Oh my! 72% of people polled agreed with President Trump's immigration stance in SOU address

CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.
Trump talked in plain language and explained the issues so that the general public could understand. Pelosie was squirming behind Trump as he touted the accomplishments, she wanted to find a rock to hide under.

According to a source at CBS, the poll was actually 78% in favor of Trump's vision and plan and that number was reduced by the staff. I'm waiting for verification but this would not surprise me.. Democrats are hanging onto a rock that is sinking fast.

The poll I am interested in is the one three days from now after it all sinks in...

Pelosi tried to keep a straight face while Trump lied about his accomplishments.

The poll said 72 or 78% of viewers. Didn't say how many of them were Trump supporters to begin with. I can well imagine that most people didn't wan't to watch Trump preening and lies, which is pretty much what we saw. I certainly had better things to do with my time.

What specific lies? Please list them one by one.

CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.

I never believe any polls. People: if you are still looking at any poll at all after Brexit and Trump in 2016, are you paying ANY attention to the world? I stop reading or participating in anything that says "poll." Let's stop with the poll reporting: they are all fraudulent or incompetent. They can't measure the right because we won't take polls, and so I presume they all favor the left and are wrong. Like the two 2016 elections.
I have this to say about the speach if I were eleven in attendence I would have looked like this. Reminds me of me at church during racoon hunting season at that age. Thank god I did not snore back then. Did not stop me from taking some elbows to rib cage though! Ma would say hey your at church and I would retort I said a prayer for every one I shot last night, I think I'm good wit god!
I heard even democrat Women stood up and clapped for him too!

What is the world coming too!
They did. They want to end the endless war thing. So do I. Every one here knows I am not a big Trump fan but I agree on some things with him. We have been nin Syria and afganastan to long.

PS. I know I was relieved when my son got a MCMAP instructors job. Kept him in country
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It was a good speech.

You are a rabid brainwashed partisan to say anything different.
The media is not stunned. CBS did the same thing last year and got similar results. In November Democrats took over the House. Again apparently the audience was mostly Trump supporters.
What could there be to not approve of ? Everything he said was America's magnificent economic report, and things that are good for America.
How would anyone disapprove ?

I especially liked the heroes Trump introduced, and who got standing ovations.

Again the people watching were mostly Trump supporters. People disapprove of a wall and recent polls show more Americans trust Democratas on border security. The economy was improving under Obama however neither Obama or Trump have had anything to do with it. We were already at full employment when Trump took over.
The media is not stunned. CBS did the same thing last year and got similar results. In November Democrats took over the House. Again apparently the audience was mostly Trump supporters.
What could there be to not approve of ? Everything he said was America's magnificent economic report, and things that are good for America.
How would anyone disapprove ?

I especially liked the heroes Trump introduced, and who got standing ovations.

Again the people watching were mostly Trump supporters. People disapprove of a wall and recent polls show more Americans trust Democratas on border security. The economy was improving under Obama however neither Obama or Trump have had anything to do with it. We were already at full employment when Trump took over.

Yea, repeating the BS doesn't make it any more believable.
CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.
Most agree with him on abortion as well. Dem legislators want to kill babies because they profit from it.

You stupid woman. Doctors make MORE money caring for a pregnant woman and delivering her baby than they do aborting it.
Not any more. Apparently, there's a significant financial gain selling baby parts...and the doctor doesn't have to put up with shitty diapers and whiney mothers to make bank.
CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.
Most agree with him on abortion as well. Dem legislators want to kill babies because they profit from it.

You stupid woman. Doctors make MORE money caring for a pregnant woman and delivering her baby than they do aborting it.
Lol, yeah i remember when Obama stated that doctors do things to their patients that are not necessary for profit. Anyway planned parenthood are killing more black babies than are being born. Fits the racism in your party. The other minorities you try to keep uneducated and on welfare. For a vote.
As much as I would like to believe that is meaningful, it just isn’t. I’ll bet they didn’t ask more than 2000 people of the 45,000,000 who watched it. And it’s only one question out of many. It really means nothing. But I’m sure Republicans will spin it to mean Americans want a wall.

/—-/ only 2,000??? Oh but the CNN polls of 350 random adults are rock solid evidence. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Not according to me. I have generally ridiculed all polls since they were so wrong predicting the 2016 results. You Trumpers are the flip floppers here. You call Polls that are bad for Trump worthless, and now you guys are having a circle jerk around this one because he gave a decent speech. Another reason I am so happy being a true conservative rather than a phony Republican.
/----/ "You call Polls that are bad for Trump worthless"
No dummy, we call polls of 350 random adults that oversample democRATs worthless. But I understand your confusion.

You don’t discern that all polls these days are relatively useless. You see a poll that is good for republicans and you get a short little woody, but the the polls bad for Republicans you call fake news. There is very little difference in the psychological makeup of the Dems and Republicans on this board. Free your brain and drop your party affiliation. There is really no reason to be a member of either party anyway.
I watched the speech last night and i knew most americans loved it. I didn't need a poll to show me. I mean he even had the most leftist loons standing and clapping!
CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.
Trump talked in plain language and explained the issues so that the general public could understand. Pelosie was squirming behind Trump as he touted the accomplishments, she wanted to find a rock to hide under.

According to a source at CBS, the poll was actually 78% in favor of Trump's vision and plan and that number was reduced by the staff. I'm waiting for verification but this would not surprise me.. Democrats are hanging onto a rock that is sinking fast.

The poll I am interested in is the one three days from now after it all sinks in...

Pelosi tried to keep a straight face while Trump lied about his accomplishments.

The poll said 72 or 78% of viewers. Didn't say how many of them were Trump supporters to begin with. I can well imagine that most people didn't wan't to watch Trump preening and lies, which is pretty much what we saw. I certainly had better things to do with my time.

What specific lies? Please list them one by one.
She claims she didn't watch it, but knows he lied. MSN told her that.
Again the people watching were mostly Trump supporters. People disapprove of a wall and recent polls show more Americans trust Democratas on border security. The economy was improving under Obama however neither Obama or Trump have had anything to do with it. We were already at full employment when Trump took over.
What a litany of Misinformation. Where do I begin ? I'll never get around to doing my household chores today, if this keeps up

1. Polls are Democrat things. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls. You don't know ? 2016 didn't teach you anything ?

2. The economy was SINKING under Obama. Here's his last year of GDPs > 2.3....1.9.....1.8......1.8. In 1.5 years Trump brought it up to 4.2%. You wanna bash Trump on the economy. HA HA That's funny.

3. NO, we were NOT at full employment when Trump took over. If we would have been, the unemployment rate would not have gone down afterwards. But it DID. When Trump took over, unemployment was 4.7% He lowered it to 3.7% AND got black, Hispanic, and disabled people unemployment to their lowest levels in US history.

Funny, the BS liberals think they can get away with, in here. :rolleyes:

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The media is not stunned. CBS did the same thing last year and got similar results. In November Democrats took over the House. Again apparently the audience was mostly Trump supporters.
What could there be to not approve of ? Everything he said was America's magnificent economic report, and things that are good for America.
How would anyone disapprove ?

I especially liked the heroes Trump introduced, and who got standing ovations.

Again the people watching were mostly Trump supporters. People disapprove of a wall and recent polls show more Americans trust Democratas on border security. The economy was improving under Obama however neither Obama or Trump have had anything to do with it. We were already at full employment when Trump took over.

Yea, repeating the BS doesn't make it any more believable.

Repeating the truth is a necessity for Trump supporters who refuse to recognize the truth. This was a poll of people who watched the SOTU which was mostly Republican.
Again the people watching were mostly Trump supporters. People disapprove of a wall and recent polls show more Americans trust Democratas on border security. The economy was improving under Obama however neither Obama or Trump have had anything to do with it. We were already at full employment when Trump took over.
What a litany of Misinformation. Where do I begin ? I'll never get around to doing my household chores today, if this keeps up

1. Polls are Democrat things. Generally, conservatives don't respond to polls. You don't know ? 2016 didn't teach you anything ?

2. The economy was SINKING under Obama. Here's his last year of GDPs > 2.3....1.9.....1.8......1.8. In 1.5 years Trump brought it up to 4.2%. You wanna bash Trump on the economy. HA HA That's funny.

3. NO, we were NOT at full employment when Trump took over. If we would have been, the unemployment rate would not have gone down afterwards. But it DID. When Trump took over, unemployment was 4.7% He lowered it to 3.7% AND got black, Hispanic, and disabled people unemployment to their lowest levels in US history.

Funny, the BS liberals think they can get away with, in here. :rolleyes:


You do give a lot of disinformation. Your chores like hating people and lying.

1. The polls correctly said that Clinton would win the popular vote. The polls correctly predicted Democrats would win the House.

2. The economy was hardly sinking as the unemployment rate dropped. The fact is that Trump and Obama had nothing to do with the recovery. Trump's massive deficits threaten this country just as Obama's massive deficits have threatened this economy. That 4.2 dropped to 3.4 and many economists think it will drop under 3 again. Even the White House concedes we could have little or no growth this quarter thanks to Trump's shutdown.

3. 4.7 is at or near full employment. That is why the rate has dropped only 1% since Trump took office. That usually happens when the unemployment rate drops.

You Trump supporters are the ones who think they can get away with anything.
You do give a lot of disinformation. Your chores like hating people and lying.

1. The polls correctly said that Clinton would win the popular vote. The polls correctly predicted Democrats would win the House.

2. The economy was hardly sinking as the unemployment rate dropped. The fact is that Trump and Obama had nothing to do with the recovery. Trump's massive deficits threaten this country just as Obama's massive deficits have threatened this economy. That 4.2 dropped to 3.4 and many economists think it will drop under 3 again. Even the White House concedes we could have little or no growth this quarter thanks to Trump's shutdown.

3. 4.7 is at or near full employment. That is why the rate has dropped only 1% since Trump took office. That usually happens when the unemployment rate drops.

You Trump supporters are the ones who think they can get away with anything.
1. The polls INCORRECTLY stated Hillary would win the ELECTORAL vote >>

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Race Changes

2. The recovery was already done by the end of 2015. Obama's ;last year was a SINK =, from 2.3 GDP to 1.9.....1,8....1.8. As for what "many economists think" that is often noting more than a pout from partisan economic propagandizers. Whoopee! As for the shutdown, sure there might not be growth, thanks to Chuck & Nancy.

3. 4.7% is not at, or near, full employment. Full employment is ZERO % unemployment, and 3.7% is a lot closer.

4. We don't "think" what we can get away with. We know we can stand upon the TRUTH, despite Democrat desperation, craziness, and wild ravings.

5. Giving disinformation is what YOU do. Your attempts to demonize me as "hating people and lying", have failed, miserably, and laughably.
The media is not stunned. CBS did the same thing last year and got similar results. In November Democrats took over the House. Again apparently the audience was mostly Trump supporters.
What could there be to not approve of ? Everything he said was America's magnificent economic report, and things that are good for America.
How would anyone disapprove ?

I especially liked the heroes Trump introduced, and who got standing ovations.

Again the people watching were mostly Trump supporters. People disapprove of a wall and recent polls show more Americans trust Democratas on border security. The economy was improving under Obama however neither Obama or Trump have had anything to do with it. We were already at full employment when Trump took over.

Yea, repeating the BS doesn't make it any more believable.

Repeating the truth is a necessity for Trump supporters who refuse to recognize the truth. This was a poll of people who watched the SOTU which was mostly Republican.
/—-/ You have no idea who watched the SOTU. I know libtards watched it because the USMB libs were posting about it while Trump spoke. Same with Twitter.
You do give a lot of disinformation. Your chores like hating people and lying.

1. The polls correctly said that Clinton would win the popular vote. The polls correctly predicted Democrats would win the House.

2. The economy was hardly sinking as the unemployment rate dropped. The fact is that Trump and Obama had nothing to do with the recovery. Trump's massive deficits threaten this country just as Obama's massive deficits have threatened this economy. That 4.2 dropped to 3.4 and many economists think it will drop under 3 again. Even the White House concedes we could have little or no growth this quarter thanks to Trump's shutdown.

3. 4.7 is at or near full employment. That is why the rate has dropped only 1% since Trump took office. That usually happens when the unemployment rate drops.

You Trump supporters are the ones who think they can get away with anything.
1. The polls INCORRECTLY stated Hillary would win the ELECTORAL vote >>

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Race Changes

2. The recovery was already done by the end of 2015. Obama's ;last year was a SINK =, from 2.3 GDP to 1.9.....1,8....1.8. As for what "many economists think" that is often noting more than a pout from partisan economic propagandizers. Whoopee! As for the shutdown, sure there might not be growth, thanks to Chuck & Nancy.

3. 4.7% is not at, or near, full employment. Full employment is ZERO % unemployment, and 3.7% is a lot closer.

4. We don't "think" what we can get away with. We know we can stand upon the TRUTH, despite Democrat desperation, craziness, and wild ravings.

5. Giving disinformation is what YOU do. Your attempts to demonize me as "hating people and lying", have failed, miserably, and laughably.

The media is not stunned. CBS did the same thing last year and got similar results. In November Democrats took over the House. Again apparently the audience was mostly Trump supporters.
What could there be to not approve of ? Everything he said was America's magnificent economic report, and things that are good for America.
How would anyone disapprove ?

I especially liked the heroes Trump introduced, and who got standing ovations.

Again the people watching were mostly Trump supporters. People disapprove of a wall and recent polls show more Americans trust Democratas on border security. The economy was improving under Obama however neither Obama or Trump have had anything to do with it. We were already at full employment when Trump took over.

Yea, repeating the BS doesn't make it any more believable.

Repeating the truth is a necessity for Trump supporters who refuse to recognize the truth. This was a poll of people who watched the SOTU which was mostly Republican.
/—-/ You have no idea who watched the SOTU. I know libtards watched it because the USMB libs were posting about it while Trump spoke. Same with Twitter.

Bottomline---------> Trump handed the Leftists their a**es at the SOTU, and now they are scrambling to figure out how to convince you he didn't, while the whole time holding their a**es in their hands, right in front of us, lol!
Bottomline---------> Trump handed the Leftists their a**es at the SOTU, and now they are scrambling to figure out how to convince you he didn't, while the whole time holding their a**es in their hands, right in front of us, lol!

The American people agree with Trump, Dem's can't win on the issues so they will try to destroy him with investigations and leaks to the fake news.

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