Ohio Bill Would Require Men Submit Affidavit From Sex Partner Confirming Impotence


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Judd Legum

An Ohio State Senator is turning the tables on men seeking to regulate women’s access to reproductive health. Sen. Nina Turner (D-Cleveland) has introduced legislation regulating men’s access to erectile dysfunction drugs. The Dayton Daily News has the details:

Before getting a prescription for Viagra or other erectile dysfunction drugs, men would have to see a sex therapist, receive a cardiac stress test and get a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency, if state Sen. Nina Turner has her way.

The Cleveland Democrat introduced Senate Bill 307 this week.

A critic of efforts to restrict abortion and contraception for women, Turner says she is concerned about men’s reproductive health… Turner said if state policymakers want to legislate women’s health choices through measures such as House Bill 125, known as the ‘Heartbeat bill,’ they should also be able to legislate men’s reproductive health.​

Turner’s bill tracks FDA guidelines which recommends doctors determine whether the root cause of men’s sexual disfunction is physical or psychological. She describes her bill as an effort to “legislate it the same way mostly men say they want to legislate a woman’s womb.”

There have been similar efforts in other states. An Illinois bill would require men to watch a “horrific video” on the side effects of Viagra. In Virginia, Sen. Janet Howell (D) submitted a bill requiring men to undergo a digital rectal exam before receiving a prescription for erectile disfunction drugs.

Conservative commentators such as Sean Hannity have dismissed the comparison, claiming that Viagra — unlike birth control — treats a “medical problem.” Most women, however, use birth control for medical purposes other than family planning.

Ohio Bill Would Require Men Submit Affidavit From Sex Partner Confirming Impotence Before Receiving Viagra | ThinkProgress
I suspect this "miracle" drug's contraindications have yet to be fully understood.

I suspect that aging man's inability to become turgid stems mostly from their overall health decline, that that is nature and to be expected.

And, while Viagra might help men get and maintain turgidity, the REST of their body is STILL no healthier and is probably STRESSED when that viagra is used for sex.

Basically I think taking Viagra is like putting a really powerful engine in a car that can't handle it.

The car may go faster than hell for a while, but that car isn't really build to proform at that capacity so the rest of the car cannot take the stress over the long term.

Example? The Sunbeam TIGER.

A car designed for a 60ci engine, the TIGER came with a 289 ci engine,

Faster than hell the TIGER was basically a deathtrap.

While the engine was build for speed, the rest of the car really wasn't.
These and other bills are a reaction to Republican attacks on women's health. They will probably fail, but they are a good step in the right direction, none the less.

Another bill requires men to sit through a medical video of the treatment of priaprism.

Fun stuff.
Gosh almighty....

The Land of the Free? what a crock of poop....

Mind your own business people....and stop trying to control another person's life.....especially women.... we have free will JUST AS MEN DO, and God given at that.... if we sin, it is OUR OWN SIN to work through with God, and not yours, so just shut up and leave us alone.
A full diagnosis is not a bad idea before prescribing Viagra otherwise it becomes a recreational drug which is not the intent of prescription drugs now is it?

The affidavit thing now is not right though.
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These and other bills are a reaction to Republican attacks on women's health. They will probably fail, but they are a good step in the right direction, none the less.

Another bill requires men to sit through a medical video of the treatment of priaprism.

Fun stuff.

Defending the First Amendment is not an "attack on women's health." Birth control has little to do with women's health.
Gotta love it.....

Make the men put their money where there mouth is

By Judd Legum

An Ohio State Senator is turning the tables on men seeking to regulate women’s access to reproductive health. Sen. Nina Turner (D-Cleveland) has introduced legislation regulating men’s access to erectile dysfunction drugs. The Dayton Daily News has the details:

Before getting a prescription for Viagra or other erectile dysfunction drugs, men would have to see a sex therapist, receive a cardiac stress test and get a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency, if state Sen. Nina Turner has her way.

The Cleveland Democrat introduced Senate Bill 307 this week.

A critic of efforts to restrict abortion and contraception for women, Turner says she is concerned about men’s reproductive health… Turner said if state policymakers want to legislate women’s health choices through measures such as House Bill 125, known as the ‘Heartbeat bill,’ they should also be able to legislate men’s reproductive health.​

Turner’s bill tracks FDA guidelines which recommends doctors determine whether the root cause of men’s sexual disfunction is physical or psychological. She describes her bill as an effort to “legislate it the same way mostly men say they want to legislate a woman’s womb.”

There have been similar efforts in other states. An Illinois bill would require men to watch a “horrific video” on the side effects of Viagra. In Virginia, Sen. Janet Howell (D) submitted a bill requiring men to undergo a digital rectal exam before receiving a prescription for erectile disfunction drugs.

Conservative commentators such as Sean Hannity have dismissed the comparison, claiming that Viagra — unlike birth control — treats a “medical problem.” Most women, however, use birth control for medical purposes other than family planning.

Ohio Bill Would Require Men Submit Affidavit From Sex Partner Confirming Impotence Before Receiving Viagra | ThinkProgress

Go ahead and pass it. Its not like they can not be bought online. :eek:
And next will be legislation requiring a polygraph test when promising "not to cum in your mouth."
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Defending the First Amendment

Nobody is "defending" the first amendment in any of this. You're trying to expand the first amendment such that religious belief would trump all civil power and authority, and lead to the complete dissolution of government upon the demand of the church.

Birth control has little to do with women's health.

And the people best able to determine that are a bunch of male virgins who haven't the first clue about medical sciences, as opposed to it being decided between a woman and her doctor.
Well, let's see. Dems whine and whine and whine about the bedroom. And, here is Dem trying to get into the bedroom and tell your doctor what to do. Um...yeah.

Perhaps we can call it the Howell manuever that the doc has to stick his finger in your anus before getting Viagra.
In Virginia, Sen. Janet Howell (D) submitted a bill requiring men to undergo a digital rectal exam before receiving a prescription for erectile disfunction drugs.

Is it really up to a politician to decide that a digital rectal exam is necessary to prescibe this? Oh yeah, Dems, the party of freedom. LMAO!!!!!!!!
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Well, let's see. Dems whine and whine and whine about the bedroom. And, here is Dem trying to get into the bedroom and tell your doctor what to do. Um...yeah.

Damn Dems. Wonder where they got the idea that the guvmint should become involved in recreational sex and procreational sex. Who could have possibly thought this would be a good idea.

Do you know? If not, I have a couple of ideas about who started this shit.
Defending the First Amendment

Nobody is "defending" the first amendment in any of this. You're trying to expand the first amendment such that religious belief would trump all civil power and authority, and lead to the complete dissolution of government upon the demand of the church.

Try not to be a complete dipstick. The First Amendment bars the govenrment from interfering in the practice of religion. That means it can't pass laws that force someone to do something against his deeply held religous beliefs. You apparently believe that unless the government can impose whatever it wants on the curch, that it would "trump all civil power and authority." That's complete hogwash.

[And the people best able to determine that are a bunch of male virgins who haven't the first clue about medical sciences, as opposed to it being decided between a woman and her doctor.

Anyone with a brain can determine that. This isn't about women's health. Fluke even admitted as much. She testified on behalf of "reprodutive rights," not women's health.

Is everything liberals say complete bullshit?

Just a rhetorical question. We already know the answer.

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