Dems effed around, and now they're gonna find out.

They should consult somebody. Their choices up to now suck pretty bad.
God, you people are going to lose sooooooo badly, I am genuinely worried about your mental health going forward....

This un-American action by you progressives is going to backfire spectacularly...Mark my words.
Keep the felon accusations up. We love it. Do more of it. Do not stop. We see new clothing lines with it. And we will of course include images of Progs even if they were not accused. Wink..Wink. I can only imagine Joe as a leader in a World War. With him the only nation to be extinguished would be ours.
They really aren't "accusations" when they are facts.
MAGAs are furious over the outcome of trump's latest trial. They are incensed that Democrats used existing law and our courts to find Trump guilty of multiple felonies. This is just outrageous. The right will immediately circle the troops, pull out all the stops and mount an attack like no one has ever seen before. The only holdup is trying to figure out what can be done that MAGAs haven't already been doing for a long time. It's been suggested that there will be a wave of impeachments and charges levied at the left like no one has ever seen before. Unfortunately, they have been trying to do that for a long time. The phrase "Lock her up" has been used for years, so that won't be the new way they focus the attack. Blocking legislation, and Impeachment attempts haven't worked very well. About all that they can think of for now is to send more money to trump. I'm sure that will make the Democrats tremble in fear. Don't worry. MTG and the other really smart MAGAs will come up with something, and it will be awesome. Perhaps there is some way to use those Jewish space lasers to exact their revenge.
I wouldn’t even characterize it as Democrats doing anything to Trump. It’s the prosecutors following the laws in their respective jurisdictions. There’s no way to prosecute someone politically. There’s either evidence or there isn’t. That’s why they’re struggling to turn it back on the Dems. All they have are recriminations and narratives but nothing actionable.
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You clowns can’t even be consistent. Alternatively, Trump is literally Hitler and orchestrated an “insurrection” with just the power of subliminal suggestion. He is an international criminal who is literally “committing crime every single day” while colluding with Russia and rigging the election. He a super-villain with a rap-sheet to long to even wrap your head around.

AND simultaneously he’s a “stupid“ dope who can’t pay a prostitute for sex without being caught.
He’s a stupid criminal like the tangle of felons that surround him. Literally cocooned in criminality.

LOL “it will be wild” ? That’s his marching orders to “overthrow the government”? He also told them to “peacefully” make their voices heard. Insidious…..

it’s always the same BS with you guys. Like when the entire media establishment and every single Democrat harped on and on about Trump “Refusing to condemn white Supremacists“. Remember that? Over and over they ran with that. But they always knew he had specifically condemned white Supremacist, the just didn’t show you that part for the video. And the entire never-Trump crowd never bother to question what they were told, never bother to do their own research, never bothered to watch a 30 second video to see with their own eyes.
That’s right. Parse it out to harmless bites of rhetoric rather than contextualizing it in the totality of events leading up to and subsequent to that day.

That only works on the tard herd.
You mean like Aileen Cannon, who was appointed by trump, a member of the Repub party, and was the guest of a right wing think tank at a Yellowstone resort just before her assignment to his case?
Meanwhile you don't see them whining about this


A "Jacqueline Cannon" in the same zip code donated $2000 to GOP causes in 2020.

Oh, believe me, the gloating hasn't even begin.
This is "pre-gloating" and look at the MAGATS whine.

Just wait till the real gloating begins.
Indeed. This was supposed to be the most difficult case of the four to get a conviction.
Trump still has to come up with $500m to pay out his judgements.
We aren’t even knee deep into gloating yet.
Trump Cult members are lying again, as usual.

Trump’s criminal prosecution had nothing to do with Democrats.

And Trump’s criminal prosecution wasn’t political; it was the consequence of Trump’s violating the law and his efforts to interfere in the 2016 election.

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