Oregon Dems Ban Republicans From Running for Office It’s the kind of “attack on democracy” that Democrats love.

Dimocrats were the ones who first started this years ago in Oregon.
They staged some walkouts in order to kill bills, because at the time they didn't have the votes to block bills they didn't like.

Years later, Republicans used the Dim technique when the legislature was ruled by a Dim super-majority, that could simply apply tyranny rule.

Once it became a way for Republicans to kill bills, then suddenly Dimocrats screamed about the method. In the end voters voted to kick legislators out if they continued to do this.
The courts have decided it's Constitutional, so here we are.
Oregon is a hopeless lost cause, and will always be ran by the tyrannical left, and voters here approve of it.
What don't you understand about destroying democracy? I understand that it doesn't matter if the mob decides that their political opponents can be forced out office because you don't like them. FYI, that's called fascism.

Whenever you want to change laws that effect fair representation of the voters in your state, due to the fact that this is a republic, not a pure democracy, you're supposed to put it on a referendum. You're not supposed to turn your state into a police state just because you have a majority. They pulled that crap in CA, but CA is basically North Mexico now anyway, and they're paying a heavy price for it.
Oregon law, is Oregon law, Mud. And it was within the realm of the Constitution, both state and federal.

the Republican Senators knew their Law on this, and chose to break it. Lawlessness.

We are a Nation of Laws, not men....it's how our founders wanted it.
How is that different from dictador Maduro?
The democratic will being respected is antithetical to authoritarianism.

Oregon voters approved Measure 113 by a wide margin following Republican walkouts in the Legislature in 2019, 2020 and 2021.
Oregon law, is Oregon law, Mud. And it was within the realm of the Constitution, both state and federal.

the Republican Senators knew their Law on this, and chose to break it. Lawlessness.

We are a Nation of Laws, not men....it's how our founders wanted it.
Those aren't laws. They're rules.....and if they want to they can take them to the Supreme Court and have it overturned.
We are a nation of laws.
And the Democrat Party believes that laws are only for subjugating others, not for themselves.
What your whole rant and anti-democratic diatribe completely ignores is that it isn't Democrats who are suing to remove Trump from the ballot, it's Republicans.

All of the attempts to remove Republicans who participated in Trump's insurrection from the ballot, are being filed by REPUBLICANS.

As for "dirty politics", Republicans INVENTED dirty politics. See George McGovern, Richard Nixon, Donald Trump. Newt Gingerich destroyed Mitt Romney with his "When Romney Came to Town" video about his corporate raiding techniques.
That isn’t what is happening in Oregon. Can you stick with the subject. Should one party be able to ban another party for playing politics, things they would do themselves.
That isn’t what is happening in Oregon. Can you stick with the subject. Should one party be able to ban another party for playing politics, things they would do themselves.
the citizens of Oregon answered with a BIG YES.
Those aren't laws. They're rules..
They amended their constitution.

"The right way to approach the two-thirds quorum problem from the beginning would have involved a constitutional amendment, but more directly: Change the two third requirement in the constitution section quoted above, to a simple majority (50% plus one). That would allow just over half of either chamber to conduct business.

It’s easy to understand, clear and would solve the problem."

They amended their constitution.

"The right way to approach the two-thirds quorum problem from the beginning would have involved a constitutional amendment, but more directly: Change the two third requirement in the constitution section quoted above, to a simple majority (50% plus one). That would allow just over half of either chamber to conduct business.

It’s easy to understand, clear and would solve the problem."

If your party wasn't filled with anti-American communists you wouldn't have to change the laws to get things done.
Democrats need to start doing what is best for their constituents instead of what gets them beachfront properties and expensive cars.
They amended their constitution.

"The right way to approach the two-thirds quorum problem from the beginning would have involved a constitutional amendment, but more directly: Change the two third requirement in the constitution section quoted above, to a simple majority (50% plus one). That would allow just over half of either chamber to conduct business.

It’s easy to understand, clear and would solve the problem."

Turns out that the DOJ/FBI was looking for proof that Biden and Obama planned the spying with foreign governments.
That's what they were looking for. Documents concerning Operation Crossfire-hurricane.
That's why they charged Trump because they knew what they were looking for and they couldn't find it.

Back in the 1930 and 1940s days something similar happened
Nazi Political Violence in 1933

Within days of the Reichstag Fire, and the resulting presidential decree for the Protection of the People and State (February 28), the SA and SS escalated the violence against Nazi political opponents. Thousands of Communists and Social Democrats were arrested and jailed. In March—April 1933, an estimated 40,000 to 50,000 political foes were taken into “protective custody” (Schutzhaft) and imprisoned in concentration camps. The SA and SS routinely beat up and tortured political opponents and vandalized, looted, or destroyed leftist parties’ offices.

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Oregon high court rules 10 senators who staged walkout can’t seek reelection​

Story by Maegan Vazquez • 1w

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Oregon high court rules 10 senators who staged walkout can’t seek reelection© Amanda Loman/AP
The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday barred 10 Republican state senators from seeking reelection after a record-long walkout from the legislature last year spurred by objections to a measure intended to protect abortion rights and gender-affirming health care.
Oregon voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2022 that disqualified legislators with 10 or more unexcused absences during a legislative session from holding office in the subsequent term. The measure was aimed at preventing future boycotts amid an increasing frequency of legislative walkouts in the state.

The 10 Republican state senators who took part in a six-week walkout last year prevented the Oregon Senate from reaching a two-thirds quorum required in the chamber to conduct business.
Thursday’s court ruling upholds Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade’s decision to disqualify the GOP state senators involved in the walkout from being on the ballot based on the amendment.
The plaintiffs in the case, five state senators suing over Griffin-Valade’s decision, were among the 10 senators who accrued more than 10 absences.
The measure approved in 2022 states that “failure to attend, without permission or excuse, ten or more legislative floor sessions called to transact business during a regular or special legislative session shall be deemed disorderly behavior and shall disqualify the member from holding office as a Senator or Representative for the term following the election after the member’s current term is completed.”

Oregon bill seeks to halt bias-The plaintiffs in the case disputed when the penalty barring them from holding office would kick in, arguing that an “election after the member’s current term is completed” could be interpreted as allowing a legislator to pursue reelection before their current term had ended, thus allowing them to serve one additional term before being disqualified from holding office.
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The court said in its opinion that while the “petitioners’ interpretation of the text may be the more grammatical reading, the text is capable of supporting the secretary’s interpretation,” noting that “voters would have understood the disqualification to apply to the term of office immediately following the term in which a legislator accrued 10 or more unexcused absences.”
After the court’s ruling, Griffin-Valade said in a statement: “I’ve said from the beginning my intention was to support the will of the voters. It was clear to me that voters intended for legislators with a certain number of absences in a legislative session to be immediately disqualified from seeking reelection. I’m thankful to the Oregon Supreme Court for providing clarity on how to implement Measure 113.”
So we should to the same to you in Red States where your side has done so.

Oregon is now turning into a shithole from the lunatic left. They just now stopped the legal hard drugs because so many were dying.

Karma will deal with Oregon and it will not be pretty. Will die from self inflicted wounds
Oregon law, is Oregon law, Mud. And it was within the realm of the Constitution, both state and federal.

the Republican Senators knew their Law on this, and chose to break it. Lawlessness.

We are a Nation of Laws, not men....it's how our founders wanted it.
Funny how you ignore our laws on the border huh??

Its ONLY THE LAW when it favors your side. You dont like it ITS SANCTUARY FROM THE LAW.

Shows what you are and why MASSES are leaving leftist shitholes

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