Oregon Dems Ban Republicans From Running for Office It’s the kind of “attack on democracy” that Democrats love.

You are speaking out of your ass.

See post 16.
Shut up imbecile my family has lived here for 5 generations, you know jack shit about it. This is millions of California transplants in Salem and Portland DICTATING to the other 90% of the state that disagrees with their California liberal world view. California invaded and corrupted Oregon. Did you know the largest employer in Oregon is...wait for it...yes the State of Oregon. Sitting fat and happy on taxpayer funded UNREAL pension and benefits. Elections are CORRUPT, the Dem politicians are CORRUPTED by the public employee unions. The entire state is RIGGED by Dems for Dems. Now the RIGGING Dems are eliminating the one voice the other 90% of the state has, shocker there. And typical of ASSHOLE Democrats they brought in big money from out of state to advertise (LIE) this past voters.

Now you know something and are less ignorant.
Back in the 1930 and 1940s days something similar happened

Yes Nazi's held a pro-Hitler rally at Madison Square Garden and thousands showed up to cheer the racist authoritarian policies of Adolf Hitler.

What your whole rant and anti-democratic diatribe completely ignores is that it isn't Democrats who are suing to remove Trump from the ballot, it's Republicans.

All of the attempts to remove Republicans who participated in Trump's insurrection from the ballot, are being filed by REPUBLICANS.

As for "dirty politics", Republicans INVENTED dirty politics. See George McGovern, Richard Nixon, Donald Trump. Newt Gingerich destroyed Mitt Romney with his "When Romney Came to Town" video about his corporate raiding techniques.
Have another drink. You're on a roll
Did you reply to the wrong person?

Did I post there was an insurrection in Oregon?

Please help me understand your rebuttal.

Did you ask if there was an insurrection in Tennessee?

Please help me understand that rebuttal.
Did you ask if there was an insurrection in Tennessee?

Please help me understand that rebuttal.
Yes. I did ask that.

The point being; if nobody was charged and convicted of insurrection in Tennessee; how could it have be an insurrection..or did I simply miss those convictions?

And if it wasn't an insurrection then it basically corrupts the premise of the OP.
This is exactly what we've been warning America about for decades, and exactly the reason why the Late, Great ElRushbo called Democrats the enemy. They want to institute a permanent far Left one party state.
After years of trying to “protect democracy” and “fortify democracy”, Democrats finally succeeded in Oregon where they banned Republicans from running for office.

That’s what the Democrat flavor of democracy looks like.

When the Tennessee House of Representatives temporarily expelled two Democrats who had taken part in an insurrection on its grounds, the media quickly turned it into a national story.

The move by the Republican majority was an “attack on democracy”.

But when the Democrat majority in Oregon banned half the Republican Senate delegation from running for reelection, that has been treated as a local story. And not an “attack on democracy”.

While much of Oregon is actually conservative, some urban and suburban populations tilt the state sharply leftward. Oregon’s conservatives, who have been otherwise shut out of the legislative process, have taken to protesting extreme bills by staging walkouts.

Using walkouts to break legislative quorums is not an unusual tactic. Democrats have done it in Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin. But when Democrats practice it, as they do in Texas, it’s cheered by the media. In 2021, for example, Texas Democrats staged a 38 day walkout to block election reform. Democrats welcomed them to D.C. and the media portrayed them as heroes.

“These folks are going to be remembered on the right side of history,” Senator Chuck Schumer had pontificated. “The governor and the Republican legislators will be remembered on the dark and wrong side of history.”

What’s the “right side of history” in Oregon where the Democrat majority is trying to ban Oregon State Senate Republicans from running for reelection because they broke Democrat quorums?

One of the reasons Republicans walked out was to stop a Democrat proposal to allow 14-year-old girls to get abortions without notifying their parents.

Oregon Senate Republicans had walked out for 43 days, as opposed to the Texas Democrat 38 day walkout. But when Democrats are in the minority, as in Texas or Tennessee, walkouts are heroic and democratic, but once they take the majority then they suppress democracy.

Oregon Dems, Bloomberg’s Everytown anti-gun group, Planned Parenthood, along with unions misrepresenting teachers, nurses and government employees, spent $2.53 million

pushing Measure 113 that would penalize Republicans for “unexcused absences”. Since the Democrat permanent majority’s leadership is responsible for deciding what is an “excused” or “unexcused” absence, Measure 113 was a partisan proposition financed by leftist billionaires and aimed at suppressing the political opposition of the rest of the state.

While the proposal to ban Republicans from running for office had $2.5 million behind it, the opposition had none. A fifth of the votes in favor came out of Multnomah County: the home of Portland.

Oregon Ballot Measure 113 - Wikipedia

Oregon Ballot Measure 113, the Exclusion from Re-election for Legislative Absenteeism Initiative, was approved by Oregon voters in the 2022 Oregon elections. Measure 113 amended the Constitution of Oregon to provided that members of the Oregon Legislature with ten unexcused absences from floor sessions are disqualified from serving in the legislature following their current term. It is codified as Article IV, Section 15 of the Oregon Constitution.

The real funny thing about this law is that the former governor, a dem, walked out twice while she was the president of the state senate.

Blah....Conservatives allowed the opposition party to effectively change the rules, laws of elections, voting, etc to the point where their cheating has become legalized.

"Conservative" leadership really does think of politics as a gentlemanly career governed by Queensberry rules rather then the winner take all Clausewitz “war by other means” reality that it really is.

The worst that can happen to them is they lose their seat.....It's the sane that have to live with their failures.

it is only going to get worse.jpg
The only attacks on "democracy" are from Republicans, who aren't part of the Third Reich. Nothing must threaten the Third Reich or it will be labeled an attack on democracy.
Did you see that in a movie, or did you just make that up?

Nazis where Socialists.
After years of trying to “protect democracy” and “fortify democracy”, Democrats finally succeeded in Oregon where they banned Republicans from running for office.

That’s what the Democrat flavor of democracy looks like.

When the Tennessee House of Representatives temporarily expelled two Democrats who had taken part in an insurrection on its grounds, the media quickly turned it into a national story.

The move by the Republican majority was an “attack on democracy”.

But when the Democrat majority in Oregon banned half the Republican Senate delegation from running for reelection, that has been treated as a local story. And not an “attack on democracy”.

While much of Oregon is actually conservative, some urban and suburban populations tilt the state sharply leftward. Oregon’s conservatives, who have been otherwise shut out of the legislative process, have taken to protesting extreme bills by staging walkouts.

Using walkouts to break legislative quorums is not an unusual tactic. Democrats have done it in Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin. But when Democrats practice it, as they do in Texas, it’s cheered by the media. In 2021, for example, Texas Democrats staged a 38 day walkout to block election reform. Democrats welcomed them to D.C. and the media portrayed them as heroes.

“These folks are going to be remembered on the right side of history,” Senator Chuck Schumer had pontificated. “The governor and the Republican legislators will be remembered on the dark and wrong side of history.”

What’s the “right side of history” in Oregon where the Democrat majority is trying to ban Oregon State Senate Republicans from running for reelection because they broke Democrat quorums?

One of the reasons Republicans walked out was to stop a Democrat proposal to allow 14-year-old girls to get abortions without notifying their parents.

Oregon Senate Republicans had walked out for 43 days, as opposed to the Texas Democrat 38 day walkout. But when Democrats are in the minority, as in Texas or Tennessee, walkouts are heroic and democratic, but once they take the majority then they suppress democracy.

Oregon Dems, Bloomberg’s Everytown anti-gun group, Planned Parenthood, along with unions misrepresenting teachers, nurses and government employees, spent $2.53 million

pushing Measure 113 that would penalize Republicans for “unexcused absences”. Since the Democrat permanent majority’s leadership is responsible for deciding what is an “excused” or “unexcused” absence, Measure 113 was a partisan proposition financed by leftist billionaires and aimed at suppressing the political opposition of the rest of the state.

While the proposal to ban Republicans from running for office had $2.5 million behind it, the opposition had none. A fifth of the votes in favor came out of Multnomah County: the home of Portland.

Oregon Ballot Measure 113 - Wikipedia

Oregon Ballot Measure 113, the Exclusion from Re-election for Legislative Absenteeism Initiative, was approved by Oregon voters in the 2022 Oregon elections. Measure 113 amended the Constitution of Oregon to provided that members of the Oregon Legislature with ten unexcused absences from floor sessions are disqualified from serving in the legislature following their current term. It is codified as Article IV, Section 15 of the Oregon Constitution.

The real funny thing about this law is that the former governor, a dem, walked out twice while she was the president of the state senate.

Blah....Conservatives allowed the opposition party to effectively change the rules, laws of elections, voting, etc to the point where their cheating has become legalized.

"Conservative" leadership really does think of politics as a gentlemanly career governed by Queensberry rules rather then the winner take all Clausewitz “war by other means” reality that it really is.

The worst that can happen to them is they lose their seat.....It's the sane that have to live with their failures.
Yes but it's for the greater good and reasons .........shut up bigot !

Democwacy fortified!

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Oregon high court rules 10 senators who staged walkout can’t seek reelection​

Story by Maegan Vazquez • 1w


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Oregon high court rules 10 senators who staged walkout can’t seek reelection© Amanda Loman/AP
The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday barred 10 Republican state senators from seeking reelection after a record-long walkout from the legislature last year spurred by objections to a measure intended to protect abortion rights and gender-affirming health care.
Oregon voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2022 that disqualified legislators with 10 or more unexcused absences during a legislative session from holding office in the subsequent term. The measure was aimed at preventing future boycotts amid an increasing frequency of legislative walkouts in the state.

The 10 Republican state senators who took part in a six-week walkout last year prevented the Oregon Senate from reaching a two-thirds quorum required in the chamber to conduct business.
Thursday’s court ruling upholds Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade’s decision to disqualify the GOP state senators involved in the walkout from being on the ballot based on the amendment.
The plaintiffs in the case, five state senators suing over Griffin-Valade’s decision, were among the 10 senators who accrued more than 10 absences.
The measure approved in 2022 states that “failure to attend, without permission or excuse, ten or more legislative floor sessions called to transact business during a regular or special legislative session shall be deemed disorderly behavior and shall disqualify the member from holding office as a Senator or Representative for the term following the election after the member’s current term is completed.”

Oregon bill seeks to halt bias-The plaintiffs in the case disputed when the penalty barring them from holding office would kick in, arguing that an “election after the member’s current term is completed” could be interpreted as allowing a legislator to pursue reelection before their current term had ended, thus allowing them to serve one additional term before being disqualified from holding office.
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The court said in its opinion that while the “petitioners’ interpretation of the text may be the more grammatical reading, the text is capable of supporting the secretary’s interpretation,” noting that “voters would have understood the disqualification to apply to the term of office immediately following the term in which a legislator accrued 10 or more unexcused absences.”
After the court’s ruling, Griffin-Valade said in a statement: “I’ve said from the beginning my intention was to support the will of the voters. It was clear to me that voters intended for legislators with a certain number of absences in a legislative session to be immediately disqualified from seeking reelection. I’m thankful to the Oregon Supreme Court for providing clarity on how to implement Measure 113.”

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Oregon high court rules 10 senators who staged walkout can’t seek reelection​

Story by Maegan Vazquez • 1w

View attachment 902085
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Oregon high court rules 10 senators who staged walkout can’t seek reelection© Amanda Loman/AP
The Oregon Supreme Court on Thursday barred 10 Republican state senators from seeking reelection after a record-long walkout from the legislature last year spurred by objections to a measure intended to protect abortion rights and gender-affirming health care.
Oregon voters approved a constitutional amendment in 2022 that disqualified legislators with 10 or more unexcused absences during a legislative session from holding office in the subsequent term. The measure was aimed at preventing future boycotts amid an increasing frequency of legislative walkouts in the state.

The 10 Republican state senators who took part in a six-week walkout last year prevented the Oregon Senate from reaching a two-thirds quorum required in the chamber to conduct business.
Thursday’s court ruling upholds Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade’s decision to disqualify the GOP state senators involved in the walkout from being on the ballot based on the amendment.
The plaintiffs in the case, five state senators suing over Griffin-Valade’s decision, were among the 10 senators who accrued more than 10 absences.
The measure approved in 2022 states that “failure to attend, without permission or excuse, ten or more legislative floor sessions called to transact business during a regular or special legislative session shall be deemed disorderly behavior and shall disqualify the member from holding office as a Senator or Representative for the term following the election after the member’s current term is completed.”

Oregon bill seeks to halt bias-The plaintiffs in the case disputed when the penalty barring them from holding office would kick in, arguing that an “election after the member’s current term is completed” could be interpreted as allowing a legislator to pursue reelection before their current term had ended, thus allowing them to serve one additional term before being disqualified from holding office.
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The court said in its opinion that while the “petitioners’ interpretation of the text may be the more grammatical reading, the text is capable of supporting the secretary’s interpretation,” noting that “voters would have understood the disqualification to apply to the term of office immediately following the term in which a legislator accrued 10 or more unexcused absences.”
After the court’s ruling, Griffin-Valade said in a statement: “I’ve said from the beginning my intention was to support the will of the voters. It was clear to me that voters intended for legislators with a certain number of absences in a legislative session to be immediately disqualified from seeking reelection. I’m thankful to the Oregon Supreme Court for providing clarity on how to implement Measure 113.”
After all of the walkouts Democrats have staged in states they don't have the majority, maybe we should just kick all of them out of office too.

I seem to remember this going on in Oklahoma a couple of years ago. They used this tactic to keep from voting on various bills that would have ended their monopolies.

After all of the walkouts Democrats have staged in states they don't have the majority, maybe we should just kick all of them out of office too.

I seem to remember this going on in Oklahoma a couple of years ago. They used this tactic to keep from voting on various bills that would have ended their monopolies.

what do you not understand about Oregon voters putting up a referendum to stop their senators and legislators from doing that... And it overwhelmingly passed it?

if these other states pass a law such as Oregon voters did to stop their legislators from doing this, then they can.
After years of trying to “protect democracy” and “fortify democracy”, Democrats finally succeeded in Oregon where they banned Republicans from running for office.

That’s what the Democrat flavor of democracy looks like.

When the Tennessee House of Representatives temporarily expelled two Democrats who had taken part in an insurrection on its grounds, the media quickly turned it into a national story.

The move by the Republican majority was an “attack on democracy”.

But when the Democrat majority in Oregon banned half the Republican Senate delegation from running for reelection, that has been treated as a local story. And not an “attack on democracy”.

While much of Oregon is actually conservative, some urban and suburban populations tilt the state sharply leftward. Oregon’s conservatives, who have been otherwise shut out of the legislative process, have taken to protesting extreme bills by staging walkouts.

Using walkouts to break legislative quorums is not an unusual tactic. Democrats have done it in Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin. But when Democrats practice it, as they do in Texas, it’s cheered by the media. In 2021, for example, Texas Democrats staged a 38 day walkout to block election reform. Democrats welcomed them to D.C. and the media portrayed them as heroes.

“These folks are going to be remembered on the right side of history,” Senator Chuck Schumer had pontificated. “The governor and the Republican legislators will be remembered on the dark and wrong side of history.”

What’s the “right side of history” in Oregon where the Democrat majority is trying to ban Oregon State Senate Republicans from running for reelection because they broke Democrat quorums?

One of the reasons Republicans walked out was to stop a Democrat proposal to allow 14-year-old girls to get abortions without notifying their parents.

Oregon Senate Republicans had walked out for 43 days, as opposed to the Texas Democrat 38 day walkout. But when Democrats are in the minority, as in Texas or Tennessee, walkouts are heroic and democratic, but once they take the majority then they suppress democracy.

Oregon Dems, Bloomberg’s Everytown anti-gun group, Planned Parenthood, along with unions misrepresenting teachers, nurses and government employees, spent $2.53 million

pushing Measure 113 that would penalize Republicans for “unexcused absences”. Since the Democrat permanent majority’s leadership is responsible for deciding what is an “excused” or “unexcused” absence, Measure 113 was a partisan proposition financed by leftist billionaires and aimed at suppressing the political opposition of the rest of the state.

While the proposal to ban Republicans from running for office had $2.5 million behind it, the opposition had none. A fifth of the votes in favor came out of Multnomah County: the home of Portland.

Oregon Ballot Measure 113 - Wikipedia

Oregon Ballot Measure 113, the Exclusion from Re-election for Legislative Absenteeism Initiative, was approved by Oregon voters in the 2022 Oregon elections. Measure 113 amended the Constitution of Oregon to provided that members of the Oregon Legislature with ten unexcused absences from floor sessions are disqualified from serving in the legislature following their current term. It is codified as Article IV, Section 15 of the Oregon Constitution.

The real funny thing about this law is that the former governor, a dem, walked out twice while she was the president of the state senate.

Blah....Conservatives allowed the opposition party to effectively change the rules, laws of elections, voting, etc to the point where their cheating has become legalized.

"Conservative" leadership really does think of politics as a gentlemanly career governed by Queensberry rules rather then the winner take all Clausewitz “war by other means” reality that it really is.

The worst that can happen to them is they lose their seat.....It's the sane that have to live with their failures.

The Oregon Supreme Court said Thursday that 10 Republican state senators who staged a record-long walkout last year to stall bills on abortion, transgender health care and gun rights cannot run for reelection.
The decision upholds the secretary of state’s decision to disqualify the senators from the ballot under a voter-approved measure aimed at stopping such boycotts. Measure 113, passed by voters in 2022, amended the state constitution to bar lawmakers from reelection if they have more than 10 unexcused absences.
Oregon voters approved Measure 113 by a wide margin following Republican walkouts in the Legislature in 2019, 2020 and 2021.
The will of the People, enforced by the law, is pernicious to those who defy the will of the People.
After years of trying to “protect democracy” and “fortify democracy”, Democrats finally succeeded in Oregon where they banned Republicans from running for office.

That’s what the Democrat flavor of democracy looks like.

When the Tennessee House of Representatives temporarily expelled two Democrats who had taken part in an insurrection on its grounds, the media quickly turned it into a national story.

The move by the Republican majority was an “attack on democracy”.

But when the Democrat majority in Oregon banned half the Republican Senate delegation from running for reelection, that has been treated as a local story. And not an “attack on democracy”.

While much of Oregon is actually conservative, some urban and suburban populations tilt the state sharply leftward. Oregon’s conservatives, who have been otherwise shut out of the legislative process, have taken to protesting extreme bills by staging walkouts.

Using walkouts to break legislative quorums is not an unusual tactic. Democrats have done it in Texas, Indiana and Wisconsin. But when Democrats practice it, as they do in Texas, it’s cheered by the media. In 2021, for example, Texas Democrats staged a 38 day walkout to block election reform. Democrats welcomed them to D.C. and the media portrayed them as heroes.

“These folks are going to be remembered on the right side of history,” Senator Chuck Schumer had pontificated. “The governor and the Republican legislators will be remembered on the dark and wrong side of history.”

What’s the “right side of history” in Oregon where the Democrat majority is trying to ban Oregon State Senate Republicans from running for reelection because they broke Democrat quorums?

One of the reasons Republicans walked out was to stop a Democrat proposal to allow 14-year-old girls to get abortions without notifying their parents.

Oregon Senate Republicans had walked out for 43 days, as opposed to the Texas Democrat 38 day walkout. But when Democrats are in the minority, as in Texas or Tennessee, walkouts are heroic and democratic, but once they take the majority then they suppress democracy.

Oregon Dems, Bloomberg’s Everytown anti-gun group, Planned Parenthood, along with unions misrepresenting teachers, nurses and government employees, spent $2.53 million

pushing Measure 113 that would penalize Republicans for “unexcused absences”. Since the Democrat permanent majority’s leadership is responsible for deciding what is an “excused” or “unexcused” absence, Measure 113 was a partisan proposition financed by leftist billionaires and aimed at suppressing the political opposition of the rest of the state.

While the proposal to ban Republicans from running for office had $2.5 million behind it, the opposition had none. A fifth of the votes in favor came out of Multnomah County: the home of Portland.

Oregon Ballot Measure 113 - Wikipedia

Oregon Ballot Measure 113, the Exclusion from Re-election for Legislative Absenteeism Initiative, was approved by Oregon voters in the 2022 Oregon elections. Measure 113 amended the Constitution of Oregon to provided that members of the Oregon Legislature with ten unexcused absences from floor sessions are disqualified from serving in the legislature following their current term. It is codified as Article IV, Section 15 of the Oregon Constitution.

The real funny thing about this law is that the former governor, a dem, walked out twice while she was the president of the state senate.

Blah....Conservatives allowed the opposition party to effectively change the rules, laws of elections, voting, etc to the point where their cheating has become legalized.

"Conservative" leadership really does think of politics as a gentlemanly career governed by Queensberry rules rather then the winner take all Clausewitz “war by other means” reality that it really is.

The worst that can happen to them is they lose their seat.....It's the sane that have to live with their failures.
How is that different from dictador Maduro?
what do you not understand about Oregon voters putting up a referendum to stop their senators and legislators from doing that... And it overwhelmingly passed it?

if these other states pass a law such as Oregon voters did to stop their legislators from doing this, then they can.
Excellent idea. Let's just make up any excuse to remove all of the Democrats from the House. That's the only way we're ever going to clean up the place.

The only problem with that is it's against the law.

You want to change laws that effect fair representation of the voters in your state, due to the fact that this is a republic, not a pure democracy, you're supposed to put it on a referendum. You're not supposed to turn your state into a police state just because you have a majority. They pulled that crap in CA, but CA is basically North Mexico now anyway, and they're paying a heavy price for it.
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After years of trying to “protect democracy” and “fortify democracy”, Democrats finally succeeded in Oregon where they banned Republicans from running for office.
Democrats INVENTED the political tactic they just passed a law to ban. It was great when it worked for Democrats, but when Republicans used it BANNED!

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