Oh Libs this has GOT to hurt. Rush Limbaugh Ratings Up 60% Since Fluke Controversy

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

That was a quip. Limbaugh has had measured audience in the low 20 mm a week for many years now.

Anybody who cares to know the facts knows this.


I'm one of them and Charter 24/7 Member. ;)
A charter 24/7 member is a SUCKER stupid enough to pay for worthless lies. :rofl::lmao:

His audience has not been "measured" in the low 20 millions since Clinton. Presently it is measured at 15 million by the Right-Wing Talkers Mag., so you know it is inflated as much as CON$erviNutzis can possibly inflate it, and that's a 30% loss.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

Face it, he is good at what he does, and his best format is Radio. It's hard work and talent, not luck. Agree or disagree, he has good instinct. He may misstep, but that does not take away from his ability.

So hitler, saddam and bush, can't take away from their ability to fuck over the people for power and money. Ok, Hush you have an ability to sell your sole and can careless about the future of the world for money, how is that talent and its the ones writing the checks to Husk BTW? It’s a show that needs to make money. by spewing hate and fear thinking to ones that follow this crap, for profit now that talent! And glad they are so few and will slowly die away (even faster when the fat head fuck has his heart attack what will they do, and will the suicide rate spike for the year?) as people truly can get to facts and truth these days and that keep the sick types in check that banner Hush.

So let’s get a head start on who will replace this clown, that would be fun. BTW have you ever gone to a bar and spotted a Hush listener and started chatting with them?
Have some fun with them even buy them a few drinks
stroke their Hush passion, lie to them make or even expanded on wrong facts to them and get them spewing hate and video record it.. sweet…. And a fun night!

Hitler ans Saddam were both Despots. Bush was not. Rush is not. I'm guessing English is your second Language, and that The USA is not where you were born. Do you cross dress when you make your Videos??? Repeat after me...."Fuck Totalitarianism". Here is a new word for you.....Soul. You do not feed it by forcing others to your will. You feed it by serving Justice and Truth, through Prayer and Fasting.
The worst Despots think they are "benevolent dictators" :badgrin:

March 30, 2012
RUSH: I am a benevolent dictator.
That was a quip. Limbaugh has had measured audience in the low 20 mm a week for many years now.

Anybody who cares to know the facts knows this.


I'm one of them and Charter 24/7 Member. ;)
A charter 24/7 member is a SUCKER stupid enough to pay for worthless lies. :rofl::lmao:

His audience has not been "measured" in the low 20 millions since Clinton. Presently it is measured at 15 million by the Right-Wing Talkers Mag., so you know it is inflated as much as CON$erviNutzis can possibly inflate it, and that's a 30% loss.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

Nice chart Edith...too bad it's out of date and doesn't address the topic.
I imagine you listen more to that stuff than I do.

:eusa_angel: I travel through two counties daily (job) and sometimes I listen to music, rush, hannity, levin and a local glenn beck wannabe. Gives me a good idea what y'all are talking about when you post.
Funny, I listen to none of the above. It could be conservatives look alike to you online because our adherence to constitutional issues and admiration for those who do right causes us to draw similar conclusions about any given event. Most of us have fought to save a business, fought for the Constitution, fought obstacles to get charitable organizations funding for helping other people who need to receive assistance, sustenance, or counseling or other help. We're realists, and it's not easy to fool a person with a calculator in his or her hand, determining if a proposal is fiscally a possibility or isn't.

Give it a rest. You guys didn't start giving a crap about the Constitution and the debt until you were told to after losing in 2008. Nothing at all on those lines during the bush years where they spent us into oblivion and where billions went missing in Iraq and were never accounted for. 700,000,000.00 in funds went missing from FEMA and was never accounted for. Not one word about spending and the debt back then. Like 5 year olds, take no responsibility and always blame what you did on others. You might want to help others but your party leaders are only interested in helping oil companies and the wealthy. Give billions in more tax breaks to them and pay for it by hurting the middle class and the poor. You cheer them on all the way.
Amazing on this forum how the name "RUSH" makes the k00ks go even more mental. This guy so fucks these people up. Every single thread goes nuclear with the k00ks falling all over themselves with hyper-anger.:2up:

I'm one of them and Charter 24/7 Member. ;)
A charter 24/7 member is a SUCKER stupid enough to pay for worthless lies. :rofl::lmao:

His audience has not been "measured" in the low 20 millions since Clinton. Presently it is measured at 15 million by the Right-Wing Talkers Mag., so you know it is inflated as much as CON$erviNutzis can possibly inflate it, and that's a 30% loss.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

Nice chart Edith...too bad it's out of date and doesn't address the topic.
It is the most recent one on their site and it is relevant as it shows what a liar he is, rather than "take himself away" after losing more than 20% of his audience, he simply lies that his audience is growing, problem solved and 99.7% accuracy rating preserved.

Drive-By Media Inflate Importance of Miniscule
Liberal Groups, Marginalize Huge EIB Audience
June 14, 2007
RUSH: I'm telling you, it's the same thing with this stupid bunch of idiots, the Center for Science and the Public Interest. It's probably three idiots -- three anorexic, pallid idiots -- and they claim to represent the entire health industry, or they're given that kind of weight. Meantime, this audience is 22 million -- and we're learning, by the way, it's even larger than that. I can't give away trade secrets, but there's a revolutionary new way that radio ratings are being taken, and it's been tested in a couple cities and we're finding in Philadelphia, the "cume" is twice what we thought it was. It's going to be awhile before they roll this out into all of the markets that are rated. But it's going to be even more than 22 million people.
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That was a quip. Limbaugh has had measured audience in the low 20 mm a week for many years now.

Anybody who cares to know the facts knows this.


I'm one of them and Charter 24/7 Member. ;)
A charter 24/7 member is a SUCKER stupid enough to pay for worthless lies. :rofl::lmao:

His audience has not been "measured" in the low 20 millions since Clinton. Presently it is measured at 15 million by the Right-Wing Talkers Mag., so you know it is inflated as much as CON$erviNutzis can possibly inflate it, and that's a 30% loss.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.


LOL.........knew nobody watched Ed Schultz. Nobody listens to him either.:funnyface:
So hitler, saddam and bush, can't take away from their ability to fuck over the people for power and money. Ok, Hush you have an ability to sell your sole and can careless about the future of the world for money, how is that talent and its the ones writing the checks to Husk BTW? It’s a show that needs to make money. by spewing hate and fear thinking to ones that follow this crap, for profit now that talent! And glad they are so few and will slowly die away (even faster when the fat head fuck has his heart attack what will they do, and will the suicide rate spike for the year?) as people truly can get to facts and truth these days and that keep the sick types in check that banner Hush.

So let’s get a head start on who will replace this clown, that would be fun. BTW have you ever gone to a bar and spotted a Hush listener and started chatting with them?
Have some fun with them even buy them a few drinks
stroke their Hush passion, lie to them make or even expanded on wrong facts to them and get them spewing hate and video record it.. sweet…. And a fun night!

Hitler ans Saddam were both Despots. Bush was not. Rush is not. I'm guessing English is your second Language, and that The USA is not where you were born. Do you cross dress when you make your Videos??? Repeat after me...."Fuck Totalitarianism". Here is a new word for you.....Soul. You do not feed it by forcing others to your will. You feed it by serving Justice and Truth, through Prayer and Fasting.
The worst Despots think they are "benevolent dictators" :badgrin:

March 30, 2012
RUSH: I am a benevolent dictator.

You are obviously not to up on Sarcasm, Chump. ;)
A charter 24/7 member is a SUCKER stupid enough to pay for worthless lies. :rofl::lmao:

His audience has not been "measured" in the low 20 millions since Clinton. Presently it is measured at 15 million by the Right-Wing Talkers Mag., so you know it is inflated as much as CON$erviNutzis can possibly inflate it, and that's a 30% loss.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

Nice chart Edith...too bad it's out of date and doesn't address the topic.
It is the most recent one on their site and it is relevant as it shows what a liar he is, rather than "take himself away" after losing more than 20% of his audience, he simply lies that his audience is growing, problem solved and 99.7% accuracy rating preserved.

Drive-By Media Inflate Importance of Miniscule
Liberal Groups, Marginalize Huge EIB Audience
June 14, 2007
RUSH: I'm telling you, it's the same thing with this stupid bunch of idiots, the Center for Science and the Public Interest. It's probably three idiots -- three anorexic, pallid idiots -- and they claim to represent the entire health industry, or they're given that kind of weight. Meantime, this audience is 22 million -- and we're learning, by the way, it's even larger than that. I can't give away trade secrets, but there's a revolutionary new way that radio ratings are being taken, and it's been tested in a couple cities and we're finding in Philadelphia, the "cume" is twice what we thought it was. It's going to be awhile before they roll this out into all of the markets that are rated. But it's going to be even more than 22 million people.

Your jealousy precedes you Edith. :doubt:
:eusa_angel: I travel through two counties daily (job) and sometimes I listen to music, rush, hannity, levin and a local glenn beck wannabe. Gives me a good idea what y'all are talking about when you post.
Funny, I listen to none of the above. It could be conservatives look alike to you online because our adherence to constitutional issues and admiration for those who do right causes us to draw similar conclusions about any given event. Most of us have fought to save a business, fought for the Constitution, fought obstacles to get charitable organizations funding for helping other people who need to receive assistance, sustenance, or counseling or other help. We're realists, and it's not easy to fool a person with a calculator in his or her hand, determining if a proposal is fiscally a possibility or isn't.

Give it a rest. You guys didn't start giving a crap about the Constitution and the debt until you were told to after losing in 2008. Nothing at all on those lines during the bush years where they spent us into oblivion and where billions went missing in Iraq and were never accounted for. 700,000,000.00 in funds went missing from FEMA and was never accounted for. Not one word about spending and the debt back then. Like 5 year olds, take no responsibility and always blame what you did on others. You might want to help others but your party leaders are only interested in helping oil companies and the wealthy. Give billions in more tax breaks to them and pay for it by hurting the middle class and the poor. You cheer them on all the way.
Spare us your idiocy, and thats what it is....................

I bet you think GWs poll numbers were because they only polled democrats. IDIOT...........
Hitler ans Saddam were both Despots. Bush was not. Rush is not. I'm guessing English is your second Language, and that The USA is not where you were born. Do you cross dress when you make your Videos??? Repeat after me...."Fuck Totalitarianism". Here is a new word for you.....Soul. You do not feed it by forcing others to your will. You feed it by serving Justice and Truth, through Prayer and Fasting.
The worst Despots think they are "benevolent dictators" :badgrin:

March 30, 2012
RUSH: I am a benevolent dictator.

You are obviously not to up on Sarcasm, Chump. ;)
I guess you missed the laughing emoticon, champ. :eusa_shhh:

Mar 8, 2012
RUSH: I'm the dictator. There is no First Amendment here, except for me.

Apr 16, 2009
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator.

Apr 13, 2009
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator.

Mar 19, 2008
RUSH: I am a benevolent dictator

Nov 11, 2007
RUSH: I'm a "benevolent dictator."

May 7, 2007
RUSH: I act as benevolent dictator and in total control

Dec 12, 2006
RUSH: Your benevolent dictator

May 9, 2005
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator
The worst Despots think they are "benevolent dictators" :badgrin:

March 30, 2012
RUSH: I am a benevolent dictator.

You are obviously not to up on Sarcasm, Chump. ;)
I guess you missed the laughing emoticon, champ. :eusa_shhh:

Mar 8, 2012
RUSH: I'm the dictator. There is no First Amendment here, except for me.

Apr 16, 2009
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator.

Apr 13, 2009
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator.

Mar 19, 2008
RUSH: I am a benevolent dictator

Nov 11, 2007
RUSH: I'm a "benevolent dictator."

May 7, 2007
RUSH: I act as benevolent dictator and in total control

Dec 12, 2006
RUSH: Your benevolent dictator

May 9, 2005
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator

Is it the doing good part that is pissing you off?
You are obviously not to up on Sarcasm, Chump. ;)
I guess you missed the laughing emoticon, champ. :eusa_shhh:

Mar 8, 2012
RUSH: I'm the dictator. There is no First Amendment here, except for me.

Apr 16, 2009
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator.

Apr 13, 2009
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator.

Mar 19, 2008
RUSH: I am a benevolent dictator

Nov 11, 2007
RUSH: I'm a "benevolent dictator."

May 7, 2007
RUSH: I act as benevolent dictator and in total control

Dec 12, 2006
RUSH: Your benevolent dictator

May 9, 2005
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator

Is it the doing good part that is pissing you off?

Rush has tweaked Edith off the scale.
I guess you missed the laughing emoticon, champ. :eusa_shhh:

Mar 8, 2012
RUSH: I'm the dictator. There is no First Amendment here, except for me.

Apr 16, 2009
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator.

Apr 13, 2009
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator.

Mar 19, 2008
RUSH: I am a benevolent dictator

Nov 11, 2007
RUSH: I'm a "benevolent dictator."

May 7, 2007
RUSH: I act as benevolent dictator and in total control

Dec 12, 2006
RUSH: Your benevolent dictator

May 9, 2005
RUSH: I'm a benevolent dictator

Is it the doing good part that is pissing you off?

Rush has tweaked Edith off the scale.

the idiots need to keep websters on hand at all times. Their confusion as to definitions needs a great deal of work.
Nice chart Edith...too bad it's out of date and doesn't address the topic.
It is the most recent one on their site and it is relevant as it shows what a liar he is, rather than "take himself away" after losing more than 20% of his audience, he simply lies that his audience is growing, problem solved and 99.7% accuracy rating preserved.

Drive-By Media Inflate Importance of Miniscule
Liberal Groups, Marginalize Huge EIB Audience
June 14, 2007
RUSH: I'm telling you, it's the same thing with this stupid bunch of idiots, the Center for Science and the Public Interest. It's probably three idiots -- three anorexic, pallid idiots -- and they claim to represent the entire health industry, or they're given that kind of weight. Meantime, this audience is 22 million -- and we're learning, by the way, it's even larger than that. I can't give away trade secrets, but there's a revolutionary new way that radio ratings are being taken, and it's been tested in a couple cities and we're finding in Philadelphia, the "cume" is twice what we thought it was. It's going to be awhile before they roll this out into all of the markets that are rated. But it's going to be even more than 22 million people.

Your jealousy precedes you Edith. :doubt:
When their MessiahRushie is caught in a lie, even ignoring the over 40 million audience size lie, DittoNutzis are programmed to attack the messenger who dares to expose them to the truth. The pathological liar claimed he had MORE than 22 million listeners back in 2007 and today claims that his 22 million now is more than his MORE than 22 million back then. :cuckoo:

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program. The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here who have stopped patronizing these people, stopped patronizing them. It's major in many instances, the harm that has been inflicted.
Funny, I listen to none of the above. It could be conservatives look alike to you online because our adherence to constitutional issues and admiration for those who do right causes us to draw similar conclusions about any given event. Most of us have fought to save a business, fought for the Constitution, fought obstacles to get charitable organizations funding for helping other people who need to receive assistance, sustenance, or counseling or other help. We're realists, and it's not easy to fool a person with a calculator in his or her hand, determining if a proposal is fiscally a possibility or isn't.

Give it a rest. You guys didn't start giving a crap about the Constitution and the debt until you were told to after losing in 2008. Nothing at all on those lines during the bush years where they spent us into oblivion and where billions went missing in Iraq and were never accounted for. 700,000,000.00 in funds went missing from FEMA and was never accounted for. Not one word about spending and the debt back then. Like 5 year olds, take no responsibility and always blame what you did on others. You might want to help others but your party leaders are only interested in helping oil companies and the wealthy. Give billions in more tax breaks to them and pay for it by hurting the middle class and the poor. You cheer them on all the way.
Spare us your idiocy, and thats what it is....................

Like a two year old, in your case. Grow up.

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