Dems effed around, and now they're gonna find out.

You mean like Aileen Cannon, who was appointed by trump, a member of the Repub party, and was the guest of a right wing think tank at a Yellowstone resort just before her assignment to his case?
And the not random choice of Judge Merchan?
That’s right. Parse it out to harmless bites of rhetoric rather than contextualizing it in the totality of events leading up to and subsequent to that day.

That only works on the tard herd.
Yeah, you have a rock solid case. Why was he never convicted on your fancy contextualization?

Apparently it means nothing to you.
When did you decide to cancel your citizenship in favor of anarchy?
To me, it means the about the same as Russian Collusion, insurrection, stealing top secret nuclear documents and a dozen other less memorable fake accusations that you still believe despite the absence of actual evidence.

So, you got a felony conviction. And now what? What does it mean? Where is your TDS going to be a year from now?
I see. That explains why their choices suck so bad. When you consult with crazies, you make crazy choices.
/—-/ You must be an illegal alien with absolutely no idea how our selection process works. Either that or just another dumbass libtard moonbat.
Yeah, you have a rock solid case. Why was he never convicted on your fancy contextualization?

To me, it means the about the same as Russian Collusion, insurrection, stealing top secret nuclear documents and a dozen other less memorable fake accusations that you still believe despite the absence of actual evidence.

So, you got a felony conviction. And now what? What does it mean? Where is your TDS going to be a year from now?
Hasn’t been to trial yet, dupe.
Please do but it when comes back around its usually magnitudes worse. So go ahead and keep it up.
Georgia, Florida, DC..."worse" ain't even started

So, where do the never-Trumpers think we will be this time next year? What impact will these convictions have?


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