Oh My God, Did CPL Avenatti Get Pranked By Internet Trolls On Kavanaugh Gang-Rape Rin


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
Oh My God, Did Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Get Pranked By Internet Trolls On Kavanaugh Gang-Rape Ring Allegation?

Matt Vespa

Posted: Sep 25, 2018 3:25 PM
has more:

Attorney Michael Avenatti created even more buzz on Sunday regarding allegations of sexual assault against judge Brett Kavanaugh after not only tweeting that he has a client with “credible information” on President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee and his high school friend Mark Judge, but that these men targeted women to “allow a ‘train’ of men to subsequently gang rape them.”

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” he wrote earlier on Sunday. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.

Oh, and there’s this yearbook entry Avenatti brought up on social media.

“Brett Kavanaugh must also be asked about this entry in his yearbook: "FFFFFFFourth of July." We believe that this stands for: Find them, French them, Feel them, Finger them, F*ck them, Forget them. As well as the term "Devil's Triangle." Perhaps Sen. Grassley can ask him,” he wrote on Twitter.

Enter Ed Morrissey at Hot Air with the kill shot:

Gee, how did the FBI miss that in six background checks? Full disclosure: My yearbooks from high school have more than one inscription that reads, “May you have all your ups and downs in bed.” At the time it was adolescent wishful thinking, bit now I’m pretty sure that disqualifies me for public service. Was that code for sexual assault, Mr. Morrissey?

It’s insane. It’s so ridiculous that one has to wonder whether Avenatti might inadvertently crash the whole anti-Kavanaugh project with the backlash. The motives behind these attacks, and their increasingly unhinged quality, have become so painfully obvious that all of the claims will lilely get wrapped up together in a blanket of absurdity.

Also, there’s this:

After all that on Sunday night, is it possible Avenatti got pranked by Internet trolls?

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If Avenatti actually got pranked by 4Chan, my entire year has been madehttps://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/186910048 …

2:26 PM - Sep 25, 2018

Then again, this could be too good to be true:

my money’s on 4chan pranking us into thinking 4chan pranked Avenatti tbh

So, for argument's sake, we have a possible Internet prank, along with two allegations of sexual misconduct from women directed at Judge Kavanaugh that have no witnesses or no evidence. Witnesses that were supposedly cited in their accounts have refuted the claims. There is not a single person, other than the accuser, who has confirmed either story. It’s so thin that even The New York Times passed running a story on the second allegation; Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer of The New Yorker posted a story about Deborah Ramirez who alleges Kavanaugh exposed himself at a college party at Yale. Overall, when you look at all of it, the anti-Kavanaugh plot here is an embarrassingly thin political hit job. Senate Republicans, hold the hearing, then push for the vote…now.
Oh My God, Did Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Get Pranked By Internet Trolls On Kavanaugh Gang-Rape Ring Allegation?

:laugh: :laughing0301: :21:
4Chan is claiming the punking.......:lol:

Oh My God, Did Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Get Pranked By Internet Trolls On Kavanaugh Gang-Rape Ring Allegation?

Matt Vespa

Posted: Sep 25, 2018 3:25 PM
has more:

Attorney Michael Avenatti created even more buzz on Sunday regarding allegations of sexual assault against judge Brett Kavanaugh after not only tweeting that he has a client with “credible information” on President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee and his high school friend Mark Judge, but that these men targeted women to “allow a ‘train’ of men to subsequently gang rape them.”

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” he wrote earlier on Sunday. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.

Oh, and there’s this yearbook entry Avenatti brought up on social media.

“Brett Kavanaugh must also be asked about this entry in his yearbook: "FFFFFFFourth of July." We believe that this stands for: Find them, French them, Feel them, Finger them, F*ck them, Forget them. As well as the term "Devil's Triangle." Perhaps Sen. Grassley can ask him,” he wrote on Twitter.

Enter Ed Morrissey at Hot Air with the kill shot:

Gee, how did the FBI miss that in six background checks? Full disclosure: My yearbooks from high school have more than one inscription that reads, “May you have all your ups and downs in bed.” At the time it was adolescent wishful thinking, bit now I’m pretty sure that disqualifies me for public service. Was that code for sexual assault, Mr. Morrissey?

It’s insane. It’s so ridiculous that one has to wonder whether Avenatti might inadvertently crash the whole anti-Kavanaugh project with the backlash. The motives behind these attacks, and their increasingly unhinged quality, have become so painfully obvious that all of the claims will lilely get wrapped up together in a blanket of absurdity.

Also, there’s this:

After all that on Sunday night, is it possible Avenatti got pranked by Internet trolls?

View image on Twitter

If Avenatti actually got pranked by 4Chan, my entire year has been madehttps://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/186910048 …

2:26 PM - Sep 25, 2018

Then again, this could be too good to be true:

my money’s on 4chan pranking us into thinking 4chan pranked Avenatti tbh

So, for argument's sake, we have a possible Internet prank, along with two allegations of sexual misconduct from women directed at Judge Kavanaugh that have no witnesses or no evidence. Witnesses that were supposedly cited in their accounts have refuted the claims. There is not a single person, other than the accuser, who has confirmed either story. It’s so thin that even The New York Times passed running a story on the second allegation; Ronan Farrow and Jane Mayer of The New Yorker posted a story about Deborah Ramirez who alleges Kavanaugh exposed himself at a college party at Yale. Overall, when you look at all of it, the anti-Kavanaugh plot here is an embarrassingly thin political hit job. Senate Republicans, hold the hearing, then push for the vote…now.
Oh My God, Did Creepy Porn Lawyer Avenatti Get Pranked By Internet Trolls On Kavanaugh Gang-Rape Ring Allegation?

:laugh: :laughing0301: :21:

REPUBLICANS DID! Short memory? How many times did it show up on this board? I wasn't here but I'll bet it ran for weeks!

Anatomy of a Fake News Scandal

Inside the web of conspiracy theorists, Russian operatives, Trump campaigners and Twitter bots who manufactured the ‘news’ that Hillary Clinton ran a pizza-restaurant child-sex ring


Carmen Kat'z Facebook post likely set Pizzagate in motion. "Someone or some group possibly took this unwitting woman and made her the source that they need." says Watts.

Illustration by Sean McCabe


This story was reported in partnership with The Investigative Fund and Reveal from the Center for Investigative Reporting. Additional reporting: Aaron Sankin, Laura Starecheski, Michael Corey, Jaime Longoria and Jasper Craven.

The revelations overcame Edgar Maddison Welch like a hallucinatory fever. On December 1st, 2016, the father of two from Salisbury, North Carolina, a man whose pastimes included playing Pictionary with his family, tried to persuade two friends to join a rescue mission. Alex Jones, the Info-Wars host, was reporting that Hillary Clinton was sexually abusing children in satanic rituals a few hundred miles north, in the basement of a Washington, D.C., pizza restaurant. Welch told his friends the “raid” on a “pedo ring” might require them to “sacrifice the lives of a few for the lives of many.” A friend texted, “Sounds like we r freeing some oppressed pizza from the hands of an evil pizza joint.” Welch was undeterred. Three days later, armed with an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, a .38 handgun and a folding knife, he strolled into the restaurant and headed toward the back, where children were playing ping-pong. As waitstaff went table to table, whispering to customers to get out, Welch maneuvered into the restaurant’s kitchen. He shot open a lock and found cooking supplies. He whipped open another door and found an employee bringing in fresh pizza dough. Welch did not find any captive children – Comet Ping Pong does not even have a basement – but he did prove, if there were any lingering doubts after the election, that fake news has real consequence
Russian trolls want Kavanaugh on SCOTUS?

Now if Ford looked like THAT some people might believe her. But that whole feminist bulldog look to her was the first clue! It's always the man hating bulldogs makin' shit up.....by 25 years old, probably had given about 50 hummers.....spends the rest of her life trying to fuck over men. Happens all the time
I like what Paul Watson had to say about the creation of lie, after lie, after lie. The left are pathological liars who believe their own spewed Hershey squirts falling out of their mouths.

After soiling Ms. Daniels reputation he deserves this.
It would take a lot more than this to "SOIL" St"O"rrmy d's reputation. She's a Whore with no Scruples. Yeah WHORE . That's a person who accepts money to have sex she did it for years, and now she thinks she is some poster child for abuse of women. I've seen Stormy in action don't lie you have too great rack eh!

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