Ohio Student Suspended for Staying in Class During Walkout

How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.
17 minutes? hmmm.

Lets see.

Attached photo.

Rt. 29, south of the intersection at Dale Drive.

3.5 miles from Montgomery Blair High School.

About a 35 min walk from the School.

View attachment 183214

On a normal day, at this time in the morning, there is usually a rolling parking lot from Columbia Md. into D.C.

Give or take an hour drive on this route. A usual 35 mile drive.

These students caused a major backup all the way to Baltimore.

Almost 50 miles, while on their way to the Sarbanes Transit Station.

Their destination from the School is 4 miles. About a 45 minute walk.

Where oh where is the School Supervision of these students?

And yes. This has been politicized.

They are the exception, not the norm.

Here is what the school in question did...

Hilliard Darby High School – Student Gatherings March 14

"Hilliard Davidson student leaders will offer students a plan to leave class and gather in at 10 am for 17 minutes. The students that choose to participate will be back in class immediately after the gathering. There will be staff members with these students for supervision. Those who choose not to participate will stay in school supervised by other members of the staff."
Thank you.

We had our gathering in the auditorium when 10 students had died at my High School.

These students had no business leaving the school and shutting down 2 cities and every one of them should face suspension.

The point is, we are discussing 1 teen sitting in his class unsupervised. And getting suspended.

The Administrators and faculty should be fired for allowing this.

I agree. My son's school had a place for them to go that was out of sight of any roads and they had a extra police on hand to make sure it all went smooth.

Yes, we are discussing that because the student choose to do so, knowing he would face consequences.
During my Senior year, after completing my core academic subjects in 11th grade, I spent the majority of my time in the Media Center. We had a studio and soundstage.

I, and a few others, would spend most of the time there, making satire videos, of the SNL genre.

Or I'd hit Homeroom and make a beeline for the door and back home, playing my drums all day.

I was one of the most unsupervised students my last year in school.
You are completely lying and misrepresenting this. Your post is propaganda. You are apparently so used to being controlled by propaganda, you don’t know how to convey information in a truthful way.

Students were not required to participate in the walkout (which was only 17 minutes long). If they didn't want to participate, they were to go to a study hall room. He was not allowed to stay in the classroom unsupervised, alone. Kids cannot be wandering around the school alone.

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable. Everyone who didn't want to participate in the walk out was required to go to study hall. He disobeyed. The school thought it was serious enough to suspend him. If they allowed him to refuse to cooperate, they could never count on students cooperating during other kinds of drills or events.

You are so obsessed with making it a political issue, you cannot see reason.
17 minutes? hmmm.

Lets see.

Attached photo.

Rt. 29, south of the intersection at Dale Drive.

3.5 miles from Montgomery Blair High School.

About a 35 min walk from the School.

View attachment 183214

On a normal day, at this time in the morning, there is usually a rolling parking lot from Columbia Md. into D.C.

Give or take an hour drive on this route. A usual 35 mile drive.

These students caused a major backup all the way to Baltimore.

Almost 50 miles, while on their way to the Sarbanes Transit Station.

Their destination from the School is 4 miles. About a 45 minute walk.

Where oh where is the School Supervision of these students?

And yes. This has been politicized.

They are the exception, not the norm.

Here is what the school in question did...

Hilliard Darby High School – Student Gatherings March 14

"Hilliard Davidson student leaders will offer students a plan to leave class and gather in at 10 am for 17 minutes. The students that choose to participate will be back in class immediately after the gathering. There will be staff members with these students for supervision. Those who choose not to participate will stay in school supervised by other members of the staff."
Thank you.

We had our gathering in the auditorium when 10 students had died at my High School.

These students had no business leaving the school and shutting down 2 cities and every one of them should face suspension.

The point is, we are discussing 1 teen sitting in his class unsupervised. And getting suspended.

The Administrators and faculty should be fired for allowing this.

I agree. My son's school had a place for them to go that was out of sight of any roads and they had a extra police on hand to make sure it all went smooth.

Yes, we are discussing that because the student choose to do so, knowing he would face consequences.
During my Senior year, after completing my core academic subjects in 11th grade, I spent the majority of my time in the Media Center. We had a studio and soundstage.

I, and a few others, would spend most of the time there, making satire videos, of the SNL genre.

Or I'd hit Homeroom and make a beeline for the door and back home, playing my drums all day.

I was one of the most unsupervised students my last year in school.

When was that?
17 minutes? hmmm.

Lets see.

Attached photo.

Rt. 29, south of the intersection at Dale Drive.

3.5 miles from Montgomery Blair High School.

About a 35 min walk from the School.

View attachment 183214

On a normal day, at this time in the morning, there is usually a rolling parking lot from Columbia Md. into D.C.

Give or take an hour drive on this route. A usual 35 mile drive.

These students caused a major backup all the way to Baltimore.

Almost 50 miles, while on their way to the Sarbanes Transit Station.

Their destination from the School is 4 miles. About a 45 minute walk.

Where oh where is the School Supervision of these students?

And yes. This has been politicized.

They are the exception, not the norm.

Here is what the school in question did...

Hilliard Darby High School – Student Gatherings March 14

"Hilliard Davidson student leaders will offer students a plan to leave class and gather in at 10 am for 17 minutes. The students that choose to participate will be back in class immediately after the gathering. There will be staff members with these students for supervision. Those who choose not to participate will stay in school supervised by other members of the staff."
Thank you.

We had our gathering in the auditorium when 10 students had died at my High School.

These students had no business leaving the school and shutting down 2 cities and every one of them should face suspension.

The point is, we are discussing 1 teen sitting in his class unsupervised. And getting suspended.

The Administrators and faculty should be fired for allowing this.

I agree. My son's school had a place for them to go that was out of sight of any roads and they had a extra police on hand to make sure it all went smooth.

Yes, we are discussing that because the student choose to do so, knowing he would face consequences.
During my Senior year, after completing my core academic subjects in 11th grade, I spent the majority of my time in the Media Center. We had a studio and soundstage.

I, and a few others, would spend most of the time there, making satire videos, of the SNL genre.

Or I'd hit Homeroom and make a beeline for the door and back home, playing my drums all day.

I was one of the most unsupervised students my last year in school.

When was that?
They are the exception, not the norm.

Here is what the school in question did...

Hilliard Darby High School – Student Gatherings March 14

"Hilliard Davidson student leaders will offer students a plan to leave class and gather in at 10 am for 17 minutes. The students that choose to participate will be back in class immediately after the gathering. There will be staff members with these students for supervision. Those who choose not to participate will stay in school supervised by other members of the staff."
Thank you.

We had our gathering in the auditorium when 10 students had died at my High School.

These students had no business leaving the school and shutting down 2 cities and every one of them should face suspension.

The point is, we are discussing 1 teen sitting in his class unsupervised. And getting suspended.

The Administrators and faculty should be fired for allowing this.

I agree. My son's school had a place for them to go that was out of sight of any roads and they had a extra police on hand to make sure it all went smooth.

Yes, we are discussing that because the student choose to do so, knowing he would face consequences.
During my Senior year, after completing my core academic subjects in 11th grade, I spent the majority of my time in the Media Center. We had a studio and soundstage.

I, and a few others, would spend most of the time there, making satire videos, of the SNL genre.

Or I'd hit Homeroom and make a beeline for the door and back home, playing my drums all day.

I was one of the most unsupervised students my last year in school.

When was that?

Which was just a few years before my senior year, as the father of a 23 and a 15 year old, I can tell you that things have changed a lot since the days we were in high school. Back then had you fucked up your parents would likely have punished you and not sued the school. I was an elected school board member for a couple years and it seems everything we did was to avoid being sued.
Thank you.

We had our gathering in the auditorium when 10 students had died at my High School.

These students had no business leaving the school and shutting down 2 cities and every one of them should face suspension.

The point is, we are discussing 1 teen sitting in his class unsupervised. And getting suspended.

The Administrators and faculty should be fired for allowing this.

I agree. My son's school had a place for them to go that was out of sight of any roads and they had a extra police on hand to make sure it all went smooth.

Yes, we are discussing that because the student choose to do so, knowing he would face consequences.
During my Senior year, after completing my core academic subjects in 11th grade, I spent the majority of my time in the Media Center. We had a studio and soundstage.

I, and a few others, would spend most of the time there, making satire videos, of the SNL genre.

Or I'd hit Homeroom and make a beeline for the door and back home, playing my drums all day.

I was one of the most unsupervised students my last year in school.

When was that?

Which was just a few years before my senior year, as the father of a 23 and a 15 year old, I can tell you that things have changed a lot since the days we were in high school. Back then had you fucked up your parents would likely have punished you and not sued the school. I was an elected school board member for a couple years and it seems everything we did was to avoid being sued.
Much has changed since then.

My Father would have beaten me half to death. Luckily I never gave him a reason to.

I have this discussion with the Mrs. and she's ready to quit teaching.

She has nothing but problems with some of the students. It is actually just a few that create most of the trouble.

She constantly gets threats from students. One student threatened her and was expelled two days later for bringing a firearm to school. Another student turned him in before he got in the school.
How dare that malcontent wish to learn rather than stage a useless protest that would make Mao and his Red Guards blush. Taxpayer funded schools have a duty to push political issues on impressionable kids! Make him an example, that'll show the little twerp he needs to stop thinking for himself.

Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

Meh. My kid didn't walk out. He said it was supposed to be 17 minutes of silence but it was more of an excuse to get out of class and talk to each other. They weren't taking it seriously and he had things to do. He stayed in class.

Can't disagree with your kid's decision - that was his and I agree that most of these kids spent a whole lot more than 17 minutes outside of class.

Here in Boise - it was an EVENT.

I'd have respect my daughter's personal decision either way (she's 22 now and largely done with college), but IMHO? ....

It was an amazing learning, bonding and even cathartic experience for many of these kids. One that sitting in class or study hall wouldn't have provided.

I think it depends. Last week he and other students were on a panel to discuss the politics of this in front of adults from the community. Now, the shindig was put together by a "grass roots organization". It was definitely guided. Questions were asked about attending a march/rally later this month and two walkouts. The kids answered as honestly as they could and at the time of, at least the first walkout, did what they said they would do. There was the topic of mental illness that was not addressed but vaguely mentioned and ignored. It shifted to bullying. Some of the adults named things that the kids could do. There was rebellion in the audience over that one.

So, no............I didn't see any learning, bonding or anything else. To me the reactions from the adults have been fraudulent to an extent.

The fear is there. There are kids that are afraid to go to school. Many of them have a lot of anxiety which decreases the ability to focus on their classes.

None of them wanted to attend any rally because they didn't want to get hurt and they didn't want to get arrested.
No. He shouldn’t have to miss school. If schools are going to hold political events, then they need to show equal respect for the kids who want to remain apolitical on the issue and provide equal supervision.

If that is beyond their organisational abilities, they have no right holding these events in the first place.
He did get equal respect. It was a 17 minute event. He had the opportunity to take his book and study in the study hall. You people are so ridiculous.
No, he was not treated with any respect at all.
He was punished for not wanting to be forced to align himself with the protesters or with those against the protest.

He wanted to remain apolitical and was denied that right because the teachers have so little foresight and so little respect for the kids they determined to herd them all into a for or against stance.
That is not treating the kids with equal respect.

He chose to make a stand knowing there would be consequences. He told his dad what he was going to do and his dad told him it was up to him.
He should have never been placed into the situation.

Good life lesson for him
The tide is turning, so stay tuned.
I agree. My son's school had a place for them to go that was out of sight of any roads and they had a extra police on hand to make sure it all went smooth.

Yes, we are discussing that because the student choose to do so, knowing he would face consequences.
During my Senior year, after completing my core academic subjects in 11th grade, I spent the majority of my time in the Media Center. We had a studio and soundstage.

I, and a few others, would spend most of the time there, making satire videos, of the SNL genre.

Or I'd hit Homeroom and make a beeline for the door and back home, playing my drums all day.

I was one of the most unsupervised students my last year in school.

When was that?

Which was just a few years before my senior year, as the father of a 23 and a 15 year old, I can tell you that things have changed a lot since the days we were in high school. Back then had you fucked up your parents would likely have punished you and not sued the school. I was an elected school board member for a couple years and it seems everything we did was to avoid being sued.
Much has changed since then.

My Father would have beaten me half to death. Luckily I never gave him a reason to.

I have this discussion with the Mrs. and she's ready to quit teaching.

She has nothing but problems with some of the students. It is actually just a few that create most of the trouble.

She constantly gets threats from students. One student threatened her and was expelled two days later for bringing a firearm to school. Another student turned him in before he got in the school.
.My friends wife gave up her public school teaching job, because the students have become unmanageable. She went to work at a Baptist Church school, and she said that it is unbelievable the difference in the students and conditions at her knew job in comparison to the other one.

Not only that, but in another State not far from me, and in the public school where another teacher I know works, she said that they have instructed the teachers not to call the children boy or girl anymore. Great Scott you are flipping kidding me right. We must stop the madness, and who the hell are these parents that are allowing such idiocy to take place in their school systems ?

What the school administration required of him is very normal and very reasonable.


And violated the student's rights to Academic Freedom ...
As well as faculty and staff's code of professional conduct and ethics in regards to the student's Academic Freedom and their responsibilities.

You can not turn up to school. That's fine. Or you can be in school and do what the school says. Fine. But he did neither.

You can not turn up at school or you can be in school and choose not to attend a non-school event on school time.

Let's just apply that to the ACT test like we are giving next week. If he is not taking the test, should he just be allowed to do as he wishes or should he go where he is directed?

Pay attention. An ACT test is a school event and is necessary. Therefore, if he had refused to show up for the test then he should be disciplined. The protest was neither a school event or necessary.

He could have stayed home.

He thought he was going to school to learn so why would he have stayed home?

Not everything at school is about learning traditional subjects.

Right. And a protest is not a subject to be learned, traditional or otherwise.

It was not a school function. It was not a field trip. It was not a learning exercise. It was not part of the school curriculum. It was not anything that would justify interrupting regular school activities.

I don't think you really understand what I'm talking about.

I'm not saying they need to learn to protest. I'll give an example.

I went to Kosovo in 2007. At the time Kosovo was in Serbia and under a UN mandate. A year later it would become its own country as recognized by a host of countries, not including Spain, China and other countries that are arrogant enough to think they can impose themselves on others.

The bus I was in was checked for bombs and other weapons. I turned up on a Saturday and it turned out there was a protest march in Pristina, the capital. So I half joined in the protest march.

It made my trip far more alive than other parts of that trip, because I was witnessing history. It made me get interest in the subject to understand what had happened over the previous 20-30 years and why it had come to this point.

The march itself was just a march, but it opened my mind to new things.

The same could be said for these marches. Kids are marching, some of them will be interested to know why. They'll look up information. Others won't give a damn, but that's the way it goes.

It wasn't a field trip. Does that mean you can't learn from it? Does that mean you'll learn from field trips? I don't think I ever learned much from field trips, I was just happy to not be at school.

Learning is not just a school based thing. The Far East thinks it is, and they LOSE education because of this. They have kids studying 14-16 hours a day on traditional subjects and the kids grow up ignorant of the world around them. They lack creativity, they lack the ability to think for themselves.... they become robots. You want American kids to be robots?
Those people have valid complaints. This dumbass does not. He made the choice, so he gets to live with it.

I can almost guarantee this kid has frequent flyer points from all of his trips to the principal's office. I know the type.

We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

And yet he's gained far more attention by not going to the Study Hall.

How much attention was garnered is not the point. What kind of attention he garnered is the point. He did not want to be seen as pro gun control and he didn't want to be viewed as a gun nut who cared nothing for the seventeen students killed in Florida.

Then he could have stayed at home.

He could have done a variety of things, but what he chose to do was to stay in a classroom he wasn't authorized to be in.
We've already been over this.
I highly doubt a kid that understands the political ramifications of choosing sides is "that type"
He made a conscious decision to stay neutral and he said as much.

That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

And yet he's gained far more attention by not going to the Study Hall.

How much attention was garnered is not the point. What kind of attention he garnered is the point. He did not want to be seen as pro gun control and he didn't want to be viewed as a gun nut who cared nothing for the seventeen students killed in Florida.

Then he could have stayed at home.

He could have done a variety of things, but what he chose to do was to stay in a classroom he wasn't authorized to be in.
.Oh no, he was where he was supposed to be, it was the illegal actions of the school to protest in a political way that let him and his fellow students down. They set him up for ridicule by his fellow students, and the school should have to pay in order to learn a valuable lesson out of this mess.
That choice was not offered. Being neutral was going to the study hall. I am sorry that aspect escapes your limited intellect, but not everyone can be valedictorian.

And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

And yet he's gained far more attention by not going to the Study Hall.

How much attention was garnered is not the point. What kind of attention he garnered is the point. He did not want to be seen as pro gun control and he didn't want to be viewed as a gun nut who cared nothing for the seventeen students killed in Florida.

Then he could have stayed at home.

He could have done a variety of things, but what he chose to do was to stay in a classroom he wasn't authorized to be in.
.Oh no, he was where he was supposed to be, it was the illegal actions of the school to protest in a political way that let him and his fellow students down. They set him up for ridicule by his fellow students, and the school should have to pay in order to learn a valuable lesson out of this mess.

No, he clearly was NOT where he was supposed to be. Seeing as the school said that anyone in school that day was supposed to be in the STUDY HALL. Was he in the study hall? No. So how could he be in the place he was supposed to be if he wasn't in the place he was supposed to be?

It sounds like some kind of metaphysics question.
Schools can't protest and/or support religious activities or events outside or inside the school, so what makes this any different ??
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And do you know why he chose to stay in the classroom and not go to the study hall? Because he felt that to go to the study hall would have marked him by those who protested as a "gun nut." And you know what the sad part of that is? He's probably right.

And yet he's gained far more attention by not going to the Study Hall.

How much attention was garnered is not the point. What kind of attention he garnered is the point. He did not want to be seen as pro gun control and he didn't want to be viewed as a gun nut who cared nothing for the seventeen students killed in Florida.

Then he could have stayed at home.

He could have done a variety of things, but what he chose to do was to stay in a classroom he wasn't authorized to be in.
.Oh no, he was where he was supposed to be, it was the illegal actions of the school to protest in a political way that let him and his fellow students down. They set him up for ridicule by his fellow students, and the school should have to pay in order to learn a valuable lesson out of this mess.

No, he clearly was NOT where he was supposed to be. Seeing as the school said that anyone in school that day was supposed to be in the STUDY HALL. Was he in the study hall? No. So how could he be in the place he was supposed to be if he wasn't in the place he was supposed to be?

It sounds like some kind of metaphysics question.
Because the school was engaging in an illegal action by staging a walk out on a whim. Now address where they have now set the students up to be bullied because they didn't kiss Obamas feet (oh wait), another topic sorry.
And yet he's gained far more attention by not going to the Study Hall.

How much attention was garnered is not the point. What kind of attention he garnered is the point. He did not want to be seen as pro gun control and he didn't want to be viewed as a gun nut who cared nothing for the seventeen students killed in Florida.

Then he could have stayed at home.

He could have done a variety of things, but what he chose to do was to stay in a classroom he wasn't authorized to be in.
.Oh no, he was where he was supposed to be, it was the illegal actions of the school to protest in a political way that let him and his fellow students down. They set him up for ridicule by his fellow students, and the school should have to pay in order to learn a valuable lesson out of this mess.

No, he clearly was NOT where he was supposed to be. Seeing as the school said that anyone in school that day was supposed to be in the STUDY HALL. Was he in the study hall? No. So how could he be in the place he was supposed to be if he wasn't in the place he was supposed to be?

It sounds like some kind of metaphysics question.
Because the school was engaging in an illegal action by staging a walk out on a whim. Now address where they have now set the students up to be bullied because they didn't kiss Obamas feet (oh wait), another topic sorry.

Illegal action huh? Is it illegal for snow to stop school?

Oh, oh, I get it.

Yeah, NFL players protest and you people get all hot under the collar about it. This shouldn't happen, people shouldn't protest blah blah blah.

This isn't about the kids, this is about your fucking guns.
Oh no, he was where he was supposed to be, it was the illegal actions of the school to protest in a political way that let him and his fellow students down. They set him up for ridicule by his fellow students, and the school should have to pay in order to learn a valuable lesson out of this mess.

Arguing with Friggingweirdo about the technical nature of the offenses in question ...
Would be like arguing with Joseph Goebbels about the negative influence of propaganda on the population.

How much attention was garnered is not the point. What kind of attention he garnered is the point. He did not want to be seen as pro gun control and he didn't want to be viewed as a gun nut who cared nothing for the seventeen students killed in Florida.

Then he could have stayed at home.

He could have done a variety of things, but what he chose to do was to stay in a classroom he wasn't authorized to be in.
.Oh no, he was where he was supposed to be, it was the illegal actions of the school to protest in a political way that let him and his fellow students down. They set him up for ridicule by his fellow students, and the school should have to pay in order to learn a valuable lesson out of this mess.

No, he clearly was NOT where he was supposed to be. Seeing as the school said that anyone in school that day was supposed to be in the STUDY HALL. Was he in the study hall? No. So how could he be in the place he was supposed to be if he wasn't in the place he was supposed to be?

It sounds like some kind of metaphysics question.
Because the school was engaging in an illegal action by staging a walk out on a whim. Now address where they have now set the students up to be bullied because they didn't kiss Obamas feet (oh wait), another topic sorry.

Illegal action huh? Is it illegal for snow to stop school?

Oh, oh, I get it.

Yeah, NFL players protest and you people get all hot under the collar about it. This shouldn't happen, people shouldn't protest blah blah blah.

This isn't about the kids, this is about your fucking guns.
No it's about the leftist agenda and you know it. The issue is on it's way to being resolved hopefully, but it all depends on how bad the leftist act up. Like my granddaddy once said "the left will flub up a two car funeral".
Then he could have stayed at home.

He could have done a variety of things, but what he chose to do was to stay in a classroom he wasn't authorized to be in.
.Oh no, he was where he was supposed to be, it was the illegal actions of the school to protest in a political way that let him and his fellow students down. They set him up for ridicule by his fellow students, and the school should have to pay in order to learn a valuable lesson out of this mess.

No, he clearly was NOT where he was supposed to be. Seeing as the school said that anyone in school that day was supposed to be in the STUDY HALL. Was he in the study hall? No. So how could he be in the place he was supposed to be if he wasn't in the place he was supposed to be?

It sounds like some kind of metaphysics question.
Because the school was engaging in an illegal action by staging a walk out on a whim. Now address where they have now set the students up to be bullied because they didn't kiss Obamas feet (oh wait), another topic sorry.

Illegal action huh? Is it illegal for snow to stop school?

Oh, oh, I get it.

Yeah, NFL players protest and you people get all hot under the collar about it. This shouldn't happen, people shouldn't protest blah blah blah.

This isn't about the kids, this is about your fucking guns.
No it's about the leftist agenda and you know it. The issue is on it's way to being resolved hopefully, but it all depends on how bad the leftist act up. Like my granddaddy once said "the left will flub up a two car funeral".

From a school point of view, the kid was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The school said he should be somewhere else.

That's fact. He ignored that.

Like your granddaddy said..... oh jeez....
So you keep saying, but the point is there’s no excuse for offering only two choices and forcing the kids to align with one or the other.

It’s really very, very simple.

Please tell me what other possible choice there could be other than "join the walkout" or "do not join the walkout".

All they had to do was provide a teacher to supervise those who wished to exercise their right to remain neutral and not be forced in to aligning with either side.

They did that, they provide teachers to supervise those who wished to exercise their right to remain neutral. Those teachers were in a particular set of room that the student was supposed to go to if they did not wish to join the walkout. This student choose to ignore that rule and do his own thing. Thus he got punished.

Again, I ask you, are you forced to vote either Dem or Rep?

No, but I do have a particular place I have to go to cast my vote, I do not get to choose to do it from wherever I want. Should the state accomodate me and have supervised voting in any location I want them to?

What do you think they are demonstrating to these kids?

That everyone has to follow the rules, that this kid is not special.

If schools decide to hold political protests on school premises and in school time, then they should at least have the decency to cater to those who want to remain politically neutral. It really isn’t rocket science.

That is what they did. The set aside a designated space for those not wishing to join in the politically motivated walkout. What more should they have done?
No, the hall they provided was not for those wanting to exercise their right to remain neutral, it was the only choice given for those not supporting the march.

If you only offer two choices, then they are perceived to be either for or against, naturally.

Many of the kids in the hall were there because they are pro second amendment and were against the protest.

The kid who was punished for not wanting to join them also said they were perceived to be unsympathetic to the kids that died, and he didn’t want to be seen in that way either.

Had the teachers wanted to be fair to all the kids, all they needed to do was provide a teacher to supervise the kids who wanted to remain neutral - the third choice. Again, it’s hardly rocket science.

The school viewed the "not going to the walkout" as the neutral choice, which it was.
No it wasn’t. Not participating in the walkout is seen as being against walkout, for whatever reason. The kids in that group were referred to as ‘gun nuts’ and as being uncaring about the kids that were killed.

I really don’t understand what you’re finding so difficult to understand here. You are familiar with YES/NO/DONT KNOW type surveys, yes?

If you provide only two ‘choices’ then you are polarising, pigeonholing and labelling the kids as for or against. Simple as. I don’t believe you don’t get this, so I’m not going to bother resting it again.
It it was that big of a deal, he could have stayed home from school. Kids will do that at the slightest provocation.

That doesn't mean this kid will.

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