Oh dear god make it go away ! "Caitlyn" Jenner to pose naked for Sports Illustrated

I heard somewhere that there are just two genders, male and female.
Anything else is a mental issue.
I agree with that.
Not content with kicking out attractive bikini models in favor of corpulent grotesque bags of flesh for their swim suit edition SI intends to full euthanize itself by putting everyone's favorite Kardashian tranny and lap dog Caitlin (who is Bruce?) Jenner on their cover.

This is truly insane assuming Sports Illustrated cares about their readership which it seems like they really don't.

By chance did ESPN buy out Sports Illustrated ?
They're political correctness is getting ridiculous. Next there will be the SI swimsuit addition of quadriplegics.
Not content with kicking out attractive bikini models in favor of corpulent grotesque bags of flesh for their swim suit edition SI intends to full euthanize itself by putting everyone's favorite Kardashian tranny and lap dog Caitlin (who is Bruce?) Jenner on their cover.

This is truly insane assuming Sports Illustrated cares about their readership which it seems like they really don't.

By chance did ESPN buy out Sports Illustrated ?
They're political correctness is getting ridiculous. Next there will be the SI swimsuit addition of quadriplegics.

ESPN is owned by Far Left Disney who also owns ABC, so that should tell you something.
While we're at it, we hardly ever see their real unedited photos before they post them over social media.

Believe it or not, this is the same person, with the same haircut, and style... with one tiny difference, NASA was working round the clock photo shopping one on the left.

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I know it's a fad for all those girls to have big asses, and that's fine. Nothing wrong with big asses, some people prefer big asses.

This is what those ass implants actually look like. I hope that natural women seeing this feel good about their butts, but this... why to have implant if you're going to phot shop photo anyways? Kim, nooooo!

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And here is another sister Khloe. If she had all those plastic surgeries and still have to photo shop her face, what's the point?

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Can they photo shop their souls?

The butt on the right is the one black men love.
How far can you projectile vommit ?


Caitlyn Jenner to pose nude for Sports Illustrated cover

That's one way to show your patriotism. Caitlyn Jenner is reportedly posing nude for the cover of Sports Illustrated, wearing "nothing but an American flag and her Olympic medal," Us Weekly reported.

It will be the first time the former athlete will pose with her gold medal since the bombshell July 2015 Vanity Fair profile in which Jenner came out as transgender. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the 66-year-old's world decathlon record at the 1976 Montreal Summer Games; a source told Us Weekly, "She's excited about that."

Jenner refers to the medal as her "most prized possession," but has said that she tries not to flaunt it because she never wanted her children to feel overshadowed by her achievements.

Caitlyn Jenner to pose nude for Sports Illustrated cover

Make what go away? Your erection?

At least I have one.
How far can you projectile vommit ?


Caitlyn Jenner to pose nude for Sports Illustrated cover

That's one way to show your patriotism. Caitlyn Jenner is reportedly posing nude for the cover of Sports Illustrated, wearing "nothing but an American flag and her Olympic medal," Us Weekly reported.

It will be the first time the former athlete will pose with her gold medal since the bombshell July 2015 Vanity Fair profile in which Jenner came out as transgender. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the 66-year-old's world decathlon record at the 1976 Montreal Summer Games; a source told Us Weekly, "She's excited about that."

Jenner refers to the medal as her "most prized possession," but has said that she tries not to flaunt it because she never wanted her children to feel overshadowed by her achievements.

Caitlyn Jenner to pose nude for Sports Illustrated cover
Better her than you.

If something like that offends you, don’t look.
How far can you projectile vommit ?


Caitlyn Jenner to pose nude for Sports Illustrated cover

That's one way to show your patriotism. Caitlyn Jenner is reportedly posing nude for the cover of Sports Illustrated, wearing "nothing but an American flag and her Olympic medal," Us Weekly reported.

It will be the first time the former athlete will pose with her gold medal since the bombshell July 2015 Vanity Fair profile in which Jenner came out as transgender. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the 66-year-old's world decathlon record at the 1976 Montreal Summer Games; a source told Us Weekly, "She's excited about that."

Jenner refers to the medal as her "most prized possession," but has said that she tries not to flaunt it because she never wanted her children to feel overshadowed by her achievements.

Caitlyn Jenner to pose nude for Sports Illustrated cover

Well, we can projectile vomit towards Denny Hastert. That great republican leader who got prison time for molesting young boys.

Dennis Hastert released from prison but still faces sex-offender treatment

Hastert is a piece of excrement, but he has nothing to do with this story.
That is unless you are wanting SI to do a swimsuit photoshoot of Hastert, for your viewing pleasure ?
How far can you projectile vommit ?


Caitlyn Jenner to pose nude for Sports Illustrated cover

That's one way to show your patriotism. Caitlyn Jenner is reportedly posing nude for the cover of Sports Illustrated, wearing "nothing but an American flag and her Olympic medal," Us Weekly reported.

It will be the first time the former athlete will pose with her gold medal since the bombshell July 2015 Vanity Fair profile in which Jenner came out as transgender. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the 66-year-old's world decathlon record at the 1976 Montreal Summer Games; a source told Us Weekly, "She's excited about that."

Jenner refers to the medal as her "most prized possession," but has said that she tries not to flaunt it because she never wanted her children to feel overshadowed by her achievements.

Caitlyn Jenner to pose nude for Sports Illustrated cover
Better her than you.

If something like that offends you, don’t look.
And don't comment?

What is this, facebook?
How far can you projectile vommit ?


Caitlyn Jenner to pose nude for Sports Illustrated cover

That's one way to show your patriotism. Caitlyn Jenner is reportedly posing nude for the cover of Sports Illustrated, wearing "nothing but an American flag and her Olympic medal," Us Weekly reported.

It will be the first time the former athlete will pose with her gold medal since the bombshell July 2015 Vanity Fair profile in which Jenner came out as transgender. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the 66-year-old's world decathlon record at the 1976 Montreal Summer Games; a source told Us Weekly, "She's excited about that."

Jenner refers to the medal as her "most prized possession," but has said that she tries not to flaunt it because she never wanted her children to feel overshadowed by her achievements.

Caitlyn Jenner to pose nude for Sports Illustrated cover
Better her than you.

If something like that offends you, don’t look.

Her ?

Actually Jillian, we all know you dream of seeing me in a swimsuit, and especially some nude pics. Want to buy some ?
^^^ No one is forcing you to have anything to do with this chat about the magazine either and if you do not care about it one way or another like you claimed not to earlier, why do you have anything to do with any conversation about it at all then? In other words, if you have no intention of ever practicing, why do you take the time to preach?

God bless you always!!!


You silly little man. Just because I don't care about a magazine doesn't mean I can't recognize the silly things right wingers use to stir up their crazies. I'm here to laugh and ridicule your fear of a LGBTQ model. You seem to think our country is diminished because she exists. That's absurd, and your panties in a knot because of it is worthy of ridicule. Don't like gay? Don't date someone your same sex. Don't like transgender? Don't have an operation. Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married. Nobody is gonna force you to do any of those things silly.
That magazine needs to be sold in the red light district sex stores now. Another fraud publication.

Would it make it easier for you to purchase if it was sold in the red light district?
Society can not endure this forever. If human history proves anything....chitt happens. You guys would corrupt the old SEARS catalogue from decades ago. Anyway I would vote innocent if on a jury if a person detonated a WMD and killed many of what you support because of what you type. And there is nothing you could do about it. The numbers are growing even as we keep moving left.
Also if you don't like my decision to stand up for what I believe is honest and right

You know, you tried to shove Bulldog out of the conversation, claiming - completely illogically - that not caring about a magazine means to stay out of the conversation started by a trans-phobic mouth-breather and bile spewer about the cover. He, Bulldog actually stands up for what he believes. You have yet to be blessed with a hint of knowledge as to what that would be.

And yes, "SweetHeart", on the innertubes no one knows you really are a dog.

"trans-phobic mouth-breather and bile spewer"

Not content with kicking out attractive bikini models in favor of corpulent grotesque bags of flesh for their swim suit edition SI intends to full euthanize itself by putting everyone's favorite Kardashian tranny and lap dog Caitlin (who is Bruce?) Jenner on their cover.

This is truly insane assuming Sports Illustrated cares about their readership which it seems like they really don't.

By chance did ESPN buy out Sports Illustrated ?
They're political correctness is getting ridiculous. Next there will be the SI swimsuit addition of quadriplegics.

ESPN is owned by Far Left Disney who also owns ABC, so that should tell you something.

Disney does have Homosexual Days in their theme parks, where all kinds of debauchery is actually encouraged.
^^^ No one is forcing you to have anything to do with this chat about the magazine either and if you do not care about it one way or another like you claimed not to earlier, why do you have anything to do with any conversation about it at all then? In other words, if you have no intention of ever practicing, why do you take the time to preach?

God bless you always!!!

You silly little man. Just because I don't care about a magazine doesn't mean I can't recognize the silly things right wingers use to stir up their crazies. I'm here to laugh and ridicule your fear of a LGBTQ model. You seem to think our country is diminished because she exists. That's absurd, and your panties in a knot because of it is worthy of ridicule. Don't like gay? Don't date someone your same sex. Don't like transgender? Don't have an operation. Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married. Nobody is gonna force you to do any of those things silly.
For the record, I am a female, not a silly little man as you call me here. Also if you don't like my decision to stand up for what I believe is honest and right, I only have other thing left to say to you and that is urinating in my yard will never make your grass or anyone else's any greener.

God bless you always!!!


I have never urinated in your yard. I can't say that about off my back porch though.
Believe me when I tell you that I don't know anyone in the Kardashian/Jenner/West family.

However, its just my guess that Bruce is just trying to "Keep Up" with the rest of them, so he had to to something crazy and "come out" as a Tranny.

IMHO, he only did it out of necessity, as it was the only way he could keep attention on hisself.
No. I took the time because i was curious as to what crazy right wingers were were using to stir up their mindless minions this time, not because I care about some magazine's sales figures. Nobody is forcing you to by the magazine. Don't like it? Don't read it.
i imagine most people probably wont read it. Thats not the point. The point is, why are they putting sick shit on their covers? Ive got no beef whatsoever with gays or transgenders, but gross is gross. I dont want to see a naked 69 year old man or women ever, even if its a woman who was once a man; hell, maybe especially not then.

Whats with this magazine? Its a weird move.

You should make that clear to them the next time they ask you for editorial advice. Whining about it here probably won't make much difference.
Who asked YOU for YOUR advice? Quit whining.

I'm not whining. I'm laughing at you nutbags that are afraid of a magazine cover. You afraid she will come off the cover and give you a big gay kiss?
Whos scared of a picture? Unrealistic statements arent effective counters in a debate. Try harder.

What does Katelyn Jenner's picture do to harm you, or anybody, for that matter? What causes you to oppose her picture being on a magazine cover? Are you afraid that picture will turn you gay?
^^^ No one is forcing you to have anything to do with this chat about the magazine either and if you do not care about it one way or another like you claimed not to earlier, why do you have anything to do with any conversation about it at all then? In other words, if you have no intention of ever practicing, why do you take the time to preach?

God bless you always!!!


You silly little man. Just because I don't care about a magazine doesn't mean I can't recognize the silly things right wingers use to stir up their crazies. I'm here to laugh and ridicule your fear of a LGBTQ model. You seem to think our country is diminished because she exists. That's absurd, and your panties in a knot because of it is worthy of ridicule. Don't like gay? Don't date someone your same sex. Don't like transgender? Don't have an operation. Don't like gay marriage? Don't get gay married. Nobody is gonna force you to do any of those things silly.
That magazine needs to be sold in the red light district sex stores now. Another fraud publication.

Would it make it easier for you to purchase if it was sold in the red light district?
Society can not endure this forever. If human history proves anything....chitt happens. You guys would corrupt the old SEARS catalogue from decades ago. Anyway I would vote innocent if on a jury if a person detonated a WMD and killed many of what you support because of what you type. And there is nothing you could do about it. The numbers are growing even as we keep moving left.

Great. You're another mass murderer wannabe. You wonder why right wingers are considered crazy?
Believe me when I tell you that I don't know anyone in the Kardashian/Jenner/West family.

However, its just my guess that Bruce is just trying to "Keep Up" with the rest of them, so he had to to something crazy and "come out" as a Tranny.

IMHO, he only did it out of necessity, as it was the only way he could keep attention on hisself.
Hisself? did you mean himself?

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