Dems effed around, and now they're gonna find out.

You have no idea of just how stupid you are.
Your media handlers do though.
/—-/ Hey dumbass, whose the stupid one now? In the United States, a federal crime or federal offense is an act that is made illegal by U.S. federal legislation enacted by both the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives and signed into law by the president. Prosecution happens at both the federal and the statelevels (based on the Dual sovereignty doctrine) and so a "federal crime" is one that is prosecuted under federal criminal law and not under state criminal law under which most of the crimes committed in the United States are prosecuted.
/—-/ Hey dumbass, whose the stupid one now? In the United States, a federal crime or federal offense is an act that is made illegal by U.S. federal legislation enacted by both the United States Senate and United States House of Representatives and signed into law by the president. Prosecution happens at both the federal and the statelevels (based on the Dual sovereignty doctrine) and so a "federal crime" is one that is prosecuted under federal criminal law and not under state criminal law under which most of the crimes committed in the United States are prosecuted.
The fact that you would even post that shows how wrongheaded you are about this.
Trump wasn’t prosecuted for any federal crime, dupe.
I wouldn’t even characterize it as Democrats doing anything to Trump. It’s the prosecutors following the laws in their respective jurisdictions. There’s no way to prosecute someone politically. There’s either evidence or there isn’t. That’s why they’re struggling to turn it back on the Dems. All they have are recriminations and narratives but nothing actionable.
Of course there are ways to prosecute politically. Multiple prosecutors passed on these charges before one of them decided Orange Man Really Bad. That's why it's a political prosecution.
MAGAs are furious over the outcome of trump's latest trial. They are incensed that Democrats used existing law and our courts to find Trump guilty of multiple felonies. This is just outrageous. The right will immediately circle the troops, pull out all the stops and mount an attack like no one has ever seen before. The only holdup is trying to figure out what can be done that MAGAs haven't already been doing for a long time. It's been suggested that there will be a wave of impeachments and charges levied at the left like no one has ever seen before. Unfortunately, they have been trying to do that for a long time. The phrase "Lock her up" has been used for years, so that won't be the new way they focus the attack. Blocking legislation, and Impeachment attempts haven't worked very well. About all that they can think of for now is to send more money to trump. I'm sure that will make the Democrats tremble in fear. Don't worry. MTG and the other really smart MAGAs will come up with something, and it will be awesome. Perhaps there is some way to use those Jewish space lasers to exact their revenge.
When Trump is president again in January all he needs to do is unclassify all of Biden's records with Ukraine going back to Biden's threatening to withhold billions in federal aid unless they fire the investegator investigating Hunter. There should be enough there to prove treason. If not, there is Hunter receiving a couple million from russia then Biden went to the floor of the house and pleaded with them to lift the sanctions on Putin's pipeline. That started the war in Ukraine and billions of American dollars got sent with no accountability. Then unclassify the documents about the China spy balloon the he let fly over the United States. Biden lied about knowing about it. But we found out he knew about it when it took off. So there is plenty to get Biden on.
/——/ He was prosecuted for a misdemeanor past its statute of limitations revised and linked to a federal crime he was never charged with.
And now he’s CONVICTED of the elevated misdemeanor due to the federal crime it’s linked to - and we STILL don’t which crime.
With you in the center ring, clown.
Do you even know that Trump was indicted for J6?
“Know”? I don’t even care. It’s tinfoil hat retard. After a year of violence and destruction in our streets that left 30 people dead and billions in damage, which the Democrat not only supported but explicitly allowed in some cases, J6 was a nothing-burger by comparison. So, Trump “instructed” the rioters with these innocuous words taken out of context? You have to want to believe something that idiotic.

The Democrats have been tripping over themselves to disqualify Trump because they know, in a fair election, they wouldn’t stand a chance. It’s an abuse of power unlike anything American has ever seen.
Did she donate to the "get rid of Biden fund"?

Then this is what sane people call a false equivalency.

But...just to humor you...aren't Dems claiming the fix is in with Cannon?
Enemy democrats (endems) are trying to get rid of judges all over the place. It's not fair if they don't control the judiciary.
Of course there are ways to prosecute politically. Multiple prosecutors passed on these charges before one of them decided Orange Man Really Bad. That's why it's a political prosecution.
/----/ DA Bragg even passed on it until Dementia Joe sent his hit man.
/----/ Since when are federal crimes in the jurisdiction of a state?
States can't enforce federal crimes, but they are certainly considered by the states.
If a person is arrested, and then convicted of stealing a car. A third level felony.
But during the sentencing review, they find out he was convicted of three federal assault charges, and six burglaries in another state. The judge can take his federal and out of state criminal record into account to enhance the 3rd degree felony punishment, up to 2nd degree felony punishment.

Even though he only violated one state crime.
States can't enforce federal crimes, but they are certainly considered by the states.
If a person is arrested, and then convicted of stealing a car. A third level felony.
But during the sentencing review, they find out he was convicted of three federal assault charges, and six burglaries in another state. The judge can take his federal and out of state criminal record into account to enhance the 3rd degree felony punishment, up to 2nd degree felony punishment.

Even though he only violated one state crime.
/——/ When was Trump convicted of a federal crime?
“Know”? I don’t even care. It’s tinfoil hat retard. After a year of violence and destruction in our streets that left 30 people dead and billions in damage, which the Democrat not only supported but explicitly allowed in some cases, J6 was a nothing-burger by comparison. So, Trump “instructed” the rioters with these innocuous words taken out of context? You have to want to believe something that idiotic.

The Democrats have been tripping over themselves to disqualify Trump because they know, in a fair election, they wouldn’t stand a chance. It’s an abuse of power unlike anything American has ever seen.
You care. Bigly!
You’re simply avoiding any discussion of it.
You can’t deflect forever.

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