Oh No the economy is growing, hurry cons make a mess of something to stop it

15 point jump in one month.

Try and talk it down.

You dont want the American people confident
They will certainly do that. The Cons care nothing for the citizens of this nation. All they know is getting their way, and aiding the very wealthy. They will destroy the recovery just to attempt to destroy this Presidency.

It is time for every citizen of good conscience to get out and vote in a government that cares for the citizens of this nation.

It's because Obama is a Kenyan, Mau Mau, man-child. Thank Gawd it has nothing to do with race.

The repubs on the super committee offered an increase of $250 billion in revenue, more if you factor in dynamic scoring. But the dems shot it down; not enough they said. No counter proposal from them, other than a demand for a trillion dollars of tax hikes, all on the rich. Which they know damn well the GOP cannot agree to; the pols are playing political games at a time when we need cooperation. Class warfare is the only thing that Obama and the dems can run on in 2012, they can't do a deal cuz then they have nothing to hit the repubs with. Sure can't run on their record, that's for sure.

Bs. They offered closing some loopholes on the rich/corps, AS LONG AS THE TAX CODE WAS ALL REFORMED- Absolute Pubcrappe for the dupes...ie, you.
U.S. Economy Growing at Fastest Pace of the Year - Bloomberg

The U.S. economy may end 2011 growing at its fastest clip in 18 months as analysts increase their forecasts for the fourth quarter just a few months after a slowdown raised concern among investors.

Economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) in New York now see gross domestic product rising 3 percent in the final quarter, up from a previous prediction of 2.5 percent. Macroeconomic Advisers in St. Louis increased its forecast to 3.2 percent from 2.9 percent at the start of November, while New York-based Morgan Stanley & Co. boosted its outlook to 3.5 percent from 3 percent.

“The incoming data on consumption, business spending and residential investment all point to GDP growth in the fourth quarter tracking 3.3 percent,” said John Herrmann, senior fixed-income strategist at State Street Global Markets in Boston.

My article is from the 22, yours is from 18

Shhh... Revised Q3 GDP Drops By 20% To 2.0%, Misses Expectations Of 2.5% By 2 Standard Deviations

So much for the miraculous inventory expansion. JPM's Michael Feroli was spot on: the strategist who predicted a significantly below par revised Q3 GDP print of 2.0%, was right on the dot. Advance GDP dropped from 2.5% to 2.0%, missing expectations of an unchanged print. The impact was entirely due to Inventories detracting from growth, with the Private Inventory number declining from -1.08% to -1.55%. And to those expecting a surge in Q4 GDP based on inventory restocking, which would be virtually all Wall Street economists who missed today's number by 2 standard deviations, we have one thing to say: it ain't happening. In fact, liquidations are coming first, fast and furious with Personal Consumption coming at 2.3%, and missing estimates. Needless to say futures, are not happy.

Truth is hard for the Left
In fact, it is there worst enemy

Your link is no good

Try again
it works
the economy was looking better in early 2011 and that is why the right did the debt ceiling stunt.

That retanked the economy.

will you unAmerican scum do something like that agian?

if you do it will kill your party


His policy has helped the economy.

without the obstruction from the republicans we would be further along


there is just not enough money we can go into debt to cover
Papa Obama's "successes"

Of course, if one reviews the whole CBO report it does say

The Congressional Budget Office on Tuesday downgraded its estimate of the benefits of President Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, saying it may have sustained as few as 700,000 jobs at its peak last year and that over the long run it will actually be a net drag on the economy.

CBO said that while the Recovery Act boosted the economy in the short run, the extra debt that the stimulus piled up “crowds out” private investment and “will reduce output slightly in the long run — by between 0 and 0.2 percent after 2016.”

The agency also has changed its model for the spending’s impact on the economy, and the new calculations show the Recovery Act did less than originally projected.

What a surprise

another failed Papa Obama pet project that did not live up to expectations

$250,000 per job created (excluding the interest expense) and $312,500 per union job, er job created
(so that's how much it cost to purchase votes today)
What a bargain - what fine example of "Keynesian efficiency"
What is the avg wage in the US around $42,000 ?, probably a little more than you make ...

I can see it now- the new liberal cry!
Give us 5 times the cost of the avg job and we can make 1

To be fair, it is better than his "green job" cost
With $17.2 billion spent on these programs, the cost per actual job created, so far 3545 jobs, comes to $4.853 million per job
(not counting the interest)
Notice Even with Papa Obama’s initial false promise of 65,000 jobs created that would still come to $593,846 per job

Really, only a left wing apologist for Papa Obama could take this as a positive
oh wait...., never mind
Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy
Your article has no sources to it claims of the numbers they spout
700,000 jobs is still 700,000 jobs which means the stim worked you fool.
the economy was looking better in early 2011 and that is why the right did the debt ceiling stunt.

That retanked the economy.

will you unAmerican scum do something like that agian?

if you do it will kill your party

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Now tell me why you are all trying to make sure there is NO talk of recovery?

the consumer is ready to spend and that will FIX the economy.

You people seem to hate that idea......WHY?????
Now tell me why you are all trying to make sure there is NO talk of recovery?

the consumer is ready to spend and that will FIX the economy.

You people seem to hate that idea......WHY?????

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfYoNPJcN30]Pop Goes the Weasel - YouTube[/ame]
Your article has no sources to it claims of the numbers they spout

Sure it does

You just have your "blinders" on being
an apologist for Papa Obama

If you read it you will see it comes right form the gov't report


Really 2.25 was mediocre at best
Now we know, it is even worst

Truth is hard for the left
In fact, it is their worst enemy
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Now tell me why you are all trying to make sure there is NO talk of recovery?

the consumer is ready to spend and that will FIX the economy.

You people seem to hate that idea......WHY?????

Oh the US voter is ready for something
It is just not what you want to hear

Papa Obama’s approval rating officially dropped below Jimmy Carter this week.

US News and World Report:

President Obama’s slow ride down Gallup’s daily presidential job approval index has finally passed below Jimmy Carter, earning Obama the worst job approval rating of any president at this stage of his term in modern political history.

Since March, Obama’s job approval rating has hovered above Carter’s, considered among the 20th century’s worst presidents, but today Obama’s punctured Carter’s dismal job approval line. On their comparison chart, Gallup put Obama’s job approval rating at 43 percent compared to Carter’s 51 percent…

…What’s more, Gallup finds that Obama’s overall job approval rating so far has averaged 49 percent. Only three former presidents have had a worse average rating at this stage: Carter, Ford, and Harry S. Truman. Only Truman won re-election in an anti-Congress campaign that Obama’s team is using as a model.
and as consumer confidence grows and spending increases profits increase and people get hired to handle the increased spending.

Why is it you are so dead set on NOT seeing recovery?
It's too late to stop the economy from growing.

Bad news for Republicans.
they are truely fucked.

If they try to do another debt ceiling like stunt the American people will throw them on the trash heap of history

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