Oh, I See: Liberals Think a Muslim Can Be President, but Not a Bible-Believing Christian

We've perhaps had one or maybe 2 US presidents that weren't fully vested in Christianity. That would be George Washington who may have been agnostic or thought of god as a "grand designer" who left the affairs of human beings to themselves. Jefferson may have had the second notion.

Other than that? Zippo. All Christians.
Liberals are actually pretty Stupid people...but somehow not everybody see it clearly because they hide it so well behind Arrogance and Hypocrisy.


Should be the Motto of the the Democrat Party.
Liberals are actually pretty Stupid people...but somehow not everybody see it clearly because they hide it so well behind Arrogance and Hypocrisy.


Should be the Motto of the the Democrat Party.
It is.
Muslims didn't massacre over 100 million Native Americans and steal their land - Christians did.
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The Democrats have the Republicans beat hands down. They've got JC..., Jimmy Carter, more like the biblical Jesus than anything the Republicans have thrown our way in living memory. :eusa_angel: :biggrin: :eusa_pray:
President Carter has not a shred of Biblical support for his apparent acceptance of Gay marriage. Jesus provided Biblical reference. President Carter has only personal opinion.
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President. So I guess they'd rather see a Muslim in the White House instead of a Bible-believing Christian, if they had to choose one or the other.

Personally, I don't agree with Carson. I've known some good and politically conservative Muslims who I think would govern justly and capably. In some towns and counties, mainstream conservative Muslims have teamed up with Christians to support conservative policies, including cracking down on porn shops.

But I can certainly appreciate where Carson is coming from.

Anyway, liberals, spare us your phony, hypocritical "outrage" over Carson's position, given the fact that you guys would ban conservative Christians from being President if you could get away with it.

Obama is a two term liberal Christian president.
The Democrats have the Republicans beat hands down. They've got JC..., Jimmy Carter, more like the biblical Jesus than anything the Republicans have thrown our way in living memory. :eusa_angel: :biggrin: :eusa_pray:
President Carter has not a shred of Biblical support for his apparent acceptance of Gay marriage. Jesus provided Biblical reference. President Carter has only personal opinion.

There is not one sentence in the Bible that condemns same sex civil marriage.
The Democrats have the Republicans beat hands down. They've got JC..., Jimmy Carter, more like the biblical Jesus than anything the Republicans have thrown our way in living memory.
President Carter has not a shred of Biblical support for his apparent acceptance of Gay marriage. Jesus provided Biblical reference. President Carter has only personal opinion.
When did Jesus talk about gay marriage or homosexuality, for that matter? Answer: NEVER! So take your anti-Christian homophobia and hit the road.
The Democrats have the Republicans beat hands down. They've got JC..., Jimmy Carter, more like the biblical Jesus than anything the Republicans have thrown our way in living memory. :eusa_angel: :biggrin: :eusa_pray:
President Carter has not a shred of Biblical support for his apparent acceptance of Gay marriage. Jesus provided Biblical reference. President Carter has only personal opinion.

Jesus said not to divorce and remarry.

Carter- still married to his wife.
Reagan- divorced and remarried.

Hmmmm who followed Jesus's commands?
"Oh, I See: Liberals Think a Muslim Can Be President, but Not a Bible-Believing Christian"

No, you don't 'see.'

The vast majority of liberals are bible-believing Christians, even more persons of faith.

Any person of any faith, or someone free from faith, can become president, provided he acknowledges and respects Establishment Clause jurisprudence.

What liberals correctly and appropriately oppose are religious extremists who have contempt for Establishment Clause jurisprudence, who seek to conjoin church and state in violation of the Framers' mandate to keep both separate, and who work to codify religious dogma into secular law.

Indeed, everyone from across the political spectrum should denounce those hostile to Establishment Clause jurisprudence – conservatives, moderates, and liberals.
I suppose that's a good answer for those that choose not to understand the full meaning of the clause.
Of course, liberals are all in an uproar over Ben Carson's statement that he does not think a Muslim should ever be President. Yet, liberals do not think that a Bible-believing Christian should ever be President.

Where did you get the idea liberals don't think a Christian should be President, straw man?

Jimmy Carter was as liberal as they come, and he was an evangelical.

Barack Obama is also a Christian. Remember Reverend Wright? I know it makes your head asplode to try to convince yourself Obama's a Muslim AND that he attended a liberal Christian church for decades.


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