Oh Libs this has GOT to hurt. Rush Limbaugh Ratings Up 60% Since Fluke Controversy

It is the most recent one on their site and it is relevant as it shows what a liar he is, rather than "take himself away" after losing more than 20% of his audience, he simply lies that his audience is growing, problem solved and 99.7% accuracy rating preserved.

Drive-By Media Inflate Importance of Miniscule
Liberal Groups, Marginalize Huge EIB Audience
June 14, 2007
RUSH: I'm telling you, it's the same thing with this stupid bunch of idiots, the Center for Science and the Public Interest. It's probably three idiots -- three anorexic, pallid idiots -- and they claim to represent the entire health industry, or they're given that kind of weight. Meantime, this audience is 22 million -- and we're learning, by the way, it's even larger than that. I can't give away trade secrets, but there's a revolutionary new way that radio ratings are being taken, and it's been tested in a couple cities and we're finding in Philadelphia, the "cume" is twice what we thought it was. It's going to be awhile before they roll this out into all of the markets that are rated. But it's going to be even more than 22 million people.

Your jealousy precedes you Edith. :doubt:
When their MessiahRushie is caught in a lie, even ignoring the over 40 million audience size lie, DittoNutzis are programmed to attack the messenger who dares to expose them to the truth. The pathological liar claimed he had MORE than 22 million listeners back in 2007 and today claims that his 22 million now is more than his MORE than 22 million back then. :cuckoo:

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program. The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here who have stopped patronizing these people, stopped patronizing them. It's major in many instances, the harm that has been inflicted.

Do you want to compare notes? Take a look at the Main Stream Media and tell me they're not a bunch of fucking liars and deceivers. Those pricks totally ignore truths everyday while spewing vile hate and lies. Not my opinion. Its fact and undeniable.
Give it a rest. You guys didn't start giving a crap about the Constitution and the debt until you were told to after losing in 2008. Nothing at all on those lines during the bush years where they spent us into oblivion and where billions went missing in Iraq and were never accounted for. 700,000,000.00 in funds went missing from FEMA and was never accounted for. Not one word about spending and the debt back then. Like 5 year olds, take no responsibility and always blame what you did on others. You might want to help others but your party leaders are only interested in helping oil companies and the wealthy. Give billions in more tax breaks to them and pay for it by hurting the middle class and the poor. You cheer them on all the way.
Spare us your idiocy, and thats what it is....................

Like a two year old, in your case. Grow up.

You need quote function work.

Besides many other things. If you want to talk trash, I will trash you. That is my commitment to you. You chimed in with shit Now I am giving you the same.

Got it yet?>
Give it a rest. You guys didn't start giving a crap about the Constitution and the debt until you were told to after losing in 2008. Nothing at all on those lines during the bush years where they spent us into oblivion and where billions went missing in Iraq and were never accounted for. 700,000,000.00 in funds went missing from FEMA and was never accounted for. Not one word about spending and the debt back then. Like 5 year olds, take no responsibility and always blame what you did on others. You might want to help others but your party leaders are only interested in helping oil companies and the wealthy. Give billions in more tax breaks to them and pay for it by hurting the middle class and the poor. You cheer them on all the way.
Spare us your idiocy, and thats what it is....................

Like a two year old, in your case. Grow up.

Spare us your idiocy, and thats what it is....................

Like a two year old, in your case. Grow up.

You need quote function work.

Besides many other things. If you want to talk trash, I will trash you. That is my commitment to you. You chimed in with shit Now I am giving you the same.

Got it yet?>

This thread is comparable to the story that Carbonite was on the ropes because they dumped Limbaugh, aka, horseshit.
Exactly, Carbonite lost 55% of its value while advertising with the Pinko Slime of Politics, and is up 16% since dropping the Doctor of Duplicity!

March 28, 2012
RUSH: But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here who have stopped patronizing these people, stopped patronizing them. It's major in many instances, the harm that has been inflicted.
Your jealousy precedes you Edith. :doubt:
When their MessiahRushie is caught in a lie, even ignoring the over 40 million audience size lie, DittoNutzis are programmed to attack the messenger who dares to expose them to the truth. The pathological liar claimed he had MORE than 22 million listeners back in 2007 and today claims that his 22 million now is more than his MORE than 22 million back then. :cuckoo:

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program. The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here who have stopped patronizing these people, stopped patronizing them. It's major in many instances, the harm that has been inflicted.

Do you want to compare notes? Take a look at the Main Stream Media and tell me they're not a bunch of fucking liars and deceivers. Those pricks totally ignore truths everyday while spewing vile hate and lies. Not my opinion. Its fact and undeniable.

Objectivity in the media doesn't exist...so many confuse Rush with being a journalist...or was that titular head of the RNC...entertainer? Maybe one daythey will make up thier minds as they try to silence him in the meantime?
Spare us your idiocy, and thats what it is....................

Like a two year old, in your case. Grow up.

You need quote function work.

Besides many other things. If you want to talk trash, I will trash you. That is my commitment to you. You chimed in with shit Now I am giving you the same.

Got it yet?>

You obviously only know how to talk trash. Perhaps a Justin Bieber board would match your maturity level. If you want to be a grown up, dispute what I said instead of presenting a childlike one liner.
You need quote function work.

Besides many other things. If you want to talk trash, I will trash you. That is my commitment to you. You chimed in with shit Now I am giving you the same.

Got it yet?>

You obviously only know how to talk trash. Perhaps a Justin Bieber board would match your maturity level. If you want to be a grown up, dispute what I said instead of presenting a childlike one liner.

And you know how NOT to use the quote function. I fixed it for you again.
So what? He's not making any money on his bigger audience. No one wants to buy ads on his show.

His screw up is costing those who pay his contract.

Making your shit up is your hallmark, derpoconartist.

But for a refreshing change of pace, it would be fun to see you even ATTEMPT to support (factually and with sources and links) the crap you just tried to spew.
I told everyone. Libs would argue we can't trust what Rush says about his ratings.

But we do know these three things.

A) Rush IS Number one in talk radio.

B) Libs claimed Rush would be gone by the end of the "Slut" week.

C) Rush is STILL HERE, and isn't going anywhere!

I told you libs. You can't get rid of Rush. The ONLY thing that would get rid of Rush is convincing all 20 million of his listeners to STOP LISTENING and YOU CAN'T DO THAT.

It's still a free country and people can still choose to listen to what they want.

I know you little Hitler/Stalins want to change that but you haven't yet, and you won't be able to as long as people like Rush are around.

Feel the burn of your own frustration while I laugh myself silly at ya!

Some of you IDIOT LIBS on this board were predicitng that Rush was done. Gone! Finito!

And he's still here, doing fine, and ADDING sponsors.

The libs war to get rid of Rush fell as flat as all their other astroturf efforts

Well, there are two groups of people who listen to Rush. People who don't care that he's not politically correct, and people who listen to him in order to be offended by his lack of political correctness.

These incidents grow both those groups.
'Rush Limbaugh Show' Ratings Up 60% - YouTube

That's got to hurt.

I know libs will scream it isn't true, and we only have Rush's word.

But consider this. Some of you IDIOT LIBS on this board were predicitng that Rush was done. Gone! Finito!

And he's still here, doing fine, and ADDING sponsors.

The libs war to get rid of Rush fell as flat as all their other astroturf efforts.

I told you libs. Your liberal media didn't make Rush, so your liberal media can't take him down.

Only if you are stupid enough to believe the pathological liar, but then again by his own "word" he's LOST about 50% of his audience, from over 40 million to 22 million!!!

March 28, 2012
RUSH: We haven't lost any audience in this program. The audience is larger than it's ever been... But the advertisers who've really been hurt are the ones who've abandoned here. I just assume everybody understood that. Let me tell you: We have 22 million people here who have stopped patronizing these people, stopped patronizing them. It's major in many instances, the harm that has been inflicted.

May 26, 2011
RUSH:. According to reports at the peak of The Oprah's popularity, her show had 40 million weekly viewers. Now, that's not bad. That's almost as many as we have every day here. So our hat's off to The Oprah, 40 million viewers a week, not bad.

lushbo does not allow his true numbers to be published. He insists on being the only one who can know or make public what his true ratings are. The last true figure, which I read a while back, was a scant 11 million.

I couldn't stand to listen to him but I've read that he said 'from 10% to 60%'.

Huge disconnect between what fatso says and reality. In any event, thanks to his empty-headed dittoheads, he does very well. Even John Boehner kisses his feet.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever read, Each station, the advertisers and Arbitron know exactly how many listeners are listening. Do you think Limbaugh can prevent rating numbers being released? Does he own Arbitron and every local station that needs numbers to base their costs to advertisers?

You are lying just as you accuse Limbaugh of doing.

I'm one of them and Charter 24/7 Member. ;)
A charter 24/7 member is a SUCKER stupid enough to pay for worthless lies. :rofl::lmao:

His audience has not been "measured" in the low 20 millions since Clinton. Presently it is measured at 15 million by the Right-Wing Talkers Mag., so you know it is inflated as much as CON$erviNutzis can possibly inflate it, and that's a 30% loss.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

Nice chart Edith...too bad it's out of date and doesn't address the topic.

You know what I like about this chart! This very small 15 million group that only have the top
4 spot as a source to control their internal struggles with hates and bigoted views. Points out a very
slow and painful death of the kind. What will be the future when the top 4 are gone? WOW!
tick! tick! tick! I see real deep pain, cool..
A charter 24/7 member is a SUCKER stupid enough to pay for worthless lies. :rofl::lmao:

His audience has not been "measured" in the low 20 millions since Clinton. Presently it is measured at 15 million by the Right-Wing Talkers Mag., so you know it is inflated as much as CON$erviNutzis can possibly inflate it, and that's a 30% loss.

November 10, 2010
RUSH: I'm in the broadcasting business, just as they are. They might want to say they're in the journalism business, the news business, and in a way they are, but even though they're cable, they're broadcasters. I mean there are certain skill sets that you have to succeed at, and if you don't, you're gone. If this program lost 20% of the audience I'd be gone. I would take myself away.

Nice chart Edith...too bad it's out of date and doesn't address the topic.

You know what I like about this chart! This very small 15 million group that only have the top
4 spot as a source to control their internal struggles with hates and bigoted views. Points out a very
slow and painful death of the kind. What will be the future when the top 4 are gone? WOW!
tick! tick! tick! I see real deep pain, cool..

Real Bigots always try to cover thier tracks while denying freedom of speech to others in a ploy of perceived bigotry on thier part.
'Rush Limbaugh Show' Ratings Up 60% - YouTube

That's got to hurt.

I know libs will scream it isn't true, and we only have Rush's word.

But consider this. Some of you IDIOT LIBS on this board were predicitng that Rush was done. Gone! Finito!

And he's still here, doing fine, and ADDING sponsors.

The libs war to get rid of Rush fell as flat as all their other astroturf efforts.

I told you libs. Your liberal media didn't make Rush, so your liberal media can't take him down.


LMAO!! The only ones listening to him are the 30% of the country who are dyed in the wool right wing conservative assholes. Why would any of them tune him out for saying something they agree with
'Rush Limbaugh Show' Ratings Up 60% - YouTube

That's got to hurt.

I know libs will scream it isn't true, and we only have Rush's word.

But consider this. Some of you IDIOT LIBS on this board were predicitng that Rush was done. Gone! Finito!

And he's still here, doing fine, and ADDING sponsors.

The libs war to get rid of Rush fell as flat as all their other astroturf efforts.

I told you libs. Your liberal media didn't make Rush, so your liberal media can't take him down.


LMAO!! The only ones listening to him are the 30% of the country who are dyed in the wool right wing conservative assholes. Why would any of them tune him out for saying something they agree with

As is so frequently the case, Dummbell, you are wrong.

We get reports from LOTS of you idiot libs about things said by Rush ALL the time.

You are a very dense hack.


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