oh bernie


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
as a vermonter i'm pretty embarrassed about socialist hypocrisy:


Exclusive: Bernie Sanders Used Campaign Donations to ...
Aug 17, 2015 - Since 2000, Sanders has used campaign donations to pay his wife and ... and they hypocrisy is astonishing these are the big money who have ..... that if Hillary had done it, she'd be history because Bernie and his minions ...
What Sanders Doesn't Say About Campaign-Finance Reform
Jan 26, 2016 - For all of Bernie Sanders' populist crusading against the political ... about Sanders, but also as a reminder of the Democratic Party's history of saying one thing about reform and doing another. ... Clinton's Wall Street Hypocrisy.
Bernie Sanders Hates Campaign Cash, the Very Thing He'll ...
Bloomberg L.P.
Mar 26, 2015 - Much of Bernie Sanders' career is centered around his disgust for money in politics. ... for president, in what is shaping up to be the most expensive election in history, ... Lessig just led a failed $10 million effort to elect campaign-finance ... involve full-on hypocrisy, since Sanders introduced a constitutional ...
Big Sugar: Sanders And Rubio Share A Sweet Tooth - Forbes
Aug 25, 2015 - On one issue, Bernie Sanders walks in lockstep with the political ... the sugar industry disperses millions in campaign contributions and ...

Machinists/Aerospace Workers Union$105,000$0$105,000Teamsters Union$93,700$700$93,000National Education Assn$89,242$8,242$81,000United Auto Workers$79,750$850$78,900United Food & Commercial Workers Union$72,500$0$72,500Communications Workers of America$68,000$1,500$66,500Laborers Union$64,000$0$64,000Carpenters & Joiners Union$62,000$0$62,000National Assn of Letter Carriers$61,000$0$61,000American Assn for Justice$60,500$500$60,000American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees$58,198$1,200$56,998Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers$53,100$100$53,000United Transportation Union$48,500$0$48,500Sheet Metal Workers Union$47,000$0$47,000Operating Engineers Union$46,100$0$46,100Service Employees International Union$44,014$5,750$38,264UNITE HERE$42,875$3,250$39,625United Steelworkers$41,750$750$41,000American Postal Workers Union$37,700$0$37,700American Federation of Teachers$36,112$745$35,367

right bernie, because unions aren't political.... hillary just said sanders voted for swaps and derrivitives... i don't know if that's true.

favoring big sugar in a maple syrup state is pretty sketchy too.... damn socialists, vermont used to be such a nice conservative state, now we have stunnung debt, and people fleeing the state cause they can't afford to live here, our population is going down...... i've know bernie for decades, he is a good person, but he's really gone off the deep end in an otherwise very shallow democrat/socialist pool.
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And here is where Sanders greatest equivocation has come. In spite of claims of being antiwar, his “hawkish” support of Clinton’s military actions in the 1999 Kosovo War caused one of his advisers to quit. When antiwar activists occupied Sanders’ office in 1999 because of that support of Clinton’s war policies, he had them arrested.

In 2001, Sanders did not support the vote in Congress to oppose the war in Afghanistan. Congresswoman Barbara Lee stood alone! This vote was followed by his support for appropriations to support boththe war in Afghanistan and Iraq. In 2003 he supported the resolution that gave support to George W. Bush in both Iraq and in the larger war against terrorism, although Sanders has been a critic of the Iraq War.

Then Sanders supported only a gradual withdrawal from Iraq. When impeachment was on the so-called table against George W. Bush in 2006, he said that impeachment was “impractical.”

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