Oh, how I miss the days when the Left was Against Wars of Choice and Nation Building


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Afghan special ops units a key to US exit

AP Intelligence Writer May 10, 6:11 AM EDT

PAKTIKA, Afghanistan (AP) - A hundred or so turbaned, bearded Afghans packed the plastic mats outside the fort, staring skeptically at Afghan officials on a makeshift outdoor stage. The officials were making the case for setting up a local police force.

Off to the side, watching silently, were the U.S. special operations troops who had made the meeting possible by flying in the officials and disarming the villagers before they entered the compound.

If all went well, the Americans would later be training the neighborhood-watch-like police force to protect the villagers from the Taliban, and hastening the handover of security responsibility to the Afghans.

The Associated Press got a rare glimpse at the ground level of this U.S. special operations mission - one vastly different from the daring raid to kill Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

Read more:

AP News : Jacksonville Daily News


Nation Building... Didn't the AP and Obama Campaign Against this?...

And who are we @ War with?... al Qaeda?... The Taliban?... bin Laden's Corpse?

I do Appreciate the AP and the Left's new found Love for what the Military Exists for...

To Break Shit and Kill People... :clap2:

This Tone from the Left Changes the second that an (R) is @ 1600. :thup:


Nation Building... Didn't the AP and Obama Campaign Against this?...

NO, that would be Bush. As a matter of fact, it was a big part of his campaign. I don't recall Obama saying much about nation-building.
it was Bush who campaigned against nation building....how did that work out?
Funny how the right breaks crap and then cavails to all heaven when the left has to clean up the messes they make.
The AP and Obama are not and have never been (well for Obama, at the very least since he first ran for local office) part of the Left. Obama campaigned on escalating the war in Afghanistan, did not make the sweeping proclamations against nation building his predecessor did, and has swiftly expanded our military presence and violence against civilian populations to a half-dozen more countries we're supposedly not at war with.

The Left, like the Right, is defined by their ideology and actions. Just as Republicans who support massive expansions of government power and unparalleled debt spending are not genuinely on the Right, Democrats who support wars of choice, expanded empire, and nation building are not genuinely on the Left. In fact, Democrats generally are not a part of the Left as the two group's beliefs, policies, and actions are so frequently and inherently in stark contrast.

The Left is still very much opposed to wars of choice (most of them to wars period) and nation building. Members of the cult of Obama and devoted party partisans are the only ones who've conveniently and hypocritically changed their tune.
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it was Bush who campaigned against nation building....how did that work out?

9/11 Happened...

What was the Excuse for going into Libya again?...

For not Closing Gitmo?...

For not Ending Iraq?...

Getting out of Afghanistan now that bin Laden is Dead again?...


Funny how the right breaks crap and then cavails to all heaven when the left has to clean up the messes they make.

How is an Expansion in Afghanistan when bin Laden was in Pakistan seen as a "Clean up" to you?...

And what does Libya have to do with ANYTHING, TDM?...


Afghan special ops units a key to US exit

AP Intelligence Writer May 10, 6:11 AM EDT

PAKTIKA, Afghanistan (AP) - A hundred or so turbaned, bearded Afghans packed the plastic mats outside the fort, staring skeptically at Afghan officials on a makeshift outdoor stage. The officials were making the case for setting up a local police force.

Off to the side, watching silently, were the U.S. special operations troops who had made the meeting possible by flying in the officials and disarming the villagers before they entered the compound.

If all went well, the Americans would later be training the neighborhood-watch-like police force to protect the villagers from the Taliban, and hastening the handover of security responsibility to the Afghans.

The Associated Press got a rare glimpse at the ground level of this U.S. special operations mission - one vastly different from the daring raid to kill Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

Read more:

AP News : Jacksonville Daily News


Nation Building... Didn't the AP and Obama Campaign Against this?...

And who are we @ War with?... al Qaeda?... The Taliban?... bin Laden's Corpse?

I do Appreciate the AP and the Left's new found Love for what the Military Exists for...

To Break Shit and Kill People... :clap2:

This Tone from the Left Changes the second that an (R) is @ 1600. :thup:



Name the Liberals who opposed the Afghanistan war in 2001 who now support it.

Name the Liberals who opposed going after Bin Laden in 2001 who recently supported it.

Give us some real names.
Afghan special ops units a key to US exit

AP Intelligence Writer May 10, 6:11 AM EDT

PAKTIKA, Afghanistan (AP) - A hundred or so turbaned, bearded Afghans packed the plastic mats outside the fort, staring skeptically at Afghan officials on a makeshift outdoor stage. The officials were making the case for setting up a local police force.

Off to the side, watching silently, were the U.S. special operations troops who had made the meeting possible by flying in the officials and disarming the villagers before they entered the compound.

If all went well, the Americans would later be training the neighborhood-watch-like police force to protect the villagers from the Taliban, and hastening the handover of security responsibility to the Afghans.

The Associated Press got a rare glimpse at the ground level of this U.S. special operations mission - one vastly different from the daring raid to kill Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

Read more:

AP News : Jacksonville Daily News


Nation Building... Didn't the AP and Obama Campaign Against this?...

And who are we @ War with?... al Qaeda?... The Taliban?... bin Laden's Corpse?

I do Appreciate the AP and the Left's new found Love for what the Military Exists for...

To Break Shit and Kill People... :clap2:

This Tone from the Left Changes the second that an (R) is @ 1600. :thup:



Name the Liberals who opposed the Afghanistan war in 2001 who now support it.

Name the Liberals who opposed going after Bin Laden in 2001 who recently supported it.

Give us some real names.

To get bin Laden?... That was the Goal, Correct?...

He was in Pakistan... :eusa_shhh:


it was Bush who campaigned against nation building....how did that work out?

9/11 Happened...

What was the Excuse for going into Libya again?...

For not Closing Gitmo?...

For not Ending Iraq?...

Getting out of Afghanistan now that bin Laden is Dead again?...



How many US troops are in Libya?

Gitmo is one of those messes created by the republicans that nobody can clean up. You create a group of non-people who have no rights and can't be tried in any court of law. You botch the investigation, torture and deny basic human rights. Then when you try to close Gitmo you have your propaganda network run non-stop storries about how terrorists will be running down our streets

Iraq is ending on schedule

Agree...Afghanistan should be accelerated. Ten years is enough
it was Bush who campaigned against nation building....how did that work out?

9/11 Happened...

What was the Excuse for going into Libya again?...

For not Closing Gitmo?...

For not Ending Iraq?...

Getting out of Afghanistan now that bin Laden is Dead again?...



How many US troops are in Libya?

Gitmo is one of those messes created by the republicans that nobody can clean up. You create a group of non-people who have no rights and can't be tried in any court of law. You botch the investigation, torture and deny basic human rights. Then when you try to close Gitmo you have your propaganda network run non-stop storries about how terrorists will be running down our streets

Iraq is ending on schedule

Agree...Afghanistan should be accelerated. Ten years is enough

Gitmo is unquestionably a mess created by Republicans but it can be cleaned up, closed, and effectively dealt with. It just requires adhering to the solemn duty of defending the Constitution, supporting the rule of law reinforced by the Supreme Court, standing up for fundamental American values, and the political backbone to weather attacks from the people who were wrong all along with the knowledge that you're doing the right thing. Unfortunately, Obama doesn't possess those traits. But it's certainly not impossible, just too difficult for those who lack courage and the conviction of their supposed principles.

I mean we have a Constitutional law scholar who before the Congressional problems with closing Gitmo and transferring detainees ever arose planned to keep the shamefully illegal features of that gulag intact and merely move them to a new location: a Gitmo North in Illinois. A law professor who assured us from the get-go he would make a mockery of the law with Kafkaesque "indefinite detention" and made clear even those few who got the real trials our laws demand would be held forever regardless if found not guilty - rendering them meaningless show trials in kangaroo courts.

You can and should blame Bush and Republicans for starting the problem, but it's dishonesty of the highest order to pretend Obama and Democrats don't bear ample responsibility for not only continuing them but embracing them and solidifying into barely controversial bipartisan consensus what was once the radical theory of thoroughly discredited neocons.
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it was Bush who campaigned against nation building....how did that work out?

9/11 Happened...

What was the Excuse for going into Libya again?...

For not Closing Gitmo?...

For not Ending Iraq?...

Getting out of Afghanistan now that bin Laden is Dead again?...



tell me again how many iraqis were on those planes?

speak up, don't be shy
Funny how the right breaks crap and then cavails to all heaven when the left has to clean up the messes they make.

How is an Expansion in Afghanistan when bin Laden was in Pakistan seen as a "Clean up" to you?...

And what does Libya have to do with ANYTHING, TDM?...



How was a contraction of Afganistan supposed to get OBL when we went to Iraq on a pack of lies?

Lets remember Obama did not go into afganistan he was just left the mess to clean up.

When Obama took office Bush handed him the file and said " we dont know where OBL is" remember?

I know your side likes to call him the "magic negro" but he really is just a human being.

So Obama reduced Iraq and increased Afganistan and got your boogey man.

Great thing he also got a library full on info on all sorts of everything AQ.

Bush made the mess and Obama is cleaning it up in fewer years than it took to make the mess.

Pretty much the same with the economy.
personally, i miss the days when the right was against nation-building and wars of choice.

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How was a contraction of Afganistan supposed to get OBL when we went to Iraq on a pack of lies?

Aside from not you making little Sense... There was ZERO Proof of bin Laden's Location on September 11th, 2001. As for Iraq... Read the Authorization and get back to me with Quotes of Lies from it.

Lets remember Obama did not go into afganistan he was just left the mess to clean up.

The Buck Stops somewhere else, eh?... bin Laden's Dead... Why are we still there?

When Obama took office Bush handed him the file and said " we dont know where OBL is" remember?

And McCain would have had the same Teams/System getting this Info in 2011 and Acted on it also... And?

I know your side likes to call him the "magic negro" but he really is just a human being.

No, Dipshit... The LATimes likes to do that... When we Reference it, it doesn't make us the Authors... Know the Facts the Next Time you Attempt to play a Race Card, you Twit. :thup:

So Obama reduced Iraq and increased Afganistan and got your boogey man.

He got bin Laden in Pakistan using the Saddam SEAL Team Six that (43) used, along with the Entire System (43) put in Place... Share Props to Both Presidents.

Great thing he also got a library full on info on all sorts of everything AQ.

Did he?... Looked like a Meth Lab to me.

Bush made the mess and Obama is cleaning it up in fewer years than it took to make the mess.


Pretty much the same with the economy.

The Economy Shit the Bed after the DemocRATS got the Purse Strings in the 2006 Election...

Shared Responsibility for the Economy to go around.

But Mostly a Generational Correction Agitated by Easy Lending and Selfishness.


personally, i miss the days when the right was against nation-building and wars of choice.


^That's not a Question, delmer...

Could you Quote the Question you would like Answered?...

PM me with it?... Something?


it was Bush who campaigned against nation building....how did that work out?

9/11 Happened...

What was the Excuse for going into Libya again?...

For not Closing Gitmo?...

For not Ending Iraq?...

Getting out of Afghanistan now that bin Laden is Dead again?...



tell me again how many iraqis were on those planes?

speak up, don't be shy

this would be the question, crotchwhistle.
it was Bush who campaigned against nation building....how did that work out?

9/11 Happened...

What was the Excuse for going into Libya again?...

For not Closing Gitmo?...

For not Ending Iraq?...

Getting out of Afghanistan now that bin Laden is Dead again?...



tell me again how many iraqis were on those planes?

speak up, don't be shy

As many Iraqis as Afghanis... :thup:

I didn't Accuse Iraq or Saddam of being behind 9/11...

I said Clearly KSM was the Mastermind.

Try Retaining what you Read, Assuming you Comprehend it in the first place.


9/11 Happened...

What was the Excuse for going into Libya again?...

For not Closing Gitmo?...

For not Ending Iraq?...

Getting out of Afghanistan now that bin Laden is Dead again?...



tell me again how many iraqis were on those planes?

speak up, don't be shy

this would be the question, crotchwhistle.

Be clear the next time you are Responding to Rep for another Post, Jackass... :thup:


9/11 Happened...

What was the Excuse for going into Libya again?...

For not Closing Gitmo?...

For not Ending Iraq?...

Getting out of Afghanistan now that bin Laden is Dead again?...



tell me again how many iraqis were on those planes?

speak up, don't be shy

As many Iraqis as Afghanis... :thup:

I didn't Accuse Iraq or Saddam of being behind 9/11...

I said Clearly KSM was the Mastermind.

Try Retaining what you Read, Assuming you Comprehend it in the first place.



so we went into iraq why? what threat did iraq present to US?

bedwetting by GWB is not an acceptable answer.

neither is *establishing a democracy in the middle east*

nor is *saddam was killing kurds*

so tell me, why did we go into massive debt, disrupt the lives of hundreds of thousands of americans, and suffer the deaths and injuries of thousands more by going to iraq under bush? and how come all this is a problem for you,now, when it wasn't when there was an (R) in the WH?


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