Offshore banking suddenly good for the country

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I am so glad I am not a Progressive Democrat. Watching them flip and flop as Obama changes side gives me whiplash, actually doing it must induce migraines.

Obama has nominated Jack Lew as Treasury Secretary, a man who invested in a fund fun out of a Cayman Island building Obama named as a notorious haven for tax abuse in 2009. Just imagine the howls of outrage if Romney had nominated someone with the same investment.

Treasury secretary nominee Jack Lew will face questions at his confirmation hearing next week about an investment fund registered in a Cayman Islands building that has been called a notorious site for tax haven abuse. Lew invested $56,000 in the fund, which was run by his former employer Citigroup, and sold his investment in 2010 for $54,418, according to the Senate Finance Committee.
Lew, the White House chief of staff, is to appear before the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday as he seeks to become the next Treasury secretary.
Lew was confirmed by the Senate in 2009 as head of the Office of Management and Budget, during which he faced a similar vetting process. The Citigroup fund did not come up then, even though his investment had been disclosed.
Lew to face questions over Cayman fund - The Washington Post

One thing in his favor, he didn't cheat on his taxes.
The sins of the lefties are magically washed away when Obama chooses them to serve his administration.
He also said that "Deregulation wasn't the main cause of the Banking Crisis" and that "There were longstanding problems before that" so that MUST be the way Obama sees it right? I mean HE nominated him!

All of which I'm sure made TM's head explode! :lol:

Remember when Liberals were all up in arms about Romney and his Cayman Island bank account? Remember the deafening silence when it was revealed that Obama has a Cayman Account as well?

That's where the Criminals are all going when the Economy implodes.
I am so glad I am not a Progressive Democrat. Watching them flip and flop as Obama changes side gives me whiplash, actually doing it must induce migraines.

Obama has nominated Jack Lew as Treasury Secretary, a man who invested in a fund fun out of a Cayman Island building Obama named as a notorious haven for tax abuse in 2009. Just imagine the howls of outrage if Romney had nominated someone with the same investment.

Treasury secretary nominee Jack Lew will face questions at his confirmation hearing next week about an investment fund registered in a Cayman Islands building that has been called a notorious site for tax haven abuse. Lew invested $56,000 in the fund, which was run by his former employer Citigroup, and sold his investment in 2010 for $54,418, according to the Senate Finance Committee.
Lew, the White House chief of staff, is to appear before the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday as he seeks to become the next Treasury secretary.
Lew was confirmed by the Senate in 2009 as head of the Office of Management and Budget, during which he faced a similar vetting process. The Citigroup fund did not come up then, even though his investment had been disclosed.
Lew to face questions over Cayman fund - The Washington Post

One thing in his favor, he didn't cheat on his taxes.
We don't have to imagine them...We heard them when it came out that Romney had offshore accounts himself.
I am so glad I am not a Progressive Democrat. Watching them flip and flop as Obama changes side gives me whiplash, actually doing it must induce migraines.

Obama has nominated Jack Lew as Treasury Secretary, a man who invested in a fund fun out of a Cayman Island building Obama named as a notorious haven for tax abuse in 2009. Just imagine the howls of outrage if Romney had nominated someone with the same investment.

Treasury secretary nominee Jack Lew will face questions at his confirmation hearing next week about an investment fund registered in a Cayman Islands building that has been called a notorious site for tax haven abuse. Lew invested $56,000 in the fund, which was run by his former employer Citigroup, and sold his investment in 2010 for $54,418, according to the Senate Finance Committee.
Lew, the White House chief of staff, is to appear before the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday as he seeks to become the next Treasury secretary.
Lew was confirmed by the Senate in 2009 as head of the Office of Management and Budget, during which he faced a similar vetting process. The Citigroup fund did not come up then, even though his investment had been disclosed.
Lew to face questions over Cayman fund - The Washington Post

One thing in his favor, he didn't cheat on his taxes.

Oceania is at war with Eurasia, Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia. Wait, Oceania is at war with Eastasia, Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
I am so glad I am not a Progressive Democrat. Watching them flip and flop as Obama changes side gives me whiplash, actually doing it must induce migraines.

Obama has nominated Jack Lew as Treasury Secretary, a man who invested in a fund fun out of a Cayman Island building Obama named as a notorious haven for tax abuse in 2009. Just imagine the howls of outrage if Romney had nominated someone with the same investment.

Treasury secretary nominee Jack Lew will face questions at his confirmation hearing next week about an investment fund registered in a Cayman Islands building that has been called a notorious site for tax haven abuse. Lew invested $56,000 in the fund, which was run by his former employer Citigroup, and sold his investment in 2010 for $54,418, according to the Senate Finance Committee.
Lew, the White House chief of staff, is to appear before the Senate Finance Committee on Wednesday as he seeks to become the next Treasury secretary.
Lew was confirmed by the Senate in 2009 as head of the Office of Management and Budget, during which he faced a similar vetting process. The Citigroup fund did not come up then, even though his investment had been disclosed.
Lew to face questions over Cayman fund - The Washington Post

One thing in his favor, he didn't cheat on his taxes.

Nothing surprises me from this Administration anymore, or the people who blindly support it. The Obama lovers of this board will either ignore this thread, or come up with some lame way to Excuse it.
Lew invested $56,000 in the fund, which was run by his former employer Citigroup, and sold his investment in 2010 for $54,418 ...

Oh, there really is something in a $2K loss on a personal investment for Republicans to hold up the nomination for the Secretary of the United States Treasury ...
Lew invested $56,000 in the fund, which was run by his former employer Citigroup, and sold his investment in 2010 for $54,418 ...

Oh, there really is something in a $2K loss on a personal investment for Republicans to hold up the nomination for the Secretary of the United States Treasury ...
It's an offshore account!.....What's he hiding!???
Lew invested $56,000 in the fund, which was run by his former employer Citigroup, and sold his investment in 2010 for $54,418 ...
Oh, there really is something in a $2K loss on a personal investment for Republicans to hold up the nomination for the Secretary of the United States Treasury ...

It is not the Republicans that have a problem with offshore accounts.

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