Oh look, Another Democrat 'Assault Weapons' Ban Hearing (Yawn)


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
For the last 20 years, while screaming how they wanted gun bans, Democrats have either blocked or refused to allow gun ban legislation to make it to the floor for a vote, even when they knew they had the votes to pass it.

Before becoming the Majority Speaker in the Senate Harry Reid boted against gun ban legislation, and after that he was made the Democrats' leader. After Taking over the Senate Reid never let gun ban legislation make it to the floor for a vote, despite having the majority in the Senate several times, despite having a super-majority control of Congress and despite knowing he had the votes to pass it.

For 20 years it has been 'show votes', political theater, division, and bullshit.

Despite insisting they care about protecting our children and making schools safer, just last week Schumer blocked bipartisan legislation that would have made schools ore secure.

While blocking actual legislation that would protect our children, despite 20 tears of blocking gun ban legislation that Democrats say is the ONLY thing that will protect kids, Democrats insisted that it is the GOP standing in the way of protecting our kids.

So what's in the news today that is going to change 20 years of Democrats' lies and political theater, that will finally make our kids safer?

....yay, ANOTHER Democrat hearing...our kids are as good as saved.

For the last 20 years, while screaming how they wanted gun bans, Democrats have either blocked or refused to allow gun ban legislation to make it to the floor for a vote, even when they knew they had the votes to pass it.

Before becoming the Majority Speaker in the Senate Harry Reid boted against gun ban legislation, and after that he was made the Democrats' leader. After Taking over the Senate Reid never let gun ban legislation make it to the floor for a vote, despite having the majority in the Senate several times, despite having a super-majority control of Congress and despite knowing he had the votes to pass it.

For 20 years it has been 'show votes', political theater, division, and bullshit.

Despite insisting they care about protecting our children and making schools safer, just last week Schumer blocked bipartisan legislation that would have made schools ore secure.

While blocking actual legislation that would protect our children, despite 20 tears of blocking gun ban legislation that Democrats say is the ONLY thing that will protect kids, Democrats insisted that it is the GOP standing in the way of protecting our kids.

So what's in the news today that is going to change 20 years of Democrats' lies and political theater, that will finally make our kids safer?

....yay, ANOTHER Democrat hearing...our kids are as good as saved.

Two way street by both parties. That is why neither party, at it's leadership and ranking members, is worth a crap. I am just amazed the partisans on the to parties side, don't see it. Some times think neither party really wants majority, as people might expect the party in power to legislate.

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