Oregon's state senate republicans cannot run for reelection.

The organization formerly known as the Republican party is completely bankrupt of ideas.

They have no idea how to solve the half century of skyrocketing health care costs. They can only perpetrate a hoax about replacing Obamacare. Except that hoax was exposed when they finally got full power and had no actual replacement after fake repealing Obamacare over 60 times when Obama was president.

They have no idea how to balance the budget. They can't even stop themselves from doubling the deficit when they have full power!

They have exposed their utter lack of interest in solving the border crisis as this is the only talking point they have against Biden while the economy is booming.

And yet they have so successfully dumbed down their base, that the tard herd miraculously bleevs their party is fiscally conservative and has all the answers to the problems facing our republic.

So all these corrupt lying hypocrites can do when the Democrats start implementing their liberal plans is to thrash around on the floor and do everything they can to obstruct.

If Republicans had better ideas than the Democrats, they would win.

They won it all in 2016, and blew it. They had NOTHING. So they lost the White House, the House, and the Senate. For the first time since Hoover.

Because the tards only care what their lying leaders SAY, not what they DO.
The trump Nazis all believe themselves to be constitutional scholars. They believe themselves to be experts in all subjects, with knowledge superior to the educated and trained professionals.

I've seen many times that most of them have never even read the Constitution, much less any laws they favor or oppose.

They just parrot what they are told to say.
The organization formerly known as the Republican party is completely bankrupt of ideas.

They have no idea how to solve the half century of skyrocketing health care costs. They can only perpetrate a hoax about replacing Obamacare. Except that hoax was exposed when they finally got full power and had no actual replacement after fake repealing Obamacare over 60 times when Obama was president.

They have no idea how to balance the budget. They can't even stop themselves from doubling the deficit when they have full power!

They have exposed their utter lack of interest in solving the border crisis as this is the only talking point they have against Biden while the economy is booming.

And yet they have so successfully dumbed down their base, that the tard herd miraculously bleevs their party is fiscally conservative and has all the answers to the problems facing our republic.

So all these corrupt lying hypocrites can do when the Democrats start implementing their liberal plans is to thrash around on the floor and do everything they can to obstruct.

If Republicans had better ideas than the Democrats, they would win.

They won it all in 2016, and blew it. They had NOTHING. So they lost the White House, the House, and the Senate. For the first time since Hoover.

Because the tards only care what their lying leaders SAY, not what they DO.
Progs will never ever lower health care costs. They will keep rising. Until there are limits of total medical care that each of us can get personally, and operations put on a schedule with.
my feelings are just fine. I was just responding to the topic of Trump channeling Hitler.
/——/ So any leader who wants secure borders is channeling Hitler?
What countries did Trump invade? What extermination camps did Trump set up? What guns did Trump outlaw? What property and art work did Trump steal?
You libtards love to throw the Hitler charge around without the slightest bit of historical knowledge.
/——/ So any leader who wants secure borders is channeling Hitler?
What countries did Trump invade? What extermination camps did Trump set up? What guns did Trump outlaw? What property and art work did Trump steal?
You libtards love to throw the Hitler charge around without the slightest bit of historical knowledge.
Its because of what is said...
  • undocumented immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country”
  • praised Kim Jong Un, and quoting Vladimir Putin
  • likened his political foes to “vermin” ?

The people of Oregon passed a Measure disqualifying any of their elected officials from re-election if they ever walked out for more than 10 days.

When the senators walked out, they knew the law. They knew the consequences of their actions.

You know how you eliminate competition, dipshit? By coming up with better ideas instead of thrashing around on the floor and holding your breath when things aren't going your way.
/—-/ It’s far more incredulous than you could possibly understand. I’m searching for a legal analysis that explains it. The democrats set the minority Republicans up with two horrible bills knowing the state has no filibuster and no way the Republicans could stop them. The Dems shoved the bills through knowing the Republicans could stop it unless they walked out. That was the excuse the Dems used to oust their opposition. Way more detail than I want to post now. I’ll find the video.
So abiding by the law is a threat to Democracy!

You and Biden's head of Homeland Security have a common view about what laws are all about.
Bureaucrats deciding who the people are allowed to vote for is sort of a “THREAT TO DEMOCRACY”.
You don’t understand that?
Crepitus was complaining about Republican "obstructionism". Majority rule only works if the minority is willing to play along. If you lose that buy-in, you get obstructionism, or worse
Yeah sure, did minorities buy into Jim Crow?

The people of Oregon passed a Measure disqualifying any of their elected officials from re-election if they ever walked out for more than 10 days.

When the senators walked out, they knew the law. They knew the consequences of their actions.

You know how you eliminate competition, dipshit? By coming up with better ideas instead of thrashing around on the floor and holding your breath when things aren't going your way.
/—-/ As promised here is the analysis of how this all unfolded. The first 38 seconds is teaser for another story.
Bureaucrats deciding who the people are allowed to vote for is sort of a “THREAT TO DEMOCRACY”.
You don’t understand that?

What I understand is that people who don't show up for work rightfully get their butts booted.
Have you ever had a job?
What I understand is that people who don't show up for work rightfully get their butts booted.
Have you ever had a job?
I had a job once…why were these people protesting? Have you ever heard of a strike?
(this is the part where you pretend you didn’t see this post)
I had a job once…why were these people protesting? Have you ever heard of a strike?
(this is the part where you pretend you didn’t see this post)

The question of "why" is not important. I don't see this as a partisan issue as I'd favor the law no matter what political party it effects.

I remember Reagan's firing of over 11,000 federal workers who against the law struck over wages and long hours. Do you think that was wrong?
The question of "why" is not important. I don't see this as a partisan issue as I'd favor the law no matter what political party it effects.

I remember Reagan's firing of over 11,000 federal workers who against the law struck over wages and long hours. Do you think that was wrong?
I believe people should have the right to protest and strike…I believe politicians work for The People…I believe only The People should have the right to fire them or prevent them from running.
Do you think partisan bureaucrats should be able to decide for The People?
Portland/Salem/Eugene/Bend and chickenshit Democrats are a cancer on freedoms in Oregon.

I wish Trump would show up here (spend some time) and save the state to Republican.

These drug pushing, pro child molesting, pro sex slavery and lawless/corrupted Democrats need to be stopped.

Save Oregon and screw traitor/inept Democrats.

😄.. have a nice day!
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Yeah sure, did minorities buy into Jim Crow?
What does that have to do with anything?

My point is that the power of majority rule only works if everyone agrees to abide by it. If you push too far, and people refuse to play along, the country becomes ungovernable.

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