Oh boy, here we go again, will there be rioting tonight in Chicago?

Really? So he gets away. So what?

You have a person suspected of shooting at cars with a gun, and you ask so what? So he runs away and the cops just smile. Do you think that he wouldn't do it again? Even that very same morning?

Works for me. If we spent half the money we spend on cops and prison on poverty relief and addiction treatment, we wouldn't have these problems.

Well you live in a commie city in a commie state. Ask your representatives to cut your police force by 90% and spend the money on those other things. Surveys show that over 80% of blacks don't want to see their police force shrink or be defunded. Obviously even your fellow Democrats are against your idea.

I've known drug addicts and I've known people who went to rehab. None successful in the long term. It works for a few weeks or a few months, but people addicted to dope will likely be addicted the rest of their lives. I know two people who spent several years in prison. When they came out, back on dope again.

This kid was a victim of poverty? Then WTF did his parents have him in the first place? It costs $180,000 per child to raise them from birth until the age of 18. That being said, why is it all these poor people have multiple children? This is why I say poverty is self-inflicted. Not having children is easy. I've managed to do it my entire life. I did so mostly because I didn't want the expense or responsibility. We've done it your way for decades and what have we got to show for it? The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, so when you encourage poor people to procreate, you manufacture more poor people.
As Shelby Steele, Jason Riley, Thomas Sowell, and Larry Elder preach, the number one problem plaguing Black and Brown people is the 72% out of wedlock birth rate in their communities. The fatherless homes where the street gang become the parent perpetuating the cycle of crime, drugs, and lack of education. Black socioeconomic status will not improve until this cycle is broken. We have at least another generation that is lost today so look for another 20 years before it can possibly get better and that is if we do something today.

During Jim Crow the African American family was in tact - over 80% with 2 parent households. Since the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's the breakdown of the family has perpetuation due in part to social programs.

Racism is only a small part of the socioeconomic problem today. The elephant in the room is the lack of personal responsibility when it comes to personal accountability and the raising and educating respectful children so that they have a chance to break the cycle. Don't blame the cops or the teachers or the lack of available help. It needs to come up from within.
As Shelby Steele, Jason Riley, Thomas Sowell, and Larry Elder preach, the number one problem plaguing Black and Brown people is the 72% out of wedlock birth rate in their communities. The fatherless homes where the street gang become the parent perpetuating the cycle of crime, drugs, and lack of education. Black socioeconomic status will not improve until this cycle is broken. We have at least another generation that is lost today so look for another 20 years before it can possibly get better and that is if we do something today.

During Jim Crow the African American family was in tact - over 80% with 2 parent households. Since the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's the breakdown of the family has perpetuation due in part to social programs.

Racism is only a small part of the socioeconomic problem today. The elephant in the room is the lack of personal responsibility when it comes to personal accountability and the raising and educating respectful children so that they have a chance to break the cycle. Don't blame the cops or the teachers or the lack of available help. It needs to come up from within.

Yes, but racism is a get out of jail free card. It's an excuse for not trying or being a failure due to lack of trying. It's a strategy used by the left to keep Americans separated and convince blacks that they cannot survive in this country without the Democrat party.

In the 70's leftists promoted the single-parent family in effort to support the then women's lib movement. They told Americans that men were only sperm donors and contribute nothing more; that women can work and raise a family just fine without a man.

After nearly 50 years the results are in and have been for a long time. The majority of violent prisoners in our prisons are from single-parent households or otherwise broken families.

Letting a criminal escape works for you.......WOW!

As opposed to what? So lets say he caught Adam without murdering him. Um. Okay. Then what? A judge probably would have let him out on an I-bond because he was a minor. So Officer McShooty risked a fatal confrontation over something that would have had no real consequence.

Adam Toledo was out at 2:30 in the morning, firing 8 bullets at passing cars because
we didn't spend enough on poverty relief and addiction treatment?

Was it hunger that drove him to fire the gun? Or was he looking to score some drugs?

Nobody established he was the one who fired the guns. And, yes, poverty is why we have so many kids in gangs.

You don't see white middle class kids (what little middle class we have left) joining gangs, do you?

I didn't know the NRA sold guns in Chicago. Or anywhere.

You have an address for the nearest NRA gun shop?

Yes, but racism is a get out of jail free card. It's an excuse for not trying or being a failure due to lack of trying. It's a strategy used by the left to keep Americans separated and convince blacks that they cannot survive in this country without the Democrat party.

It's hilarious to listen to Welfare Ray berate others for "being a failure" and "not trying". For those playing along at home, Ray is a on a bullshit disability because he's not safe to drive a truck and he doesn't even want to try doing anything else.

But try telling him that 400 years of institutionalized racism is a thing, and he gets very upset.

In the 70's leftists promoted the single-parent family in effort to support the then women's lib movement. They told Americans that men were only sperm donors and contribute nothing more; that women can work and raise a family just fine without a man.

When did any one tell them that? If anything, it was the opposite. Men decided they were no longer obligated to do the right thing and marry a chick when he knocked her up.

After nearly 50 years the results are in and have been for a long time. The majority of violent prisoners in our prisons are from single-parent households or otherwise broken families.

You gloss over the "otherwise broken families" thing there. Fact is, 50% of marriages end up in divorce. But we don't hear you guys whining about that.
Letting a criminal escape works for you.......WOW!

As opposed to what? So lets say he caught Adam without murdering him. Um. Okay. Then what? A judge probably would have let him out on an I-bond because he was a minor. So Officer McShooty risked a fatal confrontation over something that would have had no real consequence.

Adam Toledo was out at 2:30 in the morning, firing 8 bullets at passing cars because
we didn't spend enough on poverty relief and addiction treatment?

Was it hunger that drove him to fire the gun? Or was he looking to score some drugs?

Nobody established he was the one who fired the guns. And, yes, poverty is why we have so many kids in gangs.

You don't see white middle class kids (what little middle class we have left) joining gangs, do you?

I didn't know the NRA sold guns in Chicago. Or anywhere.

You have an address for the nearest NRA gun shop?

As opposed to what?

Catching him.

So lets say he caught Adam without murdering him. Um. Okay. Then what? A judge probably would have let him out on an I-bond because he was a minor.

Or not, because he fired 8 shots at passing cars.

So Officer McShooty risked a fatal confrontation over something that would have had no real consequence.

Incentizing young criminals to commit more/worse crimes by not chasing them would have
real consequences.

Nobody established he was the one who fired the guns.

Especially if they don't catch him.

And, yes, poverty is why we have so many kids in gangs.

No welfare programs available in Chicago to reduce poverty?

Thanks for the list, I didn't see the name NRA in there. Or a shop in Chicago.
It's hilarious to listen to Welfare Ray berate others for "being a failure" and "not trying". For those playing along at home, Ray is a on a bullshit disability because he's not safe to drive a truck and he doesn't even want to try doing anything else.

But try telling him that 400 years of institutionalized racism is a thing, and he gets very upset.

No, I get upset because I'm 60 years old. What happened during the 340 years before I was born has no effect on me today. Racism is what the commies use to make black people feel like the kids on the short bus. Jews don't feel like there is institutional racism, Arabs don't experience any racism, Hispanics don't see any racism, Asians certainly don't, only blacks. Gee, I wonder why? :dunno: Joe is not smart enough to figure that out yet.

Joe also doesn't possess the intelligence to understand the difference between people who use our welfare systems that are totally capable of working and somebody who a GOVERNMENT doctor said could no longer work, and a GOVERNMENT agency that totally agreed with the GOVERNMENT doctor not even asking for a personal interview or being examined by additional GOVERNMENT doctors. The GOVERNMENT doctors just took one look at my medical records and quickly determined that yes, I do easily qualify for disability. But like all communists, Joe always knows better.

For those that don't know, Joe has a severe case of OCD that he refuses to get treated. I lost my career in November of 2019, and Joe brings it up nearly every post since, but Joe doesn't think he has a problem. :eusa_shhh: It's also why he is so obsessed with race that he turns every conversation into racism. He's a self hating white that hates Jews, police, and financially successful people. He claims to make a living from home writing resumes, but anybody that knows Joe also knows he only posts before 6:30 am and maybe after 6:00 pm, and of course, on weekends. But he doesn't work for anybody else. :eusa_shhh:

When did any one tell them that? If anything, it was the opposite. Men decided they were no longer obligated to do the right thing and marry a chick when he knocked her up.
You gloss over the "otherwise broken families" thing there. Fact is, 50% of marriages end up in divorce. But we don't hear you guys whining about that.

When did any one tell them that? If anything, it was the opposite. Men decided they were no longer obligated to do the right thing and marry a chick when he knocked her up.

Were you on that much dope during the 70's? It's all Democrats talked about back then, unions and women's lib. N.O.W preached that message constantly and the Democrat party threw their full support behind them.

You gloss over the "otherwise broken families" thing there. Fact is, 50% of marriages end up in divorce. But we don't hear you guys whining about that.

What does divorce have to do with multiple baby daddies? And don't say my remark is racist since it was blacks that came up with the term.

Married people with children do everything they can to keep the family together. Sometimes that's impossible to do. When they divorce, the father is generally part of his children's lives because in that sense they are still family. The father pays a hefty price for child support and gets the kids every weekend, or how a court otherwise determines. That's much different than getting knocked up by different men who don't pay child support and the woman only having the kids to get government benefits. Statistically, those kids will end up in trouble with the law all the time.
As opposed to what? So lets say he caught Adam without murdering him. Um. Okay. Then what? A judge probably would have let him out on an I-bond because he was a minor. So Officer McShooty risked a fatal confrontation over something that would have had no real consequence.

And lets say he didn't go after him. Then he goes out and kills somebody with that gun the very same evening. Think family members of the victim would be satisfied that the officer never even tried to catch him because he thought a judge would just give him a slap on the hand, or that it was too risky for the suspect?

Nobody established he was the one who fired the guns. And, yes, poverty is why we have so many kids in gangs.

You don't see white middle class kids (what little middle class we have left) joining gangs, do you?

Correct, nobody could establish that yet because the officer had nobody in which to interrogate. All he knew is that there were people shooting guns at passing cars, spotted this little hood with a gun, and chased him.
No welfare programs available in Chicago to reduce poverty?

Thanks for the list, I didn't see the name NRA in there. Or a shop in Chicago.

Oh, please.... we all know the NRA is owned by the gun industry and not gun owners. Most gun owners don't want crooks and crazies to have guns.

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