Oh, how the Mighty have Fallen!


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Yes indeed. Oh how the once hopeful and pragmatic Obama Administration has fallen from its graces. They are plagued with scandals.

1. We have mounting evidence that the White House played a large role in drafting 12 different versions of the official transcript that Susan Rice used on Sunday, September 16, 2012.

2. We have the Justice Department acting outside the bounds of our Constitution by seizing phone records from the Associated Press, which contained calls made and received by 100 individual reporters. This has everyone in the press up in arms.

3. Finally, we have the IRS targeting conservative 501 (c) (4) applicants for additional scrutiny for names such as Patriot or the like. In some cases they delayed the process up to three years, forcing some applicants to give up altogether.

Liberals have done nothing but obfuscate, deny and deflect all attention being given to these things. It tells me that they have something to hide, as does anyone who has their backs against the wall. This leads me to consider the fact that Nixon may have met his match in terms of overt government corruption, and how the once mighty have fallen from the heights of the clouds, and down to the Earth amongst us mortal men.

In other words, Obama and his cronies are screwed.
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the Republican Tea Pot Tempests are all but blown through ... replaced by their own lack of any substantial accomplishments or of a suitably positive agenda.
the Republican Tea Pot Tempests are all but blown through ... replaced by their own lack of any substantial accomplishments or of a suitably positive agenda.

The Tea Party ownes your butt...buthead

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