Oh, how I miss the days when the Left was Against Wars of Choice and Nation Building

tell me again how many iraqis were on those planes?

speak up, don't be shy

As many Iraqis as Afghanis... :thup:

I didn't Accuse Iraq or Saddam of being behind 9/11...

I said Clearly KSM was the Mastermind.

Try Retaining what you Read, Assuming you Comprehend it in the first place.



so we went into iraq why? what threat did iraq present to US?

bedwetting by GWB is not an acceptable answer.

neither is *establishing a democracy in the middle east*

nor is *saddam was killing kurds*

so tell me, why did we go into massive debt, disrupt the lives of hundreds of thousands of americans, and suffer the deaths and injuries of thousands more by going to iraq under bush? and how come all this is a problem for you,now, when it wasn't when there was an (R) in the WH?


You just gonna Ignore my Answer?...

Why did we go into Afhganistan?...

Using whatever Logic you were Attempting, the Best Choice was the Kingdom.


As many Iraqis as Afghanis... :thup:

I didn't Accuse Iraq or Saddam of being behind 9/11...

I said Clearly KSM was the Mastermind.

Try Retaining what you Read, Assuming you Comprehend it in the first place.



so we went into iraq why? what threat did iraq present to US?

bedwetting by GWB is not an acceptable answer.

neither is *establishing a democracy in the middle east*

nor is *saddam was killing kurds*

so tell me, why did we go into massive debt, disrupt the lives of hundreds of thousands of americans, and suffer the deaths and injuries of thousands more by going to iraq under bush? and how come all this is a problem for you,now, when it wasn't when there was an (R) in the WH?


You just gonna Ignore my Answer?...

Why did we go into Afhganistan?...

Using whatever Logic you were Attempting, the Best Choice was the Kingdom.



we went into afghanistan because it was believed at the time that bin laden was there.

remind me when we thought he was in iraq. it seems to have escaped me.
Afghan special ops units a key to US exit

AP Intelligence Writer May 10, 6:11 AM EDT

PAKTIKA, Afghanistan (AP) - A hundred or so turbaned, bearded Afghans packed the plastic mats outside the fort, staring skeptically at Afghan officials on a makeshift outdoor stage. The officials were making the case for setting up a local police force.

Off to the side, watching silently, were the U.S. special operations troops who had made the meeting possible by flying in the officials and disarming the villagers before they entered the compound.

If all went well, the Americans would later be training the neighborhood-watch-like police force to protect the villagers from the Taliban, and hastening the handover of security responsibility to the Afghans.

The Associated Press got a rare glimpse at the ground level of this U.S. special operations mission - one vastly different from the daring raid to kill Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

Read more:

AP News : Jacksonville Daily News


Nation Building... Didn't the AP and Obama Campaign Against this?...

And who are we @ War with?... al Qaeda?... The Taliban?... bin Laden's Corpse?

I do Appreciate the AP and the Left's new found Love for what the Military Exists for...

To Break Shit and Kill People... :clap2:

This Tone from the Left Changes the second that an (R) is @ 1600. :thup:



Name the Liberals who opposed the Afghanistan war in 2001 who now support it.

Name the Liberals who opposed going after Bin Laden in 2001 who recently supported it.

Give us some real names.

To get bin Laden?... That was the Goal, Correct?...

He was in Pakistan... :eusa_shhh:



You're claiming that there are lots of Liberals who were against going into Afghanistan in 2001 but who are now for staying there.

Who are they? Name me some names I would recognize. If this is a common phenomenon, as you imply, there should be hundreds of examples. I'd be happy to see a dozen names.

Prove you're not full of shit.
Name the Liberals who opposed the Afghanistan war in 2001 who now support it.

Name the Liberals who opposed going after Bin Laden in 2001 who recently supported it.

Give us some real names.

To get bin Laden?... That was the Goal, Correct?...

He was in Pakistan... :eusa_shhh:



You're claiming that there are lots of Liberals who were against going into Afghanistan in 2001 but who are now for staying there.

Who are they? Name me some names I would recognize. If this is a common phenomenon, as you imply, there should be hundreds of examples. I'd be happy to see a dozen names.

Prove you're not full of shit.

Very few Americans on either side of te political spectrum opposed going into Afghanistan. It also had worldwide support

The diversion to Iraq was a major strategic and military blunder that cost 4000 Americans their lives
Politics really keep me confused. The left would bitch if somebody cooked them a very nice T-bone steak and the right would bitch because somebody killed the cow.
To get bin Laden?... That was the Goal, Correct?...

He was in Pakistan... :eusa_shhh:



You're claiming that there are lots of Liberals who were against going into Afghanistan in 2001 but who are now for staying there.

Who are they? Name me some names I would recognize. If this is a common phenomenon, as you imply, there should be hundreds of examples. I'd be happy to see a dozen names.

Prove you're not full of shit.

Very few Americans on either side of te political spectrum opposed going into Afghanistan. It also had worldwide support

The diversion to Iraq was a major strategic and military blunder that cost 4000 Americans their lives

The liberal shift, if any, is exactly the opposite of what the OP is trying to sell; a good many on the left who originally supported going into Afghanistan after al qaeda, etc, now support getting out.

The OP has it completely wrong.
Ahh lets say Ron Paul is elected president. How quickly will he close Gitmo, and get us out of foreign military involvement and nation building?

Come on now speak up I need something to embaress you with just in case Paul wins.
Afghan special ops units a key to US exit

AP Intelligence Writer May 10, 6:11 AM EDT

PAKTIKA, Afghanistan (AP) - A hundred or so turbaned, bearded Afghans packed the plastic mats outside the fort, staring skeptically at Afghan officials on a makeshift outdoor stage. The officials were making the case for setting up a local police force.

Off to the side, watching silently, were the U.S. special operations troops who had made the meeting possible by flying in the officials and disarming the villagers before they entered the compound.

If all went well, the Americans would later be training the neighborhood-watch-like police force to protect the villagers from the Taliban, and hastening the handover of security responsibility to the Afghans.

The Associated Press got a rare glimpse at the ground level of this U.S. special operations mission - one vastly different from the daring raid to kill Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

Read more:

AP News : Jacksonville Daily News


Nation Building... Didn't the AP and Obama Campaign Against this?...

And who are we @ War with?... al Qaeda?... The Taliban?... bin Laden's Corpse?

I do Appreciate the AP and the Left's new found Love for what the Military Exists for...

To Break Shit and Kill People... :clap2:

This Tone from the Left Changes the second that an (R) is @ 1600. :thup:



The left?

You mean the DNC?

Headsup for ya', Mal...

the DNC is not "the left".

Make a note of it for future reference.
Last edited:
I miss the days in which it wasn't a "fringe opinion" to be against warmongering and nation-building.

Seems everyone loves that stuff these days and to speak against it is "loony" or "treasonous" or whatever childish emotional term the particular person wants to drum up.
Name the Liberals who opposed the Afghanistan war in 2001 who now support it.

Name the Liberals who opposed going after Bin Laden in 2001 who recently supported it.

Give us some real names.

To get bin Laden?... That was the Goal, Correct?...

He was in Pakistan... :eusa_shhh:



You're claiming that there are lots of Liberals who were against going into Afghanistan in 2001 but who are now for staying there.

Who are they? Name me some names I would recognize. If this is a common phenomenon, as you imply, there should be hundreds of examples. I'd be happy to see a dozen names.

Prove you're not full of shit.

Where did I say there were lots of Liberals who were Against going into Afghanistan in 2001?...

I can Illustrate that ABCNews to Slate were Questioning if bin Laden was behind it as he Denied being behind it, all the while they, the Leftist Media, were making the case that Saddam was more likely behind it, not this Figurehead of some Web of Terrorists...

You do Remember some of that, don't you?...

Or were you too busy Singing "God Bless America" along with the Soaked Panty DemocRATS standing behind the Cowboy President and tellin' Dubya, "Go git em!"...


Afghan special ops units a key to US exit

AP Intelligence Writer May 10, 6:11 AM EDT

PAKTIKA, Afghanistan (AP) - A hundred or so turbaned, bearded Afghans packed the plastic mats outside the fort, staring skeptically at Afghan officials on a makeshift outdoor stage. The officials were making the case for setting up a local police force.

Off to the side, watching silently, were the U.S. special operations troops who had made the meeting possible by flying in the officials and disarming the villagers before they entered the compound.

If all went well, the Americans would later be training the neighborhood-watch-like police force to protect the villagers from the Taliban, and hastening the handover of security responsibility to the Afghans.

The Associated Press got a rare glimpse at the ground level of this U.S. special operations mission - one vastly different from the daring raid to kill Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

Read more:

AP News : Jacksonville Daily News


Nation Building... Didn't the AP and Obama Campaign Against this?...

And who are we @ War with?... al Qaeda?... The Taliban?... bin Laden's Corpse?

I do Appreciate the AP and the Left's new found Love for what the Military Exists for...

To Break Shit and Kill People... :clap2:

This Tone from the Left Changes the second that an (R) is @ 1600. :thup:



The left?

You mean the DNC?

Headsup for ya', Mal...

the DNC is not "the left".

Make a note of it for future reference.

I don't Remember saying "DNC"...

But if the DNC isn't Representative of the Left of Center in this Nation, then I am clearly using a Different Language than you Liberals are... :lol:


To get bin Laden?... That was the Goal, Correct?...

He was in Pakistan... :eusa_shhh:



You're claiming that there are lots of Liberals who were against going into Afghanistan in 2001 but who are now for staying there.

Who are they? Name me some names I would recognize. If this is a common phenomenon, as you imply, there should be hundreds of examples. I'd be happy to see a dozen names.

Prove you're not full of shit.

Where did I say there were lots of Liberals who were Against going into Afghanistan in 2001?...

I can Illustrate that ABCNews to Slate were Questioning if bin Laden was behind it as he Denied being behind it, all the while they, the Leftist Media, were making the case that Saddam was more likely behind it, not this Figurehead of some Web of Terrorists...

You do Remember some of that, don't you?...

Or were you too busy Singing "God Bless America" along with the Soaked Panty DemocRATS standing behind the Cowboy President and tellin' Dubya, "Go git em!"...



do it or stfu
it was Bush who campaigned against nation building....how did that work out?

9/11 Happened...

What was the Excuse for going into Libya again?...

For not Closing Gitmo?...

For not Ending Iraq?...

Getting out of Afghanistan now that bin Laden is Dead again?...



tell me again how many iraqis were on those planes?

speak up, don't be shy

Red Herring. Doesn't matter that there was none. 9/11 was an event that changed the President's view on foreign policy.
9/11 Happened...

What was the Excuse for going into Libya again?...

For not Closing Gitmo?...

For not Ending Iraq?...

Getting out of Afghanistan now that bin Laden is Dead again?...



tell me again how many iraqis were on those planes?

speak up, don't be shy

Red Herring. Doesn't matter that there was none. 9/11 was an event that changed the President's view on foreign policy.

and that made invading iraq a good idea because?
To get bin Laden?... That was the Goal, Correct?...

He was in Pakistan... :eusa_shhh:



You're claiming that there are lots of Liberals who were against going into Afghanistan in 2001 but who are now for staying there.

Who are they? Name me some names I would recognize. If this is a common phenomenon, as you imply, there should be hundreds of examples. I'd be happy to see a dozen names.

Prove you're not full of shit.

Where did I say there were lots of Liberals who were Against going into Afghanistan in 2001?...

I can Illustrate that ABCNews to Slate were Questioning if bin Laden was behind it as he Denied being behind it, all the while they, the Leftist Media, were making the case that Saddam was more likely behind it, not this Figurehead of some Web of Terrorists...

You do Remember some of that, don't you?...

Or were you too busy Singing "God Bless America" along with the Soaked Panty DemocRATS standing behind the Cowboy President and tellin' Dubya, "Go git em!"...



Bin Lade was an excuse to go to war. We captured the mastermind behind 9/11 when Bush was President. If Bin Laden was such a high value to Al Qaeda why didn't he have more guards than he did?
Last edited:
Afghan special ops units a key to US exit

AP Intelligence Writer May 10, 6:11 AM EDT

PAKTIKA, Afghanistan (AP) - A hundred or so turbaned, bearded Afghans packed the plastic mats outside the fort, staring skeptically at Afghan officials on a makeshift outdoor stage. The officials were making the case for setting up a local police force.

Off to the side, watching silently, were the U.S. special operations troops who had made the meeting possible by flying in the officials and disarming the villagers before they entered the compound.

If all went well, the Americans would later be training the neighborhood-watch-like police force to protect the villagers from the Taliban, and hastening the handover of security responsibility to the Afghans.

The Associated Press got a rare glimpse at the ground level of this U.S. special operations mission - one vastly different from the daring raid to kill Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.

Read more:

AP News : Jacksonville Daily News


Nation Building... Didn't the AP and Obama Campaign Against this?...

And who are we @ War with?... al Qaeda?... The Taliban?... bin Laden's Corpse?

I do Appreciate the AP and the Left's new found Love for what the Military Exists for...

To Break Shit and Kill People... :clap2:

This Tone from the Left Changes the second that an (R) is @ 1600. :thup:



I am still against it.

I am glad Osama is dead, but I am against the US acting like it is Empire building.
tell me again how many iraqis were on those planes?

speak up, don't be shy

Red Herring. Doesn't matter that there was none. 9/11 was an event that changed the President's view on foreign policy.

and that made invading iraq a good idea because?

Who said it made invading Iraq good? We are discussing why Bush changed his mind on nation building, specifically in Afghanistan. Iraq isn't part of the formula. Whether Iraq was good or bad doesnt change the fact that 9/11 changed the mindset of the President. As well it should.

And while it may not have necessarily made it a good idea, it sure as heck made it more pressing to the President concerning we have had past concerns with Iraq, their history of supporting terrorism, and use of WMDs.
To get bin Laden?... That was the Goal, Correct?...

He was in Pakistan... :eusa_shhh:



You're claiming that there are lots of Liberals who were against going into Afghanistan in 2001 but who are now for staying there.

Who are they? Name me some names I would recognize. If this is a common phenomenon, as you imply, there should be hundreds of examples. I'd be happy to see a dozen names.

Prove you're not full of shit.

Where did I say there were lots of Liberals who were Against going into Afghanistan in 2001?...

I can Illustrate that ABCNews to Slate were Questioning if bin Laden was behind it as he Denied being behind it, all the while they, the Leftist Media, were making the case that Saddam was more likely behind it, not this Figurehead of some Web of Terrorists...

You do Remember some of that, don't you?...

Or were you too busy Singing "God Bless America" along with the Soaked Panty DemocRATS standing behind the Cowboy President and tellin' Dubya, "Go git em!"...



You're talking about Afghanistan in your OP. I'm surprised you already forgot that. You're the kind of person the first line in sig was written for.
You're claiming that there are lots of Liberals who were against going into Afghanistan in 2001 but who are now for staying there.

Who are they? Name me some names I would recognize. If this is a common phenomenon, as you imply, there should be hundreds of examples. I'd be happy to see a dozen names.

Prove you're not full of shit.

Where did I say there were lots of Liberals who were Against going into Afghanistan in 2001?...

I can Illustrate that ABCNews to Slate were Questioning if bin Laden was behind it as he Denied being behind it, all the while they, the Leftist Media, were making the case that Saddam was more likely behind it, not this Figurehead of some Web of Terrorists...

You do Remember some of that, don't you?...

Or were you too busy Singing "God Bless America" along with the Soaked Panty DemocRATS standing behind the Cowboy President and tellin' Dubya, "Go git em!"...



You're talking about Afghanistan in your OP. I'm surprised you already forgot that. You're the kind of person the first line in sig was written for.

I made my Request BIG and BOLD for you, Dipshit...

Quote me.



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