Official Trump Campaign Statement On Clinton's Desperation Play

All of it. A racist is some one who sees things in terms of race, and that's Hillary, not Trump.
There was a time when people differentiated between a racist that wanted discrimination built into the law against one race or another, vrs a bigot who did not like people of races or ethnicities not his own vrs a racialist who was obsessed with talking about race.

Now the liberals have so over used it every time they find themselves losing an argument that it is largely meaningless and is 90% no sting any more.

About a year ago this guy walks into a bar I used to go to wearing a T-Shirt with a swastika on it. A literal swastika in black on a red circle on a white T shirt.

A few people stared but he went over to a large conglomeration of tables and his friends all greeted him like it was some joke. I wanted to beat the holy fuck out of that moron, but I did nothing other than stare at the freak. Some of my grand dads brother died in that war, so Swastikas are not funny.

The libtards have made racism into a joke today. And it will have nearly zero impact on this election. It only proves that she realizes she is beginning to lose.
Who is we? What you mean is that if the biased media relentlessly hammers Trump on every trivial gaff he makes and totally ignores Hillary's vast scandals, then she may have a chance to win. My dog could win with $5 billion in free media like that.
The good news is that their is a diminishing rate of return on that nonsense and it is starting to show.
I'm not the people, I am only one of the people of We the People, Ned.

What you really mean is the leftwing media, Hillary's free propaganda organ.

No, I mean We the People, Ned.

Hmmm . . . no you don't.

I do Ned.


You're boring me, Ned. I am a member of We the People just like you because we are both U.S. citizens. You know this, why are you arguing with it?

Ok, you get the last say just leave out words like pig and squeal.
What you really mean is the leftwing media, Hillary's free propaganda organ.

No, I mean We the People, Ned.

Hmmm . . . no you don't.

I do Ned.


You're boring me, Ned. I am a member of We the People just like you because we are both U.S. citizens. You know this, why are you arguing with it?

Ok, you get the last say just leave out words like pig and squeal.

Sorry about boring you, douche bag. You said "if we pay attention to Trump he loses." That "we" obviously doesn't include me. Yet, you just claimed it does.
Typical liberal play. When they know they're losing... Out comes the "race card". I thought she'd have held out longer personally. Now if only she can get the media to run with it, till this latest scandal cycles through...
That fucking woman has lost it. She is accusing half the country and more being no different the the grand wizard of the KKK. This bitch wants to be the leader of all of us? She should apologize and immediately resign.

Democrats think this will shut Trump up, but Trump is not going to cower like other republican nominees have when Libs play the race card. . He is fighting back and not putting up with that bullshit
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She portrayed illegal aliens as immigrants; then said the Donald called immigrants criminals and rapists for one. That was a lie. Then said that Donald being a "birther" somehow made him racist. Also a lie. Not simply incorrect. But a lie. Nationality is not race. But she knew her supporters were too ignorant to know the difference. I could go on but...

Trump portrayed undocumented immigrants as rapists and murderers and told us that Mexico wasn't sending it's finest. So, let's be clear, Trump was playing the race card and your fears.

But, what does it matter now? Trump is going to let them all stay know, because of polls.
Typical liberal tactic, misquote and accuse racism.
No, they aren't immigrants. They're all criminals here without our per
. Yes! How dare Crooked Hillary and here disgusting supporters refer to thesei ILLEGALS as immigrants attempting to compare them to the lawful IMMIGRANTS who came here and are making legal arrangements to come here in the future. Maybe we'll have to keep these people here now, but in no way should they be given legal status , especially to vote when they don't respect our immigration laws.

The humane plan.

1. Kick the criminal element out now. We know who they are.
2. Harsh fines for employing illegals.
3. Illegal. parents of babies born here due to illegal crossing. Register with INS and report every Januart their location address. Give them fines, make them pay taxes, offer residency card. No citizenship ever and no voting.
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She portrayed illegal aliens as immigrants; then said the Donald called immigrants criminals and rapists for one. That was a lie. Then said that Donald being a "birther" somehow made him racist. Also a lie. Not simply incorrect. But a lie. Nationality is not race. But she knew her supporters were too ignorant to know the difference. I could go on but...

Trump portrayed undocumented immigrants as rapists and murderers and told us that Mexico wasn't sending it's finest. So, let's be clear, Trump was playing the race card and your fears.

But, what does it matter now? Trump is going to let them all stay know, because of polls.
Typical liberal tactic, misquote and accuse racism.

No, here it is right here, he's directly calling Mexicans names and even says Mexico is not our friend.

The good news is that their is a diminishing rate of return on that nonsense and it is starting to show
That fucking bitch overstepped the bounds of decency by accusing anyone who is republican as being this Alt-Right group of apparent Nazis. She makes up a name, defines what it is and now every MSM is using it and soon the retards here will be using it. .
You're boring me, Ned. I am a member of We the People just like you because we are both U.S. citizens. You know this, why are you arguing with it?
Your kind rejects the Constitution, so We The People doesn't apply to you.
She portrayed illegal aliens as immigrants; then said the Donald called immigrants criminals and rapists for one. That was a lie. Then said that Donald being a "birther" somehow made him racist. Also a lie. Not simply incorrect. But a lie. Nationality is not race. But she knew her supporters were too ignorant to know the difference. I could go on but...

Trump portrayed undocumented immigrants as rapists and murderers and told us that Mexico wasn't sending it's finest. So, let's be clear, Trump was playing the race card and your fears.

But, what does it matter now? Trump is going to let them all stay know, because of polls.
Typical liberal tactic, misquote and accuse racism.

No, here it is right here, he's directly calling Mexicans names and even says Mexico is not our friend.

You have to be unamerican to disagree with any of the Truths Trump said. Mexico isn't sending their best. We are getting the uneducated among them. That fact the Mexico isn't stopping this is proof they aren't our friends. Patriotic Americans nod their head in agreement.
Did the American Indians call the early settlers in America illegals? Were the settlers illegal?
Did the American Indians call the early settlers in America illegals? Were the settlers illegal?
They called them "Whitey"'. Anyway, they had no standing since they didn't hold title to the land. They were savages and didn't stay put anyplace.
She portrayed illegal aliens as immigrants; then said the Donald called immigrants criminals and rapists for one. That was a lie. Then said that Donald being a "birther" somehow made him racist. Also a lie. Not simply incorrect. But a lie. Nationality is not race. But she knew her supporters were too ignorant to know the difference. I could go on but...

Trump portrayed undocumented immigrants as rapists and murderers and told us that Mexico wasn't sending it's finest. So, let's be clear, Trump was playing the race card and your fears.

But, what does it matter now? Trump is going to let them all stay know, because of polls.
Let's be clear. Nationality is not race. And illegally crossing a border doesn't make one an immigrant. It makes them a criminal.

Ok, so an 'illegal' immigrant is not an immigrant? Seems like such a small point to make. And yes, pointing to the nationality of a Hispanic country south of the border and claiming they are murderers and rapists is indeed racist.

So, other than an obvious game of semantics, where was Clinton wrong in her speech?

Are you saying that all immigrants are illegals?

What racist clowns these libs here are?? Can you even believe it...

He did not even call all of the illegals rapists... he said some of them are rapists, and some are good people. I know, this is just too much nuance for a liberal, who condemn anyone who generalizes anything while themselves generalizing everything.

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