Oil discoveries dispel "Peak Oil" as myth

My challenge still stands: Still waiting for anyone to show the forum where and when was the last significant discovery of proven reserves of light crude in excess of 30 billion barrels? Yeah, think Carter administration.


Yes, I believe you're right.......40 years ago, maybe?

And we've still not experienced your absurd predictions.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Yes: That in all your blitherings, you have not been able to describe the result of the "Peak Oil" theory that you seem to have embrased because of some vague notion of "exponential" functions.

But, I'll ask a second time (since your reading skills have once again failed you) before I allow someone else to spoon-feed what I can only assume is the result of a mental handicap:

If my description of Peak Oil's apocolyptical societal future doesn't reflect Jiggs "ramifications of war and global financial panic," then what does?

You're moving the goalposts again, Dick. What you initially said was that I somehow asserted there would be a dramatic and catastrophic drop in supply. That's what I took issue with, because I never said that. Now you're changing it to suit your smarmy premise.

Supply drop will be gradual. Financial panic in advance of that supply drop will be slightly faster, and has already begun all over the planet. As economic conditions and the strain of natural resource requirements get worse, the risk of military and/or trade conflict grows, as has been the case for centuries. Are you actually doubting that cause-effect? Or just still pretending there's plenty of oil for 100+ years based on nothing more than anecdotes and hope?

No doubt you ignored the links I presented in the previous post. That stuff doesn't adhere to your Frank Drebbin-like, "nothing to see here" narrative of obnoxiousness.

You can't debate the geology, because there is nothing to counter the argument. Mexico, in terminal decline. North Sea, terminal decline. Same with Indonesia, Kuwait, the U.S., Iran, Russia and on and on and on.

"You can't predict the future!! You can't predict the future!!! <bacaw!!!>" .... asshat.

Yes, there are new discoveries here and there. Of course. But the rate of discovery is not coming anywhere close to keeping up with dying existing capacity.

My challenge still stands: Still waiting for anyone to show the forum where and when was the last significant discovery of proven reserves of light crude in excess of 30 billion barrels? Yeah, think Carter administration.

Conventional oil production has flatlined since 2004. We are at the plateau of peak. Global decline will begin within the next few years. Period, end of story. Besides the geology and oil industry investment patterns that prove it (and you guys won't dare acknowledge) , this is only further confirmed by geopolitical behaviors towrads oil "rich" nations, and the impending crash of the U.S. dollar.

If you have real, comprehensive proof (beyond squawking about claims from 1909 and 1970) as to how the IEA, U.S. Dept. of Energy and our own Joint Chiefs are wrong, we'd be happy to examine it. If not, you're useless to this topic, wasting bandwidth, and making yourselves look ultra-retarded and arrogant - a lethal combination, as we learned from 2001-2008.

But heavy oil is not light crude, abiotic science died many decades ago, and estimated reserves 10 miles under bedrock is not "recoverable reserves."

*bump* due to your propensity to not actually read.


Yes, I believe you're right.......40 years ago, maybe?

And we've still not experienced your absurd predictions.

Thanks for clearing that up.

You just don't get it, do you asshat?

We've been living off the glut of existing capacity that was discovered in the middle of the 20th century. Obviously, if new discoveries aren't keeping up since, and demand continue to rise, then it's going to flatline and begin decline. You get this basic concept, right?

It most certainly IS starting to happen. And you're too chicken shit to even TRY to show how the data is wrong. Because you can't.

Like I said: You exude both arrogance and ignorance. A deadly combination.
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It most certainly IS starting to happen. And you're too chicken shit to even TRY to show how the data is wrong. Because you can't..


Wasn't "it most certainly starting to happen" 40 years AGO?

Could I offer better evidence than the very fact that 40 years after your fantasy "Peak Oil" nothing has changed?

There's nothing to suggest that 40 years from now you'll still be a blithering idiot, drooling on yourself with predictions of "WAR!!" and "GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS!!" as a result of some imaginary theory......

Hopefully by then you'll have moved on to some slightly less ridiculous cause: Elvis Lives? Ancient UFO's?
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Yes: That in all your blitherings, you have not been able to describe the result of the "Peak Oil" theory that you seem to have embrased because of some vague notion of "exponential" functions.

You have a reading comprehension problem. I have never embraced peak oil.

But, I'll ask a second time (since your reading skills have once again failed you) before I allow someone else to spoon-feed what I can only assume is the result of a mental handicap:

If my description of Peak Oil's apocolyptical societal future doesn't reflect Jiggs "ramifications of war and global financial panic," then what does?

How in the fuck would I know what best describes Jigg's characterization? I repeat, I am not Jiggs.

But I do know that "ramifications of war and global financial panic," falls far short of an "apocolyptical societal future". But you probably have no idea what a "apocolyptical societal future" even is.
But heavy oil is not light crude, abiotic science died many decades ago, and estimated reserves 10 miles under bedrock is not "recoverable reserves."

I think heavy sour oil is recoverable. I have a friend who does this in Venezuela; heated pipelines, much more complicated, but easily cost effective when oil is above $50/bbl.

There may be a lot more too it than my rudimentary grasp of "heavy" and "sour" oils, but at least in many cases we will be recovering that oil, tho at an additional cost.
It most certainly IS starting to happen. And you're too chicken shit to even TRY to show how the data is wrong. Because you can't..


Wasn't "it most certainly starting to happen" 40 years AGO?

Could I offer better evidence than the very fact that 40 years after your fantasy "Peak Oil" nothing has changed?

There's nothing to suggest that 40 years from now you'll still be a blithering idiot, drooling on yourself with predictions of "WAR!!" and "GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS!!" as a result of some imaginary theory......

Hopefully by then you'll have moved on to some slightly less ridiculous cause: Elvis Lives? Ancient UFO's?

That post was 100% childish bullshit. Grow up.
Now, now don't go messin with peak oil "theory" the oil companies may have to make do with a few billion less. Poor fellas!
I will say this...

for all the bruhaha about diminishing oil, the cost really hasn't gone up all that much.

Back when I was a kid and minimum wage was $1, gas was about 35 cents, or basically about 20 minutes work.

Today minimum wage is about $7.50 and gas is about $3.00.

AGain, we see the cost of oil to the minimum wage is roughly the same.

Compare the minimum wage to most other things we have to buy and you'll find that oil really hasn't gone up all that much.
Yes: That in all your blitherings, you have not been able to describe the result of the "Peak Oil" theory that you seem to have embrased because of some vague notion of "exponential" functions.

You have a reading comprehension problem. I have never embraced peak oil.

But, I'll ask a second time (since your reading skills have once again failed you) before I allow someone else to spoon-feed what I can only assume is the result of a mental handicap:

If my description of Peak Oil's apocolyptical societal future doesn't reflect Jiggs "ramifications of war and global financial panic," then what does?

How in the fuck would I know what best describes Jigg's characterization? I repeat, I am not Jiggs.

I have made the question too complicated for you, so despite my conviction you don't deserve spoon-feeding, I'll try to simplify if for you enough that it might be digested:

What describes the ramifications of your imaginary "exponential" Peak Oil supply profile?

I expect something evasive and vague.:popcorn:
It most certainly IS starting to happen. And you're too chicken shit to even TRY to show how the data is wrong. Because you can't..


Wasn't "it most certainly starting to happen" 40 years AGO?

Could I offer better evidence than the very fact that 40 years after your fantasy "Peak Oil" nothing has changed?

There's nothing to suggest that 40 years from now you'll still be a blithering idiot, drooling on yourself with predictions of "WAR!!" and "GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS!!" as a result of some imaginary theory......

Hopefully by then you'll have moved on to some slightly less ridiculous cause: Elvis Lives? Ancient UFO's?

That post was 100% childish bullshit. Grow up.

If you cannot form an effective response, then just unsubscribe from the thread.

The Jan Brady response: "Its just stupid, STUIPID, STUPID!!" isn't any more impressive than repeating 40 year-old warnings.
I will say this...

for all the bruhaha about diminishing oil, the cost really hasn't gone up all that much.

Back when I was a kid and minimum wage was $1, gas was about 35 cents, or basically about 20 minutes work.

Today minimum wage is about $7.50 and gas is about $3.00.

AGain, we see the cost of oil to the minimum wage is roughly the same.

Compare the minimum wage to most other things we have to buy and you'll find that oil really hasn't gone up all that much.

year price inflation adjusted
1946 $1.63 $17.92

Meaning that since 46 oil prices have increase 4 times as fast as inflation

1970 $3.39 $19.04

and since 1970 oil prices have increase 4.46 times as much as inflation

what was your point again?

Historical Crude Oil Prices Table

BBC NEWS | Business | Market Data | Commodities

Wasn't "it most certainly starting to happen" 40 years AGO?

Could I offer better evidence than the very fact that 40 years after your fantasy "Peak Oil" nothing has changed?

There's nothing to suggest that 40 years from now you'll still be a blithering idiot, drooling on yourself with predictions of "WAR!!" and "GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS!!" as a result of some imaginary theory......

Hopefully by then you'll have moved on to some slightly less ridiculous cause: Elvis Lives? Ancient UFO's?

That post was 100% childish bullshit. Grow up.

If you cannot form an effective response, then just unsubscribe from the thread.

The Jan Brady response: "Its just stupid, STUIPID, STUPID!!" isn't any more impressive than repeating 40 year-old warnings.

You should take your own advise, Jan. And you should stop basing your entire argument on words you put in other people's mouths, moron.

Better yet, why don't you just indicate at the top of each post whether you are making an adult point to assist the board in scrolling without missing your rare posts of merit.
I have made the question too complicated for you, so despite my conviction you don't deserve spoon-feeding, I'll try to simplify if for you enough that it might be digested:

What describes the ramifications of your imaginary "exponential" Peak Oil supply profile?

I expect something evasive and vague.:popcorn:

See. There you go again putting words in other's mouths and then expecting them to bite.

I have quite clearly stated several times that as use increases, and as supply is finite the supply will eventually be exhausted.

If that continues to be too complex for your feeble abilities I will try to draw you a cartoon to explain it. Fair enough, Jan?
Now, now don't go messin with peak oil "theory" the oil companies may have to make do with a few billion less. Poor fellas!

No much better to mess with the abiotic oil "theory" that asserts oil just automatically renews itself each time it is consumed like a mythical Japanese rice cake.

I have made the question too complicated for you, so despite my conviction you don't deserve spoon-feeding, I'll try to simplify if for you enough that it might be digested:

What describes the ramifications of your imaginary "exponential" Peak Oil supply profile?

I expect something evasive and vague.:popcorn:

See. There you go again putting words in other's mouths and then expecting them to bite.

I have quite clearly stated several times that as use increases, and as supply is finite the supply will eventually be exhausted.

If that continues to be too complex for your feeble abilities I will try to draw you a cartoon to explain it. Fair enough, Jan?

Evasive and vague about ramifications: Thanks for not surprising me.

I have made the question too complicated for you, so despite my conviction you don't deserve spoon-feeding, I'll try to simplify if for you enough that it might be digested:

What describes the ramifications of your imaginary "exponential" Peak Oil supply profile?

I expect something evasive and vague.:popcorn:

See. There you go again putting words in other's mouths and then expecting them to bite.

I have quite clearly stated several times that as use increases, and as supply is finite the supply will eventually be exhausted.

If that continues to be too complex for your feeble abilities I will try to draw you a cartoon to explain it. Fair enough, Jan?

Evasive and vague about ramifications: Thanks for not surprising me.


Liar, I just said what I began saying.

You just have shit for brains and some kind of dishonest agenda. And you are a tool.

If you had a brain and weren't a dishonest tool you might be relevant.
See. There you go again putting words in other's mouths and then expecting them to bite.

I have quite clearly stated several times that as use increases, and as supply is finite the supply will eventually be exhausted.

If that continues to be too complex for your feeble abilities I will try to draw you a cartoon to explain it. Fair enough, Jan?

Evasive and vague about ramifications: Thanks for not surprising me.


Liar, I just said what I began saying.

You just have shit for brains and some kind of dishonest agenda. And you are a tool.

If you had a brain and weren't a dishonest tool you might be relevant.

Blah, Blah, BLAH.

Now you are reduced to amusing me in the feeble attempt to evade.

I suggest you simply admit you haven't a fucking clue about what you're talking and unsubscribe before you further embarrass yourself.

What describes the ramifications of your imaginary "exponential" Peak Oil supply profile?

I shall not spoon feed you the possiblities.

Now, rinse, wash, repeat: "Oil is not renewable. Oil will not last forever. It will run Out."


You figured that out all by yourself.:eusa_clap:
Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. ~Author unknown, attributed to Mark Twain


Yes, you're owned


I suggested you simply unsubscribe: Still a good suggestion.
You have a very lucid fantasy life, Simpson.

For the past 4 generations oil consumption has increased by approximately a magnitude with each generation.

That is exponential growth.

And you are a Homer.

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