Pre-verdict to post-verdict Morning Consult... Trump loses ZERO support...

But it is Florida (where I went to High School) and I would have to put up with people that think DeSanits is a political genius.

No, thanks.

I have spent about 1/5 of my life being a stranger in a strange land. I always enjoyed it.

Yep, they see the Fed about to drop interest rates, which means they will make less money. Plus they are diversifying so that one country does not have too much power over them.

This also goes into a good amount of detail about why they are doing it.

Nope... Don't think so.

I think China has been backing Russia to deplete our military reserves in the Russo-Ukraine war. China and Russia historically are not allies.

Biden is a weak president.

China knows this, Russia knows this, Israel knows this.

For is the time to strike and take back Taiwan.

There has never been a more opportune time.

They are afraid Trump is going to win and their window will close.

I believe they are marshalling their resources to sustain them through the sanction phase of the aftermath.

I look for China to launch it's attack in the next six months.

Not the American people nor the country.'re going to have to make that decision. You can keep us on the road to destruction with this current resident in the white house that we aren't even sure is the one making the decisions OR you can vote for the man they're trying to destroy...that oughta tell you something right there. A vote for biden or no vote at all meanns we continue this national flush of the toilet.'re going to have to make that decision. You can keep us on the road to destruction with this current resident in the white house that we aren't even sure is the one making the decisions OR you can vote for the man they're trying to destroy...that oughta tell you something right there. A vote for biden or no vote at all meanns we continue this national flush of the toilet.
Oh, the harpy is all in on his master biden. Marxists are gonna Marxist.

He admitted it when he declared his ever lasting love for chase oliver, the "libertarian" nominee for president, a antifa member, and open borders Marxist himself.

Fellow travelers all.
Nope... Don't think so.

I think China has been backing Russia to deplete our military reserves in the Russo-Ukraine war. China and Russia historically are not allies.

Biden is a weak president.

China knows this, Russia knows this, Israel knows this.

For is the time to strike and take back Taiwan.

There has never been a more opportune time.

They are afraid Trump is going to win and their window will close.

I believe they are marshalling their resources to sustain them through the sanction phase of the aftermath.

I look for China to launch it's attack in the next six months.


I think China cares less about our military reserves and more about just goading us in to spending money we do not have. Not unlike we did with the USSR back in the day.

China is no more afraid of Trump than they are Biden. Trump is only seen as "strong" by his followers like you. The Chinese played him like a fiddle when he was in office.

China is not going to attack Taiwan, they gain nothing by doing so and cause large amounts of harm to themselves. China plays a long game, they are not worried about the max of 4 years Trump might have in office, they are looking 50 plus years out. This is a major advantage they have over the US.

But hey, I have this thread bookmarked, in Nov I will bring it back up and we will see who was correct.'re going to have to make that decision. You can keep us on the road to destruction with this current resident in the white house that we aren't even sure is the one making the decisions OR you can vote for the man they're trying to destroy...that oughta tell you something right there. A vote for biden or no vote at all meanns we continue this national flush of the toilet.

No matter which of the two demented old white dudes wins, the country will continue down the toilet.
I think China cares less about our military reserves and more about just goading us in to spending money we do not have. Not unlike we did with the USSR back in the day.

China is no more afraid of Trump than they are Biden. Trump is only seen as "strong" by his followers like you. The Chinese played him like a fiddle when he was in office.

China is not going to attack Taiwan, they gain nothing by doing so and cause large amounts of harm to themselves. China plays a long game, they are not worried about the max of 4 years Trump might have in office, they are looking 50 plus years out. This is a major advantage they have over the US.

But hey, I have this thread bookmarked, in Nov I will bring it back up and we will see who was correct.
They can't afford to play the long game. Their population halves in 50 years. They move soon, or not at all.
No matter which of the two demented old white dudes wins, the country will continue down the toilet.
Nope. If Trump wins all the bullshit cloward-piven Marxist bullshit ends.

Not so with your Marxist buddy Joey bribem.
Oh, the harpy is all in on his master biden. Marxists are gonna Marxist.

He admitted it when he declared his ever lasting love for chase oliver, the "libertarian" nominee for president, a antifa member, and open borders Marxist himself.

Fellow travelers all.
The queer Chase Oliver. well just awesome.
They can't afford to play the long game. Their population halves in 50 years. They move soon, or not at all.

Are you ever not wrong? At the current rate it will not do so till at least 2100...which since you suck at math is far more than 50 years from now.


If you win, you go to Panama and I'll be forced to stay here.

If I win I get to stay here and you will be exiled to Panama.

How about if on Jan 1 2025 China has not invaded Taiwan you leave the board for a month.

If at any point before that they do, I will leave for good.
How about if on Jan 1 2025 China has not invaded Taiwan you leave the board for a month.

If at any point before that they do, I will leave for good.
Liar, you'll just come under a new name like you've done before.
Today's post-verdict poll...

I don't care that he's gay. I care that he is an anti USA open borders antifa Marxist piece of shit
I don't care that he's gay either...Why i begin to care s when and if a homosexual is placed in a position of authority over normal sane people.


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