Oh, How Generous...Biden MAY Allow Us To Celebrate INDEPENDENCE Day By Holding Small gatherings In OUR OWN Back Yards


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Biden speech preview: Are you ready for … Independence Day?

“The President will talk about small gatherings, like a barbecue in your backyard, in your neighborhood,” a senior administration official said. “He will be clear that does not mean large events where lots of people gather. But it does mean that we can once again have an Independence Day with small gatherings and celebrations and that’s a big step in the right direction.”

“He’s going to be very clear that this is not an automatic thing.”

...and so he was..

Biden made it clear that despite approx 2 million vaccines are being given per day, on top of the millions already given, that masks are still a mandatory essential for defeating COVID-19 - After having 2 vaccines, Biden can often be seen wearing 2 (TWO) masks.

CCP Biden made it clear that if the American people are good little boys, girls...and trans-genders, if they wear their masks as mandated, if they social distance as mandated, if they take their govt-approved vitamins, and obey with whatever edict the Democrats impose upon them HE may allow Americans to hold small gatherings in their back yards on the 4th of July to celebrate 'INDEPENDENCE Day'. (Dementia Joe completely misses the humor in this...)

"It will depend on Americans continuing to abide by CDC recommended behavior, even though the CDC seems a bit unsure what they’re recommending at the moment. "


One of Biden's handlers needs to tell CCP Joe - or his speech-writer - that people are already getting together with friends and family, that Americans have had enough of the Democrats trying to be out mommy, daddy, and / or overlord / Massah.

America is tired of the oppressive, Constitution and Civil Rights-violating Democrat Lockdown BS. All across America last night you could hear the collective sigh and millions of 'F* YOU's declared in unison, simultaneously, as the condescending, dementia-ravaged, basement-hiding, 2-mask wearing prick looked into the camera and told Americans how, if they were good little obedient children, he might allow them to celebrate Independence Day in small groups on their own property ... while Democrats would still be hiding behind fences in a Militarized DC 'Green Zone', hiding from their constituents / the American people.

"The July 4 reopening date is weak sauce, too. If we get to mass vaccinations by May 1, the momentum of fully vaccinated people re-engaging in commerce and social activity will have gotten back into full swing long before then, especially for outdoor activities with “family and friends.” That might come as soon as Memorial Day, whether the White House and CDC like it or not. People want normalcy as fast as possible, especially in cold-weather country. They’re not going to wait until half the summer is gone to start their coming-out events."

To look to government for permission to celebrate Independence Day, and to set rules by which we are to be allowed to do so, is to entirely miss the point of Independence Day.

Snowflakes believe obedience and compliance leads to them being granted a measure of independence by our subjugating government, and to be allowed to have even that much is something to celebrate...

Biden, Nancy P and Harris plan on canceling Independence Day....let's face it.
They are going to find out while they may have the power to barricade themselves in DC by walls and the military, while they may have the power to hold DC hostage and cancel all fireworks and celebrations, they do not have the power to 'Cancl' Independence Dayall across America.
Biden, Nancy P and Harris plan on canceling Independence Day....let's face it.
They are going to find out while they may have the power to barricade themselves in DC by walls and the military, while they may have the power to hold DC hostage and cancel all fireworks and celebrations, they do not have the power to 'Cancl' Independence Dayall across America.
Trump lived and still lives behind walls, sounds like a popular activity.
Biden, Nancy P and Harris plan on canceling Independence Day....let's face it.
They are going to find out while they may have the power to barricade themselves in DC by walls and the military, while they may have the power to hold DC hostage and cancel all fireworks and celebrations, they do not have the power to 'Cancl' Independence Dayall across America.
Trump lived and still lives behind walls, sounds like a popular activity.
well, walls aren't the issue....I hope we all have walls in our homes....

the difference is the left wing since taking power in Washington has fortified are Govt buildings, that used to be open to the public...now they have razor wire around the Capitol to keep the people out
Biden, Nancy P and Harris plan on canceling Independence Day....let's face it.
They are going to find out while they may have the power to barricade themselves in DC by walls and the military, while they may have the power to hold DC hostage and cancel all fireworks and celebrations, they do not have the power to 'Cancl' Independence Dayall across America.
Trump lived and still lives behind walls, sounds like a popular activity.
well, walls aren't the issue....I hope we all have walls in our homes....

the difference is the left wing since taking power in Washington has fortified are Govt buildings, that used to be open to the public...now they have razor wire around the Capitol to keep the people out
You said nothing when Trump had a new fence put in around the White House in 2019 that was okay with you but now, walls are wrong especially in Washington DC. Will you people ever realize what you are saying contradicts your position?
Biden speech preview: Are you ready for … Independence Day?

“The President will talk about small gatherings, like a barbecue in your backyard, in your neighborhood,” a senior administration official said. “He will be clear that does not mean large events where lots of people gather. But it does mean that we can once again have an Independence Day with small gatherings and celebrations and that’s a big step in the right direction.”

“He’s going to be very clear that this is not an automatic thing.”

...and so he was..

Biden made it clear that despite approx 2 million vaccines are being given per day, on top of the millions already given, that masks are still a mandatory essential for defeating COVID-19 - After having 2 vaccines, Biden can often be seen wearing 2 (TWO) masks.

CCP Biden made it clear that if the American people are good little boys, girls...and trans-genders, if they wear their masks as mandated, if they social distance as mandated, if they take their govt-approved vitamins, and obey with whatever edict the Democrats impose upon them HE may allow Americans to hold small gatherings in their back yards on the 4th of July to celebrate 'INDEPENDENCE Day'. (Dementia Joe completely misses the humor in this...)

"It will depend on Americans continuing to abide by CDC recommended behavior, even though the CDC seems a bit unsure what they’re recommending at the moment. "


One of Biden's handlers needs to tell CCP Joe - or his speech-writer - that people are already getting together with friends and family, that Americans have had enough of the Democrats trying to be out mommy, daddy, and / or overlord / Massah.

America is tired of the oppressive, Constitution and Civil Rights-violating Democrat Lockdown BS. All across America last night you could hear the collective sigh and millions of 'F* YOU's declared in unison, simultaneously, as the condescending, dementia-ravaged, basement-hiding, 2-mask wearing prick looked into the camera and told Americans how, if they were good little obedient children, he might allow them to celebrate Independence Day in small groups on their own property ... while Democrats would still be hiding behind fences in a Militarized DC 'Green Zone', hiding from their constituents / the American people.

"The July 4 reopening date is weak sauce, too. If we get to mass vaccinations by May 1, the momentum of fully vaccinated people re-engaging in commerce and social activity will have gotten back into full swing long before then, especially for outdoor activities with “family and friends.” That might come as soon as Memorial Day, whether the White House and CDC like it or not. People want normalcy as fast as possible, especially in cold-weather country. They’re not going to wait until half the summer is gone to start their coming-out events."

FUCK Joe Bidens thoughts on how I choose to live my life or gather with my friends or family.
Biden, Nancy P and Harris plan on canceling Independence Day....let's face it.
They are going to find out while they may have the power to barricade themselves in DC by walls and the military, while they may have the power to hold DC hostage and cancel all fireworks and celebrations, they do not have the power to 'Cancl' Independence Dayall across America.
Trump lived and still lives behind walls, sounds like a popular activity.
Biden, Nancy P and Harris plan on canceling Independence Day....let's face it.
They are going to find out while they may have the power to barricade themselves in DC by walls and the military, while they may have the power to hold DC hostage and cancel all fireworks and celebrations, they do not have the power to 'Cancl' Independence Dayall across America.
Trump lived and still lives behind walls, sounds like a popular activity.
View attachment 466843
I am not sure if he uses it or not, you can.
Biden, Nancy P and Harris plan on canceling Independence Day....let's face it.
They are going to find out while they may have the power to barricade themselves in DC by walls and the military, while they may have the power to hold DC hostage and cancel all fireworks and celebrations, they do not have the power to 'Cancl' Independence Dayall across America.
Trump lived and still lives behind walls, sounds like a popular activity.
well, walls aren't the issue....I hope we all have walls in our homes....

the difference is the left wing since taking power in Washington has fortified are Govt buildings, that used to be open to the public...now they have razor wire around the Capitol to keep the people out
You said nothing when Trump had a new fence put in around the White House in 2019 that was okay with you but now, walls are wrong especially in Washington DC. Will you people ever realize what you are saying contradicts your position?
you know, I may have missed it.....when did Trump put razor wire around the WH?

Wait....you can't really be so stupid as to compare when the WH replaced the existing fence around the WH to Nancy P's razor wire right?

" The National Park Service and United States Secret Service began construction on a new White House fence in July 2019. Construction around the 18-acre White House complex will be completed in eight phases using over 3,500 feet of steel fencing. The two agencies have been working hand-in-hand since 2014 to develop an appropriate barrier that will keep the White House and grounds as accessible as possible to the public while ensuring the security of the White House and its occupants. "
Biden, Nancy P and Harris plan on canceling Independence Day....let's face it.
They are going to find out while they may have the power to barricade themselves in DC by walls and the military, while they may have the power to hold DC hostage and cancel all fireworks and celebrations, they do not have the power to 'Cancl' Independence Dayall across America.
Trump lived and still lives behind walls, sounds like a popular activity.
well, walls aren't the issue....I hope we all have walls in our homes....

the difference is the left wing since taking power in Washington has fortified are Govt buildings, that used to be open to the public...now they have razor wire around the Capitol to keep the people out
You said nothing when Trump had a new fence put in around the White House in 2019 that was okay with you but now, walls are wrong especially in Washington DC. Will you people ever realize what you are saying contradicts your position?
you know, I may have missed it.....when did Trump put razor wire around the WH?

Wait....you can't really be so stupid as to compare when the WH replaced the existing fence around the WH to Nancy P's razor wire right?

" The National Park Service and United States Secret Service began construction on a new White House fence in July 2019. Construction around the 18-acre White House complex will be completed in eight phases using over 3,500 feet of steel fencing. The two agencies have been working hand-in-hand since 2014 to develop an appropriate barrier that will keep the White House and grounds as accessible as possible to the public while ensuring the security of the White House and its occupants. "
So Nancy paid for an upgrade, hell, there is razor wire on the weed dispensary delivery ports and on police jail ports, does it bother you that razor wire is used or do you want a high frequency microwave fence like Trump has around Mar-a-Lago? The fence around the White House has spikes on it.(at least the old one did that I knew when I was stationed there in 1985).
So Nancy paid for an upgrade, hell, there is razor wire on the weed dispensary delivery ports and on police jail ports, does it bother you that razor wire is used or do you want a high frequency microwave fence like Trump has around Mar-a-Lago? The fence around the White House has spikes on it.(at least the old one did that I knew when I was stationed there in 1985).

Fences don't do anything. They will not stop anybody from entering. I know this for a fact because that's what Democrats have said about our border wall for years. They called the border wall stupid and a waste of taxpayer money.
So Nancy paid for an upgrade, hell, there is razor wire on the weed dispensary delivery ports and on police jail ports, does it bother you that razor wire is used or do you want a high frequency microwave fence like Trump has around Mar-a-Lago? The fence around the White House has spikes on it.(at least the old one did that I knew when I was stationed there in 1985).

Fences don't do anything. They will not stop anybody from entering. I know this for a fact because that's what Democrats have said about our border wall for years. They called the border wall stupid and a waste of taxpayer money.
It is even dumber to build a fence in front of a fence you just finished building.
Biden, Nancy P and Harris plan on canceling Independence Day....let's face it.
They are going to find out while they may have the power to barricade themselves in DC by walls and the military, while they may have the power to hold DC hostage and cancel all fireworks and celebrations, they do not have the power to 'Cancl' Independence Dayall across America.
Trump lived and still lives behind walls, sounds like a popular activity.
well, walls aren't the issue....I hope we all have walls in our homes....

the difference is the left wing since taking power in Washington has fortified are Govt buildings, that used to be open to the public...now they have razor wire around the Capitol to keep the people out
You said nothing when Trump had a new fence put in around the White House in 2019 that was okay with you but now, walls are wrong especially in Washington DC. Will you people ever realize what you are saying contradicts your position?
you know, I may have missed it.....when did Trump put razor wire around the WH?

Wait....you can't really be so stupid as to compare when the WH replaced the existing fence around the WH to Nancy P's razor wire right?

" The National Park Service and United States Secret Service began construction on a new White House fence in July 2019. Construction around the 18-acre White House complex will be completed in eight phases using over 3,500 feet of steel fencing. The two agencies have been working hand-in-hand since 2014 to develop an appropriate barrier that will keep the White House and grounds as accessible as possible to the public while ensuring the security of the White House and its occupants. "
So Nancy paid for an upgrade, hell, there is razor wire on the weed dispensary delivery ports and on police jail ports, does it bother you that razor wire is used or do you want a high frequency microwave fence like Trump has around Mar-a-Lago? The fence around the White House has spikes on it.(at least the old one did that I knew when I was stationed there in 1985).
I couldn't care less what someone has around their private home....what I care about is Nancy P and the Dems hijacking the People's House, and putting razor wire around it, and keeping the people out as they claim to be conducting the "people's business" behind closed doors, and without debate.......Nancy P and Xiden, has followed the lead of the Beijing bosses, and turned our Capitol in to the Forbidden City
Biden, Nancy P and Harris plan on canceling Independence Day....let's face it.
They are going to find out while they may have the power to barricade themselves in DC by walls and the military, while they may have the power to hold DC hostage and cancel all fireworks and celebrations, they do not have the power to 'Cancl' Independence Dayall across America.
Trump lived and still lives behind walls, sounds like a popular activity.
well, walls aren't the issue....I hope we all have walls in our homes....

the difference is the left wing since taking power in Washington has fortified are Govt buildings, that used to be open to the public...now they have razor wire around the Capitol to keep the people out
You said nothing when Trump had a new fence put in around the White House in 2019 that was okay with you but now, walls are wrong especially in Washington DC. Will you people ever realize what you are saying contradicts your position?
you know, I may have missed it.....when did Trump put razor wire around the WH?

Wait....you can't really be so stupid as to compare when the WH replaced the existing fence around the WH to Nancy P's razor wire right?

" The National Park Service and United States Secret Service began construction on a new White House fence in July 2019. Construction around the 18-acre White House complex will be completed in eight phases using over 3,500 feet of steel fencing. The two agencies have been working hand-in-hand since 2014 to develop an appropriate barrier that will keep the White House and grounds as accessible as possible to the public while ensuring the security of the White House and its occupants. "

He didn't. Concertina wire, fences around the white house, and troops are necessary when illegitimate frauds are installed.

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