Oh Noez! Polar Bears to be Extinct in 80 Years

Hotter seas threaten marine wildlife with extinction - researchers

View attachment 192305

LONDON, May 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Polar bears and other iconic animals could be extinct by the end of the century if ocean temperatures continue to rise at the current rate, marine biologists warned Monday.


Why would they die in just a few generations? Fish and seals are there for food. Polar bears have been living in the San Diego zoo for decades, so warmth doesn’t harm them. The oceans are rising so that warmth is well hidden. So what’s going to kill them?

The absurdity of the chicken little left in their doomsday predictions is hilarious. They’ve been making this prediction for decades only to find their population increasing.
View attachment 192307

I would think that the godless Left would be all exited about the prospect of polar bears learning to evolve into whales, proving their world view once and for all.
I believe the left love to stay in a constant state of confusion. they just enjoy confusing themselves.

Well over 98% of every species that has walked the Earth is gone. Humans had nothing to do with the vast majority of it.

Extinction is a natural process, something science denying Left wingers won't admit.
most animals adapt to their surroundings or die. I'm confused why leftists think that isn't science. just more evidence that science isn't their thingy.
Hotter seas threaten marine wildlife with extinction - researchers

View attachment 192305

LONDON, May 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Polar bears and other iconic animals could be extinct by the end of the century if ocean temperatures continue to rise at the current rate, marine biologists warned Monday.


Why would they die in just a few generations? Fish and seals are there for food. Polar bears have been living in the San Diego zoo for decades, so warmth doesn’t harm them. The oceans are rising so that warmth is well hidden. So what’s going to kill them?

The absurdity of the chicken little left in their doomsday predictions is hilarious. They’ve been making this prediction for decades only to find their population increasing.
View attachment 192307

I would think that the godless Left would be all exited about the prospect of polar bears learning to evolve into whales, proving their world view once and for all.
I believe the left love to stay in a constant state of confusion. they just enjoy confusing themselves.

Well over 98% of every species that has walked the Earth is gone. Humans had nothing to do with the vast majority of it.

Extinction is a natural process, something science denying Left wingers won't admit.
most animals adapt to their surroundings or die. I'm confused why leftists think that isn't science. just more evidence that science isn't their thingy.

Which is why they will all soon evolve fins and swim away and save themselves.
Some idjits are to obtuse or satiated in their own greed to get it so they attempt to lay charge to another having no clue where the other one gets there information.

View attachment 193750

This is the legacy that humanity is leaving for their posterity; a dead world. Humanity has allowed itself to be ruled by a ruthless, psychopathic gang of parasites whose greed and insatiable lust for power knows no bounds. There really is no one to blame but ourselves. The information in this article is not even a scratch in the surface of the true magnitude of this nuclear disaster. The radiation will bioaccumulate in the ocean and atmosphere for centuries to come. Mankind is staring our very extinction in the face. This is an opportunity for humanity to face the force of our own destructiveness, and to come together as one family.


Thanks for the reliable....oh, wait, it's another bs source. DERP!

I love the following.....

It’s also been reported that 98% of the sea floor of the Pacific is covered with dead sea life.

No shit. Dead stuff sinks. The living stuff is still floating around. LOL!
Some idjits are to obtuse or satiated in their own greed to get it so they attempt to lay charge to another having no clue where the other one gets there information.

View attachment 193750

This is the legacy that humanity is leaving for their posterity; a dead world. Humanity has allowed itself to be ruled by a ruthless, psychopathic gang of parasites whose greed and insatiable lust for power knows no bounds. There really is no one to blame but ourselves. The information in this article is not even a scratch in the surface of the true magnitude of this nuclear disaster. The radiation will bioaccumulate in the ocean and atmosphere for centuries to come. Mankind is staring our very extinction in the face. This is an opportunity for humanity to face the force of our own destructiveness, and to come together as one family.

Proving idiots will believe anything the read on the Internet.
Some idjits are to obtuse or satiated in their own greed to get it so they attempt to lay charge to another having no clue where the other one gets there information.

View attachment 193750

This is the legacy that humanity is leaving for their posterity; a dead world. Humanity has allowed itself to be ruled by a ruthless, psychopathic gang of parasites whose greed and insatiable lust for power knows no bounds. There really is no one to blame but ourselves. The information in this article is not even a scratch in the surface of the true magnitude of this nuclear disaster. The radiation will bioaccumulate in the ocean and atmosphere for centuries to come. Mankind is staring our very extinction in the face. This is an opportunity for humanity to face the force of our own destructiveness, and to come together as one family.


Thanks for the reliable....oh, wait, it's another bs source. DERP!

I love the following.....

It’s also been reported that 98% of the sea floor of the Pacific is covered with dead sea life.

No shit. Dead stuff sinks. The living stuff is still floating around. LOL!

Only 98%? After several hundred million years i would have assumed ALL of it was covered.
Some idjits are to obtuse or satiated in their own greed to get it so they attempt to lay charge to another having no clue where the other one gets there information.

View attachment 193750

This is the legacy that humanity is leaving for their posterity; a dead world. Humanity has allowed itself to be ruled by a ruthless, psychopathic gang of parasites whose greed and insatiable lust for power knows no bounds. There really is no one to blame but ourselves. The information in this article is not even a scratch in the surface of the true magnitude of this nuclear disaster. The radiation will bioaccumulate in the ocean and atmosphere for centuries to come. Mankind is staring our very extinction in the face. This is an opportunity for humanity to face the force of our own destructiveness, and to come together as one family.

Fukushima: The Extinction-Level Event That No One Is Talking About by Doug Michael - Ocean for Future

Thanks for the reliable....oh, wait, it's another bs source. DERP!

I love the following.....

It’s also been reported that 98% of the sea floor of the Pacific is covered with dead sea life.

No shit. Dead stuff sinks. The living stuff is still floating around. LOL!

Only 98%? After several hundred million years i would have assumed ALL of it was covered.

At what point will we be able to walk from California to Hawaii, just stepping on the corpses of trillions of dead critters?
Watch Erik the Viking. Funny movie.
You don't have to go as far as Guam; just ask people living in Norfolk, Virginia if the sea is rising.

Rising to what level? That which it was millions of years ago?
It's been on the news. There's been flooding of streets and coastal areas during routine full moon high tides. The military, which has several large bases in the area, is busy trying to figure out how to protect its facilities. I'm not making that up.

If it's in the news, please show us some examples.

I lived and worked in Key West Florida for three years in the late '60's. At the time, there were a number of streets, down near the Turtle Kraals, the bank we did business with and one of my favorite bars. Every time there was a full moon, the streets would flood a bit. If there was an exceptionally high tide, there would be six or eight inches of water in the streets.

If you recall, cars used to rust out quite a lot at that time. To delay that eventuality, there was a service provided by the filling stations. It would probably be frowned on today and I'm sure it is no longer available. Service stations would have a lift outside. There they would lift your car and spray the used oil from oil changes to the entire undercarriage of your car. I had it done about once a month, usually before the abnormally high tides. It was unnecessary for the Harley I also owned at the time and would have been foolhardy. If I had to ride through salt water, I washed it off the same day.

Over the decades, I have visited many, many times. Guess what? The same flooding, no more, no less. Key West is still there. Not as wonderful as it was in my day, but still there.
Yes, and NOW their hunting grounds are melting. Read the links.

You're a hoot! Really!

DELINGPOLE: Polar Bears Are a Pest – Time to End Their ‘Threatened’ Status

1 Mar 2017
Earlier this week, as I’m sure you know, was International Polar Bear Day. Usually I celebrate by tossing a well-marinaded bear haunch onto the barbecue – note to novices: DO NOT eat the liver. It’s poisonous – but I couldn’t this year because of pesky global cooling, so instead, I sat indoors by the fire and drank a toast to the world’s exploding polar bear population which has now reached record highs of 30,000.

30,000 polar bears is a lot. As someone else remarked (remind me where and I’ll link to it), when Al Gore was born the population was just 5,000. Even as recently as 2005 it was estimated at no more than 22,500.

DELINGPOLE: Polar Bears Are A Pest - End Their 'Threatened' Status
Those are some very quickly reproducing bears, to go from 5,000 to 22,500 in, what, 57 years. Were you helping them reproduce?
Those are some very quickly reproducing bears, to go from 5,000 to 22,500 in, what, 57 years. Were you helping them reproduce?

Clearly mathematics isn't your strong point. Look up the bears reproductive rate and then calculate that based on the number of years. Get a 6th grader to help you.
But instead will all be dead in another 8. What is that? A win-win situation?
But instead will all be dead in another 8. What is that? A win-win situation?

You silly people have been proclaiming we would all be dead three times over by now. Face it, no one believes your fantasy's anymore.
Watch Erik the Viking. Funny movie.
You don't have to go as far as Guam; just ask people living in Norfolk, Virginia if the sea is rising.

Rising to what level? That which it was millions of years ago?
It's been on the news. There's been flooding of streets and coastal areas during routine full moon high tides. The military, which has several large bases in the area, is busy trying to figure out how to protect its facilities. I'm not making that up.

If it's in the news, please show us some examples.

I lived and worked in Key West Florida for three years in the late '60's. At the time, there were a number of streets, down near the Turtle Kraals, the bank we did business with and one of my favorite bars. Every time there was a full moon, the streets would flood a bit. If there was an exceptionally high tide, there would be six or eight inches of water in the streets.

If you recall, cars used to rust out quite a lot at that time. To delay that eventuality, there was a service provided by the filling stations. It would probably be frowned on today and I'm sure it is no longer available. Service stations would have a lift outside. There they would lift your car and spray the used oil from oil changes to the entire undercarriage of your car. I had it done about once a month, usually before the abnormally high tides. It was unnecessary for the Harley I also owned at the time and would have been foolhardy. If I had to ride through salt water, I washed it off the same day.

Over the decades, I have visited many, many times. Guess what? The same flooding, no more, no less. Key West is still there. Not as wonderful as it was in my day, but still there.
Rising Seas Are Flooding Virginia’s Naval Base, and There’s No Plan to Fix It
Watch Erik the Viking. Funny movie.
You don't have to go as far as Guam; just ask people living in Norfolk, Virginia if the sea is rising.

Rising to what level? That which it was millions of years ago?
It's been on the news. There's been flooding of streets and coastal areas during routine full moon high tides. The military, which has several large bases in the area, is busy trying to figure out how to protect its facilities. I'm not making that up.

If it's in the news, please show us some examples.

I lived and worked in Key West Florida for three years in the late '60's. At the time, there were a number of streets, down near the Turtle Kraals, the bank we did business with and one of my favorite bars. Every time there was a full moon, the streets would flood a bit. If there was an exceptionally high tide, there would be six or eight inches of water in the streets.

If you recall, cars used to rust out quite a lot at that time. To delay that eventuality, there was a service provided by the filling stations. It would probably be frowned on today and I'm sure it is no longer available. Service stations would have a lift outside. There they would lift your car and spray the used oil from oil changes to the entire undercarriage of your car. I had it done about once a month, usually before the abnormally high tides. It was unnecessary for the Harley I also owned at the time and would have been foolhardy. If I had to ride through salt water, I washed it off the same day.

Over the decades, I have visited many, many times. Guess what? The same flooding, no more, no less. Key West is still there. Not as wonderful as it was in my day, but still there.
Rising Seas Are Flooding Virginia’s Naval Base, and There’s No Plan to Fix It

No rising seas, just reclaimed low lying swamp. Go figure, Norfolk has ALWAYS flooded. And go figure the chicken littles neglect to mention that fact. Here is a nice news report that while bleating about "rising seas" also go's so far as to actually mention the fact that Norfolk has always flooded, and why. Below that is a US Army Corps of Engineers report that shows the reason why the area is flooding is actually land subsidence (look it up) responsible for 60% of the flooding, and reclaimed land settling. A very, very common problem.

"Valos scrolled over to City Hall Avenue, the former home of Town Back Creek, which stretched past Granby Street almost to the city's courthouse, today's MacArthur Memorial.

And there on his computer screen were the extinct Paradise and Colley's creeks, where part of the Hague neighborhood was built. Paradise Creek stretched through Norfolk all the way to historic Elmwood Cemetery.

The creeks, if here today, would course through city landmarks.

"Where the Harrison Opera House is, that was all under water," said Bill Inge, a city librarian and building historian.

The same could be said for the Chrysler Museum and for roads near it that regularly flood, some as recently as an afternoon storm this month that dumped several inches of rain.

While Valos examines the past, others look to the future. A mapping tool created by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows what Hampton Roads - and other regions - would look like inundated by different levels of sea level rise."

Old maps show why Norfolk's often waterlogged


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And please explain, oh enlightened one, how you predict future conditions without the use of a model.
And please explain, oh enlightened one, how you predict future conditions without the use of a model.

You use ACTUAL observed information to determine what is actually happening. Not computer derived fantasy.

From the first link

Sea-level rise, a dominant driving force of change for coastal regions, is becoming increasingly important as a hazard to humans and urban areas in the coastal zone worldwide as global climate change takes effect. The geologic record shows that sea level, due to past natural climate factors, has been highly variable, as much as 6-8 m higher than present during the last interglacial warm period and 130 m lower during the last glacial period. Sea level was fairly stable for the past 3,000 years until about the mid- 19th century. During the 20th century, sea level began rising at a global average rate of 1.7 mm/yr. The current average rise rate is 3.1 mm/yr, a 50% increase over the past two decades. Many regions are experiencing even greater rise rates due to local geophysical (e.g., Louisiana, Chesapeake Bay) and oceanographic (Mid-Atlantic coast) forces. A few regions experience rise rates less than the global average due to land uplift. Observations show the increase of carbon emissions since the Industrial Revolution has increased global mean temperature of the air and ocean, which is responsible for sea-level rise due to ice sheet melting and steric expansion, and many related environmental changes. Sea-level rise, with high regional variability, is exhibiting acceleration and is expected to continue for centuries unless mitigation is enacted to reduce atmospheric carbon. Low-lying coastal plain regions, deltas, and most islands are highly vulnerable. Adaptation planning on local, state and national scales for projected sea-level rise of 0.5–2 m by A.D. 2100 is advisable. Sustained global rise in sea level of 4 m to as much as 8 m is possible, but not likely until well after A.D. 2100.

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