The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Heard a discussion on The Radio, that Adam Schiff was asked Specific Questions over a couple things. The Release of Phone Records and His Coordinating The Fake Whistle Blower Report with The Whistle Blower as well as his repeated assertion that he had clear evidence of The President's Collusion with Russia.
Regarding The Whistleblower, Schiff however, did not expect in a Million Years for The President to Counter his attack with The Truth and a Transcript of The Call.

This is why Schiff now refuses to acknowledge if he knows The Whistleblower, if he coordinated and assisted with the writing of a false report, and if he also gave the order to release phone records of his political rivals in The House.

Schiff was asked certain questions throughout both The Secret hearings and Public Hearings and he contradicted himself several times. This is also why Schiff sent his attorney to answer questions for him instead of appear himself, because he knew he had already perjured himself.

From what I was hearing, if this goes to The Senate, Schiff will be forced to testify, and he will be slapped with a perjury charge, from there not sure what could happen to him. Maybe Censure or removal from all of the committees he sits on.

Report: Whistleblower Concealed Schiff Contacts From Inspector General
Schiff and The Democrats Engaged in an ALL out Cover Up Effort to Protect THE DNC, Obama & Clinton from Massive Corruption Charges.

Schiff, protector of Dems big Russia secret, whistleblower Eric Ciaramella

“West Wing officials confirmed to Cernovich Media that Eric Ciaramella, who worked closely with Susan Rice while at NSC, was recently promoted to be H.R. McMaster’s personal aide. Ciaramella will have unfettered access to McMaster’s conversations with foreign leaders.

Ciaramella’s ascension is surprising considering pro-Trump sources within the Obama administration disclosed to me in December 2016 that Ciaramella’s helped draft Susan Rice’s anti-Trump talking points before the Inauguration.”

“In fall of 2016 as Obama’s director for Ukraine on the NSC, Ciaramella was the main force pushing Trump-Russia conspiracy theories.”

More from The Article:

Schiff, protector of Dems big Russia secret, whistleblower Eric Ciaramella

As a top aide to H.R. McMaster, Ciaramella was also given access to President Trump’s conversations with foreign officials. Allegedly Ciaramella is one of the original White House leakers. The claim is that Ciaramella is the person who told the media about classified conversations Trump had with Russian diplomat Sergei Lavrov.

Ciaramella’s first complaint was after a call between President Trump, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey Kislyak. In that call, Trump dismissed Russia’s election interference saying the US and other countries had done worse.

Following that call, and allegations by “three former officials with knowledge of the matter” McMaster opined:

“The president in no way undermined sources or methods in the course of this conversation.”
When those efforts failed, he became the leaker behind the President’s call to Ukraine’s President Zalesky.

When we forget history, it tends to repeat itself.
Trump’s alleged crime in these early days was not buying into the Democrat narrative that Russian interference somehow ensured the election of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton.

Schiff’s Kangaroo Court flops with heresy testimony from Taylor & Kent
A ridiculous assumption as Clinton has bent over to appease Russia at every opportunity. Including the sale of US Uranium to Russia in 2010. Done under, and with, the Obama administration. A thinking person needs to ask why would Russia opt for Trump over decades of compliancy, and criminality, from Clinton?

The Selling of America – Protecting the Uranium One money trail
The sale of Uranium One to the Russians is just the last known anti-America function of the Clinton Cabal. Among the Obama Administration, participating in the Uranium One deal enriching the pockets of the Clinton Foundation was then-Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder joining Hillary Clinton on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.

From the book The Shadow Party – How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals seized control of the Democratic Party by David Horowitz and Richard Poe

“Journalist Anne Williamson, appearing before Leach’s House Banking Committee in September 1999, explained to a panel of stunned congressmen how so many US taxpayer dollars had managed to go missing in Russia. She told the committee that the Clintons had set up an “international patronage machine.” Clintonites in the guise of “consultants” to the Russian government request and received loans, virtually at will, through such international lending agencies as the IMF, the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation and the Export-Import Bank. Few questioned the loans, said Williamson, because the Clinton administration had designated Russian “privatization” a “national security” priority. Much of the money simply vanished into offshore accounts and the New York Stock Exchange. Other monies were invested in Russian junk bonds, privatization auction and other lucrative schemes. A handful of insider players, Russian and American alike, got rich, while the average Russian, – not to mention the US taxpayer – got fleeced.
(George) Soros insists that his own investment in Russia were squeaky clean. This is debatable. His privileged access to Kremlin officials and friendly oligarchs helped lubricate many deals.”

Trumpdrones are as full of conjecture as they are horseshit .
Trumpybear-bots seem to be getting stale. Did ya'll miss the last update or what?


Uranium One? Anyone really believe that baloney anymore?
Trumpybear-bots seem to be getting stale. Did ya'll miss the last update or what?


Uranium One? Anyone really believe that baloney anymore?
Putin Believes it. Rosatom is his company. How convenient of you to be found defending Putin again like you always do.

Russia sent us over 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from their decommissioned nuclear warheads, and all Putty-bear got was some dusty old Canadian mines that produce less than 5% of the fuel pellets our power plants burn each year. So I guess Putty-bear has a reason to be mad a Clinton after she fucked in the ass like that.
So now we have Hunter Biden, getting $100,000 a year to sit on his ass at home from MBNA while daddy is going over legislation that directly benefits MBNA.

But you have NOTHING to say about that, do you?

I thought you were some Moral Puritan and Crusader that wants to clean up Real and Imaginary Corruption?

Guess you live your life as a Lie, don’t you?

Why aren’t you interested in why Comey, Obama, McCabe and Mueller kept The Russia Rosatom Bribery Scandal Hush Hush as Eric Holder, John McCain, and Hillary Clinton approved the sale of US Uranium to Putin’s company Rosatom?

Why aren’t you interested in the speaking fees Russia paid Bill, and the $145 Million they gave Hillary as a thank you for 20% of our Uranium and why do you try to downplay all of that, Moral Crusader?

What’s it like to be a PC Puritan one minute and a Hypocrite the next?

Trumpybear-bots seem to be getting stale. Did ya'll miss the last update or what?


Uranium One? Anyone really believe that baloney anymore?
Putin Believes it. Rosatom is his company. How convenient of you to be found defending Putin again like you always do.

Russia sent us over 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from their decommissioned nuclear warheads, and all Putty-bear got was some dusty old Canadian mines that produce less than 5% of the fuel pellets our power plants burn each year. So I guess Putty-bear has a reason to be mad a Clinton after she fucked in the ass like that.
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In case you're still in the dark, Schiff is yet another COCKSUCKER....

It’s Still Difficult to Be Gay on the Hill

" Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), as saying he has faced discrimination and verbal taunts on the Hill since coming out in 1989."

So, who is GAY here...

the "whistleblower"
both Obamas

I smell a "foursome...."
Jesus, get some new material ya worthless sack of termite poop!

So now we have Hunter Biden, getting $100,000 a year to sit on his ass at home from MBNA while a daddy is going over legislation that directly benefits MBNA.

But you have NOTHING to say about that, do you?

I thought you were some Moral Puritan and Crusader that wants to clean up Real and Imaginary Corruption?

Guess you live your life as a Lie, don’t you?

Why aren’t you interested in why Comey, Obama, McCabe and Mueller kept The Russia Rosatom Bribery Scsndal Hush Hish as Eric Holder John McCain, and Hillary Clinton approved the sale of US Uranium to Putin’s company Rosatom?

Why aren’t you interested in the speaking fees Russia paid Bill, and the $145 Million they gave Hillary as a thank you for 20% of our Uranium and why do you try to downplay all of that, Moral Crusader?

What’s it like to be a PC Puritan one minute and a Hypocrite the next?

Trumpybear-bots seem to be getting stale. Did ya'll miss the last update or what?


Uranium One? Anyone really believe that baloney anymore?
Putin Believes it. Rosatom is his company. How convenient of you to be found defending Putin again like you always do.

Russia sent us over 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from their decommissioned nuclear warheads, and all Putty-bear got was some dusty old Canadian mines that produce less than 5% of the fuel pellets our power plants burn each year. So I guess Putty-bear has a reason to be mad a Clinton after she fucked in the ass like that.
See this is what I call Bitch Slapping a Troll back to The Stone Age.

You don't like my "material" Have another dose of it, "Crusader."

Aren't you Morally Outraged, my PC Puritan Moral Crusader over FISA ABUSE?

You should be mad as Hell at the Obama Administration.

Aren't you going to call Hunter and Joe Biden to Accountability?

Where is your call for Pitchforks and Torches over that?

Jesus, get some new material ya worthless sack of termite poop!

So now we have Hunter Biden, getting $100,000 a year to sit on his ass at home from MBNA while a daddy is going over legislation that directly benefits MBNA.

But you have NOTHING to say about that, do you?

I thought you were some Moral Puritan and Crusader that wants to clean up Real and Imaginary Corruption?

Guess you live your life as a Lie, don’t you?

Why aren’t you interested in why Comey, Obama, McCabe and Mueller kept The Russia Rosatom Bribery Scsndal Hush Hish as Eric Holder John McCain, and Hillary Clinton approved the sale of US Uranium to Putin’s company Rosatom?

Why aren’t you interested in the speaking fees Russia paid Bill, and the $145 Million they gave Hillary as a thank you for 20% of our Uranium and why do you try to downplay all of that, Moral Crusader?

What’s it like to be a PC Puritan one minute and a Hypocrite the next?

Trumpybear-bots seem to be getting stale. Did ya'll miss the last update or what?


Uranium One? Anyone really believe that baloney anymore?
Putin Believes it. Rosatom is his company. How convenient of you to be found defending Putin again like you always do.

Russia sent us over 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from their decommissioned nuclear warheads, and all Putty-bear got was some dusty old Canadian mines that produce less than 5% of the fuel pellets our power plants burn each year. So I guess Putty-bear has a reason to be mad a Clinton after she fucked in the ass like that.
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Weakest bitch slap ever. What material? Old,used hamster bedding slaps firmer than that.

U-and Putty-bear should be really happy with your Trumpuybear and his party, where 25% fully support Russian interest.

See this is what I call Bitch Slapping a Troll back to The Stone Age.

You don't like my "material" Have another dose of it, "Crusader."

Aren't you Morally Outraged, my PC Puritan Moral Crusader over FISA ABUSE?

You should be mad as Hell at the Obama Administration.

Aren't you going to call Hunter and Joe Biden to Accountability?

Where is your call for Pitchforks and Torches over that?

Jesus, get some new material ya worthless sack of termite poop!

So now we have Hunter Biden, getting $100,000 a year to sit on his ass at home from MBNA while a daddy is going over legislation that directly benefits MBNA.

But you have NOTHING to say about that, do you?

I thought you were some Moral Puritan and Crusader that wants to clean up Real and Imaginary Corruption?

Guess you live your life as a Lie, don’t you?

Why aren’t you interested in why Comey, Obama, McCabe and Mueller kept The Russia Rosatom Bribery Scsndal Hush Hish as Eric Holder John McCain, and Hillary Clinton approved the sale of US Uranium to Putin’s company Rosatom?

Why aren’t you interested in the speaking fees Russia paid Bill, and the $145 Million they gave Hillary as a thank you for 20% of our Uranium and why do you try to downplay all of that, Moral Crusader?

What’s it like to be a PC Puritan one minute and a Hypocrite the next?

Trumpybear-bots seem to be getting stale. Did ya'll miss the last update or what?


Uranium One? Anyone really believe that baloney anymore?
Putin Believes it. Rosatom is his company. How convenient of you to be found defending Putin again like you always do.

Russia sent us over 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from their decommissioned nuclear warheads, and all Putty-bear got was some dusty old Canadian mines that produce less than 5% of the fuel pellets our power plants burn each year. So I guess Putty-bear has a reason to be mad a Clinton after she fucked in the ass like that.
Heard a discussion on The Radio, that Adam Schiff was asked Specific Questions over a couple things. The Release of Phone Records and His Coordinating The Fake Whistle Blower Report with The Whistle Blower as well as his repeated assertion that he had clear evidence of The President's Collusion with Russia.
Regarding The Whistleblower, Schiff however, did not expect in a Million Years for The President to Counter his attack with The Truth and a Transcript of The Call.

This is why Schiff now refuses to acknowledge if he knows The Whistleblower, if he coordinated and assisted with the writing of a false report, and if he also gave the order to release phone records of his political rivals in The House.

Schiff was asked certain questions throughout both The Secret hearings and Public Hearings and he contradicted himself several times. This is also why Schiff sent his attorney to answer questions for him instead of appear himself, because he knew he had already perjured himself.

From what I was hearing, if this goes to The Senate, Schiff will be forced to testify, and he will be slapped with a perjury charge, from there not sure what could happen to him. Maybe Censure or removal from all of the committees he sits on.

Report: Whistleblower Concealed Schiff Contacts From Inspector General

I'm sure Schiff will be indicted any day now.....

Any day now.........
Weakest bitch slap ever. What material? Old,used hamster bedding slaps firmer than that.

U-and Putty-bear should be really happy with your Trumpuybear and his party, where 25% fully support Russian interest.

See this is what I call Bitch Slapping a Troll back to The Stone Age.

You don't like my "material" Have another dose of it, "Crusader."

Aren't you Morally Outraged, my PC Puritan Moral Crusader over FISA ABUSE?

You should be mad as Hell at the Obama Administration.

Aren't you going to call Hunter and Joe Biden to Accountability?

Where is your call for Pitchforks and Torches over that?

Jesus, get some new material ya worthless sack of termite poop!

So now we have Hunter Biden, getting $100,000 a year to sit on his ass at home from MBNA while a daddy is going over legislation that directly benefits MBNA.

But you have NOTHING to say about that, do you?

I thought you were some Moral Puritan and Crusader that wants to clean up Real and Imaginary Corruption?

Guess you live your life as a Lie, don’t you?

Why aren’t you interested in why Comey, Obama, McCabe and Mueller kept The Russia Rosatom Bribery Scsndal Hush Hish as Eric Holder John McCain, and Hillary Clinton approved the sale of US Uranium to Putin’s company Rosatom?

Why aren’t you interested in the speaking fees Russia paid Bill, and the $145 Million they gave Hillary as a thank you for 20% of our Uranium and why do you try to downplay all of that, Moral Crusader?

What’s it like to be a PC Puritan one minute and a Hypocrite the next?

Putin Believes it. Rosatom is his company. How convenient of you to be found defending Putin again like you always do.

Russia sent us over 500 tons worth of highly enriched uranium from their decommissioned nuclear warheads, and all Putty-bear got was some dusty old Canadian mines that produce less than 5% of the fuel pellets our power plants burn each year. So I guess Putty-bear has a reason to be mad a Clinton after she fucked in the ass like that.
You really don't have to slap a sissy very hard to hurt them and make them cry.

Don't you have a Jihad to lead, some Terrorists to let out of GITMO, or some Asassins to pay, or weapons to distribute out of a diplomatic outpost?

Dry your eyes PC Puritan Crusader, soon it will all be over and Trump will be re-elected.

You can lay in bed and cry, or STFU, get up and make something of your pitiful life.
Heard a discussion on The Radio, that Adam Schiff was asked Specific Questions over a couple things. The Release of Phone Records and His Coordinating The Fake Whistle Blower Report with The Whistle Blower as well as his repeated assertion that he had clear evidence of The President's Collusion with Russia.
Regarding The Whistleblower, Schiff however, did not expect in a Million Years for The President to Counter his attack with The Truth and a Transcript of The Call.

This is why Schiff now refuses to acknowledge if he knows The Whistleblower, if he coordinated and assisted with the writing of a false report, and if he also gave the order to release phone records of his political rivals in The House.

Schiff was asked certain questions throughout both The Secret hearings and Public Hearings and he contradicted himself several times. This is also why Schiff sent his attorney to answer questions for him instead of appear himself, because he knew he had already perjured himself.

From what I was hearing, if this goes to The Senate, Schiff will be forced to testify, and he will be slapped with a perjury charge, from there not sure what could happen to him. Maybe Censure or removal from all of the committees he sits on.

Report: Whistleblower Concealed Schiff Contacts From Inspector General
One can only hope.

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