Official State of the Union Thread

I’m not watching an hour of trump lying. We get that every day. I don’t want to hear it in prime time, too.

I’ll watch the Democratic response, though.
Do you have a nice comfortable hole in that sand bar for you to rest your head?
How many attacks will trump make? How many lies will he tell? I really think they should have one of those running comments debunking each lie as he tells it.
And will the Democratic debunk after the state of the union get higher viewership than trump did like last time?
Thread is open for discussion.
Do not watch the address. Dumpf is after ratings, and he doesn't care how he gets 'em. The fewer tuning in, the worse his ratings. He will use positive ratings to scream that the people support his white nationalist agenda.
Well, I wasn't going to watch until you said this. Now I'll put it on even if I don't listen to it. That way his ratings will boost his popularity against the Democrats.
Replies in this thread are supposed to be about the SOTU address tonight, not your opinion on ratings or whether or not people should watch or ignore the address. Stay on topic or stay out!
Replies in this thread are supposed to be about the SOTU address tonight, not your opinion on ratings or whether or not people should watch or ignore the address. Stay on topic or stay out!
Oh, okay. Have I mentioned how pretty you look tonight?

All you who suggest Trump "lies" care not what is going on with the opposition party? A guy who suggested that a newborn baby be "comforted" while the doctors and mother decide if it should live or not. What in the f is that!?? These people think they are Caesar.

Trumps policies are working. if the anti-American, global socialist patsies would follow suit, you'd have a wall and $100B more a year to play with. Instead, you will all cry about mismanagement of resources, while illegal citizens pillage your nation.

Build the damn wall and take Selfies with it. If you don't start taking this seriously, you're nation is going to be in trouble (and so will the rest of the West, many nations already in dire straits). Don't think that even if you live in the Bubble or work for someone important that you are immune to the effects. If you nation goes socialist, think of Venezuela.

Now excuse me, I'm going to pre-empt the SOTU by rewatching the Young Turks reaction during the 2016 election. That one is always good for a laugh or two.
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Sorry bout that,

  1. Rant right or stfu!
  2. Trump will win the night just like he did this day!
  3. Media heads will spin.
  4. Libturds will complain, say he lied.
  5. I will root him on to VICTORY!
  6. Some non - political hack black person the token black lady will bitch afterwards.
  7. That bitchfest will be fun to watch!
This is where Trump stands up to those swamp democrat leaders on why border security is common sense. Also, his chance to show why Pelosi is the example for term limits. At this point we must have Term Limits passed.
Remember Rubio's rebuttal a few years back when the networks pulled a fast one and lit him up before he was ready? :lol:

In first?! Got my cheese and nachos for tonight.

I want to see Trump remind viewers time and again what’s at stake at the border. Reiterate that “those who do not want a barrier, want to put politics and power ahead of the security and safety of the American people”.

Provide names, faces and details of those who have died at the hands of illegal immigration. Talk about the $100B+ a year and how that could be put toward legal Americans. If Americans think of the amount of money saved it will be personalized from coast to coast.

Remind Americans of the economic and Justice Reform successes and how radical, alt-left socialists want to run American into another Venezuela, Cuba or Canada.

As a final remark (I know he won't say this), he should suggest that “Stacy Abrams represents exactly how the left has become, they offer Participation Ribbons and reward failure, even if it means not having an elected representative of the American People provide a reply to my SOTU”.

God Bless America! Get ‘er done Trump!

Stacey Abrams isn't representing "the left". She's representing the Democratic Party.

The response to the SOTU is something the party not occupying the White House does every year. It's a normal thing.
In first?! Got my cheese and nachos for tonight.

I want to see Trump remind viewers time and again what’s at stake at the border. Reiterate that “those who do not want a barrier, want to put politics and power ahead of the security and safety of the American people”.

Provide names, faces and details of those who have died at the hands of illegal immigration. Talk about the $100B+ a year and how that could be put toward legal Americans. If Americans think of the amount of money saved it will be personalized from coast to coast.

Remind Americans of the economic and Justice Reform successes and how radical, alt-left socialists want to run American into another Venezuela, Cuba or Canada.

As a final remark (I know he won't say this), he should suggest that “Stacy Abrams represents exactly how the left has become, they offer Participation Ribbons and reward failure, even if it means not having an elected representative of the American People provide a reply to my SOTU”.

God Bless America! Get ‘er done Trump!

Stacey Abrams isn't representing "the left". She's representing the Democratic Party.

The response to the SOTU is something the party not occupying the White House does every year. It's a normal thing.

More semantics, you really are a twit kid.
In first?! Got my cheese and nachos for tonight.

I want to see Trump remind viewers time and again what’s at stake at the border. Reiterate that “those who do not want a barrier, want to put politics and power ahead of the security and safety of the American people”.

Provide names, faces and details of those who have died at the hands of illegal immigration. Talk about the $100B+ a year and how that could be put toward legal Americans. If Americans think of the amount of money saved it will be personalized from coast to coast.

Remind Americans of the economic and Justice Reform successes and how radical, alt-left socialists want to run American into another Venezuela, Cuba or Canada.

As a final remark (I know he won't say this), he should suggest that “Stacy Abrams represents exactly how the left has become, they offer Participation Ribbons and reward failure, even if it means not having an elected representative of the American People provide a reply to my SOTU”.

God Bless America! Get ‘er done Trump!

Stacey Abrams isn't representing "the left". She's representing the Democratic Party.

The response to the SOTU is something the party not occupying the White House does every year. It's a normal thing.

She lost her election. That's the High Performer who isn't even elected to office they want to use to recant the State of the U.S at the moment?

Is that a wise, or even fair decision? You don't earn opportunities you are bestowed them it seems. Very Canadian
Will Trump address all the kids in cages at the border who have been separated from their parents - and the many kids who may never see their parents again?

ICE Can't Guarantee Immigrants Will Get Their Kids Back

Like I already told you, Trump never put kids in cages...those pics were Barry's handiwork and a good example of how the Rat party treats minorities....Build the wall, and stop the smuggling/trafficking. Watch the SOTU....learn something.
In first?! Got my cheese and nachos for tonight.

I want to see Trump remind viewers time and again what’s at stake at the border. Reiterate that “those who do not want a barrier, want to put politics and power ahead of the security and safety of the American people”.

Provide names, faces and details of those who have died at the hands of illegal immigration. Talk about the $100B+ a year and how that could be put toward legal Americans. If Americans think of the amount of money saved it will be personalized from coast to coast.

Remind Americans of the economic and Justice Reform successes and how radical, alt-left socialists want to run American into another Venezuela, Cuba or Canada.

As a final remark (I know he won't say this), he should suggest that “Stacy Abrams represents exactly how the left has become, they offer Participation Ribbons and reward failure, even if it means not having an elected representative of the American People provide a reply to my SOTU”.

God Bless America! Get ‘er done Trump!

Stacey Abrams isn't representing "the left". She's representing the Democratic Party.

The response to the SOTU is something the party not occupying the White House does every year. It's a normal thing.

She lost her election. That's the High Performer who isn't even elected to office they want to use to recant the State of the U.S at the moment?

Is that a wise, or even fair decision? You don't earn opportunities you are bestowed them it seems. Very Canadian

Once again, the SOTU response is put together by the political party. And that means literally anyone they want. It doesn't have to be an elected official, a party official, a Speaker, a Majority/Minority leader, or whatever. All it is is a speech.

And again, it's not there to represent "the left" or "the right". It's there to represent a political party.

And by the other way you don't "recant" a SOTU speech. You might rebut it, but "recant" is for undoing something you just confessed to. If there's recanting to be done, it will be Rump's job.
In first?! Got my cheese and nachos for tonight.

I want to see Trump remind viewers time and again what’s at stake at the border. Reiterate that “those who do not want a barrier, want to put politics and power ahead of the security and safety of the American people”.

Provide names, faces and details of those who have died at the hands of illegal immigration. Talk about the $100B+ a year and how that could be put toward legal Americans. If Americans think of the amount of money saved it will be personalized from coast to coast.

Remind Americans of the economic and Justice Reform successes and how radical, alt-left socialists want to run American into another Venezuela, Cuba or Canada.

As a final remark (I know he won't say this), he should suggest that “Stacy Abrams represents exactly how the left has become, they offer Participation Ribbons and reward failure, even if it means not having an elected representative of the American People provide a reply to my SOTU”.

God Bless America! Get ‘er done Trump!

Stacey Abrams isn't representing "the left". She's representing the Democratic Party.

The response to the SOTU is something the party not occupying the White House does every year. It's a normal thing.

More semantics, you really are a twit kid.

What part of the post is inaccurate? Hm?
Does Las Vegas have an over/under line on the number of lies told by the president tonight? My guess is 15 but I`m a conservative gambler. He may go big.
What about a drinking game? My liver won't stand up to a drink for each Trump lie. May be a drink for each 5 lies, but that still might be too much.

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