Oh well...Another global warming protest delayed by cold...

Blizzard of Nor Easters No Surprise Thanks to Climate Change

Going to Extremes

Such heavy storms have increased by more than 70 percent in the past six decades in the Northeast, according to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report. Called extreme precipitation, these are the top one percent of blizzards or rainstorms that pack the heftiest punch, threatening sudden floods or paralyzing snowdrifts. The trend has hit nationwide, but with less impact in drier regions such as the Southwest, which has seen only a 5 percent increase in such events.

These storms result from a paradox of global warming in which warmer air temperatures mean more moisture is stuffed into clouds. That's why when it rains—or snows—it pours harder than ever out of those overstuffed skies.​
what climate has changed? Please explain. Name a location where the weather today is opposite of 30 years ago. Name one! That would be climate change.

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Opposite? Weather?

Global Climate Science says the Earth has warmed. No one with a handful of working brain cells and ANY credibility denies this. I do not say the climate is changing, NASA does.
well maybe you should learn what a climate is! Winter is cold in the northern hemisphere between November to March. It's for the most part cold and it snows. Now, a climate change would mean that we all could be water skiing in the Great Lakes if there was a climate change. But alas, the water today freezes like it has since forever this time of year. annnnt, LoSe
So, AGW sets off ice ages, that makes perfect sense.
AGW is everything dude! It can't be wrong. That's the beauty of AGW. Everything is it.
Why do you hate science?

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet

You're the one who ignores the scientific method. The fact is it is you who hates science. The truly sad thing about the bastardization of climate science is it has had a negative impact on ALL science. The people paint with a broad brush and they don't trust anything now.

And that is the worst crime that the climatologists have committed.
Blizzard of Nor Easters No Surprise Thanks to Climate Change

Going to Extremes

Such heavy storms have increased by more than 70 percent in the past six decades in the Northeast, according to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report. Called extreme precipitation, these are the top one percent of blizzards or rainstorms that pack the heftiest punch, threatening sudden floods or paralyzing snowdrifts. The trend has hit nationwide, but with less impact in drier regions such as the Southwest, which has seen only a 5 percent increase in such events.

These storms result from a paradox of global warming in which warmer air temperatures mean more moisture is stuffed into clouds. That's why when it rains—or snows—it pours harder than ever out of those overstuffed skies.​
Ummm, no they haven't. The actual records show that the number of major storms impacting the US has dropped. If you want to see a major storm decade try the 1950's. THEY, were terrible.

what is this, select a year? :rofl:

good gawd, man. I'll go with NASA science over your imaginings and year picks Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet
No, it's a selected DECADE. There were more storms in that decade, of major size, than we have had all through the 2000's. That's a fact. Storms run in cycles just like the climate. You AGW faithful ignore that and claim every storm is indicative of global warming. That's simply ridiculous, and has been shown to be so every time it is posited.

You keep arguing with imaginary foes. Why?

AGW faithful? I only quote NASA science. Do you believe NASA is wrong?

straw man: storms run in cycles
Blizzard of Nor Easters No Surprise Thanks to Climate Change

Going to Extremes

Such heavy storms have increased by more than 70 percent in the past six decades in the Northeast, according to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report. Called extreme precipitation, these are the top one percent of blizzards or rainstorms that pack the heftiest punch, threatening sudden floods or paralyzing snowdrifts. The trend has hit nationwide, but with less impact in drier regions such as the Southwest, which has seen only a 5 percent increase in such events.

These storms result from a paradox of global warming in which warmer air temperatures mean more moisture is stuffed into clouds. That's why when it rains—or snows—it pours harder than ever out of those overstuffed skies.​
Ummm, no they haven't. The actual records show that the number of major storms impacting the US has dropped. If you want to see a major storm decade try the 1950's. THEY, were terrible.

what is this, select a year? :rofl:

good gawd, man. I'll go with NASA science over your imaginings and year picks Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet
No, it's a selected DECADE. There were more storms in that decade, of major size, than we have had all through the 2000's. That's a fact. Storms run in cycles just like the climate. You AGW faithful ignore that and claim every storm is indicative of global warming. That's simply ridiculous, and has been shown to be so every time it is posited.

You keep arguing with imaginary foes. Why?

AGW faithful? I only quote NASA science. Do you believe NASA is wrong?

straw man: storms run in cycles
So, AGW sets off ice ages, that makes perfect sense.
AGW is everything dude! It can't be wrong. That's the beauty of AGW. Everything is it.
Why do you hate science?

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet
You're the one who ignores the scientific method. The fact is it is you who hates science. The truly sad thing about the bastardization of climate science is it has had a negative impact on ALL science. The people paint with a broad brush and they don't trust anything now.

And that is the worst crime that the climatologists have committed.

Scientific method? Unlike some here, Dante has NEVER claimed to be an expert on climate science. People who do not trust science are ignorant fools. Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet
"Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a fraud!".

Since the data contradicts them, that's now the best deniers can do. That, and a bit of hippie-punching. They've given up completely on the actual science.

Actually it's been proven to run in cycles. But some can't see the forest through the trees. Al Gore stands to make about a billion dollars with the carbon credits he holds. All he needs is cap and tax to go into action. That isn't a conflict of interest or anything, now is it?
because it isn't science. See science never has a consensus.
"Look! A snowflake! Global warming is a fraud!".

Since the data contradicts them, that's now the best deniers can do. That, and a bit of hippie-punching. They've given up completely on the actual science.

Actually it's been proven to run in cycles. But some can't see the forest through the trees. Al Gore stands to make about a billion dollars with the carbon credits he holds. All he needs is cap and tax to go into action. That isn't a conflict of interest or anything, now is it?

straw men: proven to run in cycles - Al Gore - conflict of interest? :)cuckoo:)

Dispute a fact: Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Carbon Dioxide

come on. you know you can do it. NASA is wrong. Just show us all with facts. Dispute NASA's facts
So, AGW sets off ice ages, that makes perfect sense.
AGW is everything dude! It can't be wrong. That's the beauty of AGW. Everything is it.
Why do you hate science?

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet
You're the one who ignores the scientific method. The fact is it is you who hates science. The truly sad thing about the bastardization of climate science is it has had a negative impact on ALL science. The people paint with a broad brush and they don't trust anything now.

And that is the worst crime that the climatologists have committed.

Scientific method? Unlike some here, Dante has NEVER claimed to be an expert on climate science. People who do not trust science are ignorant fools. Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet

Dante claims to care about science. Anyone who listens to the fraudulent claims of the climatologists and ignores the very real evidence of their fraud....has abandoned the scientific method and hates science. Period.
So, AGW sets off ice ages, that makes perfect sense.
AGW is everything dude! It can't be wrong. That's the beauty of AGW. Everything is it.
Why do you hate science?

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet
You're the one who ignores the scientific method. The fact is it is you who hates science. The truly sad thing about the bastardization of climate science is it has had a negative impact on ALL science. The people paint with a broad brush and they don't trust anything now.

And that is the worst crime that the climatologists have committed.

Scientific method? Unlike some here, Dante has NEVER claimed to be an expert on climate science. People who do not trust science are ignorant fools. Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet

Dante claims to care about science. Anyone who listens to the fraudulent claims of the climatologists and ignores the very real evidence of their fraud....has abandoned the scientific method and hates science. Period.
man up

Dispute a fact: Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Carbon Dioxide

come on. you know you can do it. NASA is wrong. Just show us all with facts. Dispute NASA's facts
AGW is everything dude! It can't be wrong. That's the beauty of AGW. Everything is it.
Why do you hate science?

Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet
You're the one who ignores the scientific method. The fact is it is you who hates science. The truly sad thing about the bastardization of climate science is it has had a negative impact on ALL science. The people paint with a broad brush and they don't trust anything now.

And that is the worst crime that the climatologists have committed.

Scientific method? Unlike some here, Dante has NEVER claimed to be an expert on climate science. People who do not trust science are ignorant fools. Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet

Dante claims to care about science. Anyone who listens to the fraudulent claims of the climatologists and ignores the very real evidence of their fraud....has abandoned the scientific method and hates science. Period.
man up

Dispute a fact: Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Carbon Dioxide

come on. you know you can do it. NASA is wrong. Just show us all with facts. Dispute NASA's facts

Those are called opinions. Why is it that you people can't seem to figure out the difference? Here are facts. These facts show beyond question that CO2 increases FOLLOW temperature. Not the other way around.

NASA admits that it is only 38% sure that 2014 was the hottest year. That's on page 5 of the NOAA/NASA study. Somehow, the margin of error (0.1 degree Celsius) was not part of the press release. Margins of error are routinely reported on most studies I read, like Pew Research studies. Somehow, the major news networks missed that. Even according to the flawed study, 2014 was a statistical tie with other years, within the margin of error by a factor of 50.

Science is not about being a denier or an acceptor. It's about taking a critical look at claims. How was the 2014 Hottest Year study carried out? A certain number of climate stations were selected by humans, while others were rejected. That introduces subjectivity right there. Some research stations were surrounded by grass in 1950, and are now surrounded by asphalt. How was the urban heat island effect accounted for? Answer: somewhat subjectively. They decided not to factor in the RSS satellite data, which does not result in a record temperature for 2014. Another subjective decision. How were the computer models programmed, and according to which biases?

These are the questions that a scientific critical thinker should ask, as well as asking how the conclusion effects the FY 2015 budgets of NOAA and NASA.

How was the 97.1% scientific consensus on AGW determined? John Kerry quoted that, and it's been repeated ever since. You don't know. You haven't even asked the question. You have this image of 1,000 scientists sitting in a room, and 971 of them raising their hands to vote yes. The truth is much more dubious than that.
You're the one who ignores the scientific method. The fact is it is you who hates science. The truly sad thing about the bastardization of climate science is it has had a negative impact on ALL science. The people paint with a broad brush and they don't trust anything now.

And that is the worst crime that the climatologists have committed.

Scientific method? Unlike some here, Dante has NEVER claimed to be an expert on climate science. People who do not trust science are ignorant fools. Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet

Dante claims to care about science. Anyone who listens to the fraudulent claims of the climatologists and ignores the very real evidence of their fraud....has abandoned the scientific method and hates science. Period.
man up

Dispute a fact: Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Carbon Dioxide

come on. you know you can do it. NASA is wrong. Just show us all with facts. Dispute NASA's facts

Those are called opinions. Why is it that you people can't seem to figure out the difference? Here are facts. These facts show beyond question that CO2 increases FOLLOW temperature. Not the other way around.

Impressive graph. What has that to do with NASA science?

NASA web site: "The second chart shows CO2 levels during the last three glacial cycles, as reconstructed from ice cores." - Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Carbon Dioxide

You trying to dispute a NASA fact by calling it an opinion?
You're the one who ignores the scientific method. The fact is it is you who hates science. The truly sad thing about the bastardization of climate science is it has had a negative impact on ALL science. The people paint with a broad brush and they don't trust anything now.

And that is the worst crime that the climatologists have committed.

Scientific method? Unlike some here, Dante has NEVER claimed to be an expert on climate science. People who do not trust science are ignorant fools. Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet

Dante claims to care about science. Anyone who listens to the fraudulent claims of the climatologists and ignores the very real evidence of their fraud....has abandoned the scientific method and hates science. Period.
man up

Dispute a fact: Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Carbon Dioxide

come on. you know you can do it. NASA is wrong. Just show us all with facts. Dispute NASA's facts

Those are called opinions. Why is it that you people can't seem to figure out the difference? Here are facts. These facts show beyond question that CO2 increases FOLLOW temperature. Not the other way around.

Impressive graph. What has that to do with NASA science?

NASA web site: "The second chart shows CO2 levels during the last three glacial cycles, as reconstructed from ice cores." - Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Carbon Dioxide

You trying to dispute a NASA fact by calling it an opinion?

It shows us that NASA's OPINION is false. Plain and simple.
Scientific method? Unlike some here, Dante has NEVER claimed to be an expert on climate science. People who do not trust science are ignorant fools. Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet

Dante claims to care about science. Anyone who listens to the fraudulent claims of the climatologists and ignores the very real evidence of their fraud....has abandoned the scientific method and hates science. Period.
man up

Dispute a fact: Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Carbon Dioxide

come on. you know you can do it. NASA is wrong. Just show us all with facts. Dispute NASA's facts

Those are called opinions. Why is it that you people can't seem to figure out the difference? Here are facts. These facts show beyond question that CO2 increases FOLLOW temperature. Not the other way around.

Impressive graph. What has that to do with NASA science?

NASA web site: "The second chart shows CO2 levels during the last three glacial cycles, as reconstructed from ice cores." - Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Carbon Dioxide

You trying to dispute a NASA fact by calling it an opinion?

It shows us that NASA's OPINION is false. Plain and simple.

You still have NOT disputed one single fact put out by NASA. Go to their page Climate Change Vital Signs of the Planet Carbon Dioxide pick a few facts and dispute them.

It should be very simple to do if what you claim is true
Well I see that they still try and link pollution to AGW..

That is what the AGW cult does!

Pollution does not equal AGW..

Also CO2 does NOT control climate..

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