Oh my! 72% of people polled agreed with President Trump's immigration stance in SOU address

CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.
Trump talked in plain language and explained the issues so that the general public could understand. Pelosie was squirming behind Trump as he touted the accomplishments, she wanted to find a rock to hide under.

According to a source at CBS, the poll was actually 78% in favor of Trump's vision and plan and that number was reduced by the staff. I'm waiting for verification but this would not surprise me.. Democrats are hanging onto a rock that is sinking fast.

The poll I am interested in is the one three days from now after it all sinks in...

Pelosi tried to keep a straight face while Trump lied about his accomplishments.

The poll said 72 or 78% of viewers. Didn't say how many of them were Trump supporters to begin with. I can well imagine that most people didn't wan't to watch Trump preening and lies, which is pretty much what we saw. I certainly had better things to do with my time.

Really?! Looked like she was cleaning her teeth...again.

LOL.. Pelosie was chewing the inside of her lip and cheek. I'm surprised she didn't eat a hole in it...
Uh oh, Trump haters are about to have another meltdown because America doesn't agree with them. Only someone who hates America would be upset about lower unemployment, a good economy, and the plan to secure our borders to take control of them away from the criminals. In other words, only leftists who want to bring us down are pissed right now, and maybe some of their indoctrinated followers.

"CBS News attempted to capture the reaction of Americans who watched President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, and the results are astounding.

According to the instant poll, 76 percent of those who watched the speech approved of what the president said. Less than a quarter, 24 percent, disapproved of what they heard."

First Poll Results Are In After Trump’s SOTU Speech… And the Media is STUNNED
Pelosi tried to keep a straight face while Trump lied about his accomplishments.

The poll said 72 or 78% of viewers. Didn't say how many of them were Trump supporters to begin with. I can well imagine that most people didn't wan't to watch Trump preening and lies, which is pretty much what we saw. I certainly had better things to do with my time.
You saw no lies. You saw truth that you don't want to believe.
Uh oh, Trump haters are about to have another meltdown because America doesn't agree with them. Only someone who hates America would be upset about lower unemployment, a good economy, and the plan to secure our borders to take control of them away from the criminals. In other words, only leftists who want to bring us down are pissed right now, and maybe some of their indoctrinated followers.

"CBS News attempted to capture the reaction of Americans who watched President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address, and the results are astounding.

According to the instant poll, 76 percent of those who watched the speech approved of what the president said. Less than a quarter, 24 percent, disapproved of what they heard."

First Poll Results Are In After Trump’s SOTU Speech… And the Media is STUNNED

The media is not stunned. CBS did the same thing last year and got similar results. In November Democrats took over the House. Again apparently the audience was mostly Trump supporters.
Pelosi tried to keep a straight face while Trump lied about his accomplishments.

The poll said 72 or 78% of viewers. Didn't say how many of them were Trump supporters to begin with. I can well imagine that most people didn't wan't to watch Trump preening and lies, which is pretty much what we saw. I certainly had better things to do with my time.
You saw no lies. You saw truth that you don't want to believe.

There were plenty of lies and half truths. You are the one who refuses to acknowledge it.
The media is not stunned. CBS did the same thing last year and got similar results. In November Democrats took over the House. Again apparently the audience was mostly Trump supporters.
What could there be to not approve of ? Everything he said was America's magnificent economic report, and things that are good for America.
How would anyone disapprove ?

I especially liked the heroes Trump introduced, and who got standing ovations.
CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.

Might have something to do with the fact most of the people watching were Trump supporters to start with. The only people that watch the SOTU are typically the followers of the one giving the speech.
Well it was a great speech and Trump touched on many things. Immigration, the economy and what he plans to do.

He sure delivered.
CBS viewers like NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC viewers are mostly Leftist Democrats. For them to approve of Trump's speech that convincingly is a STATEMENT.
CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.

Might have something to do with the fact most of the people watching were Trump supporters to start with. The only people that watch the SOTU are typically the followers of the one giving the speech.

Well it was a great speech and Trump touched on many things. Immigration, the economy and what he plans to do.

He sure delivered.

CBS viewers like NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC viewers are mostly Leftist Democrats. For them to approve of Trump's speech that convincingly is a STATEMENT.

Problem for the Left is really simple------------------>they have had much of the nation watching the collusion narrative for 2 years. If you were constantly bombarded with "your President is a traitor," then no matter what he does is over ridden by that.

But what happens when Muehlers report comes out that there was no collusion?

Well...……… 1, the people are going to be pissed, and the Left is going to be a quandry.

2. Focus will shift to what exactly IS the state of the union under this President.

3. The Left will have to shift from---------->vote for us because Trump is baaaaaaaaad, very baaaaaaaaad, to...……….vote for us because we have better ideas that are more in tune with Americanism.

Let me put it this way------------> will Trump still be the Orange Blob, Mr Cheeto to the left? Of course he will, and probably to much of the country. But the difference is--------> He will NOT be the Orange Blob or Cheeto that colluded with the Russians, he will be the Orange Blob/Cheeto that created jobs/jobs/jobs, got the economy back on track, fixed the bad sentencing laws, and tried to/or succeeded in protecting Americans jobs, and protecting Americans from criminal illegals. In other words, he will be OUR ORANGE BLOB, which might end up being, a term of endearment-)
CBS viewers like NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC viewers are mostly Leftist Democrats. For them to approve of Trump's speech that convincingly is a STATEMENT.

Normally you are correct, but in cases where there is a speech people do not care what channel they are watching on.

The SOTU always gets far more viewers from the party giving the speech. This is not a Trump thing, this is the way it always is.
CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.
Most agree with him on abortion as well. Dem legislators want to kill babies because they profit from it.

You stupid woman. Doctors make MORE money caring for a pregnant woman and delivering her baby than they do aborting it.
CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.
Most agree with him on abortion as well. Dem legislators want to kill babies because they profit from it.

You stupid woman. Doctors make MORE money caring for a pregnant woman and delivering her baby than they do aborting it.

Now, that is a hilarious Leftist, economic argument!

By this way of thinking, business should ONLY make their most profitable product, lol.
CBS State of Union Poll: 72% of Viewers Agree With President Trump Ideas on Immigration…

Uh oh! No wonder Piglosi didn't want to let him speak! YIKES! Not looking good for the leftists.I bet this was also a skewed poll to the left! I ain't had time to look at it yet.

Might have something to do with the fact most of the people watching were Trump supporters to start with. The only people that watch the SOTU are typically the followers of the one giving the speech.

Well it was a great speech and Trump touched on many things. Immigration, the economy and what he plans to do.

He sure delivered.

CBS viewers like NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC viewers are mostly Leftist Democrats. For them to approve of Trump's speech that convincingly is a STATEMENT.

Problem for the Left is really simple------------------>they have had much of the nation watching the collusion narrative for 2 years. If you were constantly bombarded with "your President is a traitor," then no matter what he does is over ridden by that.

But what happens when Muehlers report comes out that there was no collusion?

Well...……… 1, the people are going to be pissed, and the Left is going to be a quandry.

2. Focus will shift to what exactly IS the state of the union under this President.

3. The Left will have to shift from---------->vote for us because Trump is baaaaaaaaad, very baaaaaaaaad, to...……….vote for us because we have better ideas that are more in tune with Americanism.

Let me put it this way------------> will Trump still be the Orange Blob, Mr Cheeto to the left? Of course he will, and probably to much of the country. But the difference is--------> He will NOT be the Orange Blob or Cheeto that colluded with the Russians, he will be the Orange Blob/Cheeto that created jobs/jobs/jobs, got the economy back on track, fixed the bad sentencing laws, and tried to/or succeeded in protecting Americans jobs, and protecting Americans from criminal illegals. In other words, he will be OUR ORANGE BLOB, which might end up being, a term of endearment-)

Nice little fantasy you have going on there but Trump DID conspire with Russia to get elected. They have basically admitted it and then screamed “collusion is not illegal”. The legal term for “collusion” is “conspiracy”.

Not only is Trump guilty of Conspiracy, he’s also been obstructing the investigation in every way possible: threatening witnesses and dangling pardons. Everyone is the world has seen it.

So the idea that Mueller’s report is going to exonerate your orange clown is just straight out of fantasy land.
As much as I would like to believe that is meaningful, it just isn’t. I’ll bet they didn’t ask more than 2000 people of the 45,000,000 who watched it. And it’s only one question out of many. It really means nothing. But I’m sure Republicans will spin it to mean Americans want a wall.

/—-/ only 2,000??? Oh but the CNN polls of 350 random adults are rock solid evidence. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

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Nice little fantasy you have going on there but Trump DID conspire with Russia to get elected. They have basically admitted it and then screamed “collusion is not illegal”. The legal term for “collusion” is “conspiracy”.

Not only is Trump guilty of Conspiracy, he’s also been obstructing the investigation in every way possible: threatening witnesses and dangling pardons. Everyone is the world has seen it.

So the idea that Mueller’s report is going to exonerate your orange clown is just straight out of fantasy land.

It's been two, and a half years, and no facts, evidence, nor proof, just 24/7 accusations in the Media which is by far Leftist Democrats. You're dreaming. All of Trump's policies are anti Russia, and Putin including Energy, Defense, Iran, North Korea, etc. ALL against Russian interests. If Trump had help from Russia exactly what did they do to help him. and would he be paying them back like this?
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As much as I would like to believe that is meaningful, it just isn’t. I’ll bet they didn’t ask more than 2000 people of the 45,000,000 who watched it. And it’s only one question out of many. It really means nothing. But I’m sure Republicans will spin it to mean Americans want a wall.
Suddenly, you stop believing in polls!!!

That’s funny, since I said the exact opposite. You’re getting a boner over the poll, I’m telling you it’s as phony as your blow up doll.
As much as I would like to believe that is meaningful, it just isn’t. I’ll bet they didn’t ask more than 2000 people of the 45,000,000 who watched it. And it’s only one question out of many. It really means nothing. But I’m sure Republicans will spin it to mean Americans want a wall.
Your problem is that there is no way to avoid the obvious conclusion that the wall is a good and necessary thing, so you have to resort to fake platitudes about how a wall won't work...


Or that a wall is somehow wrong or bad or evil.


Once you make the decision to stop illegal entries into the USA, the decision on how best to do it is obviously with a wall.

When a wall goes up, illegal entries and the resulting crime in that area goes down.

You just need to be convinced there is no good reason to let these illegal aliens enter the USA.

For that, watch this.

Immigration Gumballs (6:08)

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