Pre-verdict to post-verdict Morning Consult... Trump loses ZERO support...

In the many analyses that followed the guilty verdict handed down by a New York jury in the hush money trial of former President Donald Trump, there was one that was a surprise given the author’s connection to CNN.

The network’s senior legal analyst Elie Honig delivered a damning article about how prosecutors in the case “contorted the law” in order to get the conviction. Honig, a former assistant US Attorney, systematically took apart the case in what likely would upset leftists at his network where there was an atmosphere of celebration after the guilty verdict came down.

He blasted District Attorney Alvin Bragg, talked about the jury’s responsibility in deliberations and essentially gave a reality check to those ignoring the many breaches of the law and Constitution.

“Plenty of prosecutors have won plenty of convictions in cases that shouldn’t have been brought in the first place. ‘But they won’ is no defense to a strained, convoluted reach unless the goal is to ‘win,’ now, by any means necessary and worry about the credibility of the case and the fallout later,” he added.

“Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process. That’s not on the jury. That’s on the prosecutors who chose to bring the case and the judge who let it play out as it did,” Honig argued, adding that the charges against Trump were “obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented.”
No other state prosecutor “has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything,” Honig wrote. “None. Ever.”

He contended that the effort was to “inflate the charges” and “electroshock them back to life” as the DA then “refused to specify” what the crime actually was.

“So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial,” he wrote.

“It’s better characterized as the Frankenstein Case,” Honig noted, “cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator.”

“Trump will appeal, as is his right, and he’s certain to contest the inventive charges constructed by the DA. I won’t go so far as to say an appeals court is likely to overturn a conviction — New York law is broad and hazy enough to (potentially) allow such machinations — but he’s going to have a decent shot at a reversal,” Honig wrote.

Prosecutors, he concluded, “got their man, for now at least — but they also contorted the law in an unprecedented manner in their quest to snare their prey.”
People can see that if these evil law breakers can do this to Trump they can do it to anyone... who wants to live worrying about offending the wrong democrat who can have you dragged into a kangaroo court and convicted... that's not freedom its a mental prison....
Comment: Not exactly the results the Dems were looking for.

Morning Consult Poll 5/28 ... Trump 44

Morning Consult Poll 6/2 ... Trump 44

So what you're saying is that the people who supported him before he got convicted on 34 counts..are still supporting him...and that 44%...hasn't gone up..
Well..that doesn't bode well for Trump. He has the same problem he always has had. He can't grow his base enough to win an electoral majority. :)
Comment: Not exactly the results the Dems were looking for.

Morning Consult Poll 5/28 ... Trump 44

Morning Consult Poll 6/2 ... Trump 44

That's because to most of them, the conviction was a foregone conclusion, and they don't really care about a white-collar crime dreamed up over a misdemeanor that had already expired. This whole thing was a political circus from the start, and being attacked by the justice system resonates with a lot of people.
no one thinks this conviction will change a cultist like yourself. but

i hope that this trial (not so much the verdict. most of us would have settled for a hung jury. are you really comfortable with the look that these trials are giving us into trump's business practices? is that the attitude and management style that you want for america? ) will give the "independent voters" something to think about before november.

have you been listening to trump?
It is a fact that the country ran far better under Trump than it has under Biden, up until the pandemic. So, the answer is yes, we do need Trump's business practices running the country.
no one thinks this conviction will change a cultist like yourself. but

i hope that this trial (not so much the verdict. most of us would have settled for a hung jury. are you really comfortable with the look that these trials are giving us into trump's business practices? is that the attitude and management style that you want for america? ) will give the "independent voters" something to think about before november.

have you been listening to trump?
Your only hope is to kill him now, dumbfuck. You guys have so fucked up the judicial system that no thinking person believes it any longer.

You morons can only win by cheating, or killing your opponents.

Just like your hero pootin
According to a poll conducted by the Daily Mail and J.L. Partners, 22 percent of voters now view Trump more favorably, while only 16 percent view him more negatively.

The poll was taken just hours after 12 jurors convicted Trump in an unprecedented and politically motivated move.

The poll also found a four-point net positive impact for Trump among independent voters— who can ultimately decide the outcome of the November election.

“It was done last night right after the verdict, where I’m up six points,” Trump said, referring to the survey. “Six points from what we already were. We were leading fairly substantially. We’re up six points in the DailyMail poll. Now, maybe other polls come out and it says something differently. But a lot of people have predicted it because the public understands.”

James Johnson, who managed the poll, said that the guilty verdict did not change how Americans view Trump; it boosted the former president’s support among voters.

“Our snap poll of a representative sample of likely voters shows that for most Americans the trial has not changed their deep-set views of Trump,” he said. “But amongst those who are open to changing their mind, people feel more positive by a margin of 6 points. That is outside of the margin of the error of the poll and we are saying that is significant.”
no one thinks this conviction will change a cultist like yourself. but

i hope that this trial (not so much the verdict. most of us would have settled for a hung jury. are you really comfortable with the look that these trials are giving us into trump's business practices? is that the attitude and management style that you want for america? ) will give the "independent voters" something to think about before november.

have you been listening to trump?
Yes, nobody cares that he tried to pay an extortionist from embarrasing his family.

What independence voters are looking at, is how the Demafascsit have weaponized the executive branch to go after political rivals.

The demafascsit are done...they made Trump, America's Nelson Mandela
I don't think the dems will try Lawfare again anytime soon... Trump pulls in 70 million in one weekend mostly small donations and many first time donors...

lol no problem. he is spending that on lawyers, not campaign.
Yes, nobody cares that he tried to pay an extortionist from embarrasing his family.

What independence voters are looking at, is how the Demafascsit have weaponized the executive branch to go after political rivals.

The demafascsit are done...they made Trump, America's Nelson Mandela
are you even on this planet?

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