Oh Noes! Trump Wrote on Bibles! Latest Faux Libtard Outrage


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is so freaking stupid. No one thinks it is a sin/scandal/offense to write in a Bible any more....unless Trump does it.

Trump signed Bibles. Heresy? Many religious leaders say no

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Is there something in the Bible that says you can't sign a Bible? Yeah, a celebrity signing one sounds kinda pompous, but from what I understand the people asked, and it's pretty classic Trump. :dunno:
You have a number of people who are offended by the whole concept of religion. But they refuse to see that professing to not have religion is their religion.

Then you have those that are offended just because Trump did it instead of one of those that they approve of.

All in all it comes down to someone was willing to do something for someone as a nice gesture.
If Trump would nuke half the world the liberals would say "What a half ass effort by Trump."

He can't do anything right, we know that already.
Is there something in the Bible that says you can't sign a Bible? Yeah, a celebrity signing one sounds kinda pompous, but from what I understand the people asked, and it's pretty classic Trump. :dunno:
For the longest time people thought that since the Bible was Holy, it was disrespectful toward God to mark on the Bible or get the edges smudged with sweat, etc.

But basically only the hard core fundamentalists say that sort of thing any more, until now.
Is there something in the Bible that says you can't sign a Bible? Yeah, a celebrity signing one sounds kinda pompous, but from what I understand the people asked, and it's pretty classic Trump. :dunno:
For the longest time people thought that since the Bible was Holy, it was disrespectful toward God to mark on the Bible or get the edges smudged with sweat, etc.

But basically only the hard core fundamentalists say that sort of thing any more, until now.

The best bible is one you actually use! So if it helps you to write in your bible, highlight, take notes, etc go for it!! The Lord would rather a well worn written in bible that's falling apart due to use than a pristine bible sitting unused on the shelf!!

6 Reasons Why You Should Write In Your Bible

The bible is just paper and ink. It's not holy. The CONTENTS are holy. So writing in your bible is doing nothing different than the publisher did, they wrote on pages too. Writing in your bible does not undue the holiness of scripture and if it helps you to find passages that are meaningful to you or that you want to know more about, highlight and underline away!

So don't worry about the physical book itself. It's just a medium by which a message is presented.
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The best bible is one you actually use! So if it helps you to write in your bible, highlight, take notes, etc go for it!! The Lord would rather a well worn written in bible that's falling apart due to use than a pristine bible sitting unused on the shelf!!
Unless Trump put it on the shelf, then it is treason.
Is there something in the Bible that says you can't sign a Bible? Yeah, a celebrity signing one sounds kinda pompous, but from what I understand the people asked, and it's pretty classic Trump. :dunno:
For the longest time people thought that since the Bible was Holy, it was disrespectful toward God to mark on the Bible or get the edges smudged with sweat, etc.

But basically only the hard core fundamentalists say that sort of thing any more, until now.

The best bible is one you actually use! So if it helps you to write in your bible, highlight, take notes, etc go for it!! The Lord would rather a well worn written in bible that's falling apart due to use than a pristine bible sitting unused on the shelf!!

6 Reasons Why You Should Write In Your Bible

Who cares if it gets damaged anyways? It's the most mass produced book on the planet. I'm pretty sure you can find a new one somewhere.
I'm pretty sure God has bigger gripes about the Bible than Trump's signature. Some dude named James stamped his name on the front of half of them. That's gotta be annoying. :lol:
This is so freaking stupid. No one thinks it is a sin/scandal/offense to write in a Bible any more....unless Trump does it.

Trump signed Bibles. Heresy? Many religious leaders say no


Republican: Ignore Trump's faults

Democrats: Make America Great Again by reversing the Trump disaster

If you had a fucking brain, you would know Republicans and Democrats passed a border security spending bill without Trump's Wall.

An economy supported by borrowing 1.5 trillion for a tax cut.

Ask farmers how great Trump's trade deals are. He has yet to negotiate any trade deal that had any significant effect.

What infrastructure ? There is no money because it was all spent on the tax cut & military spending
Is there something in the Bible that says you can't sign a Bible? Yeah, a celebrity signing one sounds kinda pompous, but from what I understand the people asked, and it's pretty classic Trump. :dunno:
For the longest time people thought that since the Bible was Holy, it was disrespectful toward God to mark on the Bible or get the edges smudged with sweat, etc.

But basically only the hard core fundamentalists say that sort of thing any more, until now.

The best bible is one you actually use! So if it helps you to write in your bible, highlight, take notes, etc go for it!! The Lord would rather a well worn written in bible that's falling apart due to use than a pristine bible sitting unused on the shelf!!

6 Reasons Why You Should Write In Your Bible

Who cares if it gets damaged anyways? It's the most mass produced book on the planet. I'm pretty sure you can find a new one somewhere.

You're right. The book isn't holy. It's just paper and ink. The contents are. I spilled coke on my bible one time. It got destroyed. I didn't apologize to God, he doesn't care. I just went and got me a new one.
This is so freaking stupid. No one thinks it is a sin/scandal/offense to write in a Bible any more....unless Trump does it.

Trump signed Bibles. Heresy? Many religious leaders say no


The Bible is the word of God. There is nothing wrong with writing notes about the passages but to use it as a autograph book is immoral. It shows how many fake Christians there are in these backwards states. The Bible Belt is the biggest joke of the centiury.

Trump's negatives are higher than his positives on immigration and trade. He is pretty much 50-50 on the economy. Trump's problem on infrastructure is we can't afford it because of deficits shooting back up.
Presidents have signed Bibles many times. Christians do not believe that the paper and ink of a printed Bible is holy. But muslims think the actual printed koran is holy. Koran abuse is punishable by death.

This is just more nonsense by democrats.

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