Official Trump Campaign Statement On Clinton's Desperation Play

She portrayed illegal aliens as immigrants; then said the Donald called immigrants criminals and rapists for one. That was a lie. Then said that Donald being a "birther" somehow made him racist. Also a lie. Not simply incorrect. But a lie. Nationality is not race. But she knew her supporters were too ignorant to know the difference. I could go on but...

And you will go on....and on....and on. That's what dumb right wingers do.
Typical liberal play. When they know they're losing... Out comes the "race card". I thought she'd have held out longer personally. Now if only she can get the media to run with it, till this latest scandal cycles through...

What part of her speech was incorrect?
All of it. A racist is some one who sees things in terms of race, and that's Hillary, not Trump.

No, actually that is not the definition of race. But between the two of them only one began their campaign by calling immigrants from Mexico murderers and rapists...oh, and to be fair, some he assumed to be good people. Some is usually considered to be less than half.

The whole purpose of this speech was to try to distract people from the growing mountain of evidence of Hillary's malfeasance in office as Secretary of State. Her campaign understands that the more people know about Hillary the less likely they are to vote for her.

In general terms candidates give speeches to demonstrate why they instead of their opponent should be elected. It's the same reason Trump fired Manafort and is 'pivoting' yet again...or at least trying to. That includes pissing off Ann Coulter and the entire purpose of her supporting Trump. Hilarious.

She tried to play the race card against Obama in 2008 and it cost her the nomination, however she did use this ploy successfully against Sanders.

What race card against Obama?
That is the definition of racist. If you don't see things in terms of race, you can't possibly be a racist. Trump never said immigrants from Mexico were murderers or rapists, he said some illegal immigrants from Mexico were. In other words, Trump didn't identify them by race or national origin, but in terms of what they did, cross the border illegally without giving the US government a chance to vet them. It is Hillary who sees the whole immigration problem in terms or race, making her a racist. She is calling Trump a racist because he wants to stop illegal immigrants from entering America and a short time ago she suggested Bernie Sanders was a racist because of his criticism of Obama, but what is clear is that Hillary is the only racist because she is the only person who defines everything in terms of race.

No, Trump specifically said immigrants from Mexico were rapists and murderers. Here's the tape:

On the eve of the North Carolina primary Bill Clinton trying to argue that Obama was not fit to be president said Obama was not even fit to carry his bags, evoking the image of a black man as a servant carrying a white man's bags. Jim Clyburn, the highest ranking black Democrat in the House quickly recognized this as a racist statement and called Clinton out on it. Before that statement, polls showed Hillary still had the support of 45% of black voters, but they quickly moved their support to Obama, recognizing Clinton as a racist, and the superdelegates, fearful that black voters would stay home on election day if Hillary were the candidate, quickly switched their support to Obama. In that way, Hillary's racism cost her the nomination in 2008.

Yeah, that appeared to be racially tinged and desperate. Though Bill Clinton wasn't as specific as Trump was in the video above. Also, he's not running for President and as far as Jim Clyburn goes, we know who he is voting for, right? It's not Trump.

There is no evidence that super delegates skipped on Clinton because of anything racist. The simple fact is that Trump is finding an uncomfortable amount of support among white supremacists. who are more than happy to openly endorse him, because of what Trump says, his own past and who he chooses to let run his campaign.

Either you recognize the alt right and their role in the GOP today and in Trump's campaign or you don't. However if you pay attention, there are former Republicans on this very board who aren't happy with it. True conservatives that the far right have decided aren't pure enough, racist enough, dumb enough to join in with Trump or the new conservative identity which is based on nothing more than fear and hate. Fear of losing and hating those who have less and not wanting them to catch up.

I feel sorry for real Republicans who actually used to stand for something, had real bedrock principles. Then again, they are the same crowd who invited white racists if for anything to expand their influence and vote count come election day. If I were a moderate Republican today, who had no problem with Gerry Falwell, Pat Buchanan and groups like the Moral Majority because they thought they could keep them under control and use them for votes then I'd have to take a real hard look at myself. Even the few on this board who are so condescending to right wing nuts such as yourself. You deserve it, your'e a bunch of morons. However, it's those moderate Republicans who praise Reagan and missed what has been happening to their party since the 80s. They were just fine with their party courting morons like you, until the morons outnumbered them and then all of the sudden they are brave and bucking the new GOP They only had to wait until they were practically kicked out.
Wow. Trump's communications adviser is really off the deep end, isn't he?
No. Trump did not respond in an insane rant as Hillary had hoped. He brushed off her attempted BS distraction and drove the nail right back into her heart.

Calling their opponents 'racists', especially when they are in hot water, is SOP procedure for Democrats. Everyone knows it and is numb to it by now.

Trump just calmly shrugged it off and brought attention back onto Hillary's continuous unravelling scandals.

Well played.
Typical liberal play. When they know they're losing... Out comes the "race card". I thought she'd have held out longer personally. Now if only she can get the media to run with it, till this latest scandal cycles through...

What part of her speech was incorrect?
All of it. A racist is some one who sees things in terms of race, and that's Hillary, not Trump.

No, actually that is not the definition of race. But between the two of them only one began their campaign by calling immigrants from Mexico murderers and rapists...oh, and to be fair, some he assumed to be good people. Some is usually considered to be less than half.

The whole purpose of this speech was to try to distract people from the growing mountain of evidence of Hillary's malfeasance in office as Secretary of State. Her campaign understands that the more people know about Hillary the less likely they are to vote for her.

In general terms candidates give speeches to demonstrate why they instead of their opponent should be elected. It's the same reason Trump fired Manafort and is 'pivoting' yet again...or at least trying to. That includes pissing off Ann Coulter and the entire purpose of her supporting Trump. Hilarious.

She tried to play the race card against Obama in 2008 and it cost her the nomination, however she did use this ploy successfully against Sanders.

What race card against Obama?
That is the definition of racist. If you don't see things in terms of race, you can't possibly be a racist. Trump never said immigrants from Mexico were murderers or rapists, he said some illegal immigrants from Mexico were. In other words, Trump didn't identify them by race or national origin, but in terms of what they did, cross the border illegally without giving the US government a chance to vet them. It is Hillary who sees the whole immigration problem in terms or race, making her a racist. She is calling Trump a racist because he wants to stop illegal immigrants from entering America and a short time ago she suggested Bernie Sanders was a racist because of his criticism of Obama, but what is clear is that Hillary is the only racist because she is the only person who defines everything in terms of race.

No, Trump specifically said immigrants from Mexico were rapists and murderers. Here's the tape:

On the eve of the North Carolina primary Bill Clinton trying to argue that Obama was not fit to be president said Obama was not even fit to carry his bags, evoking the image of a black man as a servant carrying a white man's bags. Jim Clyburn, the highest ranking black Democrat in the House quickly recognized this as a racist statement and called Clinton out on it. Before that statement, polls showed Hillary still had the support of 45% of black voters, but they quickly moved their support to Obama, recognizing Clinton as a racist, and the superdelegates, fearful that black voters would stay home on election day if Hillary were the candidate, quickly switched their support to Obama. In that way, Hillary's racism cost her the nomination in 2008.

Yeah, that appeared to be racially tinged and desperate. Though Bill Clinton wasn't as specific as Trump was in the video above. Also, he's not running for President and as far as Jim Clyburn goes, we know who he is voting for, right? It's not Trump.

There is no evidence that super delegates skipped on Clinton because of anything racist. The simple fact is that Trump is finding an uncomfortable amount of support among white supremacists. who are more than happy to openly endorse him, because of what Trump says, his own past and who he chooses to let run his campaign.

Either you recognize the alt right and their role in the GOP today and in Trump's campaign or you don't. However if you pay attention, there are former Republicans on this very board who aren't happy with it. True conservatives that the far right have decided aren't pure enough, racist enough, dumb enough to join in with Trump or the new conservative identity which is based on nothing more than fear and hate. Fear of losing and hating those who have less and not wanting them to catch up.

I feel sorry for real Republicans who actually used to stand for something, had real bedrock principles. Then again, they are the same crowd who invited white racists if for anything to expand their influence and vote count come election day. If I were a moderate Republican today, who had no problem with Gerry Falwell, Pat Buchanan and groups like the Moral Majority because they thought they could keep them under control and use them for votes then I'd have to take a real hard look at myself. Even the few on this board who are so condescending to right wing nuts such as yourself. You deserve it, your'e a bunch of morons. However, it's those moderate Republicans who praise Reagan and missed what has been happening to their party since the 80s. They were just fine with their party courting morons like you, until the morons outnumbered them and then all of the sudden they are brave and bucking the new GOP They only had to wait until they were practically kicked out.

When Trump says we have no way of knowing who these people are, he is clearly talking about illegal immigrants because if they were legal, the government would have been able to vet them and we would know who they are. While Hillary would like to characterize Trump's statements as racist, when she was a senator she voted for the same border fence Trump is proposing and she harshly criticized the Mexican government for sending illegal immigrants to the US and harshly criticized the "quality" of these people.

If you believe Trump is a racist because of his views on illegal immigrants from Mexico, then you would also have to believe Hillary is because she has espoused essentially the same view.

There is no such thing as an "alt right". It is entirely an invention of the Clinton campaign to try to give the sound of legitimacy to Clinton's racist slurs against Trump. White supremacists and other fringers do not support Trump, they have just been suckered by Hillary's racist lies about Trump as you have.

In 2008, black support for Hillary went from 45% to 5% overnight after Clinton's racist slur against Obama and the superdelegates, most of whom had been supporting Clinton, switched their support to Obama within a week. There can be no question but that this occurred out of fear black voters would not come out to vote for Hillary if she were the candidate and this would mean much of the Democratic down ticket would suffer, too. There is reason to wonder how many black voters will come out to vote for her this time with publications like The Nation and the Huffington Post declaring Hillary doesn't deserve the black vote.

Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote

How Can Black People Trust Hillary Clinton After the 2008 Campaign?
Typical liberal play. When they know they're losing... Out comes the "race card". I thought she'd have held out longer personally. Now if only she can get the media to run with it, till this latest scandal cycles through...

What part of her speech was incorrect?
Everything in her statement is a lie, including the words "the" and "is."
She portrayed illegal aliens as immigrants; then said the Donald called immigrants criminals and rapists for one. That was a lie. Then said that Donald being a "birther" somehow made him racist. Also a lie. Not simply incorrect. But a lie. Nationality is not race. But she knew her supporters were too ignorant to know the difference. I could go on but...

Trump portrayed undocumented immigrants as rapists and murderers and told us that Mexico wasn't sending it's finest. So, let's be clear, Trump was playing the race card and your fears.

But, what does it matter now? Trump is going to let them all stay know, because of polls.
Trump was telling the truth. Hilly is hoping everyone will pay attention to Trump and not on what could send her to prison.
You lie. He didn't say that about immigrants. He said that about criminals who illegally entered our country. Get it right...

Like it or not, still immigrants, many living with us for decades, all of their lives.

Damn! I almost fell for it. Almost. Sorry folks. Let's get this thread back on track. My bad bad for engaging the lib troll. This is how they operate. Just like Hillary is doing now to the Donald. When she's foundering they try to change the topic away from Hillary. Even at the expense of themselves looking ignorant of the English language.

Trust me, you already lost it before you posted in this thread.
No, they aren't immigrants. They're all criminals here without our permissions.
Typical liberal play. When they know they're losing... Out comes the "race card". I thought she'd have held out longer personally. Now if only she can get the media to run with it, till this latest scandal cycles through...

What part of her speech was incorrect?
Everything in her statement is a lie, including the words "the" and "is."

Thanks Ned, for once again adding nothing, reminds me of your failed GoFundMe campaign to nominate what's his name to Paul Ryan's seat.
She portrayed illegal aliens as immigrants; then said the Donald called immigrants criminals and rapists for one. That was a lie. Then said that Donald being a "birther" somehow made him racist. Also a lie. Not simply incorrect. But a lie. Nationality is not race. But she knew her supporters were too ignorant to know the difference. I could go on but...

Trump portrayed undocumented immigrants as rapists and murderers and told us that Mexico wasn't sending it's finest. So, let's be clear, Trump was playing the race card and your fears.

But, what does it matter now? Trump is going to let them all stay know, because of polls.
Trump was telling the truth. Hilly is hoping everyone will pay attention to Trump and not on what could send her to prison.

I agree to the extent that if we pay attention to Trump he loses.
Typical liberal play. When they know they're losing... Out comes the "race card". I thought she'd have held out longer personally. Now if only she can get the media to run with it, till this latest scandal cycles through...

What part of her speech was incorrect?
Everything in her statement is a lie, including the words "the" and "is."

Thanks Ned, for once again adding nothing, reminds me of your failed GoFundMe campaign to nominate what's his name to Paul Ryan's seat.

That post contains more valid content than you have posted in a month.
She portrayed illegal aliens as immigrants; then said the Donald called immigrants criminals and rapists for one. That was a lie. Then said that Donald being a "birther" somehow made him racist. Also a lie. Not simply incorrect. But a lie. Nationality is not race. But she knew her supporters were too ignorant to know the difference. I could go on but...

Trump portrayed undocumented immigrants as rapists and murderers and told us that Mexico wasn't sending it's finest. So, let's be clear, Trump was playing the race card and your fears.

But, what does it matter now? Trump is going to let them all stay know, because of polls.
Trump was telling the truth. Hilly is hoping everyone will pay attention to Trump and not on what could send her to prison.

I agree to the extent that if we pay attention to Trump he loses.

Who is we? What you mean is that if the biased media relentlessly hammers Trump on every trivial gaff he makes and totally ignores Hillary's vast scandals, then she may have a chance to win. My dog could win with $5 billion in free media like that.
Typical liberal play. When they know they're losing... Out comes the "race card". I thought she'd have held out longer personally. Now if only she can get the media to run with it, till this latest scandal cycles through...

What part of her speech was incorrect?
Everything in her statement is a lie, including the words "the" and "is."

Thanks Ned, for once again adding nothing, reminds me of your failed GoFundMe campaign to nominate what's his name to Paul Ryan's seat.

That post contains more valid content than you have posted in a month.

Is this where we give up on you backing up one of your posts again, Ned?
She portrayed illegal aliens as immigrants; then said the Donald called immigrants criminals and rapists for one. That was a lie. Then said that Donald being a "birther" somehow made him racist. Also a lie. Not simply incorrect. But a lie. Nationality is not race. But she knew her supporters were too ignorant to know the difference. I could go on but...

Trump portrayed undocumented immigrants as rapists and murderers and told us that Mexico wasn't sending it's finest. So, let's be clear, Trump was playing the race card and your fears.

But, what does it matter now? Trump is going to let them all stay know, because of polls.
Trump was telling the truth. Hilly is hoping everyone will pay attention to Trump and not on what could send her to prison.

I agree to the extent that if we pay attention to Trump he loses.

Who is we? What you mean is that if the biased media relentlessly hammers Trump on every trivial gaff he makes and totally ignores Hillary's vast scandals, then she may have a chance to win. My dog could win with $5 billion in free media like that.

We, as in We the people.
She portrayed illegal aliens as immigrants; then said the Donald called immigrants criminals and rapists for one. That was a lie. Then said that Donald being a "birther" somehow made him racist. Also a lie. Not simply incorrect. But a lie. Nationality is not race. But she knew her supporters were too ignorant to know the difference. I could go on but...

Trump portrayed undocumented immigrants as rapists and murderers and told us that Mexico wasn't sending it's finest. So, let's be clear, Trump was playing the race card and your fears.

But, what does it matter now? Trump is going to let them all stay know, because of polls.
Trump was telling the truth. Hilly is hoping everyone will pay attention to Trump and not on what could send her to prison.

I agree to the extent that if we pay attention to Trump he loses.

Who is we? What you mean is that if the biased media relentlessly hammers Trump on every trivial gaff he makes and totally ignores Hillary's vast scandals, then she may have a chance to win. My dog could win with $5 billion in free media like that.

We, as in We the people.
You aren't "the people," moron. You're a tick on the ass of society, and you're probably carrying numerous communicable diseases.
Trump portrayed undocumented immigrants as rapists and murderers and told us that Mexico wasn't sending it's finest. So, let's be clear, Trump was playing the race card and your fears.

But, what does it matter now? Trump is going to let them all stay know, because of polls.
Trump was telling the truth. Hilly is hoping everyone will pay attention to Trump and not on what could send her to prison.

I agree to the extent that if we pay attention to Trump he loses.

Who is we? What you mean is that if the biased media relentlessly hammers Trump on every trivial gaff he makes and totally ignores Hillary's vast scandals, then she may have a chance to win. My dog could win with $5 billion in free media like that.

We, as in We the people.
You aren't "the people," moron. You're a tick on the ass of society, and you're probably carrying numerous communicable diseases.

I'm not the people, I am only one of the people of We the People, Ned.
Trump was telling the truth. Hilly is hoping everyone will pay attention to Trump and not on what could send her to prison.

I agree to the extent that if we pay attention to Trump he loses.

Who is we? What you mean is that if the biased media relentlessly hammers Trump on every trivial gaff he makes and totally ignores Hillary's vast scandals, then she may have a chance to win. My dog could win with $5 billion in free media like that.

We, as in We the people.
You aren't "the people," moron. You're a tick on the ass of society, and you're probably carrying numerous communicable diseases.

I'm not the people, I am only one of the people of We the People, Ned.

What you really mean is the leftwing media, Hillary's free propaganda organ.
I agree to the extent that if we pay attention to Trump he loses.

Who is we? What you mean is that if the biased media relentlessly hammers Trump on every trivial gaff he makes and totally ignores Hillary's vast scandals, then she may have a chance to win. My dog could win with $5 billion in free media like that.

We, as in We the people.
You aren't "the people," moron. You're a tick on the ass of society, and you're probably carrying numerous communicable diseases.

I'm not the people, I am only one of the people of We the People, Ned.

What you really mean is the leftwing media, Hillary's free propaganda organ.

No, I mean We the People, Ned.
Who is we? What you mean is that if the biased media relentlessly hammers Trump on every trivial gaff he makes and totally ignores Hillary's vast scandals, then she may have a chance to win. My dog could win with $5 billion in free media like that.

We, as in We the people.
You aren't "the people," moron. You're a tick on the ass of society, and you're probably carrying numerous communicable diseases.

I'm not the people, I am only one of the people of We the People, Ned.

What you really mean is the leftwing media, Hillary's free propaganda organ.

No, I mean We the People, Ned.

Hmmm . . . no you don't.
We, as in We the people.
You aren't "the people," moron. You're a tick on the ass of society, and you're probably carrying numerous communicable diseases.

I'm not the people, I am only one of the people of We the People, Ned.

What you really mean is the leftwing media, Hillary's free propaganda organ.

No, I mean We the People, Ned.

Hmmm . . . no you don't.

I do Ned.
You aren't "the people," moron. You're a tick on the ass of society, and you're probably carrying numerous communicable diseases.

I'm not the people, I am only one of the people of We the People, Ned.

What you really mean is the leftwing media, Hillary's free propaganda organ.

No, I mean We the People, Ned.

Hmmm . . . no you don't.

I do Ned.


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