Dems effed around, and now they're gonna find out.

I never watched it either.

Also, could you define who a MAGA is? I’ve asked before and never got an answer. Is that everyone who will vote for Trump, approximately half the country? If so, you are a divisive hater who has deminized half of her fellow countrymen.

”Divide and conquer,” as they say. It’s how the Marxists will take over America.
Not a problem. Anyone who believes trump's lies over demonstrable reality is a MAGA. You used to go by the name TEABAGGERS, until somebody told you what that really means. MAGA --- Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.
Not a problem. Anyone who believes trump's lies over demonstrable reality is a MAGA. You used to go by the name TEABAGGERS, until somebody told you what that really means. MAGA --- Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.
And YOU are the determinant of “demonstrable reality”?

I suppose a trial in which a Soros-funded DA went on a hunt for a crime he could pin on Trump, a hand-picked pro-Biden judge who blocked the defense expert witness from explaining why Trump did not violate election laws, and a jury of Manahattan liberals is “fair” in your reality.
And YOU are the determinant of “demonstrable reality”?

I suppose a trial in which a Soros-funded DA went on a hunt for a crime he could pin on Trump, a hand-picked pro-Biden judge who blocked the defense expert witness from explaining why Trump did not violate election laws, and a jury of Manahattan liberals is “fair” in your reality.
Any time trump loses, he claims he was cheated, and you crazy magas believe him.
Any time trump loses, he claims he was cheated, and you crazy magas believe him.
This one is pretty obvious. He was robbed of his Constitutional rights to know the specific crime he was being charged with - not a buffet presented to the jury where they can pick which they want, and it doesn’t have to be unanimous - as well as his right to out on an expert defense witness who could exonerate him. Or that unconstituional gag order. And there are more….but I’m 3 minutes late to meet my friend for a walk.

Hasta la vista, leftie.
Democrats have done pissed off the Normies. I told them not to poke the bear.

They deserve what they get for being arrogant malicious dumbasses.
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MAGAs are furious over the outcome of trump's latest trial. They are incensed that Democrats used existing law and our courts to find Trump guilty of multiple felonies. This is just outrageous. The right will immediately circle the troops, pull out all the stops and mount an attack like no one has ever seen before. The only holdup is trying to figure out what can be done that MAGAs haven't already been doing for a long time. It's been suggested that there will be a wave of impeachments and charges levied at the left like no one has ever seen before. Unfortunately, they have been trying to do that for a long time. The phrase "Lock her up" has been used for years, so that won't be the new way they focus the attack. Blocking legislation, and Impeachment attempts haven't worked very well. About all that they can think of for now is to send more money to trump. I'm sure that will make the Democrats tremble in fear. Don't worry. MTG and the other really smart MAGAs will come up with something, and it will be awesome. Perhaps there is some way to use those Jewish space lasers to exact their revenge.
Which group of Republicans? The democrats have opened the door to prosecuting the presumptive nominee of the opposing party during the campaign season. It WILL be used against a democrat, and the usual suspects will be hair on fire, running around in circles about how unfair it is, especially if the case against the democrat has to be creatively made. Democrats have a history of doing things for short term gains while they are in power, only to regret them when those same tactics are used against them, sometimes in the next electoral cycle.
Trump is brilliant in one way. He enlists followers who will never or can never see through his BS.
I see through BS all the time, and a lot of it comes out of you often, Fakey Jakey.

So much you might as well start mooing instead of posting. :1peleas:
This one is pretty obvious. He was robbed of his Constitutional rights to know the specific crime he was being charged with - not a buffet presented to the jury where they can pick which they want, and it doesn’t have to be unanimous - as well as his right to out on an expert defense witness who could exonerate him. Or that unconstituional gag order. And there are more….but I’m 3 minutes late to meet my friend for a walk.

Hasta la vista, leftie.
Lord, you are dense. His indictment listed the very crimes he was charged with and later convicted of. That is easy to verify for yourself but still you will not.
Did she donate to the "get rid of Biden fund"?

Oooooh so anything Canon did that clearly showed her partisan bias is ok, so long as it's not something REALLY a $35 donation.

Do you really not get how silly you sound?
MAGAs are furious over the outcome of trump's latest trial. They are incensed that Democrats used existing law and our courts to find Trump guilty of multiple felonies. This is just outrageous. The right will immediately circle the troops, pull out all the stops and mount an attack like no one has ever seen before. The only holdup is trying to figure out what can be done that MAGAs haven't already been doing for a long time. It's been suggested that there will be a wave of impeachments and charges levied at the left like no one has ever seen before. Unfortunately, they have been trying to do that for a long time. The phrase "Lock her up" has been used for years, so that won't be the new way they focus the attack. Blocking legislation, and Impeachment attempts haven't worked very well. About all that they can think of for now is to send more money to trump. I'm sure that will make the Democrats tremble in fear. Don't worry. MTG and the other really smart MAGAs will come up with something, and it will be awesome. Perhaps there is some way to use those Jewish space lasers to exact their revenge.
I hear they wanna lock up Hillary

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