18 Democratic
  76. Wisconsin 2 D+18 Democratic
  77. California 32 D+17 Democratic
  78. California 38 D+17 Democratic
  79. Hawaii 1 D+17 Democratic
  80. North Carolina 1 D+17 Democratic
  81. North Carolina 4 D+17 Democratic
  82. Texas 16 D+17 Democratic
  83. California 27 D+16 Democratic
  84. California 33 D+16 Democratic
  85. Maryland 5 D+16 Democratic
  86. New Jersey 9 D+16 Democratic
  87. New Jersey 12 D+16 Democratic
  88. New York 6 D+16 Democratic
  89. Virginia 3 D+16 Democratic
  90. California 46 D+15 Democratic
  91. Nevada 1 D+15 Democratic
  92. Texas 35 D+15 Democratic
  93. Vermont at-large D+15 Democratic
  94. Virginia 11 D+15 Democratic
  95. California 53 D+14 Democratic
  96. Maryland 8 D+14 Democratic
  97. Michigan 12 D+14 Democratic
  98. Minnesota 4 D+14 Democratic
  99. Mississippi 2 D+14 Democratic
  100. Ohio 9 D+14 Democratic
  101. Rhode Island 1 D+14 Democratic
  102. Arizona 3 D+13 Democratic
  103. California 47 D+13 Democratic
  104. Maryland 3 D+13 Democratic
  105. New Jersey 1 D+13 Democratic
  106. Pennsylvania 5 D+13 Democratic
  107. Pennsylvania 18 D+13 Democratic
  108. California 41 D+12 Democratic
  109. Connecticut 1 D+12 Democratic
  110. Florida 5 D+12 Democratic
  111. Massachusetts 1 D+12 Democratic
  112. Florida 10 D+11 Democratic
  113. Florida 23 D+11 Democratic
  114. Indiana 7 D+11 Democratic
  115. Maryland 2 D+11 Democratic
  116. New York 26 D+11 Democratic
  117. Illinois 10 D+10 Democratic
  118. Massachusetts 8 D+10 Democratic
  119. Texas 20 D+10 Democratic
  120. Texas 34 D+10 Democratic
  121. Virginia 4 D+10 Democratic
  122. Washington 2 D+10 Democratic
  123. California 16 D+9 Democratic
  124. Colorado 2 D+9 Democratic
  125. Connecticut 3 D+9 Democratic
  126. Florida 21 D+9 Democratic
  127. Illinois 11 D+9 Democratic
  128. Massachusetts 2 D+9 Democratic
  129. Massachusetts 3 D+9 Democratic
  130. Massachusetts 4 D+9 Democratic
  131. New Jersey 6 D+9 Democratic
  132. Oregon 1 D+9 Democratic
  133. Texas 28 D+9 Democratic
  134. California 9 D+8 Democratic
  135. California 31 D+8 Democratic
  136. Illinois 8 D+8 Democratic
  137. Indiana 1 D+8 Democratic
  138. Maine 1 D+8 Democratic
  139. New Mexico 3 D+8 Democratic
  140. New York 25 D+8 Democratic
  141. California 24 D+7 Democratic
  142. California 26 D+7 Democratic
  143. Connecticut 4 D+7 Democratic
  144. Florida 14 D+7 Democratic
  145. Missouri 5 D+7 Democratic
  146. New Mexico 1 D+7 Democratic
  147. New York 17 D+7 Democratic
  148. New York 20 D+7 Democratic
  149. Ohio 13 D+7 Democratic
  150. Pennsylvania 4 D+7 Democratic
  151. Tennessee 5 D+7 Democratic
  152. Texas 15 D+7 Democratic
  153. California 52 D+6 Democratic
  154. Colorado 7 D+6 Democratic
  155. Delaware at-large D+6 Democratic
  156. Florida 22 D+6 Democratic
  157. Florida 26 D+6 Democratic
  158. Georgia 2 D+6 Democratic
  159. Illinois 3 D+6 Democratic
  160. Kentucky 3 D+6 Democratic
  161. Maryland 6 D+6 Democratic
  162. Massachusetts 6 D+6 Democratic
  163. Rhode Island 2 D+6 Democratic
  164. Washington 1 D+6 Democratic
  165. Washington 6 D+6 Democratic
  166. California 3 D+5 Democratic
  167. California 21 D+5 Democratic
  168. Florida 9 D+5 Democratic
  169. Florida 27 D+5 Democratic
  170. Michigan 5 D+5 Democratic
  171. Washington 10 D+5 Democratic
  172. Arizona 9 D+4 Democratic
  173. Massachusetts 9 D+4 Democratic
  174. Michigan 9 D+4 Democratic
  175. New York 4 D+4 Democratic
  176. California 7 D+3 Democratic
  177. Connecticut 2 D+3 Democratic
  178. Illinois 17 D+3 Democratic
  179. Nevada 4 D+3 Democratic
  180. California 36 D+2 Democratic
  181. Colorado 6 D+2 Democratic
  182. Connecticut 5 D+2 Democratic
  183. Florida 13 D+2 Democratic
  184. New Hampshire 2 D+2 Democratic
  185. Pennsylvania 6 D+2 Democratic
  186. Iowa 1 D+1 Democratic
  187. Iowa 2 D+1 Democratic
  188. Minnesota 3 D+1 Democratic
  189. New York 3 D+1 Democratic
  190. Pennsylvania 7 D+1 Democratic
  191. Virginia 10 D+1 Democratic
  192. California 10 EVEN Democratic
  193. California 25 EVEN Democratic
  194. California 39 EVEN Democratic
  195. Florida 7 EVEN Democratic
  196. Oregon 4 EVEN Democratic
  197. Oregon 5 EVEN Democratic
  198. Washington 8 EVEN Democratic
  199. Wisconsin 3 EVEN Democratic
  200. Arizona 2 R+1 Democratic
  201. California 49 R+1 Democratic
  202. Iowa 3 R+1 Democratic
  203. New Jersey 2 R+1 Democratic
  204. New York 18 R+1 Democratic
  205. Pennsylvania 8 R+1 Democratic
  206. Arizona 1 R+2 Democratic
  207. Illinois 6 R+2 Democratic
  208. Maine 2 R+2 Democratic
  209. Minnesota 2 R+2 Democratic
  210. Nevada 3 R+2 Democratic
  211. New Hampshire 1 R+2 Democratic
  212. New Jersey 3 R+2 Democratic
  213. New York 19 R+2 Democratic
  214. California 45 R+3 Democratic
  215. New Jersey 5 R+3 Democratic
  216. New Jersey 7 R+3 Democratic
  217. New Jersey 11 R+3 Democratic
  218. New York 11 R+3 Democratic
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Let the people decide in 2020
The people always decide, however The Constitution gives equal power to the three branches of government - a wise decision on the part of The Founders. IF the PEOPLE decide to change The Constitution then that option is available through amendment. But only with approval of Congress and 2/3 of The States.
What question was it? I missed it.
Who ordered the subpoenas of phone records. Who ordered the cross checking and identifying the numbers.
Why is that important? Does anyone know? How do we know baby lawyer knew?
It goes to personal biases of those investigating and illegal use of our governmental systems. Schiff was spying on TRUMP and his staff just like the FISA abuse was done. He selected a close contact and then obtained the data and records which exposed Trump and Guliain to unwarranted search and seizure.
Isn't that part of an investigation? It's not called spying when there is an investigation. Same as the FISA thing, which Durham could find no fault with.

The findings with the FISA 'thing' was anything but kosher. The fact that the process was so corrupt in a case that has the absolute highest scrutiny should tell all Americans exactly how corrupt the process itself is. I am confident that this particular case is an example of their best work - work that includes doctoring documents.

This is horrible for the impeachment process even if it has no absolutely no material effect on the investigation. It is going to be a LOT easier for Trump and his supporters to make claims of deep state and the like with things like this besmirching the investigation.
Okay, thanks. I finally found the relevant rule. Who do the minority want to appear that have not been called?

O. Separate Day of Hearings with Minority Witnesses
At any committee hearing, a majority of the minority members are entitled by House rule XI clause 2(j)(1) to demand at least one separate day of hearings to allow witnesses selected by the minority to testify on the subject of the hearing. Under the rule, minority members must submit a request in writing to the chair before the end of the hearing.

Practice Note: In practice, the minority normally requests in advance of any hearing that its desired witnesses appear as part of the main hearing and negotiates the details with the majority. The right to a minority day of hearings is usually formally invoked only if the chair has refused to call the witnesses requested by the minority. If this minority right is invoked, the chair must schedule another day of hearings at which the witnesses requested by the minority must be invited to testify, but the chair retains the discretion to determine the timing of the hearing. The chair may also call witnesses at any such hearing.

Two points, as underlined above. First, Nadler called Turley at the request of Republicans. Second, the "witnesses" Republicans reportedly wanted to call - Schiff, Hunter Biden - had no valid testimony to offer on the "subject" of the hearing, which is Trump's corrupt dealings with Ukraine.
First, 'witnesses selected by the minority to testify on the subject of the hearing' does not mean that the chair can just arbitrarily decide that those witnesses have nothing to add and therefore cannot be called. Asserting such is asinine. Second, the chair has refused to allow witnesses to be called by the minority and that is well known. The republicans have been quite vocal about the fact that an extremely small number of the witnesses they want to call are being blocked by the chair.

I don't really care how much of the minorities witness list is garbage or political games - hell ALL the witnesses so far have been nothing but political games - but not adhering to the rules is an asinine move by the left here. They are just handing more and more ammo to the right to call the process corrupt. If they actually want to succeed here they really need to stop handing the right useful headlines.
Okay, thanks. I finally found the relevant rule. Who do the minority want to appear that have not been called?

O. Separate Day of Hearings with Minority Witnesses
At any committee hearing, a majority of the minority members are entitled by House rule XI clause 2(j)(1) to demand at least one separate day of hearings to allow witnesses selected by the minority to testify on the subject of the hearing. Under the rule, minority members must submit a request in writing to the chair before the end of the hearing.

Practice Note: In practice, the minority normally requests in advance of any hearing that its desired witnesses appear as part of the main hearing and negotiates the details with the majority. The right to a minority day of hearings is usually formally invoked only if the chair has refused to call the witnesses requested by the minority. If this minority right is invoked, the chair must schedule another day of hearings at which the witnesses requested by the minority must be invited to testify, but the chair retains the discretion to determine the timing of the hearing. The chair may also call witnesses at any such hearing.

Two points, as underlined above. First, Nadler called Turley at the request of Republicans. Second, the "witnesses" Republicans reportedly wanted to call - Schiff, Hunter Biden - had no valid testimony to offer on the "subject" of the hearing, which is Trump's corrupt dealings with Ukraine.
I agree with you and I understand why the chairman has refused to call those witnesses. Not because they are "guilty" but because they have as much to do with the Trump/Zelensky matter as Mother Goose. HOWEVER, the rules do not seem to give the chairman that flexibility. If he has refused to call the witnesses the minority wants, "the chair MUST schedule another day of hearings at which the witnesses REQUESTED BY THE MINORITY MUST BE INVITED TO TESTIFY.
I think it is entirely retarded for the Republicans to go that route, but give 'em the rope and let 'em hang themselves, I guess.

Here's the text of the rule:

(j)(1) Whenever a hearing is conducted by a committee on a measure or matter, the minority members of the committee shall be entitled, upon request to the chair by a majority of them before the completion of the hearing, to call witnesses selected by the minority to testify with respect to that measure or matter during at least one day of hearing thereon.

So, the rule actually doesn't say the chair has to call any witness the minority requests - period - just witnesses to testify on the matter at hand. So, no Mother Goose called to testify for the Goobers.

Moreover, as your own text clarifies, the timing is up to the chair. If he closes the hearing on Dec. 12, 2020, scheduling the minority hearing on Dec. 11, 2020, would be enough.

Truth be told, I am of a split mind on all that. On the one hand, the Goobers' abuse of the Committee and the hearings for their PR spectacle cannot be allowed to proceed. So, cutting them out until they are willing to behave like adults would be the way to go. On the other hand, I sense there isn't much to be gained by feeding into the Goobers' whines about how they are being mistreated and terribly victimized. They had their mind set upon smearing the Bidens from the get-go, and, failing that, they have a victim card to play. You see the same play out on here every single day.
Sure, they can set those dates in that manner. Of course that will play into the rights whining as well.

The fact is, unless I missed something, that they have given no date at all and everything points to Shiff denying the minority hearing outright.
Let the people decide in 2020
The people always decide, however The Constitution gives equal power to the three branches of government - a wise decision on the part of The Founders. IF the PEOPLE decide to change The Constitution then that option is available through amendment. But only with approval of Congress and 2/3 of The States.
Yes but impeachment was never designed to be a partisan tool. In this case only one party is pushing for it. Let the people decide.
There is nothing stopping the Republican Senate from investigating that [Biden] hoax.

And yet they aren't.


Because it's a nothing burger hoax invented in Trump's head to slander Biden.

You are wrong on that - Graham, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee is investigating Biden:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) requested records from the State Department on Thursday related to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s efforts to oust a Ukrainian prosecutor in 2016.

The letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo comes as Republicans seek to train scrutiny on Biden’s actions in Ukraine amid impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump over his own efforts to pressure Ukraine’s government to investigate his would-be rival for the White House.​

You are perfectly right in declaring it all, including Graham's "investigation", "a nothing burger hoax invented in Trump's head to slander Biden."
There is nothing stopping the Republican Senate from investigating that [Biden] hoax.

And yet they aren't.


Because it's a nothing burger hoax invented in Trump's head to slander Biden.

You are wrong on that - Graham, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee is investigating Biden:

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) requested records from the State Department on Thursday related to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s efforts to oust a Ukrainian prosecutor in 2016.

The letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo comes as Republicans seek to train scrutiny on Biden’s actions in Ukraine amid impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump over his own efforts to pressure Ukraine’s government to investigate his would-be rival for the White House.​

You are perfectly right in declaring it all, including Graham's "investigation", "a nothing burger hoax invented in Trump's head to slander Biden."
/——/ Rush: “Nancy Pelosi said, “This isn’t even about Ukraine. It’s about Russia.” I said, “Wait a minute. What happened to this whole thing being about Trump asking Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden?” She said last week, “It’s not about Ukraine; it’s about Russia, and it’s about weakening Ukraine for Putin.” It’s mind-boggling!”

Cellblock: “ And what about bribery, what about collusion, and what about quid pro quo? What happened to Adam Shytface’s rock solid evidence? And now the democRATs are think of backpedaling impeachment and going with censor.”
Lindsey Graham gave a great opening statement at the IG Horowith testimony

He really blasted the DOJ/FBI anti trump conspiracy
So from now on any Prez can get a foreign country to help him attack his political opponent?
Irrelevant to your dreary and worn out faux appeal to patriotism.

And your "help him attack his political opponent" narrative is sheer speculation, if not outright bunk...Neither you nor the DNC/media hacks who've pumped that notion into your head are mind readers.
So it's just a coincidence that Trump wanted Biden investigated?
Where is the evidence that it was political?

Not speculation, innuendo, supposition, inference, presumption, or begging the question....Real, indisputable evidence.

Hint: There is none....That's why the democrat clowns in the House have to go with nebulous charges of "abuse of power" and "obstruction".
Where is the evidence that it was political?

There was no corruption by Biden
There was no investigation of any Biden.
Biden acted in an official capacity as the VP.
Biden followed official admin policy.

Trump could have easily asked the State Dept about the former VPs role in Ukraine.
That's your story, Chumlee....And irrelevant at that.

Now, where's your inescapable evidence that what Trump did was political?

I just gave it to you, dope. You just don't possess the critical abilities necessary for understanding.
Irrelevant to your dreary and worn out faux appeal to patriotism.

And your "help him attack his political opponent" narrative is sheer speculation, if not outright bunk...Neither you nor the DNC/media hacks who've pumped that notion into your head are mind readers.
So it's just a coincidence that Trump wanted Biden investigated?
Where is the evidence that it was political?

Not speculation, innuendo, supposition, inference, presumption, or begging the question....Real, indisputable evidence.

Hint: There is none....That's why the democrat clowns in the House have to go with nebulous charges of "abuse of power" and "obstruction".
Where is the evidence that it was political?

There was no corruption by Biden
There was no investigation of any Biden.
Biden acted in an official capacity as the VP.
Biden followed official admin policy.

Trump could have easily asked the State Dept about the former VPs role in Ukraine.
That's your story, Chumlee....And irrelevant at that.

Now, where's your inescapable evidence that what Trump did was political?

I just gave it to you, dope. You just don't possess the critical abilities necessary for understanding.
You didn't give me shit, fuckwit....You gave me media talking points....None of of which themselves are is a single shred of evidence against Trump.
The witnesses are still subject to approval by the chair or a majority vote of the committee.

Where does it say that? Even if true, which is not, because rule is clear,... did chair set minority hearing day before Article of Impeachment is released?

"shall be entitled" has only one meaning.

"upon request to the chair by a majority of them before the completion of the hearing", which they did submit

"to call witnesses selected by the minority to testify", nothing about being approved by the chair.

You're retard.

You are indeed.

Post misrepresents House Democrats’ impeachment rules

Calling witnesses
The House resolution says requests from members to call witnesses to provide testimony must be submitted in writing to Schiff. They have three days to do that after a hearing is announced. But the Facebook post overreaches in saying that the rules "do not allow any witness to be called" without his approval.

Here’s what the resolution says about the power of members in the minority:

"To allow for full evaluation of minority witness requests, the ranking minority member may submit to the chair, in writing, any requests for witness testimony relevant to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution within 72 hours after notice is given for the first hearing designated pursuant to paragraph (1). Any such request shall be accompanied by a detailed written justification of the relevance of the testimony of each requested witness to the investigation described in the first section of this resolution."

That means any request from Nunes for additional testimony must go through Schiff.

The impeachment resolution says that if Schiff were to refuse a request for additional witnesses, Republicans can bring the matter to a vote by the entire Intelligence Committee.

There are 22 members of the committee, meaning the ultimate decision to call witnesses would not just come down to Schiff. However, in practice, it’s reasonable to assume that the Democratic majority would vote with Schiff.

Democrats did not come up with these rules out of thin air. They borrowed from House investigation procedures that Republicans passed in 2015, said Frank Bowman, a law professor at the University of Missouri and an impeachment expert, in an email.

House rules supersedes any other rules, moron. Majority can set any rule they want as long is within House rules.

House rules are clear, so what part of "shall be entitled" you do not understand?
These are the rules for the impeachment inquiry, dope. The House passed them.

You don't know the difference in between "resolution" and "rule".

Chair is not above the house rules, moron.

Those are the rules for the impeachment inquiry, dope.
So it's just a coincidence that Trump wanted Biden investigated?
Where is the evidence that it was political?

Not speculation, innuendo, supposition, inference, presumption, or begging the question....Real, indisputable evidence.

Hint: There is none....That's why the democrat clowns in the House have to go with nebulous charges of "abuse of power" and "obstruction".
Where is the evidence that it was political?

There was no corruption by Biden
There was no investigation of any Biden.
Biden acted in an official capacity as the VP.
Biden followed official admin policy.

Trump could have easily asked the State Dept about the former VPs role in Ukraine.
That's your story, Chumlee....And irrelevant at that.

Now, where's your inescapable evidence that what Trump did was political?

I just gave it to you, dope. You just don't possess the critical abilities necessary for understanding.
You didn't give me shit, fuckwit....You gave me media talking points....None of of which themselves are is a single shred of evidence against Trump.

Like I said. You're incompetent.

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