Oh no.....They arent coming for your guns.....Prog slaves told US that all last year.....Guess what, they are coming for our guns....Thanks to Muslims


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Ahmad Al-Issa charged with 10 first-degree murder counts in Boulder shooting - Washington Times
The suspect in Monday’s supermarket shooting in Boulder, Colorado, a Syria-born Muslim who came to America as a child, is a former high school wrestler who scorns former President Donald Trump, supports refugees, and has a history of losing his temper.
Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, of Arvada, Colorado, was charged Tuesday with 10 counts of first-degree murder in the massacre at King Soopers.
Sound familiar? Work Place violence at Fort Hood, Tennessee recruiting station, San Bernardino Christmas party, Orlando Gay bar. All of those Biden/Obama mass shootings all had been under Obama/Biden FBI watches yet still ended up killing many, by a gun. So here we are again, a Muslim(who probably was on the FBI watch list)once again, was allowed to come to this country, get to use all of its graciousness and freedoms so he could make something of himself, and typical of a camel jockey, shoot US in the back.

Joe Biden is coming for your guns, pushing for new assault weapon ban after shootings – Shore News Network

Liberal Hypocrisy1.jpg
Ahmad Al-Issa charged with 10 first-degree murder counts in Boulder shooting - Washington Times
The suspect in Monday’s supermarket shooting in Boulder, Colorado, a Syria-born Muslim who came to America as a child, is a former high school wrestler who scorns former President Donald Trump, supports refugees, and has a history of losing his temper.
Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, 21, of Arvada, Colorado, was charged Tuesday with 10 counts of first-degree murder in the massacre at King Soopers.
Sound familiar? Work Place violence at Fort Hood, Tennessee recruiting station, San Bernardino Christmas party, Orlando Gay bar. All of those Biden/Obama mass shootings all had been under Obama/Biden FBI watches yet still ended up killing many, by a gun. So here we are again, a Muslim(who probably was on the FBI watch list)once again, was allowed to come to this country, get to use all of its graciousness and freedoms so he could make something of himself, and typical of a camel jockey, shoot US in the back.

Joe Biden is coming for your guns, pushing for new assault weapon ban after shootings – Shore News Network

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Who is condemning you...the voices in your head?

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