Oh shit, has this poor kid ever stepped in it !

It is his decision and is a good one.
Of course the left will vilify him - it's what they do.
But his reasons are valid, he is uncomfortable with the physical contact that occurs, and treating a female rough. Therefore he would not put 100% into it, and that affects the integrity of the sport.
Not ALL the left.

I agree w/the boy as well.
It was the kids choice to make. I'm not sure why I should care either way.

Only if he is vilified for doing it. Watch the video, you can see how the media channel was "on her side". That is clear. They put her in a good light, showed her brother and Dad talking about her, again in a good light... but no positive statements about the boy.
That is something to care about.

On her side? I didn't see any sides represented. They reported the story, and that was that. Did you think he should of gotten praise for participating? He would have had to participate to get that. You're just looking for something to whine about.

Okay so your biased...glad yuo can confirm that once again.
I can only hope that the kid doesn't get bullied on social media and death threats to him and his family. But he probably will.
It is way past time the left takes the leftest bullies everywhere...starting with the media bullies... to task. And if they don't, their complicity is the same as agreeing.
I honestly don't see that happening.

Unlike some of the radicals on my side, most people understand that there's a difference between a man and a woman.

Most people see the difference. Most leftists ? I doubt it.
Feel sorry for this guy, the left will now demonize him to potential suicide.
He'll not only be called the usual, sexist, racist, homophobe, etc etc etc etc, but he's likely to receive death threats.

High school wrestler forfeits final match rather than face a girl at Colorado state tournament

Brendan Johnston had a chance to place at the Colorado state wrestling tournament on Saturday.

Instead, he chose to forfeit because he didn’t want to wrestle a girl.

Faced with the prospect of advancing in the 106-pound consolation bracket, Johnston simply declined to wrestle his third-round opponent Angel Rios.

Wrestler ‘not really comfortable’ taking on a girl
Why? Because he didn’t want to “treat a young lady like that on the mat.”

“I’m not really comfortable with a couple of things with wrestling a girl,” Johnston told the Denver Post. “The physical contact, there’s a lot of it in wrestling.

“And I guess the physical aggression, too. I don’t want to treat a young lady like that on the mat. Or off the mat. And not to disrespect the heart or the effort that she’s put in. That’s not what I want to do, either.”

High school wrestler quits rather than face a girl
I've been wrestling women for forty years and don't feel bad about it.
I can only hope that the kid doesn't get bullied on social media and death threats to him and his family. But he probably will.
It is way past time the left takes the leftest bullies everywhere...starting with the media bullies... to task. And if they don't, their complicity is the same as agreeing.
I honestly don't see that happening.

Unlike some of the radicals on my side, most people understand that there's a difference between a man and a woman.

I can only hope that the kid doesn't get bullied on social media and death threats to him and his family. But he probably will.
It is way past time the left takes the leftest bullies everywhere...starting with the media bullies... to task. And if they don't, their complicity is the same as agreeing.
there's a difference between a man and a woman.

Agreed. Sad many have forgotten that with al the transgender bathroom confusion

Was he afraid of losing or too much a gentleman?
Did you really ask him that? First of all, if he lost he would be the laughingstock to everybody the rest of his life. Lol
Gentlemen or not this political correctness is fucked up beyond all recognition... FUBAR
Congratulations, Brendan! What a polite young man! What kind of victory would out fighting a girl? What kind of sport would it be if one participant didn't give it all he had? What a gem! Hope everyone appreciates him at school. Congratulations to his parents as well. Well done!

Yep, but unfortunately he's probably going to get a barrage of hate.
--------------------------------- good , that should toughen him up . Who cares what the 'PC' thinks and says , feck them eh .
people have got to quit worrying what the 'pc' crowd and other deviants think because this downward slide is not going to stop sliding . .
I honestly don't see that happening.

Unlike some of the radicals on my side, most people understand that there's a difference between a man and a woman.
Make sure you keep that heresy to yourself. You don't want to put a target on your own back.
To bad the boys that transgendered, would stay out of girls sports. Lol, silly thought they are probably liberals. They only think of themselves.

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