Ohio police shot black man 60 times

To me it was too many shots but that’s the small part of another larger part of another isolated criminal initiated take down.
This incident will now grab headlines for weeks and will be portrayed as happening every single day in woeful America. Headline grabbing bad guys held accountable but media and lib loons flailing at the institution of policing
No no no, if it was a white guy with an AR it would be but this will be old news by tonight.
To me it was too many shots but that’s the small part of another larger part of another isolated criminal initiated take down.
This incident will now grab headlines for weeks and will be portrayed as happening every single day in woeful America. Headline grabbing bad guys held accountable but media and lib loons flailing at the institution of policing

The media has been playing their black viewers as pawns for the last 10 years or so. They can't do that with whites. They'll never get whites upset enough over a police shooting like they can blacks. When they rile up blacks, it leads to protests they can cover, riots even better, people getting killed in the riots even best.
The media has been playing their black viewers as pawns for the last 10 years or so. They can't do that with whites. They'll never get whites upset enough over a police shooting like they can blacks. When they rile up blacks, it leads to protests they can cover, riots even better, people getting killed in the riots even best.
That’s a great point about appealing to the segment most likely to riot AND to get away with it.
The Akron report I heard was that a shot from fired from inside the car he was in, but it does not say he fired at the police. One might presume that, but still he jumped out of his car and ran into an empty parking lot unarmed and was shot 60 times. Seems excessive to me. Did he turn and face the cops? Did he raise his hands in surrender? * cops shot him, that's overkill IMHO.
I seriously doubt they will find many rounds that entered through the back if any at all. I'm sure they will all be from the front or side.
That’s a great point about appealing to the segment most likely to riot AND to get away with it.

It's why they do it. News is not to inform anymore, news is a business like any other. The more viewers they can muster on television and blog on their website, the more they can charge for advertisement. That's why I said they use blacks like a cheap washrag, but most are not intelligent enough to realize it.
Blacks are different in every way than whites.

Last summer I was sitting outside with a few neighbors, and like always, some black guy on a motorcycle stops at the light with that jungle music blaring so loud we had to stop talking until he left. Afterwards I looked at my neighbors and said "and the reason we don't want them living with us is the color of their skin." They broke out in laughter.

This just doesn't happen in the afternoon. it happens all night, into the next morning at 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 on work nights. When it was an all white community, you could hear a pin drop at night because everybody here had a job, or retired and considerate of those who still have to get up for work in the morning.

When it was a white community, when I had to cut my lawn, I simply cut my lawn. Now that it's black, I have to clean up all the garbage off my tree lawn in order to cut it. In the winter I used to snow blow the sidewalks for pedestrians. I can't do that any longer. I'm not about to ruin a $1,200 snowblower by running into garbage buried under the snow that I can't see until it's too late.

We had one of the nicest malls in the country, now half the stores closed due to theft. We had a high rated school system, now under academic watch. We had to stop our 4th of July fireworks because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into gang fights. We had a Catholic school that used to hold a carnival/ gambling weekend, that too had to end for the same reason.
Most of them I only see as black demons
I wonder how the left media will cover it
to fit their gun control narrative.

They have other things for their anti-gun narrative. This does fit with their anti-cop narrative though.

At one time when an opening came up for a police officer in any city including Akron, they got hundreds if not thousands of applicants for a few jobs. Everybody wanted to be a police officer. I had a meeting with our police chief this time last year and questioned why we don't have more officers. He told me they can't find any. He also said if I know anybody that's interested, please send them his way, he'd love to talk to them.

He said when he applied to be an officer here in 1990, he was up against 700 other applicants for one job. Today he said, we have five openings, and can't even get 20 interested. Most if not all of those 20 will not pan out. They will either fail the written exam, the physical or mental exam, the police academy. If they get through all those, many have to be let go because they can't catch on to the job.

We're about a half-hour from Akron, but this is a problem nationwide. The left and their buddies in the media have managed to demonize police so badly nobody in their right mind would want to be a police officer today.
Most of them I only see as black demons

No, not really.

My suburb has about 27,000 citizens here. Let's say that out of 27,000, 20,000 are black. If only 10% are problem makers, that's still 2,000 people for this small suburb. That's a hell of a lot of people giving the impression that all blacks are a problem.
Good job police. Bad guy got what he deserves.

Unfortunately it's the black family that will make out like a bandit.

Cities pay money to settle matters like this out of political expediency and to garner votes. In Cleveland there was an incident of a boy named Tamir Rice. He was a 5'9" 190 lbs 12 year old that pulled a gun on police in a park and was killed by the officer. After the shooting it turned out the gun was nothing but a realistic toy.

It was all caught on the park video. When it went to a grand jury, they concluded the officer did nothing wrong. He may have shot too fast, but there are no laws against that when a suspect pulls a gun on an officer.

In spite of the video and grand jury ruling, the city paid the mother 5 million dollars. It's not that they couldn't have won in a liable suit, it's that most of the people in Cleveland are black, and like this case, pissed off at what happened. If they didn't pay this incompetent mother the money and fought it instead, the Mayor would have likely lost his reelection.

Just to give you an idea on what this Mayor's family life was like, his great grandson recently got indicted for murder, and the now former Mayor is getting sued by the family for using his political position to keep his criminal grandson out of jail for other criminal matters.
How many lies can Welfare Ray tell?

Unfortunately it's the black family that will make out like a bandit.

Cities pay money to settle matters like this out of political expediency and to garner votes. In Cleveland there was an incident of a boy named Tamir Rice. He was a 5'9" 190 lbs 12 year old that pulled a gun on police in a park and was killed by the officer. After the shooting it turned out the gun was nothing but a realistic toy.

Wow, he got an inch taller and 10 pounds heavier since the last time you told this story. Give you enough time, this kid will be bigger than Godzilla.

Of course, he never pointed the TOY at police. It was in his coat, and the police officer, who had been fired from his previous job for mental instability and emotional immaturity, shot him 1.6 seconds after jumping out of the car.

It was all caught on the park video. When it went to a grand jury, they concluded the officer did nothing wrong. He may have shot too fast, but there are no laws against that when a suspect pulls a gun on an officer.

Except the kid never had the gun out when he was shot.
And the grand jury never voted on charges.
And a judge had already ruled there was sufficient evidence to go to prosecution.
Oh, yeah, and the corrupt prosecutor was thrown out on his ass.

In spite of the video and grand jury ruling, the city paid the mother 5 million dollars. It's not that they couldn't have won in a liable suit, it's that most of the people in Cleveland are black, and like this case, pissed off at what happened. If they didn't pay this incompetent mother the money and fought it instead, the Mayor would have likely lost his reelection.

Yeah, here's how that court case would have went.

Loehmann would have plead the fifth, which would have made him look as guilty as hell.
Then they'd have called up his former Sergeant from Independence, which would have let people know this man BROKE DOWN CRYING LIKE A LITTLE BITCH on a gun range because his girlfriend dumped his ass.

Just to give you an idea on what this Mayor's family life was like, his great grandson recently got indicted for murder, and the now former Mayor is getting sued by the family for using his political position to keep his criminal grandson out of jail for other criminal matters.
Of course, the criminal matter was riding a dirt bike on the street..
Eight officers, so 60 rounds, that's about 7-8 bullets fired per cop. In a panicked situation, with the guy already shooting at them and in a ski mask, I can see how the officers panicked.

I find it funny how the city calls this heartbreaking.

The guy was wearing a ski mask, and had already shot at them. This was a bad guy. You know, like a criminal?
Heartbreaking? The cops did society a favor by getting rid of the guy.
The man had no criminal record.

It's looking more and more like he was distraught over his dead fiancé and might have committed suicide by cop.

Yes, this is a tragedy.
Anyone who would open fire at others and put their lives at risk because he wants to die. Is an asshole. Now the cop that killed him has to live with that, the rest of his life.
Anyone who would open fire at others and put their lives at risk because he wants to die. Is an asshole. Now the cop that killed him has to live with that, the rest of his life.

Unfortunately cop hating Americans believe police enjoy killing people, especially black people.

My father never talks about the Korean war much. He talks about his time in service, what parts of the world he was in, but not fighting itself. The only thing he told me many years ago is when you kill somebody, it's not like you see on TV, Bang--ow! He said it's a feeling you never forget; a feeling you wish you never knew. I think it haunted him the rest of his life and still does at the age of 91.
No, not really.

My suburb has about 27,000 citizens here. Let's say that out of 27,000, 20,000 are black. If only 10% are problem makers, that's still 2,000 people for this small suburb. That's a hell of a lot of people giving the impression that all blacks are a problem.
Most l see are bad news !!
I see them both at work and in casinos
Authorities have not said how many shots were fired at DoorDash driver Jayland Walker, 25, but Akron Police Chief Steve Mylett on Sunday acknowledged the number could be more than 90, with the man suffering at least 60 bullet wounds...

So they missed at least 30 times maybe? That's quite a bit of shooting by some scared cops...
Maybe it's time to require cops carry single-action revolvers...
Fuck her. She's no martyr.
No, she is a murder victim. She was murdered in cold blood.
The man had no criminal record.

It's looking more and more like he was distraught over his dead fiancé and might have committed suicide by cop.

Yes, this is a tragedy.
The tragedy is the girls car wreck

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