Oh boy, here we go again, will there be rioting tonight in Chicago?

The point is WHEN he was shot, he had his hands up and he was COMPLYING with police commands to show his hands...

So his hands were empty for an entire second.

Yes, they were empty when he was MURDERED, that's the point.

Seriously, you guys never seem to learn. If you are going to murder someone, don't get caught doing it on tape.
USA TODAY'We failed Adam': Body camera videos appear to show 13-year-old Adam Toledo put hands up before fatal police shooting

deos appear to show 13-year-old Adam Toledo put hands up before fatal police shooting (msn.com)


I know that's a fuzzy picture, but that sure doesn't look like a 13 year old. Looks more like an adult.
What always blows me away about these incidents, is libs are quick to blame the cop, when they should be focusing on the root of the situation.

Poverty. I bring that up all the time.
It's the "morality" taught by the amoral/immoral teen "mom." The proble will always be there until black culture changes. And that is not gonna happen. America doesnt have the will. It is easier to blame whites for black behavior
The point is WHEN he was shot, he had his hands up and he was COMPLYING with police commands to show his hands...

So his hands were empty for an entire second.

Yes, they were empty when he was MURDERED, that's the point.

Seriously, you guys never seem to learn. If you are going to murder someone, don't get caught doing it on tape.

Yes, they were empty when he was MURDERED, that's the point.

Wow! You're such a drama queen.

Thug life is hard!

Most thugs aren't very smart.

If you're gonna toss your gun, make sure the cop knows you tossed it.
Sorry armchair leftists.

This is all about reaction time.

Can't give you the reaction time for trigger pulls...too low a sample...but we can use traffic lights as an analog.

View attachment 480938

The impulse from the brain to the finger was in motion before the criminal threw the gun.

Cop saw gun in hand and made the decision to fire. Everything that happened in the second after that it's moot. The bullet was already on the way.
It appears the cop decided to pull the trigger the instant the kid raised his hand that just had a gun in it. And since the kid hid the gun and the cop couldn't see the kid dropped it, it was a good shoot.
Why doesn't it matter?

During the entire chase, he had the gun visible in his right hand.
He tossed it behind the fence and a second later, spun around with his hands up.
He should have dropped it before his stopped running.
Or dropped it so the cop saw it on the ground.

The point is WHEN he was shot, he had his hands up and he was COMPLYING with police commands to show his hands... and got shot anyway.

Yes, after an exhausting chase, the officer was going to take note he got rid of the gun in less than a half-second. I'd love to see how good you would do when it's your life on the line.

Oh, if I were a cop, I'd probably put a beat down on the first fool who mouthed off to me. It's a good thing I decided to do something else for a living.

The point was, this cop should have made sure this CHILD had a gun in his hand before he shot him.


This ain't complicated, buddy.
The kid should have shown the cop he dropped the gun. He'd still be alive. As his hand was coming up, the cop didn't know he dropped the gun. It was a good shoot.

Imagine had the cop not shot and the kid had not dropped the gun... the kid could have shot the cop. Police don't have to wait to get shot to defend themselves.
The point is WHEN he was shot, he had his hands up and he was COMPLYING with police commands to show his hands...

So his hands were empty for an entire second.

Yes, they were empty when he was MURDERED, that's the point.

Seriously, you guys never seem to learn. If you are going to murder someone, don't get caught doing it on tape.
He was not murdered. There will be no charges against that cop who acted appropriately.

You're literally looking at one frame from a video to draw a false conclusion. In reality, when watching the video, the kid was in the process of raising a hand that the cop [reasonably] believed was holding a gum.

You're doing what the loony right did when they took a single frame of what appeared to be Obama looking at some woman's ass to accuse him of acting inappropriately; when in fact, it was just one frame of a video where he was turning around to help some other woman step down, not looking at some other girl's ass.
Yes, they were empty when he was MURDERED, that's the point.

Seriously, you guys never seem to learn. If you are going to murder someone, don't get caught doing it on tape.

It's likely the video will exonerate the officer. The still shots show the gun still in the kids hand when he turned around and faced the officer. He didn't bring his arms up slowly, he jerked his arms up very quickly. The officer had a fraction of a second to react.

In most cases when an officer chases an armed suspect, the first thing they do is get rid of the gun. Why did this little lowlife carry it right to the end? Apparently he had plans on using that weapon, didn't he?

But let's not place any blame on the parent(s) for allowing this kid out at 2:30am.
Let's not blame his fellow adult gang member who gave him the gun as he was shooting at cars that drew police there.
Let's blame it on this police officer who proudly served his country in the Marines and decided to join the police force and put his life on the line in such a violent crime infested city.

Then you wonder why I constantly suggest we divide this country into two countries instead?
And Ashlu Babbitt never had a gun, but she's white so you dont give a shit

Well, if you spelled her name right, I might.

She was part of an angry, armed mob threatening to kill Congressmen... that's why her dumb white trash ass got shot.
She was part of an angry, armed mob threatening to kill Congressmen... that's why her dumb white trash ass got shot
Liar. It was a peaceful protest demanding Congress do their job.

Anyway, THE POINT IS, YOU called shooting an unarmed person murder -- except when you disagree with their politics
It's likely the video will exonerate the officer. The still shots show the gun still in the kids hand when he turned around and faced the officer. He didn't bring his arms up slowly, he jerked his arms up very quickly. The officer had a fraction of a second to react.

nope. We got a prosecutor in this county named Kim Fox. Someone who hates the FOP and the FOP hates her. She's not going to pass on a cop shooting a kid on tape when he's got his hands up.

This cop is TOAST.

In most cases when an officer chases an armed suspect, the first thing they do is get rid of the gun. Why did this little lowlife carry it right to the end? Apparently he had plans on using that weapon, didn't he?

Or maybe he panicked and ran, frankly if I were a person of color, that's what I'd do if the torturing, corrupt CPD as chasing me.

But let's not place any blame on the parent(s) for allowing this kid out at 2:30am.

Yes, you should totally have your kids killed if they are out late.

Let's not blame his fellow adult gang member who gave him the gun as he was shooting at cars that drew police there.

That person has been charged... so um, no. he's getting his share of the blame.

Let's blame it on this police officer who proudly served his country in the Marines and decided to join the police force and put his life on the line in such a violent crime infested city.

Please. Being a cop isn't that dangerous... You have a greater chance dying on the job in a traffic accident as a cop than being shot as a bad guy. And it's not like we are going to pass sensible gun laws to protect the cops.

Then you wonder why I constantly suggest we divide this country into two countries instead?

Because you hate people who aren't like you, we got that part. But this cop fucked up, and he should be held accountable.
Liar. It was a peaceful protest demanding Congress do their job.

Anyway, THE POINT IS, YOU called shooting an unarmed person murder -- except when you disagree with their politics

Um what part of "Hang Mike Pence" was a peaceful protest? A cop died and 140 others were injured... these cops had every right to fear for their safety.
He was not murdered. There will be no charges against that cop who acted appropriately.

You're literally looking at one frame from a video to draw a false conclusion. In reality, when watching the video, the kid was in the process of raising a hand that the cop [reasonably] believed was holding a gum.

You're doing what the loony right did when they took a single frame of what appeared to be Obama looking at some woman's ass to accuse him of acting inappropriately; when in fact, it was just one frame of a video where he was turning around to help some other woman step down, not looking at some other girl's ass.

I'm looking at the tape... where he turns and has his hands up... not just one frame. Now, I'm not sure why all the films I see stop at that point even though the audio keeps going. I'm not sure if the body cam malfunctioned, the images were altered or if the media isn't showing us the kid getting hit by the bullet.

Also, I'm from Chicago, I'm a little skeptical of anything the City or the CPD says at this point. We've just caught them lying too many times.
He was not murdered. There will be no charges against that cop who acted appropriately.

You're literally looking at one frame from a video to draw a false conclusion. In reality, when watching the video, the kid was in the process of raising a hand that the cop [reasonably] believed was holding a gum.

You're doing what the loony right did when they took a single frame of what appeared to be Obama looking at some woman's ass to accuse him of acting inappropriately; when in fact, it was just one frame of a video where he was turning around to help some other woman step down, not looking at some other girl's ass.

I'm looking at the tape... where he turns and has his hands up... not just one frame. Now, I'm not sure why all the films I see stop at that point even though the audio keeps going. I'm not sure if the body cam malfunctioned, the images were altered or if the media isn't showing us the kid getting hit by the bullet.

Also, I'm from Chicago, I'm a little skeptical of anything the City or the CPD says at this point. We've just caught them lying too many times.

Now, I'm not sure why all the films I see stop at that point even though the audio keeps going.

Media doesn't want to show him getting shot.

BWC1 below at about 2:05 shows him getting hit and afterward.

2021-1112 | Civilian Office of Police Accountability (chicagocopa.org)
nope. We got a prosecutor in this county named Kim Fox. Someone who hates the FOP and the FOP hates her. She's not going to pass on a cop shooting a kid on tape when he's got his hands up.

This cop is TOAST.

That's right, you commie cities keep criminals in your government. She tried to cover up the Smollett thing. Of course she's anti-cop. Magilla is a criminal too.

Or maybe he panicked and ran, frankly if I were a person of color, that's what I'd do if the torturing, corrupt CPD as chasing me.

Dodge noted. So one more time, why didn't he throw away the gun while running? Why did he keep it until the very end?

Yes, you should totally have your kids killed if they are out late.

No, you should report to the police they are still out there that early in the morning. You keep your kids at home that time of evening so they don't end up killed.

That person has been charged... so um, no. he's getting his share of the blame.

Not by you leftists he isn't.

Please. Being a cop isn't that dangerous... You have a greater chance dying on the job in a traffic accident as a cop than being shot as a bad guy. And it's not like we are going to pass sensible gun laws to protect the cops.

There is nothing sensible about disarming the public and letting only the criminals have guns. The US lost 265 cops last year that got killed in the line of duty.

Because you hate people who aren't like you, we got that part. But this cop fucked up, and he should be held accountable.

This cop didn't do anything any other cop would do. The kid had a gun in his hand, threw the gun behind the fence as he was bringing up his arms.
That's right, you commie cities keep criminals in your government. She tried to cover up the Smollett thing. Of course she's anti-cop. Magilla is a criminal too.

Except she didn't cover up the Smollet thing.
She just didn't consider a badly thought out publicity stunt to be worth country resources prosecuting.
The reason why she got in was her predecessor, Anita Alverez, covered up the Laquan McDonald shooting. Now THAT was a coverup.

Dodge noted. So one more time, why didn't he throw away the gun while running? Why did he keep it until the very end?

Again, he panicked... what he didn't do... point it at the officer.

No, you should report to the police they are still out there that early in the morning. You keep your kids at home that time of evening so they don't end up killed.

She reported her kid missing. It took the cops three days to tell her that they had killed him.

Not by you leftists he isn't.

Not sure what you mean. He's been charged by the office of the aforementioned Ms. Fox.

There is nothing sensible about disarming the public and letting only the criminals have guns. The US lost 265 cops last year that got killed in the line of duty.

Okay, let's look at that number.

360 officers died in the line of duty. But of those, 232 died of Covid (AKA TRUMP PLAGUE).

So taking that out, you get 128 who died in the line of duty. Less than the 140 who died of all causes the previous year.

Of those, 45 died of gunfire, and 4 died of "Inadvertent gunfire" (which is a nice way of saying that they accidently shot themselves or another cop shot them by mistake.)

14 died of 9/11 related illness... So something that happened 20 years go.

42 died in accidents, vehicular assaults, or struck by vehicles while directing traffic.

So you have 45 cops who got shot by bad guys compared to 1021 fatal police shootings of suspects of civilians.

This cop didn't do anything any other cop would do. The kid had a gun in his hand, threw the gun behind the fence as he was bringing up his arms.

But his hands were up when he was shot...that's the thing.
Except she didn't cover up the Smollet thing.
She just didn't consider a badly thought out publicity stunt to be worth country resources prosecuting.
The reason why she got in was her predecessor, Anita Alverez, covered up the Laquan McDonald shooting. Now THAT was a coverup.

She didn't prosecute the case because one of Hillary's aids told her not to, and had the records sealed so nobody could ever see them again. That's a coverup.

Again, he panicked... what he didn't do... point it at the officer.

A criminal doesn't need to be pointing a gun at a police officer for him to defend himself. Just having a gun in hand makes it a justified shooting. If he panicked, he would have done what all other criminals do and get rid of the gun while running. He obviously had plans on using that gun which is why he kept it.

She reported her kid missing. It took the cops three days to tell her that they had killed him.

She reported it when? After he didn't come home for a few days? She should have reported him at midnight that evening. Or likely she didn't even notice him gone.

Not sure what you mean. He's been charged by the office of the aforementioned Ms. Fox.

I mean you on the left are blaming the cops instead of his buddy or his parent(s).

But his hands were up when he was shot...that's the thing.

The gun was in his hand before he jerked his arms up. The cop had no idea he threw it. He seen the gun, and seen the arms come up.
She didn't prosecute the case because one of Hillary's aids told her not to, and had the records sealed so nobody could ever see them again. That's a coverup.

Yup... I thought it was one of Michelle Obama's aides. Whatever, crazy Q's are gonna crazy.

Here's why she didn't prosecute. Because you put a famous, well like celebrity in the dock, and the lying ass Chicago PD are the ones testifying against him, you are practically BEGGING for jury nullification. Maybe worth the risk if you are talking about murder, but because the MAGAt's were butthurt, not worth the expense, time and potential embarrassment.

A criminal doesn't need to be pointing a gun at a police officer for him to defend himself. Just having a gun in hand makes it a justified shooting. If he panicked, he would have done what all other criminals do and get rid of the gun while running. He obviously had plans on using that gun which is why he kept it.

Well, that's the problem. "I was really scared" isn't a good enough reason to shoot people.

The gun wasn't in his hand when he was shot.

I mean you on the left are blaming the cops instead of his buddy or his parent(s).

Yes, I am blaming the cop for engaging in a reckless foot chase and then shooting a kid who had his hands up.

The gun was in his hand before he jerked his arms up. The cop had no idea he threw it. He seen the gun, and seen the arms come up.

Hands up. Don't shoot.

This isn't complicated.

A publicity stunt that cost thousands of hours of police overtime.
Time that could have been spent on real investigations.

yeah, I'm sure actually doing a real investigation was a new and exciting experience for the CPD. "You mean we have to question people instead of just slapping a false confession out of a poor black person?"

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