Ohio admits earthquakes indirect result of fracking

Fracking has been linked to two minor earthquakes in northwest England, very likely by lubricating an already stressed fault zone and thus making it easier for the land to shift (pdf). A report in August (pdf) by seismologist Austin Holland at the OGS also suggested that a swarm of nearly 50 small quakes of magnitude 1.0 to 2.8 near the center of the state might have been triggered by nearby fracking.

Still, researchers say it seems unlikely that fracking had anything to do with last weekend's magnitude 5.6 quake

"I won't say that man's activity never ever caused the release of seismic stress, but hydro-fracks are such small things," Keller adds. "If we were talking a magnitude 1 or 2 earthquake, that'd be different,..."

Did Fracking Cause Oklahoma's Largest Recorded Earthquake?: Scientific American

get it?

you stupid ideologues can't read and comprehend at the same time.

Who cares? Minor earthquakes relieve the strain on fault lines and prevent big earthquakes that actually cause damage.
What science? All the real science says fracking does not cause earthquakes. The best evidence of that is that we there were earthquakes before anyone ever thought of fracking.

Do you have a link or did you just make that up?

There are exactly two reports that show any link between fracking and earthquakes, and neither of them show causation, just correlation. They both also admit that it happened in high earthquake areas, and that the quakes were minor.

Still waiting for a link. Otherwise, it looks like you're just making shit up.

Who knew Oklahoma was a "high earthquake" zone?
Do you have a link or did you just make that up?

There are exactly two reports that show any link between fracking and earthquakes, and neither of them show causation, just correlation. They both also admit that it happened in high earthquake areas, and that the quakes were minor.

Still waiting for a link. Otherwise, it looks like you're just making shit up.

Who knew Oklahoma was a "high earthquake" zone?

Ever here of the New Madrid earthquakes?

1812 New Madrid earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are exactly two reports that show any link between fracking and earthquakes, and neither of them show causation, just correlation. They both also admit that it happened in high earthquake areas, and that the quakes were minor.

Still waiting for a link. Otherwise, it looks like you're just making shit up.

Who knew Oklahoma was a "high earthquake" zone?

Ever here of the New Madrid earthquakes?

1812 New Madrid earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks for the link. Did you read it? This was the best part:

The lack of apparent land movement along the New Madrid fault system has long puzzled scientists. In 2009 two studies based on eight years of GPS measurements indicated that the faults were moving at no more than 0.2 millimeters (0.0079 in) a year.[20] In contrast, the rate of slippage on the San Andreas Fault averages as much as 37 mm (1.5 in) a year across California.[21]

0.2 mm? You know how much that is? It's about the space between these two dots ..

All of the earth is in flux. It's a dynamic planet. Everyplace will have an earthquake eventually. "Eventually" being the "important word".
Still waiting for a link. Otherwise, it looks like you're just making shit up.

Who knew Oklahoma was a "high earthquake" zone?

Ever here of the New Madrid earthquakes?

1812 New Madrid earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks for the link. Did you read it? This was the best part:

The lack of apparent land movement along the New Madrid fault system has long puzzled scientists. In 2009 two studies based on eight years of GPS measurements indicated that the faults were moving at no more than 0.2 millimeters (0.0079 in) a year.[20] In contrast, the rate of slippage on the San Andreas Fault averages as much as 37 mm (1.5 in) a year across California.[21]

0.2 mm? You know how much that is? It's about the space between these two dots ..

All of the earth is in flux. It's a dynamic planet. Everyplace will have an earthquake eventually. "Eventually" being the "important word".

That means you agree with the science, fracking doesn't cause earthquakes. Good to know.

Thanks for the link. Did you read it? This was the best part:

The lack of apparent land movement along the New Madrid fault system has long puzzled scientists. In 2009 two studies based on eight years of GPS measurements indicated that the faults were moving at no more than 0.2 millimeters (0.0079 in) a year.[20] In contrast, the rate of slippage on the San Andreas Fault averages as much as 37 mm (1.5 in) a year across California.[21]

0.2 mm? You know how much that is? It's about the space between these two dots ..

All of the earth is in flux. It's a dynamic planet. Everyplace will have an earthquake eventually. "Eventually" being the "important word".

That means you agree with the science, fracking doesn't cause earthquakes. Good to know.

that is NOT what the science says.

Ohio Earthquake Likely Caused by Fracking Wastewater: Scientific American

Scientists have quickly determined that the likely cause was fracking—although not from drilling into deep shale or cracking it with pressured water and chemicals to retrieve natural gas. Rather, they suspect the disposal of wastewater from those operations, done by pumping it back down into equally deep sandstone.
Because quakes are otherwise rare in the Youngstown area, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources in November asked Columbia University's Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) to place mobile seismographs in the vicinity to better determine what was going on. John Armbruster from LDEO installed four seismographs on November 30.

By triangulating the arrival time of shock waves at the four stations, Armbruster and his colleagues needed only a day or two to determine with 95 percent certainty that the epicenters of the two holiday quakes were within 100 meters of each other, and within 0.8 kilometer of the injection well. The team also determined that the quakes were caused by slippage along a fault at about the same depth as the injection site, almost three kilometers down.

Ohio Earthquake Likely Caused by Fracking Wastewater: Scientific American
Still waiting for a link. Otherwise, it looks like you're just making shit up.

Who knew Oklahoma was a "high earthquake" zone?

Ever here of the New Madrid earthquakes?

1812 New Madrid earthquake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thanks for the link. Did you read it? This was the best part:

The lack of apparent land movement along the New Madrid fault system has long puzzled scientists. In 2009 two studies based on eight years of GPS measurements indicated that the faults were moving at no more than 0.2 millimeters (0.0079 in) a year.[20] In contrast, the rate of slippage on the San Andreas Fault averages as much as 37 mm (1.5 in) a year across California.[21]

0.2 mm? You know how much that is? It's about the space between these two dots ..

All of the earth is in flux. It's a dynamic planet. Everyplace will have an earthquake eventually. "Eventually" being the "important word".

Jeez, all of a sudden the Earth actually has cycles and stuff? Who knew! You know, if you change earthquakes for AGW you are using the sceptics arguments against man made global warming. Buuuuuuuuut, you'd better not mention that huh. The paladins of AGW would crucify for that heresy!
Thanks for the link. Did you read it? This was the best part:

The lack of apparent land movement along the New Madrid fault system has long puzzled scientists. In 2009 two studies based on eight years of GPS measurements indicated that the faults were moving at no more than 0.2 millimeters (0.0079 in) a year.[20] In contrast, the rate of slippage on the San Andreas Fault averages as much as 37 mm (1.5 in) a year across California.[21]

0.2 mm? You know how much that is? It's about the space between these two dots ..

All of the earth is in flux. It's a dynamic planet. Everyplace will have an earthquake eventually. "Eventually" being the "important word".

That means you agree with the science, fracking doesn't cause earthquakes. Good to know.

that is NOT what the science says.

Ohio Earthquake Likely Caused by Fracking Wastewater: Scientific American

Scientists have quickly determined that the likely cause was fracking—although not from drilling into deep shale or cracking it with pressured water and chemicals to retrieve natural gas. Rather, they suspect the disposal of wastewater from those operations, done by pumping it back down into equally deep sandstone.

From your link.

Although LDEO scientists are not saying that the pumping caused the quakes, injection fluids have been implicated in other strike-slip earthquakes close to deep-injection wells. In essence, the fluids can act as lubricants between two abutting rock faces, helping them to suddenly slip along the boundary.

What causes earthquakes has been known for years, it is a pressure build up between two sides of a fault in the Earth's crust that are moving in different directions. Fracking does not cause fault lines to suddenly manifest, nor does it cause the Earth to move in different ways. In fact, fracking is not even what is being done at the well in question here which is, at best, implicated in the earthquakes. The well in question actually has as much to do with fracking as your local dump has to do with what you eat.

Fracking does not cause earthquakes, period. At best it might play a minor role in making earthquakes less severe be lessening the pressure it takes for an earthquake to occur, but that is, at this point, debatable. If it proves to be true it could actually save lives in the future.

Want to neg me again because I actually understand science?
quantum wind tunnel: I'll stick with

Ohio Earthquake Likely Caused by Fracking Wastewater: Scientific American

Scientists have quickly determined that the likely cause was fracking—although not from drilling into deep shale or cracking it with pressured water and chemicals to retrieve natural gas. Rather, they suspect the disposal of wastewater from those operations, done by pumping it back down into equally deep sandstone.

What causes earthquakes has been known for years, it is a pressure build up between two sides of a fault in the Earth's crust that are moving in different directions. Fracking does not cause fault lines to suddenly manifest, nor does it cause the Earth to move in different ways. In fact, fracking is not even what is being done at the well in question here which is, at best, implicated in the earthquakes. The well in question actually has as much to do with fracking as your local dump has to do with what you eat.

Fracking does not cause earthquakes, period. At best it might play a minor role in making earthquakes less severe be lessening the pressure it takes for an earthquake to occur, but that is, at this point, debatable. If it proves to be true it could actually save lives in the future.

Want to neg me again because I actually understand science?
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What science? All the real science says fracking does not cause earthquakes. The best evidence of that is that we there were earthquakes before anyone ever thought of fracking.

that just might be the dumbest thing you've ever said here. and THAT is saying lots.

you probably used to mention there was no evidence smoking cigarettes caused or contributed to lung cancer because lung cancer existed before cigarettes?

Fracking has been in use since 1947. I am pretty sure that, if it actually caused earthquakes, someone would have figured it out by now.

On the other hand, tell a bunch of idiots that fracking causes earthquakes, then tell them that there is fracking going on, and they suddenly start noticing it when the chandelier rattles a bit.

It is kinda like the link between autism and vaccinations, it only exists in idiots heads, but everyone believed it because no one had disproved it. Welcome to junk science and idiocy, any moment know you will start believing the Mayan calendar and astrology.

Isn't it amazing how "progressives" are always the ones who want to move us BACK to riding bicycles, living in mud huts and eating twigs?
Do you have a link or did you just make that up?

There are exactly two reports that show any link between fracking and earthquakes, and neither of them show causation, just correlation. They both also admit that it happened in high earthquake areas, and that the quakes were minor.

Still waiting for a link. Otherwise, it looks like you're just making shit up.

Who knew Oklahoma was a "high earthquake" zone?

I've lived here all of my 54 years and I knew. Any educated person would know. Oh wait.......I think I see the problem here.
And still the official report on our local earthquakes says "Likely" , translated; maybe, possible, we think so but don't put our name on it...........
And still the official report on our local earthquakes says "Likely" , translated; maybe, possible, we think so but don't put our name on it...........

You know the favorite game of liberals like Dainty? Horseshoes. Why? You only have to get close to "win".
that just might be the dumbest thing you've ever said here. and THAT is saying lots.

you probably used to mention there was no evidence smoking cigarettes caused or contributed to lung cancer because lung cancer existed before cigarettes?

Fracking has been in use since 1947. I am pretty sure that, if it actually caused earthquakes, someone would have figured it out by now.

On the other hand, tell a bunch of idiots that fracking causes earthquakes, then tell them that there is fracking going on, and they suddenly start noticing it when the chandelier rattles a bit.

It is kinda like the link between autism and vaccinations, it only exists in idiots heads, but everyone believed it because no one had disproved it. Welcome to junk science and idiocy, any moment know you will start believing the Mayan calendar and astrology.

Isn't it amazing how "progressives" are always the ones who want to move us BACK to riding bicycles, living in mud huts and eating twigs?
Most likely possible cause .. and they explain the reasoning - the hypothesis - they do not add that the quakes are most likely natural events

Ohio Earthquake Likely Caused by Fracking Wastewater: Scientific American

Scientists have quickly determined that the likely cause was fracking—although not from drilling into deep shale or cracking it with pressured water and chemicals to retrieve natural gas. Rather, they suspect the disposal of wastewater from those operations, done by pumping it back down into equally deep sandstone.

It's backed by investigation of cause(s) -- get IT - investigation leads to the most likely cause
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Do the righties here claim there was NO Big Bang because science only says it is a most likely event - a hypothesis?

gawd, :rofl:
You aren't here hearing the BS on the local radio talk shows. This "Likely" theory hasn't changed one bit since the first protestor pointed their finger. And who were the first protestors? Nope not the Green party, they showed up a day after OWS........ Go figure.........

So we don't have a scientist who can study these studies, and say this is what caused it.

Because that is what the studies are telling us. They think...................

I think they may be right. But I don't know that as a fact.
You aren't here hearing the BS on the local radio talk shows. This "Likely" theory hasn't changed one bit since the first protestor pointed their finger. And who were the first protestors? Nope not the Green party, they showed up a day after OWS........ Go figure.........

So we don't have a scientist who can study these studies, and say this is what caused it.

Because that is what the studies are telling us. They think...................

I think they may be right. But I don't know that as a fact.

You are stuck - caught up in - an ideological debate where you shut out information because people you disagree with on issues have taken a stance.

try this one more time: Source (not talk radio or leftists): Ohio Earthquake Likely Caused by Fracking Wastewater: Scientific American

By Mark Fischetti | January 4, 2012 |

the Ohio Department of Natural Resources in November asked Columbia University's Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) to place mobile seismographs in the vicinity to better determine what was going on. John Armbruster from LDEO installed four seismographs on November 30.

By triangulating the arrival time of shock waves at the four stations, Armbruster and his colleagues needed only a day or two to determine with 95 percent certainty that the epicenters of the two holiday quakes were within 100 meters of each other, and within 0.8 kilometer of the injection well. The team also determined that the quakes were caused by slippage along a fault at about the same depth as the injection site, almost three kilometers down.

source: After quakes, Ohio plans tough gas-drilling rules *| ajc.com

National / World News 5:46 p.m. Friday, March 9, 2012
The Associated Press

The state Department of Natural Resources announced the tough new brine injection regulations because of the report's findings on the well in Youngstown, which it said were based on "a number of coincidental circumstances."

For one, investigators said, the well began operations just three months ahead of the first quake.

They also noted that the seismic activity...was clustered around the well bore, and reported that a fault has since been identified in the rock layer where water was being injected.

"Our evidence strongly suggests that the injection fluid lubricated a previously unmapped fault and contributed to seismic activity," said Natural Resources spokesman Carlo LoParo.

The report said: "Geologists believe it is very difficult for all conditions to be met to induce seismic events. In fact, all the evidence indicates that properly located ... injection wells will not cause earthquakes."

The Youngstown well's operator, D&L Energy Inc., noted as much Friday in a statement reacting to the state report and the new regulations. D&L pointed out that the state did not actually test the well during its investigation, relying instead of geologic and seismic data.

the dispute has become ideological, but let's be honest, the arguments of the conservative nitwits here are all focusing on issues NOT part of the scientific debate. It's ideological argument posing as a defense of a position taken ahead of the science, just as the left protesters have done.

For decades people like the cons here had said there was no concrete evidence that smoking cause lung cancer, maybe just contributed to it - and cons argued against the evidence support where acid rain causes were

head-in-the-sand each and every time

"he evidence indicates that properly located ... injection wells will not cause earthquakes." - meaning not properly located...
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And still not one of these scientists will say that they are 100% certain. That is all I am saying. No one will come out and flat out say it. Every single person other than one local politician, who I haven't voted for in any of the 10 positions or so he has held. And of course the protestors who are all against not just the injection well but fraking in general. It's crazy around here. The latest controversy is whether they should be permitted to drill (Fracking) 9000 ft under a cemetery......

Why not?

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