Will DOJ release its communications with Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg and Letitia James

Trump's been caught dead to rights. This makes the rubes craaaaaazy.

Trump was stupid enough to leave a mile wide paper trail in every case. He's fucked.

This is why he is so desperate to be re-elected, so he can fire everyone and bury his crimes.

Some of his co-conspirators in Georgia have already confessed and pled guilty. They will be witnesses for the prosecution and this scares the bejeesus out of the convict.

The one good thing in al this is he can't fire a state prosecutor or shut down a state's case, but as president he can evade prosecution while he's in office. That's his only hope.

Anyone who has read the indictments and observed his co-conspirators convictions can see he's plainly fucked.

This circus in the House is a desperate smoke show.

Convicted once, Trump can convince the rubes it was a hoax. Convicted four times? That's gonna wake a lot of people up to just how evil this fucking guy is.

There was no crime. No paper trail.

You’re simply regurgitating what you simpletons have been told to say and believe.
Being they were charging a President, the prosecutions in each case had to be extremely diligent, dotting every i and crossing every t. No mistakes could be made.

These cases are rock solid, as this recent New York conviction shows.

Each and every one of them will lead to a conviction. The New York case was probably the weakest, and that conviction has Trump terrified because he knows the other three are colossal dangers to his future and his standing with the rubes.

There will come a day when MAGA rubes are going to be shaking their heads that they were so taken in by such a low-life, stupid grifter.

It's hard for the ego to take. That one was so easily fooled by a moron. That's why they dig in so deeply no matter how much filth comes out about Trump.

There will come a day when you will have difficulty finding someone who will admit to supporting Trump.
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You are too stupid to breathe. Are you on life support, you imbecile? The whole point of seeking the communications is to see if (as we believe) the NY DA’s “decision” to prosecute was reached after the Brandon regime compelled Bragg to do so. “If.” Please. The whole point was to make sure that it DID.
Who gives a shit what you want? I already knew that your request was emotionally motivated without your Simp confession. :dunno: :laugh:
I’m not you liar. The prosecution in NY IS over. The appellate processs is no longer a “prosecution.” You absolutely retarded fuckstick.
No it's about upholding the prosecution, hence the process is ongoing. Trump's political allies aren't going to be able to bully prosecutors into handing over their notes so they can get a peak as Trump appeals. You and those impotent Soy Boys you elected are just going to have to learn to live with disappointment.
One trial (singular) in NY county is over. And the DA’s Office in NY County will indeed have to contend with the appeal. Again, that’s no longer a prosecution.
Again, it's about upholding the prosecution.
There was no crime. No paper trail.

You’re simply regurgitating what you simpletons have been told to say and believe.
This is simply astounding!

How were your propagandists able to talk about the trial without providing you the actual facts of the case?!?

How did they convince you not to read the indictment for yourself? How did they convince you not to read the jury instructions for yourself?

This is an incredible amount of control they have over you!
Well … This Administration’s Attorney General, Garland, won’t answer that question in a straightforward manner.
Despite repeated efforts. He simply refuses to answer.


What has it to do with anything?

Well … This Administration’s Attorney General, Garland, won’t answer that question in a straightforward manner.
Despite repeated efforts. He simply refuses to answer.

Conspiracy theory alert!
Conspiracy theory alert!
Maybe Bragg was looking for the same thing Fani Willis wanted which is any information from the White House Counsel's Office that would help their prosecutions.

Maybe Biden is complicit is trying to jail a political opponent.

Reverse the names and talk to me. Would you have the same opinion?
The Trump Mafia put together illegal fake electors in seven states, and submitted illegal fake certifications to the US Senate.

As Georgia prosecutors hold Trump accountable for his crimes, it would be right and proper for the US Attorney General to provide evidence of those fake certifications back to the individual states' prosecutors. He's the only one who can.

The conspiracy in all this is Trump's attempt to overthrow our democracy. The tards are being programmed to reverse the direction of the conspiracy in their feeble minds.
Garland will be among the other Biden cabinet members who will be prosecuted.... there are so many breaches of constitutional laws and corrupt behavior any Red State AG will have a field day on these clowns....
Here's one witness for the prosecution:

Trump attorney who organized fake electors plot in Wisconsin pleads guilty in Georgia

Kenneth Chesebro, a lawyer who authored memos detailing how Republicans could send false slates of presidential electors from states including Wisconsin to Congress, has pleaded guilty in the Georgia election interference case that charged him and 18 others.

Chesebro pleaded guilty Friday to one felony count of conspiracy to commit filing false documents.


According to the indictment, one memo he wrote “provides detailed, state-specific instructions for how (former President Donald) Trump presidential elector nominees in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin would meet and cast electoral votes” for Trump, even though he lost the election in those states.
Garland will be among the other Biden cabinet members who will be prosecuted.... there are so many breaches of constitutional laws and corrupt behavior any Red State AG will have a field day on these clowns....
Total bunk.
Here's another witness for the prosecution:

Former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia election interference case

On Thursday morning — one day before the scheduled start of jury selection for her joint trial with attorney Kenneth Chesebro — Powell appeared in Fulton County Superior Court to plead guilty to six misdemeanor counts of conspiracy to commit intentional interference with the performance of election duties.

Under the plea deal, Powell will serve six years of probation, pay a $6,000 fine, pay restitution of $2,700 to the state that covers the cost of replacing election equipment, write an apology letter and testify truthfully in future hearings and trials, as well as provide "any requested documents or evidence subject to any lawful privileges asserted in good faith prior to entering this plea."
Yet another witness for the prosecution:

Former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis pleads guilty in Georgia case

Former Trump campaign lawyer Jenna Ellis pleaded guilty Tuesday in the Georgia election subversion case and will cooperate with Fulton County prosecutors – the third guilty plea in the past week.

At an unscheduled hearing in Atlanta, Ellis pleaded guilty to one count of aiding and abetting false statements, a felony stemming from the election lies that Ellis and other Donald Trump lawyers peddled to Georgia lawmakers in December 2020.


“If I knew then what I knew now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this experience with deep remorse,” Ellis said, her voice breaking at times.


Ellis, Chesebro and Powell all agreed to testify on behalf of the prosecution at future trials. By flipping, these onetime Trump insiders are now on track to become major Trump nemeses. They are all lawyers and can shed light on what was happening behind the scenes in 2020.

So you see, Trump is well and truly fucked.

Stand by to see the character of Trump's co-conspirators to be attacked, the same way Cohen was attacked.
Trump's mobsters fucked around and found out. So will Trump.

Jenna Ellis was laughing when she fucked around:


She was crying when she found out:

Maybe Biden is complicit is trying to jail a political opponent.

Reverse the names and talk to me. Would you have the same opinion?
Well my scenario is perfectly legal and mundane. Yours is a conspiracy theory who's plot and details I'm fuzzy on. What do you mean by complicit? Did he make these prosecutors go after Trump against their will and the evidence?
So many scandals in the Trump administration. More than any other president.

So many people's careers and reputations destroyed. So many lawyers disbarred and jailed.

You can see why I can't help but wonder what special breed of snakes will be crawling out from under rocks to work for Trump going forward.

Certainly no decent people. They will be as crooked as a dog's hind leg.
Maybe Biden is complicit is trying to jail a political opponent.

Reverse the names and talk to me. Would you have the same opinion?
You first have to show evidence Joe Biden has committed a crime.

Good luck with that. Jordan and Comer have been trying for YEARS, to no avail.

It's a real dumpster fire inside a clown car.

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