Dems effed around, and now they're gonna find out.

Democrats are realizing they f'ed up. Infuriating your opponent to the point that even independents are disgusted with your actions is not a wise strategy. Hell even the GOP gas bags in the Senate fired off a letter to Biden informing him that he's toast in the senate. They will oppose anything Biden's tries to get done, as punishment for his treachery.
Nothing you say is actually happening.
Democrats are realizing they f'ed up. Infuriating your opponent to the point that even independents are disgusted with your actions is not a wise strategy. Hell even the GOP gas bags in the Senate fired off a letter to Biden informing him that he's toast in the senate. They will oppose anything Biden's tries to get done, as punishment for his treachery.

The funniest part is watching posters with a picture of a convicted felon and adjudicated orange rapist as their avatar meltdown.

Join us here in reality where none of that happened. :itsok:

Oh yeah, MAGA "reality" - where you didn't lose the election, your messiah isn't a convicted felon, and everything is always somebody else's fault.

Oh yeah, MAGA "reality" - where you didn't lose the election, your messiah isn't a convicted felon, and everything is always somebody else's fault.
Your desperation is delicious. Dem frustration is like a fine wine enjoyed with good cheeses and cured meats from Europe. :itsok:
There was no fix. That judge gave trump more leeway than any other person would have been given. At least 10 violations of a court imposed gag order, and somebody is whining about a fix? Please!
/—-/ As has been posted many times, the judge denied defense witness testimony and delayed stating the related crime until after closing arguments. So stop lying.

/—-/ As has been posted many times, the judge denied defense witness testimony and delayed stating the related crime until after closing arguments. So stop lying.
There were three related crimes. One federal and two state.

It's no different than the law which enhances murder, if done because of someone's gender, race, or religion.
So if a gunman sees a black man, a jewish man, and an asian woman, and shoots the three of them, while yelling out a whole host of racial and ethnic slurs. The jury could all agree on the enhancement because of his clear motivation, But there would be reasonable doubt which one triggered him. But no doubt that one of them triggered him.
To have to decide if he hated blacks more than jews, or asians more blacks, would be an unnecessary burden on intent.
There were three related crimes. One federal and two state.

It's no different than the law which enhances murder, if done because of someone's gender, race, or religion.
So if a gunman sees a black man, a jewish man, and an asian woman, and shoots the three of them, while yelling out a whole host of racial and ethnic slurs. The jury could all agree on the enhancement because of his clear motivation, But there would be reasonable doubt which one triggered him. But no doubt that one of them triggered him.
To have to decide if he hated blacks more than jews, or asians more blacks, would be an unnecessary burden on intent.
/----/ Since when are federal crimes in the jurisdiction of a state?
There was no fix. That judge gave trump more leeway than any other person would have been given. At least 10 violations of a court imposed gag order, and somebody is whining about a fix? Please!
Keep the felon accusations up. We love it. Do more of it. Do not stop. We see new clothing lines with it. And we will of course include images of Progs even if they were not accused. Wink..Wink. I can only imagine Joe as a leader in a World War. With him the only nation to be extinguished would be ours.
Its not's a fact.
Trump is a felon.
There was no fix. That judge gave trump more leeway than any other person would have been given. At least 10 violations of a court imposed gag order, and somebody is whining about a fix? Please!
Any other person never would have been charged in the first place. This was purely to “get Trump,” and the idiotic, biased Bragg admitted it.
Ya’know....when Biden acted all “high and mighty” scolding Americans that we are to respect the legal system, my mind went to how after Kyle was correctly acquitted due to self-defense, Biden stood out on the White House lawn, admonishing the jury for getting it wrong.

His son's trial starts today.

You know that, right?
You might not have watched it, but you MAGAs were convinced it was true.
I never watched it either.

Also, could you define who a MAGA is? I’ve asked before and never got an answer. Is that everyone who will vote for Trump, approximately half the country? If so, you are a divisive hater who has deminized half of her fellow countrymen.

”Divide and conquer,” as they say. It’s how the Marxists will take over America.

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