Ohio police release surveillance video of suspects who killed sleeping toddler, injured twin


May 23, 2014
This is what you will get with Biden-Pelosi land. Absolute lawlessness. Well I hope these heroes of Democratic Party get caught.
FFS its not anarchy they are seeking,,,
they are revolutionary communist trying to destroy the western way of life
Anarchy isn't their ultimate goal.

That would be crushing the Constitution and installing their hand picked Starz to rule over everyone's lives with an iron grip.
Then they could selectively decide who lives and who dies.
Insanely Power Hungry disturbed people at the top (and NO, not Trump)
This is what you will get with Biden-Pelosi land. Absolute lawlessness. Well I hope these heroes of Democratic Party get caught.
---innocent kids --ahh who cares....jackass criminals that rob women--that's who they care about
FK them..FK BLM........join the KKK for self defense----it's no worse than BLM/lefties/Dems
This is what you will get with Biden-Pelosi land. Absolute lawlessness. Well I hope these heroes of Democratic Party get caught.
Fuck off, ghoul.
Hope you survive tonight without getting shot by black thugs.
Article in OP does not say what the title claims. Title changed to article title.

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